Pubwan Outline

I. PubwanDefinition

A. What PubwanIs

B. What PubwanIsNot

II. PubwanAgenda

A. Intensify ConsumerEducation

B. Transparentize (clarify) informational channels

C. Deal with disinformation.

1. learn to inform the public

2. learn to disinform the (so-called) "matrix"&tm;

D. conduct research

1. microeconomics

2. principles of accounting

3. principles (if any) of humyn nutrition

4. cataloguing

a. of NormSpec (aka NormSet or subjective preferences). This is another way of saying beliefs/opinions.
b. of goods for sale to the consumer public, massively indexed across vendor sample space, subject of course to acceptable (i.e. licit) FairUse criteria.
c. of discoveries(znanie)/inventions(umetnosti) secondary to PubwanActivity, if any (of either)

E. seek out IntelligentLife

1. learn to filter out disinformation

2. learn to filter out noize

3. integrate 1 and 2 thereby learning to filter in "intelligence"

F. Preservation (or not) of the pubwan movement

1. SelfDestructProtocol

2. SelfProtectionStrategy

III. PubwanOrganizationalModel

A. SchematicModels

1. MaxhiSchema

2. SwarSchema

B. CyberneticModels

C. DataModels

D. PubwanVirtualObject objects

E. OrganizationalChart

1. CellStructure

2. VirtualSpatialStructure

IV. PubwanOperationalModel

A. QueueingAlgorithms

1. EfficientShoppingList objects

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