Oakland International Roller Canary Club

Established 1923

OIRCC Club Objectives:

  1. To develop and advance the Roller Canary fancy.
  2. To create a better understanding of, and demand for the Roller Canary.
  3. To encourage members in scientific breeding.
  4. To hold a song contest annually at which birds raised and owned by club members and non-members can be adjudicated by an official Judge. The 100 point song standard shall be used.
  5. To promote the welfare and prosperity of the club.
    OFFICIAL RESULTS - 2007 OIRCC/WCRA Song Contest - click here to download

    2007 OIRCC/WCRA Song Contest Official Entry Form, Rules and Invitation - click here to download

    How to contact the club or need birds? [email protected]

    Looking for Roller Song Cabinets and Show cages? Need Breeding cages? They are now available! [email protected]

    Club Meetings time and place:

    We meet at 1 p.m. on the fourth Sunday of the month at various locations. The next few months of 2008 will be meeting at Mountain Mike Pizza in Dublin CA.
    8159 San Ramon Road
    Dublin CA
    (925) 829-1670

    2007 OIRCC Song Contest Information - :)

    2007 OIRCC/WCRA Song Contest Entry Form, Rules, Invitation
    Dec 12-15th 2007: OIRCC Song Contest & Show. This year we are hosting the West Coast Roller Assoication (WCRA) annual Show. The Judge for the 2007 OIRCC / WCRA Song Contest is Adolf Zager of Germany. We are happy to have him as our judge as always. Having a European Jugde is a tradition for the Oakland Club. In the last 25 years there have been many international renowned Roller Judges invited to hear and score the birds in the Oakland Show. These include Gebaur of Germany, Lode Teliens and AlFons Straetemans of Belgium. Tuesday Dec 11th is our day for entering birds for the show.We will be receiving birds from 9am to 7pm to accommodate those exhibitors that work or travel. Ship-ins will be given a little more time to get to the show as long as we know they are coming.  The week will be filled with judging, learning sessions, Song clinics and fun, culminating with our Pot Luck Awards Luncheon at 2:00 pm the Coral Reef Inn and Suites in Alameda CA. All fanciers and newcomers are welcome to come in and see what a Roller Canary Show is all about, and why they are the best sounding Song Canaries in the world. If you can possibly manage the time plan on stopping by the OIRCC suite for happy hour filled with general Song birds discussions and disagreements? (American Singer and Waterslagger groups are always welcome) All are welcome to attend one of two Song Clinics at 9:00am and 11:30am Saturday Dec 15th, 2007

    2007 WCRA Show Location:

    Coral Reef Inn and Suites in Alameda CA
    Wednesday Dec 12 thru Saturday Dec 15th, 2007

    More questions about the 2007 Show?
    Contact the OIRCC 2007 Show Manager:
    Steve Billmire at 510-449-3881 [email protected]
    OIRCC President Justin Agrella at: [email protected]

    2008 OIRCC Club Calender:

    Jan 24 2008 Club Meeting at Mountain Mikes Pizza, Dublin CA
    Feb 24 2008 Club Meeting at Mountain Mikes Pizza, Dublin CA
    Future Meeting to be announced ...

    How to join the OIRCC Club?:

    Club dues are $20 per year and may be paid to the OIRCC
    c/o Steve Billmire 38341 Anita Court
    Fremont CA Phone: (510) 794-6719
    email: [email protected]

    Need Bands?:

    Closed aluminum bands may be ordered for $.40 each with a minimum of 25 for $10.00 plus $2 shipping for members, non-members will be required to pay an five dollars for 25 bands, so you might want to consider joining as well(you get a subscription to our world-class newsletter with membership). Order canary leg bands from:
    Sergio Martin
    1164 Hartford Place
    Fairfield CA 94533
    Phone: (707)386-9813
    email [email protected]

    OIRCC Roller Canary Forum:

    The Roller Canary Forum is published by the Oakland International Roller Canary Club to improve the advancement, breeding, and exhibition of German Roller Canaries. Hopefully it will encourage the promotion of the fancy and instruct our members who are not able to attend our regular monthly meetings. The opinions of the writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Club nor its officers. We encourage all members and readers to feel free to send in comments, questions, and any articles they would like to see printed. Judges, Master Breeders, Champion, Amateur, and Novice Breeders of Roller Canaries are cordially asked to contribute articles for publication. Please send us your ideas, articles, questions, comments, or criticism about the content provided in our Web site and in our Roller Canary Forum to [email protected] (He is the forum moderater).


    Documents, Information, Special Topics:

    Canary Web Links:

    Subscribe to The Roller Canary Journal

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    Questions, Comments or Ideas?  Please feel free to sign in to our Guestbook.  Your comments are important to us. 

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    Last modified:
    July 1, 2007

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    The material shown in this web site may not necessarily reflect the views of the Club Officers or members of the Club. We want to provide a non-judgmental vehicle for free expression of individual views and experiences in the Roller Canary fancy. We may learn from information with which we may disagree. There are many ways to raise Canaries that work, some better than others. The bottom line is to enjoy the birds as we work to produce the healthiest and most pleasant sounding birds we can. We encourage your questions and comments.

    Questions? Comments? Please e-mail to: [email protected]

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