About the Rally!

Here's the info you need to know about the rally!  Please note that any 'we' or 'us' statements are referring to the coordinators Firecracker and Relic. If you have a question that is not on the list, please let us know in the RSVP form (click the link to the left), or email us directly.  We know we've probably left some things out, so please, if you have a question, ask!




What's the deal with this? Newsies fans, particularly Newsies Mailing List members, have been having meetings (rallies) for over a decade, that we know about (there were probably more).  This cult classic has been uniting fans and creating friendships on the internet for years, and we thought that was cause for a celebration! And so, when Shooter posted an idea for a New York rally after Relic and Firecracker had been privately discussing some kind of get together over summer in NYC, we put our heads together and this was the result.


What makes this special? The focus of this rally is the NML (Newsies Mailing List), as well as Newsies. The NML will have been around the internet-everse for over 11 years by the time this rally is held, and that's pretty amazing for a fan group based on a movie considered by most to be a flop! It has fostered many friendships and has truly been a safe-haven for many young people. We thought it deserved some celebration and recognition - and what better way to do that, then by going to New York and getting together to do things that involve the one thing we all definitely like; Newsies. We will go to sights and locations significant to both The Movie and the real newsboys strike, and just enjoy hanging out with other Newsies fans from across the country!


How much does the rally cost? We have tried to make this as cheap as possible, and so there will be no rally fees. The only cost directly associated with the rally will be t-shirts, which are available here: http://www.cafepress.com/nmlrally. We are able to make each shirt personalized with each person's NML nickname (if you would like that, just email us), so think of it as a glorified name tag and a neat rally souvenir, and we do ask that everyone attending get one (but of course, if you really don't want to, we can't force you). The things we will do that cost money (the tenement museum; Ellis/Liberty Island) are completely up to you whether you want to do or not, and you will purchase tickets directly from these organizations (Note - the tenement museum may be require some special circumstances, we will contact all those interested in the museum as more information is available).


Basically, you just pay for what you want you want to do. You will need to pay for your own airfare, meals, hotel, shopping, etc. as well as your entrance to any of the rally activities that cost money (at this point, there are only two; as above stated, the tenement museum and Ellis Island), but the rest of the rally events are free to you. We want you there, and New York is expensive enough; we've tried to make this rally as inexpensive, but still high quality, as possible!


What if I don't want to do something on the itinerary?  Absolutely everything on the itinerary is optional. We suggest doing everything, of course, but if you wanted to just show up for the Welcome Reception and skip everything else, that is absolutely your choice.  If you've seen Ellis Island so many times you just want to roll your eyes, by all means, skip it! We will be sending out schedules with very specific times and meeting places, so if you want to skip an event, don't worry; skip it, and come meet us for the next thing.


What about meals? Will we eat together?  Officially, there will be no meals together (which means you won't have to pay in advance for any group meals, however, you will obviously have to pay for your own meals on your own).  However, since there will be scheduled breaks for everyone to go off and eat lunch/dinner/whatever during the rally, most likely you'll eat with other rally-goers since you will all have just left from the same event. So, to sum up; meals will be on your own, with no official rally planned meals. If you want to go to lunch or whatnot with other rally goers, that's up to you (and we suggest it!), it just won't be a planned or official thing.


Okay, so I get to New York, check into my hotel, and then... what? How will I know where to go/what to do?  Fear not! We will be in constant communication through email (and phone if need be) prior to the rally, and you will receive an absolutely finalized schedule at least a week before the rally (if there are any changes after that, we will contact you immediately).  The schedule will have times and locations for all rally events, as well as contact information for us (including our cell phones and hotel information).  The first event you plan to attend (which will hopefully be the first one of the rally!) will have a meeting time and location, so you can just go there (and if you need directions, call one of us!).  At least one of us will be in the city prior to Friday (when the rally starts), so if you are concerned about finding your way around the city to the events, or anything at all, let us know and we'll do our best to make sure you're accommodated and feel secure.  We will go over this VERY thoroughly once the rally gets closer!


Why should I go to this? What if I don't really know anyone?  One reason: It's going to be wickedly fun. Seriously though, it is our second most important goal that everyone has a great time at this thing. Don't worry about not knowing anyone; by the end of Saturday, you'll be old friends!


What about safety?  Fun is our second most important goal because SAFETY is our absolute number one. It is for this reason that only NML members (past or present) and their guests will be able to attend. We will be in contact with everyone attending, and we would highly prefer if all attendees under 18 have a parent or some other guardian attend with them. All rally events will have at least one if not all coordinators and/or designated helpers present, and we will be sending out links to suggested hotels as it gets closer to the rally time so that attendees might have the chance to stay in the same, or nearby hotels (so if you want to do something after the rally events end, at night with other attendees, you will be able to walk in groups). You will definitely have the phone numbers of the coordinators, and will also be supplied a list of local emergency contact numbers in your personalized rally binder. We want to have a great time, and we can't do that without ensuring that everyone is as safe as possible.  If you have any concerns regarding this, please contact us (click the link 'The Coordinators' on the left for contact info).


What's with all the 'surprises'?  Oh, you'll see. ;-) Alright, if you really want a hint, we'll just say that no one will go home from this rally empty-handed. We are working hard to ensure that this thing goes above and beyond your expectations!


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