
    3D Room - Christmas Lights

  1. Open a new image black background size: 200 x200
  2. Click the Selection Tool , and in Tool Options, select circle, antialias checked.
  3. Put the cursor in the center of the image, 100 x 100, draw a circle until the size 130 x 130 (see Status Bar)
  4. Select the flood fill tool , and in Tool Options with the following options,Style Sunburst Gradient, horizontal 33 vertical 35. Then flood fill the circle with the color of your choice.
  5. Now open, Eye candy /Water drops, select these options.
  6. Dont deselect the circle and open, Selection/Modify/Contract =3
  7. Now cut and paste as a new image
  8. Click Image/canvas size/ with these options
  9. Add a new layer, Layer/New.
  10. In this layer we'll add the ring for the ornament. Click here to download the tube .
  11. Start a new layer for the bow (tubes)or choose another adornment if you wish.
  12. While bow and ring are selected, go to: Image/Efects/Drop Shadow :
  13. Color: Black



  14. The end: Merge/Merge Visible and save as *.psp or *.tube.
  • If you have any questions... send me an email.Good Luck *S

I want to express my appreciation to Teddy-(lldzines) for giving of their time to provide additional assistance to complete the translation. Please visit their web site when you have a chance and let them know you were there.



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