One Tired Mamma One Tired Mamma



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Name: Dominic Douglas
Country: Canada
Hair: Light Brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: Unknown
Weight: 45 pounds
Hobbies: Playing the Gamecube, break dancing, playing with my cat Alley and fighting with Mom and Dad.
Likes: I like most of my veggies, I'll skip the green beans though. I love to eat, and I have to have my chocolate milk everyday. I also like oreo cookies and dipping them in milk, that is my favorite snack. I live for peanut butter, that is the only thing I like on my toast in the morning. I still like taking my baths, as long as they don't run into my gameplay, then I can get quite cranky. I love to be outside, whether it's hot and sunny or cold and snowing.
Dislikes: Being told "no", not being able to have what I want. Well that's still the same =)


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