










The Earth





Book I'm currenty reading:         Les Miserables 

Music I'm listening to: Essential Ella, U2 Compilation, Sarah McLaughlin Mirrorball

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My church pastor once told me that the most fulfilling job is when your greatest passion meets the world’s greatest need.  As I explore the occupation of singing, it is for that very reason this form of musical expression encompasses meaning and instills immeasurable satisfaction.  An example of this symbiotic relationship occurred during a work experience at Sick Kids Hospital. I was caring for a little girl who had a genetic disorder that caused her to have emotional outbursts, neurological deficiencies, developmental delay, and other physical abnormalities. She was unable to express herself in words and started to cry in frustration.  Almost instinctively, I started to sing to her a soothing song while holding her hand.  Slowly she started to calm down; her screaming subsided, and she was listening to my voice and my song.  I was amazed that I could produce something that could reach out and touch another person, soothing tears, causing her to forget pain, and bringing healing. It was the most indescribable feeling in the world. 

Music empowers me but it is also where I go in response to stress for relief or joy for celebration.  There I find myself, even when all seems lost.  In those times I let loose with expressions of free sound, something so intimate and personal.  I experienced feelings I never knew and to a depth I could not fathom.  Sometimes these feelings are that of hurt and disappointment, and sometimes hidden warmth and fondness, but in both cases, singing brings healing and self-fulfillment. The language of music has its own vocabulary. Although there are no words to associate with specific chords or notes, the language still conveys the essential meaning.  In this manner, music has also reflected the spirit in my life to others in all its mystery and inexpressible nature, bringing comfort and enlightenment into their lives. When I sing and lead others in songs of praise to God, I am filled by the music I make, and encounter God bringing others to that encounter and connectedness of the soul.  The impact and meaning of my singing to others makes the experience a valuable one. It is the deepest desire of my heart to worship God through song, and as I do this, I am filled with completeness and my heart finds rest.   I feel a sense of balance as I use my musical ability to meet my needs as well as the needs of others around me.  At that moment time stands still and it seems as there is nothing else greater in the world.

 My strengths and confidence were exhibited in singing.  My life passion in music has spanned across time and circumstance. 



This is definitely one of the ways that I have followed up on my passion for both music and for God.  Praise GOD!!  See the below link.

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