Stillness in movement, Strength in gentleness
Feel the wind touch as you move, Feel the body remembering
Action with awareness, Communion with silence
Pause. In this moment be
The musician, mountain and maiden
Then let go.
Let me hold your stars and touch your moon,
For we are the sun.
Let me part any clouds that hide our light.
Rest awhile, as I wash off
The travellers dust with my perfumed hair.
For I am the gift of Home.
From my well draw deeply your fill of living water.
From my heart�s fire, warm your hands and face.
Find your centre, with feet firmly planted
In the earths core, Stand straight and tall
Point of a thousand meetings, Reaching for heaven
Bring up the fire energy, Gather the water energy,
Harmonising heaven and earth
We are the materialisation of spirit
We are the bridge between heaven and earth
Dance our prayer O� warier
With the courage of the tiger,
The balance of the white crane
And the beauty of the peacock.

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