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   OutCast Multiplayer Overview


OutCast Multiplayer:

Welcome back to the world of Billie J Blastkowitcz, this time with human competitors! OutCast multiplayer hopes to be both a team-oriented game that requires players on each side to cooperate in order to better their chances of success on each map and a single player fragfest filled with all the nasties, that only the very best can survive in. Every level should require different tactics to complete, whether it be for yourself or your team.
There will be several different modes of play in multiplayer with several different options.

  • Free for all
    Challenges players to compete with other players, the player gaining the most kills in the allocated time or the first person to hit a kill limit being the victor.
  • Team warfare
    Similar to the free for all, however players mob up with one another to wipe out the other teams - there can be up to four teams in team warfare.
  • Capture the Flag
    Capture the flag has teams hunting down opponents flags and stockpiling them back at their own base. The first team to capture all its opponents flags wins.
  • Checkpoint
    Checkpoint mode has players in a free for all frenzy, seeking to gain the most raised flags in a set amount of time. A player automatically wins if it has all of the flags.
  • Team Checkpoint
    Checkpoint mode with up to four teams competing for supremacy.
  • Team Cooperative
    Has a team of players seeking to complete a set mission against the computer.
  • Team Objective
    Sees two teams slugging it out - one must complete its mission but the other must stand in its way in an all out war!
  • Arena
    Two competitors slug it out in a small arena. The loser must swap his place with another player, the winner stays on. The player with the most frags under his belt at the end of either a round limit or a time limit is the victor.

Hopefully multiplayer will see the introduction of a 'player character' set up. This means a player may choose to fight as a certain rank if he so wishes. Certain combinations of players may be more successful than others given a particular scenario. This should breathe some life into the otherwise dull multiplayer warfare we're seeing today! Here's a sample idea of the ranks we could see:

  • Scout: Fast, lightly armed and armored. Starts with a pistol weapon.
  • Troop: Moderately armed and armored, starts with a light gun.
  • Marksman: Lightly armored but equipped with a powerful rifle.
  • Brute: Tough, lethal but ultimately slow. Equipped with a heavy weapon.
  • Technician: Able to repair damaged equipment but poorly equipped.
  • Medic: Able to heal wounded players but poorly equipped.
  • Commander: Given average ability and a fair weapon, can use his radio for long distance communications.
  • Agent: Fast, lightly armed no armor but stealthy. Silenced weapons.

Ultimately OutCast multiplayer will have a powerful amount of preferences, with players being able to customise their games to their wants and needs. This should give it the cutting edge on the net so long as people are willing to support it!


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