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2.1. Ancient Greece

Statue of Pankration hold    Statue exemplifying Pankration in action

Pankration was introduced in 648 BC to the Greek Olympic Games. Pankration is a martial art with boxing, wrestling, takedowns, chokes, and joint locks. The influence of the ancient Greek sport known as Pankration to martial arts is debatable. The original ancient form was never fully transmitted to later generations due to the fall of the Greek and Roman Empires. Historians have helped revive this sport. Modern Pankration groups are re-introducing classical Hellenistic culture (sport and philosophy, ethics, personal development) to today's Pankration participants.
The travels of Alexander the Great History's greatest warriors helped spread the ideas behind various martial arts. Born in Macedonia (modern day Greece), Alexander the Great would conquer most of the known world. Alexander the Great impact can be see in the Middle East and India. A cultural exchange occurred between these eastern cultures and the western influence from military personnel assigned to the Macedonian army. Some suggest India�s fighting systems were influenced by the invasion of Alexander in 326 BC.

Alexander the Great, b. 356 BC, d. 323 BC


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