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1. Is this MLM? (See question 9 as well if you want more on this subject) 

It looks like MLM but actually, we are providing and selling several much needed services to you and other people and you are getting paid commission for acting as a reseller.

2. Why is ‘’One Step To Freedoms’’ referral program a Safety Net? 

It ensures your success even if for some reason you become a passive participant. Our unique referral program and participative placement process will help build your organisation for you (or much faster if you’re active)

3. How does ‘’One Step To Freedom’’ community make me money? 

You earn the commissions and referral fees when you refer your friends, friend’s, your friend’s, friends, your friend’s friends, and your friend’s, friends, friend’s to join this program (hope this puts this question to bed) See Our Compensation plan for details)

4. When will I be paid?

We issue payment on or about the seventh of the second month in which you have earned your commission and remained a paid member.

5. What will happen if I do not pay on time or make no more payments?

You will lose all your referrals and forfeit all commissions outstanding and payable to you without prejudice to your referrals rights and ours of course.

6. What happens to my referrals if I have to lose them due to me not able to 
Continue any longer with my program or payments?

"One Step To Freedom" will take over all your referrals and service them for three months and then place them in the custody of a Top Performer in that area or area’s.

7. Can I get my membership fees refunded?

Yes, See our guarantee web page and the conditions with regard to a refund of membership fee.

8. Will I have to pay taxes on the money I earned on the Internet and this program? 

Yes, you will receive a tax certificate at the beginning of each new financial year in order to complete your tax returns satisfactory.

9. Is this Multi-Level Marketing and is it legal? 

Every person in South Africa has been involved in some kind of Multi-Level Marketing system for many years without even knowing it. You have purchased an item, service or commodity over the years from various institutions at an excellent price and you told your friends about it, they then purchased the same and told their friends about it, and those told their friends about it, do you see what’s happening. You have started to Multi-Level Market some product or service. At One Step To Freedom we pay you to tell others. Yes It Is Legal! One Step To Freedom is selling a product and services, top advice, top performer incentives, memberships, legal and credit solutions as well as future licence operational freedom in your town or city whoever qualifies and it’s members are paid on product movement, and not on recruiting as such. 

10. What is the difference between One Step To Freedom’s Multi- Level Marketing plan and a pyramid scheme. 

Easy answer, In a pyramid scheme you will always find that only a few people benefit from the sales structure while the majority of clients are at risk. Your success or loss depends entirely on others. A pyramid scheme is a rigid structure and there is no equal opportunity and no end product. We have news for you, we have several products and you get to earn an income without being dependent on any other person. 



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