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Saturday, May 06, 2006-

Hey everyone, it's Saturday. I finally found time to get in a rant before I get too tired and forget about it. Anyways, Dominic's appointment to see his neurologist was great. She said sense he has been seizure free for a year it's time to ween him off his medication which right now he was on 1 1\2 pills in the morning and 1 1\2 at night. Right now he's at just one in the morning and every second week we'll take more away. So it's been almost two weeks... two weeks wednesday. So it's going good so far. But she said that if he has another seizure that she is taking him off his medication and trying a different pill, because he is overly hyper and a lot of anger. So she doesn't like that...and neither do we. But he seemed to come down some since when he was on the bigger dose. My mother had her operation on Tuesday, she had to have a partical hysterectomy. She was all nervous and had me all nervous...but she's doing great and even did a little bit of shopping afterwards...she slept most of the way home. Me and Dominic have been spending most of our weekends out to her house. Dominic has been on the fourwheeler, and saw a tree get sawed down. So he was having a great time out there, trying to big as big as his uncle trying to pick up the power saw and start it...of course he would never lift it nor start it, but he tried his hardest. We went picking May Flowers back of my mom's house and laughed our butts off when my niece Alana, broke the swing. We enjoyed ourselfs. I've been taking him to the park now too a lot since it's warming up and he doesn't have to wear gloves on his hands and worry about getting cold. I had to put my cat for almost a year's now a outdoor cut Dominic's arm all to pieces and I mean to pieces...well it looked no better if he had've gotten a knife and tried to cut his wrist in 20 different was crazy...I never noticed until I put the cat outside...if I had've seen his arm before...I probably would have killed the cat. So, when I went away with my mother yesterday I bought a fish tank and things for the fish and my mother got him the fish...he was excited about them when I got home. He got two fish, one's name is Dori the other one is Bubbles...'cause that's all he does is go to the top of the tank water and blow bubbles. It's cute...but I should get my floors I'll be back on again to give an update, C-Ya's later.

Thursday, April 06, 2006 -

Hey everyone! Took me awhile to be able to use the computer. I now have a computer hog, and his name is Dominic. =/ Not good at all. So by the time he goes to bed and I get to check my emails and stuff like that I'm tired and it's time to sleep. But tonight I said nope no way I have to get a rant in here tonight sometime....and here I am rantin' away. =)'s been almost a month since I posted last, and really not much has happened. Dominic has an appointment to see his neurologist on the 25th of this month to see how he is doing. Oh gosh I don't think I ever posted on here about him and his seizures...well he hasn't had any now for a almost a year...I'm SOOOO HAPPY! He has epilepsy, put it's partial (sp?) He will grow out of it, which is the awesome part about it. And we reached a dose in his medication that stopped them completely. Scary stuff, I had to call 911 twice...I just freak out when my son goes though them. Ahhh...I'm just glad and hopefully she'll have good news to tell us, I hope it's time to gradually take him off the medication...although that's gonna be scary too...maybe he won't be ready. =( But anyways...right now I'm chillin' listenin' to music...nearly falling asleep and I'm so back is killin' me from sitting in the car all day. Went away today...Easter shopping...Gosh I hate shopping for Easter and Christmas...I got Dominic Elefun game that he liked...only because he seen it on t.v He probably wont even play with it...and I bought him a helmet 'cause I got him a stroller trike not all that long ago and I'd like for him to have a helmet just incase...the poor boy has enough wrong with his brain...defenitly doesn't need a bump. Lots of chocolate for the boy he can be hyper as hell...then I'll send him off to his Grandma's. LOL I've been doing pretty good lately...takin' it easy...doing my usual..going out on Friday nights and sometimes Saturday too....=0 But ahh well, we all need some fun sometimes. Well to ya's all later....will continue this in the morning. =) I hope! xoxo

Well I didn't wait until morning...I decided to finish it now rather then usually won't find me home on the weekends. Although I don't think I'm going out tomorrow night...I usually say that and end up going out anyways. lol Some nights are better than others, but all the same I make my own fun. I think I'll lay off the vodka for awhile though...I got smashed on it Saturday night and the next morning I had a major headache when I woke up and as soon as I got up from bed the blood just started to pour out of my nose...I didn't think it was going to stop...I was like "oh great...I'm going to die from a nose bleed". LOL It was freaky...never had a pain like that in my head EVER then to have a nose bleed besides...Ugh...CRAZY! My sister was out drinkin' with me too, also the vodka, and she said she had major gut rot for two days. I think I'll stick with my usual...BEER! Cheaper at the bar anything to save a buck. And I'm a liqour PIG on vodka...anyways...back on track to sober life. Dominic is asleep and quite, gosh how much he has grown and just to think next September he'll be going to school...ahhh...I'm be bawlin' my eyes out!!!!!!! I hate the thoughts of it...I just don't want my baby to grow up at all. Right now the only time he wants to be picked up is if he is tired from walking somewheres...which happens often...gettin' lazy now playing all those computer games...and Gamecube games. But if I don't end this rant soon it's going to be too long and boring for everyone to read...So I'm to ya's soon! Lots of love!

Thursday, March 16, 2006 -

I've had the worst couple of days of my life I think. Well actually it all started Saturday and just hasn't gotten any better. I'm nerves are shot I'm totally stressed to the MAX. It all started when me, my mom, her new bf, and my sister and some of our friends decided we all go out to a local hall dance. I wasn't much up to the idea...I dunno, just wasn't feeling like partying at all that night. But I did anyways, peer pressure is still out there even when you get older...God....*&&$&. So we all have a few drinks besides a few of us, because they were driving. So we get there...I'm the first to walk in and I pay to get in then I go for my beer tickets...get those then I look around the hall to see were we can all sit at and be all together. I look over to my left first and that's pretty packed over there and no table that would fit most of us, so I looked over to my right and the first table there is my mother's ex bf ASLEEP...and I mean asleep at the table with his head just hanging there. My heart jumps in the throat and I just don't want to be there then. I kept saying to myself "I didn't want to come here in the first place...why the hell did I GO!" So I asked my sister if she saw him and she did. I told her not to tell our mother, just didn't want her to know and ruin her time. But after awhile of sitting there at the table she told us that she knew as soon as she came through the door. The bouncer told here. So I was like great...can't anyone mind their business in this small @$$ town...probably not! On to the story...I don't know where my mother and her boyfriend was...I think they were on the dance sister wasn't there either at the table...all of a sudden my mother's Ex boyfriend is standing beside me at my table...and said "I'm sorry." So I asked him if he wanted to talk...he said sure and I told him the best place to talk would be outside. So I get out there and he told me that the woman that he cheated on my mother with left him that day and went back with her husband. And on he went about not doing the drugs and being sorry. But meanwhile in the dance mothers friend was sitting behind us with her man and told my mom that I was outside with her ex. So she tells my sister to go out and get me. Well when she came out she grabbed me by the arm...BIG MISTAKE...don't grab me. So I told her off I guess and told her I can handle things and all we were doing is talking. So I guess I upset her and she went in and told mom then left and went home. So when Melinda left because of all of what was happening, it just fueled the fire that was burning inside my mother and she came out and yelling and slapped her ex in the face. After that she went back into the hall and you wouldn't guess what her ex said "I don't think I deserved that." I said "Yah I think you did" Which he did. So anyways, he said he wanted to be in Dominic's life and I told him he has to get his act together and of course pay back the money he owes my mother...until he is having nothing to do with him. So when I got back in the mother was like the devil...yelling at me and just screaming...she really freaked me seriously. So I went outside with my friend, Tim...and I was friend Joe came over moms boyfriend came over and was so upset about what was going on that night. He got my mother to say she was sorry...whether she meant it I dunno. Anyways...I walked home that night...didn't want a drive home from anyone. Just needed to think about a lot of stuff...and just try to clear my head. Even's hard to talk to my she was here and we were sitting at the table and there was like 5 mins of silence...not a word was said. That's sad because we talked about everything and anything. And if she is going to let what I did that night get between us...then I can't do a darn thing about it. I just talked to him...I didn't say I believed everything that came out of his mouth. I still haven't talked to my sister yet. I might give her a call tonight just to shut my mother up. I'll call her tonight and say "Hi...Mom wanted me to call you and say I'm sorry....but I'm not!" lol Nah...I will say I'm sorry but truly I'm not...she knows. She's not stupid. But anyways...I really didn't update on how Dominic is doing in this rant...but he is doing fine was sick a few days ago with a fever, but jumped right back into things the next day. I wish I was the same. =( But he is doing well...he likes to fight...I think I'll train him to be a boxer. lol I best get going and get Dominic he's bed lunch and make sure he hasn't killed the cat. Hopefully I'll get back to update in a few days. Laters!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006 -

Hey everyone. I just got back from going away today with my mother and her boyfriend, Richard. I had a good to know him a little bit better, which is nice. I got a few shirts and two pairs of shoes...and some odds and ends that I needed. I've noticed that there is a lot of police around town, usually there is only two police cars here and there is now three more. I believe that something is going down, either drugs or something. I know they had two road blocks last Friday night with three police at each, so...I know they caught a few drunk drivers. That's one thing I would never do is get behind the wheel when I've been drinking. I won't get into a vehicle when I know that the driver was drinking. Like last Friday my sisters boyfriend was drinking and he was LOADED, his eyes were no bigger than peas. And he wanted me and my sister to get in the car with him...yah right. I was going to walk so he followed us slowly behind so me and my sister took a short cut through the park and he decides that he is going to follow us through there! There is no path big enough for a vehicle...and there is no way to get out of there. So my sister went over yelling at him and finally he backed out of there then just as I was getting to the road to cross over I hear him reving up the road so I ran across the road to get to the other side before he came and ran me over. Ugh...never again am I drinking with them. Enough of that, you'd think he'd grow up since he is almost 10 years older than me. But I guess that's what moonshine does to you, makes you stupid. I never touched the stuff and never will. I'll stick to the liquor that you buy at the store thank you. Not something someone makes out of their home in a bucket. Yuk. But anyhow, it's some cold outside...I had to get to the store after I came home because I forgot a few things and I nearly froze to death walking there. Thank God my brother was working today and was able to take me home, I had an ear ache and everything. ears just can't handle this cold weather. Oh by the way pay no attention to the look of the website...I'm trying different things trying to find a look I like and so far I'm coming up blank. I should get some supper cooked for me and I'll be on again to post, I'm sure, this month. Winter is almost over! It's March! Yippie! Laters.

Ranted by: Amanda on Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 -

Well it took me two months to get back into updating on my boring life. So here I am and it's the year 2006. I hope you all had a great New Year. I can't even remember if I enjoyed the New I wasn't load drunk, but it seems to be such a long time ago that I just can't remember. =P I was just complaining today about all these groupie things coming out to keep you connect to your old pals and friends, like MSN space, My Space, Hi5, Bebo, Birthday Reminders, WAYN ETC. They are getting on my nerves. I don't blog in my MSN Space nor my "My Space", but once someone invites you to be their friend and you hate to decline. So I join up with all these things. I still have another one in my email a new one has come out that a friend wants me to join. I'll have myself crazy. Well anyways, on with about what has happened in the two months that I have missed posting. Hmmm...Dominic got his hair cut, by moi, I didn't do too bad of a job, but next time to the salon he goes. He moved around so much it nearly took me an hour to cut the poor child's hair. Plus to keep him on the chair itself I had to set up shop in the livingroom and cut it...good thing I have no carpet. I'm sitting here in pain...I had a bad tooth, my wisdom tooth at that, and I had to be put on antibioics for 4 weeks before they were able to pull the darn thing, and that was last Thursday. And it's killin' me right now...I think I might have something stuck in the darn hole...I know it's gross. Sorry! =P Dominic just went to bed thank God...what a devil that kid was tonight. Trying his hardest to get my boobs...looking under my shirt while I was on the phone with my sister, then digging in my pants...then he thought that he's father hid his bubbles in my clothes. So that didn't help neither. This morning he was awesome! Couldn't have asked for a better child. He woke up, and of course came and jumped on me to wake up...same routine every morning. He watch The Neverending Story...he friggin LOVES IT! Can't blame him, I still do too. LOL Then he watched Bingo...with the dog, he loved that too. I used to as a kid now it just gets on my nerves, so I came on the computer while that was on. lol Well anyways, I have more to post...but I have to get to bed myself. Oh by the way my Mom found herself a new man, doesn't take her long at all. But I'm going away with her and her man (Richard) tomorrow, so I'll post to ya's what I think of him. LOL Night.

Ranted by: Amanda on Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tuesday, December 27, 2005- I don't even feel like sitting here and updating this page, but I will anyways. Christmas is over...Dominic did great. Spiderman, sponge bob, race track, train set, clothes, chocolate, board games, puzzles, video games, movies, toy laptop and so much more. It's just too much to name off. And actually I'm not in the Christmas spirit...I was then I lost it yesterday morning after my mother called and told me that her boyfriend for 10 years just up and left. Then we find out that he was seeing someone else where he was working away. So it was a complete shock in a way, and in another way it really wasn't. Because my mother wasn't happy she was paying all the bills he never bought anything in that house or helped pay for a bill and he still owes her 600 dollars. Then we heard that he is on ecstasy for a while now, it's no wonder he went from 200lbs to 150lbs. That's just nuts. But like I said I don't feel like updating right now, so I'll be back sometime after the new year to give you an update, and post some pictures of Dominic's Christmas.

Ranted by: Amanda on Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Thursday, December 08, 2005- I got the scarest call today. I got Jamie to look after Dominic while I went to my sisters and when shopping. I was at my sister just chatting then we went shopping. I get back to my sisters and her boyfriend tells me that Jamie just called and he heard Dominic crying in the background and to call him right away. So I give him a call and he tells me that Dominic fell down the stairs. I asked him how he was doing and he said alright, but he has a bump above his eye and one side of his face is swelling up. I tell him I'll be right there and I got my mother to take me up. I get in, while my mother got in first and Dominic starts crying to my mom, saying he hurt his head. I felt so bad that I wasn't there. But Jamie told me he was trying to clean up the mess that Dominic made in the kitchen and he heard four or five bumps and ran to the stairs and he was laying at the bottom and not moving or crying. So Jamie ran down and he still didn't move until Jamie picked him up. And he started to cry. So when I arrived I got some ice in a face cloth and held it against his face. He turned out to be ok. He was tired or anything and after a few minutes of me being home he was running around and being himself again. But having a child is just a worry worry worry. It's neverending. But I just wanted to update on that, just to let you all know, before it wasn't fresh in my mind. And to tell you the truth it didn't stop him from climbing

Also I've been recieving a lot of emails from the site of other pregnant teens or young moms. Keep the mail coming, I love to hear from you all.

But I have to sign off, Hugs.

Ranted by: Amanda on Thursday, December 08, 2005

Wednesday, December 07, 2005- It snowed yesterday. It looks really cold out today though. The snow that melted on the road is now ice. I think it still speaks for flurries today also. Dominic is bugging me to take him outside, but I'm not much for the winter weather. Skating I don't mind in the winter time, but I don't have any skates anymore. I was going to pick up Dominic a pair and they wanted 40 bucks for them. It wasn't worth it, he would need another pair next year. I was keeping my eyes open for a second hand pair, but haven't yet. Besides I can't skate in womens skates I hate those picks at the toes. I've always worn mens skates since I was old enough to have some say. I never learnt to skate until I was 6 or 7. My best friends back then taught me. And what was so funny is that they never taught me how to stop. I used to glide to a stop back then. LOL But....

Dominic is sleeping through the night again and not waking up to come in my bed. Only thing is that he gets up so darn early, it's killing me. This morning he didn't even come and wake me up. I woke up to the tv. When I got up he was sitting at the table and asked me for cake lol, for breakfast...I don't think so. Oh he's funny. I always thought that he would end up with a dirty mouth, from me, but not the case. The only word that comes out of his mouth that I don't care for is "bastard". He uses it quite often, and I don't know where it came from. Probably me. lol But I can handle "you bastard" better then I can handle "you (something else)".

But anyways, I should get the house cleaned and have a cup of something hot and maybe take Dominic outside to play. I will be back with another update soon. Hugs.

Ranted by: Amanda on Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Monday, December 05, 2005- It's been almost a month since my last update. I've been quite busy though. Dominic's birthday was the 21st of November. He had a wonderful time. He got his Jeep Wrangler between me and his father. He got a sweater and learning books from his Nanny, Sponge Bob wack toy from his Uncle Kirk, a Muppets movie from Uncle Kirks girlfriend, Rescue Hero set from his Aunt Melinda and from Gram he got Dinosaurs and something else that I can't seem to remember. Of course no pictures were taken. The new digital camera I bought should have been left in the store, because it's a piece of "you know what". So I need to buy a new one and take my time with my choice.

I started Christmas shopping right after his birthday. I hate Christmas shopping...I used to love it, but I'm so stressed on what to get people and once I buy for someone I'm not sure they will like it or if it will be useful. I drove myself crazy in the mall and I just had enough and left the mall with what I had bought, but still needing more presents. Now I only have one person left to buy for. I have Dominic covered. That was my big worry, so I got that over as soon as I could. He got five presents, nothing expensive, just things he wanted. And his stocking stuffers where bought at Dollars stores. PLUS, my sister, Melinda's birthday is the 21st of December...UGHHH! It seems like when Fall comes around I can't keep a cent to my name. My mothers boyfriends, Lou's birthday, then Dominic's, then Gage's, then Alana, then Melinda, and then Christmas. I know they don't expect me to go all out on them, but I do get them something. It's extremely hard. Then working from home with a 4 year old child is no piece of cake. I'm lucky if I get 4 hours in somedays.

I've been thinking about putting him in daycare next year, where he will be held back, because he doesn't turn 5 until November. That way I'll have more time to myself and get stuff done. He is getting huge, Dominic that is. He weighs 45 pounds, and he is really tall for his age, not sure how tall. I'll have to get that one checked out. But anyways, I thought I would update before I headed out the door to get some groceries. I will update before Christmas again. Happy Holidays!

Ranted by: Amanda on Monday, December 05, 2005

Tuesday, November 08, 2005- Again I'm sorry for no updates lately. I've been extremely depressed. It all started when I started to babysit my sisters (Melinda) kids, Alana (9) and Gage (11). I babysat them after school until their mother got home from work at 6. So anyways, he was already grounded for stealing money out of his mothers purse...$60 dollars! For a 14 year old drugie. So he was grounded while I was babysitting him. He was going to get off I think a few days before I found out something that totally ripped my heart from my chest and tore it to pieces. To get on with the story...I was cleaning my room, which was it dear need of it, and I realize Dominic's money can, that is sitting beside my bed, is open. I know Dominic can't open it, because he has tried before and I have a hard time opening it. So that seemed kinda fishy.

So then I realized I haven't seen Dominic's Spiderman bank around. His Spiderman bank was sitting on his shelf in his room, and was filled to the top and I mean the top with Toonies, loonies, and quaters. I thought Dominic might have gotten ahold of it, because he loves Spiderman and has taken it down before. I searched his room, no luck then I searched the living room, kitchen and then downstairs. And still no luck. So I thought maybe there was a chance that I missed it in his toy boxes, since he has three filled to the top. So I dump all of them on the floor and nothing. I start to freak and cry...thankfully Dominic was in my room watching a movie. And didn't see any of this happen, his mother having a nervous breakdown.

So I call my sister to tell her I can't find Dominic's Spiderman bank. So she checks Gages bookbag. She finds nothing and then asks Gage if he seen Dominic's spiderman bank, and he denies it. Which on the other end of the phone I didn't believe, he lied to me so many times before. She asks her daughter Alana...and she is a blonde and she starts talking about bushes, so Melinda just tells her "nevermind". Then I hear Gage in the back ground saying the only money he had was the dollar that his Uncle Kirk (my brother) gave him today. So I tell Melinda that I have to go get Dominic to bed. Which was a lie, I called my brother, and sure enough my brother didn't give Gage any money and hasn't seen him since last week. So I called my sister back and I tell her, and she tells me "It's alright, Gage just confessed. He took the Spiderman bank out of your house and took the money out of it and dumped the spiderman bank in the bushes." So what Alana was talking about was, she seen a spiderman bank in the bushes on her way home the other day. I couldn't believe that he stole from a three year old. We've been saving for him for years. He'll never be allowed in my house again. And I will not give in on that one. It's been about 2 weeks ago or more now that that happened. I can't really talk to him, he makes me sick to my stomach everytime I look at him. He has said sorry, but that still doesn't mend things between us. It might take a long time for me to trust him again. A long time.

It really hurts when someone, family, steals from you. There is nothing worse then bringing someone in your home and them steal from behind your back and then sit there the next day and talk to you like nothing happened. UUUUGGGHHH! I never told my son what happened, he is too young to understand. I hope Dominic will never steal, but if he does, he turns around and does the right thing and brings it back to whomever.

My mother's boyfriend came home, from working away. And we thought he was home for good and we find out that he has to go back next week. So that was depressing. I am very close to him, my father died in 1996 and my mother met Lou (her bf)2 years after my father died. I wasn't close to Lou at first, but then after a few years he was like another father to me. So I missed him so bad, I haven't seen him in 4 months. So he is going back on Monday for another 4 weeks. =( I'll miss him like crazy again. He'll be home for his b-day anyways, which is Friday. But he will be missing out on Dominic's B-day, so I'll have to take loads of pics. Well I'm off to get my little one to bed, I will have new pics up soon and also a new winter look. Can you believe it?! Christmas is right around the corner. Night everyone! Take care =)

Ranted by: Amanda on Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wednesday, October 12, 2005- Sorry for the long wait for an update....but there isn't really anything to update about. I could just rave on about nothing and bore all of you. Which I probably am going to do. The summer is gone again! Oh I could cry...what is there to do now? I've spent all my time at the beach and now I'm spending most of it in the house. The weather is freezing so you know Halloween is just around the corner. Dominic is doing well...ok...that's a lie! HE IS HORRIBLE!!!! I have no nerves left to be honest...he thinks everything is a game. One that he loves to play is chase...and that's usually happens while at a store. Once I was at a corner store and he ran out of the store and right on the street...luckily my sister was there to catch after him, but still he made it to the middle of the street. Just luck there was no traffic. Yesterday was a bad day, he actually made me cry for the first time in a long time. I couldn't handle anymore, I don't know what all happened's pretty much a blank...but I know what made me break down...he broke a dozen of eggs. I know it doesn't seem like a huge deal to some...but he never stopped being bad the whole was just show off and show off. PPl tell me he needs a slap on the fingers...doesn't work ppl...the only way I can get him to listen is to take him by the hand and take him into a room and sit down and talk to him...and usually before that I'm yelling to stop or whatever. They told me the terrible twos were bad...HA! I think it gets worse as they get older! Well I best get going...have a Safe and Happy Halloween!!!! Hugs!

Ranted by: Amanda on Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 - I haven't been on lately, sorry about that. I've been enjoying the summer while it's still here. Me and Dominic have been at the beach every fine day. Also this is Regatta week here so a lot of fun things for the kids to do, my weekend is full of things to do. Dominic is doing great, growing really fast. The stuff that comes out of that boy is so adorable. My mother was here and we were cooking lobsters, and we let him play with a couple on the floor while the water was boiling. Once the water was boiling we started to put the lobsters in the pot. Dominic cried and cried, not understanding why he couldn't keep them as pets. We tried our best to explain to him, then finally we got him occupied with the t.v and he forgot about the lobsters cooking in the pot. UNTIL....we took them out and mom was removing the legs from the lobsters...the little ones and she asked Dominic if he wanted one and Dominic said "Nan that's disgusting!" LOL We both cracked up laughing. But instead of eating one of the legs he took one of the anneteas and started eating it! Until he realized that they were no good to eat. lol Crazy child. Also to add...a very special man passed away down here two days ago, who was the voice of this little town, Pat Fougere. He will be greatly missed by many people. God Bless. Well that the end of my rant time to get my butt in gear and head out for a walk. Until next time....hugs!

Ranted by: Amanda on Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Tuesday, July 26, 2005 - Oh I let this go. Well a lot has happened since my last post of course. It's been over a year now that I actually came to this site...hard to believe. I guess I should start by saying Dominic was taking seizures for about 2 years now and we finally now know that he has epilepsy. He is taking medication for it and had 4 more seizures while on the medication, so his doctor had upped his dose four times. For 3 months now he hasn't taken one. I'm very glad for that. That's about the biggest news here, besides my sister moving back home after 11 years gone. She finally packed up the kids and left her new bf after I pretty good fight. She's been home since after the New Year. And since she can't be single for once in her live she decideds to go back with the father of her children....that treated her like crap and the same with the children. She never had a dime on here and he took care of all the bills and never paid them!!! And cheated on her like crazy, but she don't believe that. Alright then, you weren't allowed to go out with him, you had to look after the children while he went out until the wee hours of the morning. Oh give me a break. You know you just feel like taking her by the throat and squeezing the crap out of her. I still don't even think that would help. She called me last night from Sydney, that's where she is at now...with her old bf's place with the kids, and him and her are looking for a house to buy near here and his parents...oh that girl got rocks in her head. I knew this was going to happen, because her daughter, Alana, can't keep anything a secret...she is just dying to tell someone...and she came out and said "Mommy and Daddy said we'll soon be a real family again." So I knew she was going to move back in with him. Ugh! I could just scream! Well I could go on and on about this subject, but I have quite a bit to do...I need to post some recent pics of me and I will be back to write more once I get a chance...Hey! It's summer!!! xoxox

Ranted by: Amanda on Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Thursday, March 11, 2004 - God please help me! Dominic is terrible today...won't stop crying...just being a royle pain in the arse. Nothing really new here...besides it's storming AGAIN! This time it's rain and it's freezing as it hits. Lovely. I keep forgetting about this website.... =/ Ok Dominic is screaming his head off at his father out in the kitchen...gesh...I dunno what's getting into him lately. My mother took him last Friday for a couple of hours and on the way back, just after they made the turn to come up the street to home, he starting balling his eyes out said it was something like the part in the Omen...when they try to take Damin to church. Well I could hear him from inside screaming and crying. He didn't want to come back home he wanted to stay with Nan and was just luck that his Uncle Billy came to the house and he got interested in him sense he didn't seem him for a while...but man he was like a wild beast! I must getting going now tho...get the monster something to eat and hopefully to bed early.

Ranted by: Amanda on Thursday, March 11, 2004

Monday, February 24, 2004 - Well...I didn't get shoveled out. I just got someone to shovel a path for me. It's not as big as it was, because it did rain and now it's ice pretty much. Thursday my mothers bf is going to come out with the pick and get rid of most of it for me. Today was like every other day...boring. Dominic was hyper and still is. He is looking out the window right now watching the kids play in the yard trying to dig tunnels...GOOD LUCK! I have something alittle exciting to last night while I was giving Dominic a bath I slid on the floor because it was wet and I went to catch myself with anything and the sink was right there. Well the sink is now hanging off the wall. I called my landlord and he said he would be here when he could this morning and he hasn't showed up. Good landlord eh? Well anyways...I hope it falls off. lol And they have to replace the whole sink. Serves them right. Well it's time again for a bath and this time if I slip the whole sink will be coming off. hehe Anyways...enough chatting. =)

Ranted by: Amanda on Monday, February 24, 2004

Thursday, February 19, 2004 - Today just started off great! I woke up this morning to strong winds hitting outside my bedroom. I got up and once I got in the hallway I couldn't see out the windows, because they were covered with snow. I get the nerve to go open the door and if I had of left it I would have never got it open. I moved the snow back away from the door. Then to see out the windows I had to get a chair because the only visable spot was up to high to see on my feet. Lets just say I have about 5 foot drift in my driveway. I live up on a huge hill...not fun at all. I have no idea how I'm going to get shoveled out. =/ Dominic is awake so off I go to make breakfast.

Ranted by: Amanda on Thursday, February 19, 2004

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