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10% of all our eventual disposable income or profit after tax will go to worthy causes of our choice, and that means all of us. We will be voting once a month and the rules will be issued to you after your second month of membership, and don’t be concerned it will not cost you anything. This is our contribution but we would be pleased if you participate and vote with all members to establish who should the beneficiary be.

The causes that we have selected will have to be ground floor causes, and by that we mean, families and not charity organisations as we are not a charity organisation nor claim to be one. We will give 10% to families in distress or farmers that has lost all their possessions and were liquidated or any person family that were sequestrated.

You will get all information regarding any of these families and their addresses and photo’s in detail. We will not hide these unfortunate families, you will know exactly who they are, where they have been living and what has happened to them.

We will help as many families as we can, depending on you and the efforts you put in to build a referral base.

We say this again, We are not a charity organisation nor do we claim to be one and we do not collect or receive any monies for this purpose from any person or Institution whatsoever

We will as a private entity undertake to donate 10% of our PAT and interest to families who need it , voted for by our members at the voting poll.



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