Patriots' Path Council - Black River District
Mount Arlington, NJ
We have earned "Quality Unit" in
2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000,
1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1990
Wolf Den Leader Training
The Wolf Cub Scout program consists of the Scouts completing 12 achievements listed in their Wolf handbook. Each achievement has certain requirements that need to be fulfilled to earn credit towards the Wolf badge.

After the boys have earned the Bobcat badge, begin working on the 12 achievements. Plan out your year to complete the Wolf badge for the Blue & Gold Banquet, or whenever your Pack decides these should be earned.

The den meetings can be set up to work on these achievements. Use hands-on activities and projects to help the boys complete the achievements. Some of the activities must be completed at home with their parents.

Be sure to keep the parents informed through notes sent home as to what they need to accomplish at home. This open commmunication between leader and parents is essential to good den relations.

Also have the parents come in to help with some of the projects that are being done in the den. The more the parents are involved in the den, the easier it is for all concerned, plus it helps promote good relations between the boys and their parents.

As the boys complete achievements towards the Wolf rank badge, they will recieve yellow beads to go on the Progress Towards Rank emblem they wear on their shirt. For every three achievements completed, they earn a yellow bead.

To round out the program, add in Sports and Academic Belt Loops during the year. There are also other awards that can be earned as a Wolf Scout that should be added in for variety
The Gold and Silver Arrow Points are earned for completing 10 Elective activities. The boys recieve
these Arrow Points after they have earned their Wolf badge. The first Arrow Point is Gold, the rest they recieve are Silver.This gives them something to look forward to every month.
Keep the activities and projects that you do in the den meetings at the boys' level.
If the projects are too simple or too hard, they will become bored or frustrated with themselves. They need to be challenged, but not overwhelmed.

Plan to complete outdoor activities while the weather permits. For ideas on outdoor activities, check out
Outdoor Fun on this website. Remember to add in Field Trips to help give the program variety.

The main thing to remember is to keep the boys interested in exploring the world through Cub Scouting. Encourage them to advance through the ranks. The fun doesn't stop at Cub Scouts, it's just beginning! The adventures of Boy Scouts is just around the corner!!

General Tips On Running A Den will give you a hand in how to set up the den and have it run more efffeciently. The Den leader coach can help you plan out the first few meetings. All the experienced leaders should be more than willing to offer their help and suggestions to you.

With all this information at hand, planinng a great year of Scouting with your den isn't hard at all. Always ask for help if you feel you need it, we all started out in the same place as you. Have FUN!
For additional information, please consult the Wolf Handbook.
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