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Online Chat with Ewan
AOL live chat with Ewan on 28.01.00
From Ewanspotting.com

OnlineHost: Welcome to AOL Live Ewan McGregor!
EwanMcLive: Thank you!
OnlineHost:: Let's start with this audience question.
Question: First, Thank you for being here tonight. I have been hoping for this opportunity for a long time. Second, which role have you played is the most like you in real life?
EwanMcLive: It's my pleasure to be here.
EwanMcLive: Each role has different parts of me in them,
EwanMcLive: do they're all like me.
Question: hey ewan, my name's caitlin. you've got a great voice, did you have any singing experience before you started acting? by the way, TV Eye is a great song.
EwanMcLive: I sang all through school in the school choir and solo.
Question: Was Eye of the Beholder difficult to make?
EwanMcLive: It was a complicated character to play. It was also very cold.
EwanMcLive: But it was a fascinating character to work with.
Question: wow! Soo, Ewan, what is your favourite thing to do hobbywise?
EwanMcLive: Ride motorcycles.
Question: I enjoyed your ER episode.Do you plan on doing any future T.V. episodes of any kind?
EwanMcLive: I never have any plans, so, no, not at the moment.
EwanMcLive: But who knows?
Question: Hi, Ewan! I heard that Eye of The Beholder was filmed here in Canada. Is this true, and if so, where in Canada were you guys shooting?
EwanMcLive: We shot in Montreal.
EwanMcLive: It was completely shot in Canada.
Question: How do you prepare for each role that you take?
EwanMcLive: Some parts require research, some don't.
EwanMcLive: Depends on the character and the time.
Question: What was it that got you interested in acting?
EwanMcLive: I had a passion for old black and white movies.
EwanMcLive: Because of my love of that, I wanted to become an actor.
Question: Ewan, I know most actors say that they bring part of themselves to a role. How much of yourself, your own personality is Obi-wan?
EwanMcLive: Not much! LOL!
Question: What color is your hair naturally?
EwanMcLive: Naturally, I have reddish hair. It's black at the moment.
Question: Mr. McGregor I really admire your work as a dramatic actor, but think you have a natural talent for comedy. Are you currently reviewing any comedic scripts?
EwanMcLive: No, my next project is Star Wars, and the one I'm doing now is a musical.
EwanMcLive: The one I'm doing now is more of a comedy than Star Wars.
Question: How do you describe your eye color? In some pics they look blue or green or even grey.
EwanMcLive: They're grey-bluey-greeney color!
Question: who was a role model to you when you were growing up?
EwanMcLive: My uncle, Denis.
EwanMcLive: My acting hero was James Jewitt.
Question: What attracted you to the role of the 'Eye' in Eye of the beholder?
EwanMcLive: The script was unlike any I'd read before.
EwanMcLive: And the character says very little.
EwanMcLive: It's a very good cinematic device.
Question: what was it like working with ashley judd?
EwanMcLive: It was lovely to work with her.
EwanMcLive: She's a fine actress.
EwanMcLive: She's fantastic in the movie.
Question: How did your acting carear start?
EwanMcLive: I walked backstage at a theater when I was 16, and from there trained in Scotland and in London for 4 year. I left drama school to film Lipstick On Your Collar.
Question: Are you still able to go out in public and have a relatively *normal* life now that you are such a recognizable star?
EwanMcLive: Yes, it's a different country.
EwanMcLive: I'm in Australia now.
EwanMcLive: *done
Question: Ewan, did you get to keep the lightsaber from "The Phantom Menace"?
EwanMcLive: No! They didn't let me keep it!
EwanMcLive: I'll try and get it in the next one!
Question: What do you like to do to relax from a stressful day on set?
EwanMcLive: Come home to my family and watch a movie.
Question: So ewan are you single or are you taken?
EwanMcLive: Taken. I've been married since 1995, and I have a daughter, Clara.
Question: What would be your dream project?
EwanMcLive: It changes all the time.
EwanMcLive: At the moment I'm making a musical.
EwanMcLive: That's the project at the moment.
Question: You were amazing on ER. Were you familiar with the show before you were on it? Had you acted on televison before that?
EwanMcLive: Yes, I made a television series before.
EwanMcLive: One of the reasons for doing ER was that it's a favorite show of mine.
EwanMcLive: When they offered it to me, I jumped at the chance.
Question: Are you a very social person?
EwanMcLive: Yeah, I do enjoy going out.
EwanMcLive: I enjoy my work because there are so many people involved in making a movie.
Question: how those lightsabers work
EwanMcLive: It's a secret!
AOLiveMC13: The time has really slipped by, we have time for one final question.
Question: How would you say the fame and notiriety you've acquired in the last 5 or so years have changed your life?
EwanMcLive: Success brings more choice in your work.
EwanMcLive: However, it can bring more pressure to the actor and his family.
OnlineHost: Many thanks for being with us and taking our questions, Ewan McGregor.
EwanMcLive: It's my pleasure!
EwanMcLive: I look forward to the next time!
OnlineHost: Thanks to the audience for being with us....goodnight
OnlineHost: Copyright 2000 America Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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