Masculine life force bursting though the Feminine being
Beginning the creation process, Shiva and Shanty,
Yin And Yang, Lover And Beloved, God And Mary.

The Rainbow Serpent heads towards creation
To begin the process of merging heaven and earth,
Fire and water, egg and sperm, in the frantic race of life.
Dream becomes form in the waters of the mother,
beginning the journey of becoming.

The Mother Ship calls for the spirit to enter,
For the Breath Of Life, to join in union with her.
Testing begins for the health of the new life,
evaluates weather to accept or reject the new form,
The small life is given a second chance to be or not to be.

The Great Witness, Sacred Face
watches as the Holy Grail Holy Blood
Nurtures and feeds the germination of the seed.
Time Of Great Loss, Great Joy.

The Journey, The Boat, The Witness.
The flower blooms, as Woman becomes Mother.
The mother becomes the boat,
carrying her unborn children to safety,
Across the wide unknown ocean.
I will carry you surely, I will carry you safely
With my body I protect you, with my breath I breathe for you
With all my heart, I beat the rhythm of my love for you
Nourishing you with my lifeblood.
Spirit enters the womb.
Divinity activates the contract of life.
Building all the potentials together, vows and promises made,
Destiny written and viewed.

Gathering all the elements:
Earth, fire, wind, light, water and wood
For foundation of a physical being.
Om.  Two becomes three.
Organs are formed; spirit heart is knitted together,
Bone marrow of life sacred structure grows
Spirit mind body is weaved together, forming the tapestry of life.
Cells of baby grow divide multiply
Flowers and Butterflies,  Birth into dualities

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Original Material Copyright c. 2005 Naomi Downie

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