
Below is the tentative schedule for the rally*. Please note, the dates especially are VERY tentative. If these dates do not work for you, please fill out the RSVP form (Click the 'RSVP' link on the left) and let us know you're interested but the dates do not work for you, and what dates may be better. If there is enough interest in a different day, it is possible that we could move it to another day/weekend. Please look down below for explanations on the activities, and check out About the Rally (in the links on the left) for more information.

Just a reminder, please do not purchase tickets to sights in anticipation for the rally yet, as our dates are not final.


Dates: July 17 & 18, 2009


Lower East Side Tenement Museum
Welcome Reception

Ellis Island/Liberty Island
Scavenger Hunt
Brooklyn Bridge
Closing Ceremony


Lower East Side Tenement Museum - The link to more information on this museum can be found here: Museum tours are currently  $17 per person for individuals, but will be considerably less at a group rate, ($8-10 per person) if there are more than 10 interested rally attendees. Please do not purchase individual tickets for the Friday tour, as we will likely have more than ten people and will qualify for a group rate (which will save you money!). We will keep all interested parties up to date on this through email.

Welcome Reception - We are currently planning on securing a large hotel suite or a hotel meeting room for this reception, depending on the amount of attendees.  The reception will include introductions, mixers and games (don't worry, those of you rolling your eyes - you will have fun, we promise!), and of course, the crucial viewing of The Movie, complete with snacks and singing along.  Here you will also receive your personalized binders containing all the necessary information for the rest of the rally, and possibly a surprise or two.

Ellis Island/Liberty Island - Ellis Island is home to the famous Ellis Island Immigration Museum, and Liberty Island houses the Statue of Liberty. Tickets for the ferry, which will take you to both islands, is called a New York ticket, and currently costs $12 (or $18 with audio) . If you wish to enter the Statue of Liberty, you will need a New York with Monument ticket, which currently costs $12 (or $18 with audio). The link to more information on the ferry, the statue and the islands can be found here:, and information on tickets can be found here: Please do not purchase tickets yet, since our dates are still tentative.

Scavenger Hunt - Top secret! Rest assured, though, that you will see a lot of Newsies-centered sights (safely and comfortably, of course).

Brooklyn Bridge - A stroll along the bridge will end our time outside, and provide us with lots of snack opportunities for those of us hungry after The Hunt.

Closing Ceremony - This will be held where the Welcome Reception was held. Here we will include a slideshow of pictures from the rally, closing thoughts, and again, maybe a few surprises we just pull out of a hat. This is one event you will absolutely not want to miss! (But then again, hey, you won't want to miss any of them, it's going to be a ball!)


*This itinerary was initially modeled after the Newsies Rally 1999 schedule.

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