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   OutCast Singleplayer Overview


OutCast Singleplayer:

The year is 2245, and the Council of Lords threatens to remove Billie J Blastkowitcz from this time. If captured they will cast him into the past for his crimes - not only attempting crush Earth, but the rest of the free worlds as well! Unknown to the general public, the fate of the known galaxy lies in the hands of the Council.

You are the legendary Billie J Blastkowitcz. Not exactly trained in reconnaissance, infiltration, combat, or military tactics, but ready to give it a good go anyway! However the Council succeeds in trapping Blastkowitcz, send him reeling back in time. This is where the game begins.....

OutCast will be a first person shoot 'em up, powered by the awesome Quake 3 engine. The single player game spans several missions, each of which has a different theme and several different levels. The games challenge is not only to survive, but to do so with style, and alter the course of things to come.....

There will be an image below of a typical screenshot of the HUD. Elements of the HUD will be explained.

Billie J Blastkowitcz will be able to do a  whole lot in the OutCast universe - the following should be implemented by final release, that are not standard features in any shoot 'em up game:

Lean around corners to fire: That's right! Billie can lean around a corner to expose as little of himself as possible whilst shooting at opponents. Be warned, this looses accuracy but is effective at close distances.

Pick up or move objects: Billie will be able to pick up chairs, throw them and use them as cover. He'll be able to move some objects in a room and turn over tables to use as limited protection.

Drive vehicles: This is a feature becoming increasingly apparent in today's games. Billie won't be left out - although he won't be driving too much as he prefers to slog it out on foot and get shot at a bit less.

Tamper with vehicles: Billie can cut brake cables or put an explosive in the car to give a nice surprise to his opponents.

Communicate with team mates: Billie will be able to give some orders when necessary, and direct firepower to specific targets, or call for an engineer or medic when they're required. Billie isn't too adept to talking so his use of language is fairly limited.

Call in an air strike: With the aid of a Bluegaz marker beacon, Billie can call in passing aircraft to strafe an enemy fortification.

Pick locks: Billie can attempt to pick some locks with the aid of his trusty knife. However sometimes this is just too difficult and the key is required.

Cut ropes and lay traps: Billie can cut ropes to drop heavy objects on unsuspecting victims or use proximity explosives to lie in wait. Dynamite can be set with a timer and sent in in the back of a car or in some ones pocket!

Billie J Blastkowitcz will be able to do all this and more - making this one of the most complex 3d shoot 'em ups of all time, with puzzles to solve, bombs to defuse and maybe just a little too much all out warfare.

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