Coalition Forces
Insurgent Forces
Coalition Forces
The Coalition forces will have a wide variety of BDUs they can wear. The type of BDUs they have will determine which force they are from (US, British, or Iraqi) and each will have a force commander. During the event, force commanders may be given certain orders or special missions to accomplish throughout the day.

Special Rules:

There will be a total of 1 medic for every 10 players (minimum of 3) allowed for the Coalition forces. In order for a medic to heal a wounded player, they must tie a white armband around his arm. This player then returns to the game as normal. If that player is hit again, then a second white armband may be tied on their other arm. If that same player is hit one more time, then they become a casualty and must return to the staging area for reinsertion.

Field Hospital
Players may "dead man carry" fallen comrades back to a designated building that will serve as a field hospital. Inside will be a civilian doctor that will be able to heal injured players. Mistreating civilians may make the doctor hesitant to help.

Coalition forces do not have a respawn point. Once they become a casualty, coalition forces must exit the field and wait in the staging area. There will be a timer set up near the entrance to the field set for every 15 minutes. Dead players will sign their name on a "Casualty sheet" before they can reinsert. An OC will tell any waiting Coalition forces when the timer is up and the next "wave" of reinforcements is inserted onto the field. If a vehicle is currently on the Coalition side, it may make trips back to the safe zone to pick up troops waiting to be reinserted and take them onto the field, thus bypassing the timer.

United States
US soldiers will be wearing 3 Color Desert, ACU, MultiCam, Digital Desert, or 6 Color Desert. No shemaghs allowed.
British soldiers will be wearing either Jungle DPM or Desert DPM. No shemaghs allowed.
Iraqi National guard will be wearing Digital Woodland, Olive Drab, Tan, Tigerstripe, Woodland, or Flecktarn.
Uniform Requirements
Photo provided by www.defenselink.mil
Photo provided by www.defenselink.mil
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws