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*~Britty~* jobvgoddess M.Talha ~~~ Eagle Unsigned Fractal Curious Couch Potato


Girls choice dance is coming up on November 6th, 2004 I need some cute ways to ask my Boy Friend to Girls Choice. Does anyone have any cute ways. If so email me at [email protected].


Perhaps someone else reading this can offer you a creative suggestion Britty. Come on Guys. Let's give Britty a hand here.

Opinion Guy


My boyfriend and I (both in our late 20s) moved in to our new home less than a year ago and the neighbors directly across the road have never made any effort to be neighborly. They have a young man (probably around 21-23 yrs. old... I think he might be a grandson or something) living in their garage apartment. He feels the need to use our driveway EVERY SINGLE DAY. He comes home around 10 at night and pulls into our driveway so that he can back in to theirs. Now, I back into my driveway every day but am skilled enough to be able to use the road and not someone else's personal property.

Let me paint the picture for you. We don't live on a main road and our driveway is approximately 50 ft. long. We both park in our garage so there's never vehicles parked outside, unless my boyfriend is working on one of his projects! This guy pulls 3/4 of the way in. Far enough that when I hear him and look out my front window, I can't see the headlights, only the back of the car.

Sometimes I think it's stupid for me to be upset about it but it really bothers me, especially since these people have never bothered to introduce themselves and now this kid is using our driveway. I'm starting to get very irritated with the whole thing and wanted to get a 3rd party's point of view. I don't know how to get him to stop without causing a major conflict. I'm at my wit's end!!!!

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


Dear jovbgoddess, if you want my opinion...

If he is not actually parking in your driveway, causing damage to your property, or causing a disturbance, I personally would not make an issue of it. Perhaps he has poor night vision, and using your driveway allows him to park more confidently and safely. He may not even realize it bothers you, or he may be embarrassed to acknowledge he has a problem by bringing it up. I do have a hard time understanding why he would need to go 3/4 of the way up your 50 ft driveway in order to park on his own property though.

I suggest making an attempt to know your neighbors better. Develop a friendship. Maybe invite them over for an informal dinner. If you can become friendly with them, it may become apparent why he uses your driveway, and you will become less resentful of his using it. I don't suggest you bring it up though, unless he is causing a disturbance or damaging your property.

Opinion Guy



(I have obtained this email from your website.In this email,,i am discussing one of my personal problem due to which I m badly frustrated nowadays,please read this and reply as soon as possible)

I am 27 male.In 2002 ,i completed 4 years engineering course.For career,i made my mind to go abroad for MBA/MSc. but soon i changed my mind and decided to search a JOB in home country because there was no one here with alone sweet mother .

I began to search jobs in newspapers,meanwhile I read a job add and it was a multinational company offering jobs for Bachelors degree holders.I applied and after interview, training session was conducted.The company was actually a Financial Brokerage House.I had never heard of this business before.So in training,handsome profits was told in investment of US 5000 dollars equal to some 3000 british pounds.Great profits were shown.Brain was washed actually.What I did,I took all my bank balance from mother(5000 US Dollars) and invested and started money trading.Mother gave me with a hope to get profit and income.At start,I got some 350 pounds profit then eventually loss began to start and in attempts to recover loss,I lost almost all my amount.

So I m in a great worry now.With that money,I could also go abroad for further studies as well.Now the biggest problem is this that I have not told about this loss to my family and simple,nice mother.We are two and it was almost our total bank balance.

Every month,I had been giving to mother some 30 pounds from the remaining small amount.Now that is almost finished.I am in a great worry.I am simple by nature,I m not a cheater.I know one can earn this amount by unfair means but I cannot be unfair with any human.This is my nature.Moreover,I cann't ask my relatives,they are also not too sound financially.My mother is patient.She can't bear this shock.

I was very much worried n frustrated nowadays,suddenly this idea flashed into my mind that lets discuss this problem with some unknowns.So if you can do something for me,I mean as much amount you can manage,you can send me on my mother's bank account.I will tell you the account details if you are willing to help. I will be very greatful to you..If you have any friend willing to help or if you have email of any charity organization,please inform me.

To be very realistic,I have contacted to some other peoples also regarding this problem,but uptill now,no positive response.

NOTE: im trying to get a job but in my country ,it needs 5-10 years to earn/safe 3000 pounds from jobs,, so the situation is very much frustrating.

anxiously waiting for reply.


Dear M.Talha, if you want my opinion...

I am truly sorry for anyone who is taken in by unscrupulous persons, asking for money over the Internet. Unfortunately though, I am not in any position to help you because if i were to do as you request I would be making the same mistake that led you to the disastrous financial situation you find yourself in now. My advice to you is to contact any authorities that may be able to help you where you are located, and to be careful that in the future you, NEVER GIVE MONEY TO STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET, OR FORWARD THEIR REQUESTS TO OTHERS. I am sure that you can understand my reluctance to send you financial assistance, or to prompt others to do so. That would be encouraging others to attempt similar Internet scams. After all, knowing what you know now about such requests, would you respond with financial aid? Perhaps selling your computer would allow you to get back on your feet.

Opinion Guy


What's a cute way to ask a guy to a Sadie Hawkins dance?


Dear ~~~~, if you want my opinion...

I am honestly stumped as to a cute way you can ask. Anything I try to think of sounds embarrassingly corny. But I'll tell you something. If the fella you plan on asking is anything like myself or many other guys I know, it won't matter that your invitation to the dance wasn't contrived to be cute and endearing. He will likely be pleased and flattered enough just to have a lady ask him. That is an experience all too rare for many men. It is very thoughtful that you are taking the effort to make it more special though, and even though I couldn't suggest something, maybe someone else can

Good luck and have fun at the dance.

Opinion Guy


Hey Opinion Guy!Are you a female or male?


Dear Eagle, if you want my opinion....

The title of this web site ought to be indicative of my sex. Opinion Guy. I am a male.

Opinion Guy


Opinion Guy, what do you think of all these immigrants who come to our country to commit crimes and take our jobs?


Well Unsigned, if you want my opinion...

I hope they are successful and find a better life than the one they left behind.

You didn't tell me your resident country Unsigned so I'll assume it is either the United States of America or Canada.Both countries were established and built by hardworking immigrants from other countries seeking a better life in a new land.There are few North Americans today aside from native North Americans who can trace their family tree very far before discovering ancestors whose home was in another country.

I can't deny that some who have come before and who come today to our shores come with less than the best intentions. People are the same world wide. Most are good, but some not so much. that however is not an excuse to cast dispersions on all foreigners seeking our shores as a home.To suggest all immigrants are job stealing criminals is ridiculous and wrong headed. there are doubtless problems that arise when people with foreign traditions, customs and biases try to live in a society to which they are unaccustomed. Perhaps these problems could be helped with better education of our laws and customs and way of life. This may help alleviate some of the mistrust that might be existing on both sides. Eradicating immigration is not in my opinion a viable option (if that is what you would propose, your submission left me unclear of your position in many ways).

My final thought in this matter is that both Canada and the U.S.A have a rich and powerful history based on diverse immigrant peoples, and in my opinion this will continue to make us strong and great countries. If you disagree I invite you to submit to this site again.But I would ask that this time you try to be more specific and clear as to your position.I don't like to have to assume to much.

Opinion Guy


I'm sure I know what I'm talking about. Well, I think I do. How can I be sure about that? A guy should be able to voice his opinion, should he? Why does that voice keep telling me I'm wrong about things? Damn voices! I'm right! (No, you're not.) Hey, who is that? (Who do you think it is, bozo?)

My brain care specialist says to ignore them. (Ignore your brain care specialist. He's a twit.) Hey, how do you know? He has a degree and everything. Wait,who am I talking to? Well, never mind. Opinion guy, you're not the only one with an opinion! Right? (Yeah, you tell him.) There! See he agrees with me. Wait a second... Now, I'm not sure. Wait, is that a camera in the keyboard? Damn people, spying on me all the time. (It's okay. They're with me.) Well, in that case... I'm sure I think I'm probably on safe ground in my theory, hypothetically speaking... I think. What do you think? Am I right?


Hmmmmmmm fractal. Interesting question. And if u want my opinion....

No you are probably incorrect in assuming that "they" are all spying on you (whomever "they" may be).Now I'll go further and offer my unsolicited opinions on your problems.

My first reaction is to laugh at one seems a rather funny hoax on your part but because it may be remotely possible you are serious I will try to present my opinions with an assumption that you truly are hearing voices.And in such a case my opinions are as follows:

  1. Seek different help than that you've been receiving. I question the worth of a brain care specialists who's best advice to you is to ignore the voices.
  2. Consider looking for a reputable psychiatrist in addition to a doctor.
  3. Finally, if your new doctor/doctors cant help you seek out new help. Keep seeking until you find someone who can help.

It's not normal or healthy to be hearing voices , and it is certainly not ever real. Ignoring them wont fix your problem. you need medication I imagine so that you are once again in touch with reality.

Opinion Guy

Curious Couch Potato

Is Rosie O'Donnel really getting a sex change? I watch her all the time. She's way more in tune with the female experience than that Oprah hag. Besides, do you really think Oprah lost all that weight over and over again? And where does Ricki Lake fit in to this whole thing. I think it's a conspiracy started by disgruntled Jerry Springer fans. Sure, it the real deal, but Rosie is so on top of being a woman. She's not really, you know, weird, that way, is she?

Curious couch Potato

My my Curious Couch Potato. You have given me a nice handful of questions haven't you? I will try to answer your questions in the order they were asked.If you want my opinion...

  1. I don't believe Rosie O'Donnel is getting a sex change, nor do I care very much one way or the other.
  2. Yes I do think Oprah lost all that weight over and over again. Not that I care much one way or the other.
  3. Don't know where Ricki Lake fits in to all this. Don't much care either. I did however enjoy her in the movies Hairspray and Crybaby.
  4. Finally, if by weird you are referring to her being gay, yes I think she is. She has I believe, publicly attested that she's homosexual. Good for her. she's a brave woman and I applaud her.

Opinion Guy

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