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To be written:....\


    Home renovation projects -- some heavy duty projects undertaken here.  Our house is a 68 year old home built on the Holland Marsh.  It is very solid, quiet, and warm.  The original frame and cladding are made from cedar lumber obtained when a large group of Dutch settlers cleared the land.
    The entire network of wiring needed to be replaced.  Power requirements were very different in pre-war housing.  A few circuits would suffice for an entire home.  In addition to installing fresh copper, and more numerous circuits, I ran a small network of coaxial cables in parallel with the telephone wiring.  All floors now have computer jacks, enabling our four computers to have access to each other as one unified system.
    The floor joists in the living room were getting tired.  My brother Dave and I jacked up each one and bolted two more identical joists to the original one (like a sandwich), with five half-inch bolts.  Once all joist were similarly fortified, my wife Sandra and I fastened 5/8th-inch tongue and groove 4' by 8' plywood sheets to the joist undersides.  The result was a "new" flat and very stiff floor.



Landscaping and Gardening


Web Design

...See link to my extended family web page Arcangeli Family (my mother's maiden name)

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Last modified: Sunday, July 23, 2000


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