This sleep shirt my son gave me as a birthday gift years ago is a strong indication to my personality.  I am not a morning person, midday can be rough and some nights are questionable.  Best to approach me with money, chocolate or gifts.





You might get a few ideas from a prank war that I was involved in with my younger brother years ago.  I felt he needed to be put in his place and not mess with the queen.  His bedroom was in the basement at my mothers house, the ceiling still partly unfinished.  I strung red yarn over every inch of that room to the point where he had to take scissors just to get to the bed.  When he did reach the bed he found it full of crackers, it didn't help that it was 2 a.m. and he was sneaking his girlfriend in.

He returned the favor by breaking into my home on Halloween night with his band members while I was out with the kids.   I returned to find the living room furniture moved into the kitchen and the kitchen stuff moved into the living room.  They dumped a truckload of styrofoam packing fluffies into my bedroom,  put goldfish in the bathtub, toilet & sinks.  When I opened the kitchen cabinet there were goldfish swimming in every drinking glass.  The also changed the outgoing message on my answering machine, took me a few days to find out that the message was really bad.   He recorded it to say  "Pam's not home right now, she is at the clinic because her sores are active."   I think I missed a few dates because of that one.  It took me days to get the knee deep packing fluffies cleaned up.  When the heat would come on they would fly up in the air like it was snowing!  My kids were also upset that they could not keep the hundred goldfish as pets.  They also videotaped the whole thing and mooned me at the end.  


I than hired a 6 ft 400 lb stripper named Mean Maureen to show up at his band practice.  She tied him and a friend up and terrorize them with a whip. 


The picture on the left is my younger brother Jeff


The picture on the right is Jeff and the band.


Mean Maureen doing what she was paid for.  The picture on the right is Jeff begging for mercy when she tried to put her garter as high up on his leg as it would go.



When Jeff was 3 years old I knew someday he would be a worthy adversary.  I was sitting on the couch and Jeff was on the floor in front of the TV when my middle brother Keith came in and changed the channel.  Keith is 7 years older than Jeff and had been tormenting him all day and I guess turning off his cartoons was the last straw.  Now Keith is laying on the floor on his stomach in front of the TV and Jeff is standing there fuming.   I watched as Jeff picked up one of those giant ashtrays my mother used to keep on the coffee table and walk over behind him and crash it down on Keith's head.  Keith came out of it with a headache and I with new respect for a 3 year old.  



Now on to my older brother Tony, can't leave him out.  My mother used to tell us a ghost story she said was true about a house in her hometown in Kentucky.  She said that a little boy was playing on the stairs with marbles and when he got up he stepped on a marble and fell down the stairs and died.  The parents moved from the house because they couldn't bear to stay in the house where their son died.  Every family that moved into the house after that soon moved out.  In the middle of the night when all was dark and quiet, they could hear marbles rolling down the stairs.  One night close to bedtime I asked my mother to tell the story again.  When she was done Tony went downstairs to go to bed.  I waited until the house was dark and quiet and let loose with marbles rolling down the basement stairs.   I was quite impressed with how fast he came up those stairs that night.


When Tony was 10 and Keith was 7 years old, my father asked them to get rid of an old tire by throwing it in a dumpster at a business at the end of the block.  They forgot and it was getting dark when my mother reminded them to take care of it before my father got home.  Instead of throwing the tire in the dumpster they went to the playground the next block over and proceeded to roll the tire in the mud and roll it down slide.  The custodian who lived across the street saw the mess they were making of the slide and yelled at them.  They came running home afraid that she had called the police and they were going to get in trouble.  They told my mother what they did and made us turn off all the lights and sit in the dark convinced the police were coming and they would think nobody was home.   I went to my bedroom and climbed out the window and went around to the front door and banged on it hard and loud.  My mother opened the door and saw me and started laughing.  She said Keith and Tony ran so fast to go hide under the bed that they tripped over each other.  My mom made them go down to the school the next day and clean up the mess they made.








This is my friend Jean dressed as a baby for Halloween a couple of years ago.  We were on our way  to a  party when we passed Kmarts, I made her stop and ride the horsy so I could take a picture.  Shoppers were giving us strange looks,  but when I get an idea it has to come out.
I created  this picture for a friend after he told me how he and his brother were asked to cut the birthday cake for his niece.  They cut the head off the teddy bear cake!  I personally think he should not be allowed near sharp objects.







This is my younger son with the present my ex husband bought him.  The loud present was left at my house.  I think that was his way of getting even with me.  It took three years to get those drums moved up north to his house. 


My ex came to pick up the boys and I was making a sandwich and offered to make him one.  He declined the offer but than turned around and ate half of mine, now that is a guy thing isn't it?  I made myself another one since he ate most of mine and made him one also.  I watched him open his mouth to take a  big bite and smiled at the look on his face when he realized I left the plastic wrap on the cheese slices. *s*   


Here's a suggestion for some that are out for revenge.  My sister-in-law told me a story about how my ex used to pay her to do his ironing for him when he was a teenager.  He complained about the shiny look the starch would leave on the jeans.  So she turned them inside out and starched them.  Well it wasn't long before he was running to the doctor because of a rash he had developed.  He was sitting in the doctor's office waiting to be told he had picked up a nasty STD.  The doctor came in and couldn't stop laughing when he told him all he had was a form of diaper rash.









I had a school social worker call me at work because she was concerned about my younger son who was about seven at the time.  Seems the little darling told her he missed his sister who had run away from home.  I am still not totally convinced she believed me when I informed her that there was no sister.  Within a few weeks I received a phone call from the mother of a new playmate of his.  She introduced herself and expressed concern over my broken arm and recent hospital stay.  I told her that I did not break my arm and was not in the hospital.  Seems Kevin also told her I received my injuries when I fell off my horse.  I do not own a horse and had not been riding recently.   About the same time I had invited some friends from work to my home for a candle party.  One of my coworkers pulled me aside and told me that Kevin had told the group while I was out of the room that his mom drank all the time and like Peach Schnapps.  I rarely ever drank in front of my kids and the only alcohol in the house was a small bottle of Peach Schnapps that had been there for over 6 months.

I came to the conclusion that I must have been drunk when I fell off my horse while looking for the long lost sister.  These are just a few things I found out only because people told me.  I can only imagine the things he has said that I will never know about.  At lease it explained some of the strange looks I would receive at times.  







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