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The following are excerpts of reference letters from previous employers. 
All reference letter can be presented in full, during an interview with me.



To Whom It May Concern,

---------------  Inc. has employed Paul Acacia as a Data Communication and Network Engineer since December 2, 1996.  During his employment, he has become a valuable team player with the Management Information System Department.

During his employment with -------------- Inc, Paul demonstrated excellent social skills when working with his co-workers and customers.  His dedication and hard work made him [an] asset to the organization.  He has shown outstanding performance with his attention to detail in his work, as well as his dependability.

Paul has the skills, dedication and a positive attitude that I would highly recommend to any organization.

Yours truly,

Director of MIS



Re:  Paul Acacia

Paul Acacia has been employed by --------------- since the spring of 1996.  His work has involved the configuration, preparation, installation and maintenance of Windows based workstations and peripherals.

Paul's work demonstrates significant knowledge of both workstation hardware and software.  His growing understanding of Windows configurations and optimization has been a tremendous asset to the work of our unit.

These technical abilities are complimented by an excellent approach to his job.   His attention to detail, commitment to getting the job done and his dedication are outstanding.  Paul gets along very well with his co-workers and with end-users who are often difficult to deal with.

We feel that Paul Acacia is the type of employee that would be an asset to any organization.  If you would like further information, I can be reached during business hours at ---------------.

Yours sincerely,

Director, Computing Services



To Whom It May Concern:

During  Jun 1996, Paul Acacia installed 24 workstations in my department.   Since then he has continued to provide support for these workstations which include printers and barcode readers.

Paul has demonstrated excellent organizational and problem solving skills during the installation and ongoing maintenance of this equipment.  He is proactive and tries to anticipate problems.

His communication and interpersonal skills are exceptional.  He is reliable and conscientious.

Paul is [was] definite asset to our company --------------- .  Other colleagues have discussed with me how impressed they have been with his performance in their departments.

I would recommend him for any position as I know he will do an excellent job.   Please do not hesitate to call me if you would like additional information.


                                                                                                         Department Head, Bibliographic Services



To whom it may concern:

        As the Senior Technician for Technical Support in ---------------, I am please to write this letter on behalf of Mr. Paul Acacia.

In the short period he has been at ---------------, Mr. Acacia has acquitted himself extremely well.  He has proven himself to be adaptable, reliable, creative, punctual, generous and patient.  He adapts well to shifting priorities and conducts himself with great professionalism.  Further, he can be relied upon to carry out his responsibilities with efficiency and to be creative and take the initiative when confronted with unexpected situations or problems.  This has allowed me to assign him increased responsibilities and he has fulfilled my expectations of him.

His responsibilities include conducting service calls, configuring personal computers in a Novell environment, troubleshooting existing prototypes and implementing changes to our current configuration based on his findings.  Not only is Mr. Acacia technically proficient, but he also possesses many social skills which are crucial to a work environment such as that at ---------------.  Mr. Acacia can be relied upon to be punctual, he is never late in arriving at work or in answering his service calls; he is generous in his willingness to share his knowledge with co-workers; and he has great patience when dealing with a technical problem or with colleagues.

If there is one criticism which can be made of Mr. Acacia, it is that his generosity and immense patience are sometimes exploited by the clients he serves.  In a sum, based on his professional and personal skills, it is my pleasure to recommend Mr. Acacia to you and I am confident he will be an asset to your firm.

                                                                                                         Yours sincerely,

                                                                                                         Senior Technician



Re: Paul Acacia

        Paul Acacia has been a PhD student under my supervision in the Physics Graduate Program at York University.  He has recently completed a very successful defense of his thesis and will be awarded a PhD degree at the spring convocation.

        Paul's work has been characterized by a thorough investigation of the relevant background material and a careful attention to detail.  He has made extensive use of computers during his PhD studies and is thoroughly versed in the FORTRAN and MAPLE languages as well as having considerable experience with the operation systems for a number of computing systems form PCs to large mainframes.  I have been very impressed by both the depth and breadth of Paul's knowledge of computers.

        Paul has been a dedicated student and I have enjoyed working with him very much.  He has a pleasant personality, works well with others and has been generous with his time in helping others with their problems. I am sure he will continue to show these valuable characteristics in his future employment.

        I would be more than willing to provide further information upon request.

Yours sincerely,

Department of Physics and Astronomy



To whom it may concern;

This is a letter of recommendation for Mr. Paul Acacia.

While Mr. Acacia was in our employ we found him to be an excellent employee.

Our business was manufacturing large lightweight panels in advanced composites materials.  Mr. Acacia worked both in prototyping and specialized production, as well as in producing the accurate tooling for any of our products.  Mr. Acacia exhibited attributes required for any small, and therefore necessarily, efficient business.  We found him to be capable of quickly grasping the concepts of new projects to be undertaken, and to be able to plan ways to effect the work required.  He was able to function excellently with a minimum of direction, while communicating well when required.  He clearly show himself to be able to operate independently while still working well with others.

In summary, we feel Mr. Acacia is a highly motivated self-starter and effective manager of his time and resources.  He adapts very well to new situations and willingly seeks and accepts challenges to his abilities.  We feel that he will be an outstanding asset to any organization that requires to undertake significant tasks, as it is in this environment that he endeavours to do his very capable best.  We highly recommend him to any business which needs diligent, enthusiastic and open-minded people.

Yours sincerely




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Last modified: Thursday, July 20, 2000


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