Fardenay Game Engine

Last Updated: 3/23/99

A long, long time ago, in a not-so-distant galaxy, I created the world of Fardenay. It was about three years ago that I started coding the Fardenay game engine in Java. One evening I was trying to implement a very simple text output function, but it kept giving me null-pointer errors, and I stopped working on it.

The project sat in a dusty corner of my harddrive for three years, until I rediscovered it this year. With about an hour of programming I resurrected the old game code. It was actually quite entertaining to look back at that old code. I plan to eventually finish what I started with Fardenay, but the script language I created for it is still not nearly as flexible as it would need to be in order to create a real game with it.

In the mean time, Here is a small interactive environment I created to demonstrate what the engine could do. The object of the game is to attain ultimate knowledge of the universe. I apologize for the ragged interface and the large file sizes. I'll put up a better version when I can.

Note: I haven't been able to get this to work in IE4 over the internet. It gives me a security exception, most likely because the applet loads files from a remote server. I guess you'll have to use Netscape for now.

If your browser were java-capable you would see an applet here.
The applet may take a while to load [~150K]

If your interested in the script for this little demonstration, here are the files:


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For any comments, suggestions, or dating invitations (female only please), send to: ophiuchus

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