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Site Information

To all the old Ewan sites a huge thank you for giving me the inspiration to make one myself.

My other sites
As well as making banners and graphics and solving html problems for other people I also keep 2 other websites.


Firstly I don't claim ownership of the pictures used on this site. Just like everyone else I scan in from magazines and 'pinch' what I can add magic and make more beautiful before adding to my pages.
We're all in the same boat, wanting our Ewan site to be the biggest and bestest....
New Ewan fansites pop up everytime he's in a new movie, however this is one of the oldest sites that is updated on a fairly regular basis, first uploaded in September 1999.
I do not personally know Ewan McGregor, I am not Ewan McGregor (for all those dear Ewan you are wonderful etc etc emails I get). I am just a fan who has chosen to keep a website in his honour.

Oh and can you believe that on 2 seperate occasions my Ewan site has been called 'the sickest site in the whole world' ! I'm assured that it was meant to be a compliament but don't worry the sickness will be back soon ! :)

Finally I don't bite ! If you have any questions concerning this site, Ewan or general web design then please email me and I'll try and help. I'll even make you a banner if you're starting out web designing. You can mail me here.

p_poppy 1999 - 2003
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