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Caveat emptor: Physics Product Warnings!


Man of the Century!

einst_sail.jpg (58028 bytes)  Who says that physicists never get the respect they deserve? Time recently named theoretical physicist Albert Einstein its "person of the century" in its year-end issue (December 27, 1999), citing not only his intellectual brilliance but his humanitarian concerns, and describing him as a "paramount icon of our age."




einstein_tongue.jpg (24027 bytes)As everyone knows, Uncle Al won the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics for uncovering the theory of the photoelectric effect...  Think of him each time the door opens automatically for you, at the supermarket.    
[ More Info about Big Al ]







shuttle.gif (27348 bytes)See what NASA TV is broadcasting right now.   If the shuttle is currently in space, see what is going on in real time.  If a ship is poised for launch -- catch the space workers strap in.  Try to catch a shot of the actual launch in real time, like the picture at left.  NASA TV broadcasts launch coverage of other space vehicles as well!





Catch the Space Stationrealtimedata.gif (1603 bytes)

Have you seen the International Space Station fly overhead?  Even though there are only two components assembled together so far...  you can actually see the Station pass by in the evening sky from your own backyard.  Get the time and direction from NASA's Realtime Data page.

VR Tour

intromap.jpg (16446 bytes)Take a Virtual Reality tour of the International Space Station...  This is a serious tour of the facility, and can be computationally intensive for your PC.  Make sure you take the tour without other programs running at the same time.




elrey3.gif (20330 bytes)Cosmic CD Available at Last!

Us diehard fans of  the "Physics Chanteuse" -- a.k.a., cosmological physicist turned entertainer Lynda Williams -- will be thrilled to hear that the diva has finally released her first CD compilation.  The CD contains both music and data, including lyrics, film clips of her live show, Cosmic Cabaret, and links to her colourful website www.scientainment.com.   It also contains some of ther most popular tunes, many of which were performed during the APS Centennial meeting in Atlanta, GA, last March: "Hi-Tek Girl," "arbon is a Girl's Best Friend," "Super-symmetry" and just for Valentine's Day, "Love Boson," whose lyrics appeared in the February 1999 issue of APS News (American Physical Society) newsletter.

atom.gif (5535 bytes)



nat.gif (239 bytes)A Flying Dinosaur?

Feathers of T. Rex? 
Found:  Four new dinosaur fossils with stunningly birdlike bones and indications of feathers.  Not enough to prove that these dinosaurs ever flew but strong evidence that feathers were widespread among meat-eating dinosaurs -- the group that includes Tyrannosaurus rex.

For a 3-D view of a feathered dinosaur, go to www.nationalgeographic.com/dinorama.sue_anim.gif (5781 bytes)


Going Places?

compass.gif (4475 bytes)top_image.gif (6375 bytes)

Got an address to get to?  Don't have a Pearly's
MapQuest: Zoom in on a street map guide that can get you there with less fuss.


Highway Webcams

ont_headshrunk20.gif (4917 bytes)Are you in central Ontario and want to check out the road conditions before you hit the road?
Look though the eyes of the MTO highway web cameras (you may have noticed them in your travels).

A note about the direction of the field of view:  The cameras are generally pointed away fromcamera.jpg (11133 bytes) the sun.   The physical location of each camera is usually on the south side of the east-west highways, and on the east side of the north-south highways.  So depending on the camera location you select, the roadway closest to you is either the east bound side or the north bound side.


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Last modified: Thursday, July 20, 2000


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