The Hovercraft Diary
Marty sitting in craft skeleton
November 1999 - December 1999
Ordered plans, bought wood and built the skeleton of the craft. Ordered a lift engine.
The frame finished
January 1st - 20th, 2000
Finished skeleton, Ordered fiberglass
Started to add panels
January 21st - 31st, 2000
Started to add panels, and make lift duct
Making the propellers
February 1st - 15th, 2000
Started to make propellers, added a few panels
Most underside panels in place
February 15th - 31st, 2000
Finished most of the undersid panels
Carving the lift prop
March, 2000
Fitted lift duct, started lift prop
Expanding Foam Experiment
April, 2000
Finished shroud, started messing with foam
The foam expanded like crazy...
April 16th - 30th, 2000
Poured lift duct foam, started sealing the underside
Skirt Strips in place
May/June/July/August 2000
Fiberglassing, fiberglassing and more fiberglassing

In goes the paint....
September 2000
Paint, paint and more paint! and the steering rod...

Fitting the top
October 2000
Finishing the lift duct, fitting the top and adding flotation and starting the thrust duct

Duct takes shape
November 2000
Making the thrust duct for the second time
Pretty in Pink?
December 2000
Still making the thrust duct and digging snow too
Lift Engine
January / February / March 2001
New engines - garage updates
Found one!
April 2001
Skirt / Sheaves / Hubs / Exhaust
May 2001
Skirt / Sheaves / Hubs / Exhaust
June 2001
Skirt fitting, prop, engine

This HoverRing site is owned by
David Oakes.

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