Paparazzi Glantri

The Midsummer Night's Ball

Part 1. Felicidad's Story

Felicidad de Fedorias was poised at the top of the staircase, lost in her own thoughts.

It has been too long since she has been to the Belcadiz city mansion. Ah, but this time Princess Carnelia herself invited her. Perhaps their past differences have been forgiven, Felicidad thought, but not likely. This was probably a part of scheme or a trap, as most mysterious invitations by Princes of Glantri are.

Pues,” Felicidad said to herself, “I am ‘ere, at the Midsummer Night’s ball. There is much I can do—for myself, and for the Paparazzi.”

“Any respectable Belcadizan señorita should not attend parties without a dueña, my dear.”

Felicidad was startled by Marta’s arrival, and was embarrassed that Marta caught it.

“And any sane person would not be speaking to ‘erself,” Marta added sarcastically.

Felicidad ignored the last remark. Marta Galdarres y Montoya was the social liaison of Princess Carnelia, and Felicidad’s third or fourth cousin, once or twice removed. It was best not to get into another quarrel with her so soon after getting back onto Carnelia’s guest list.

¡Buenas noches, prima!” Felicidad started, addressing her as familiarly as possible. She took Marta’s arm affectionately and started down the stairs. “Why don’t you be my dueña first, before Princess Carnelia makes her appearance? It is a lovely night, no?

“Yes, it is! Quite a good night for a ball, isn’t it?”

“May I ask, dear Marta, as the social secretary of La Princesa, why did she decide to have a ball right after the Feria de Toros?”

“It is Midsummer’s Night! The 15th of Felmont. That is all!” Marta replied, being deliberately obtuse.

Felicidad decided not pursue the inquiry. It was good enough that they were on speaking terms again.

A burly middle-aged man in a rather outdated suit came up the staircase. Felicidad recognized him as Sire Gilles Grenier of Nouvelle Averoigne.

Bonsoir, mam’selles…” he grumbled cursorily, passing them by without waiting for a reply.

Felicidad promptly took her cue.

“Gilles Grenier…” she opened, “And that over there is Baroness Szasza Markovitch, no? If I recall, Prince Morphail had forbidden ‘er to leave Boldavia since that incident with the young man—”

“I know what you’re getting at, Felicidad!” snapped Marta sternly, letting go of Felicidad’s arm to turn and face her. “If you had better… rapport with the rest of us, you would have known that that is one of the reasons Doña Carnelia held this party.”

Then, as Marta turned to leave, she added, “And the only reason she invited you.”

Felicidad was taken aback at Marta’s vehemence and decided to drop the issue.

Bruja…” Felicidad muttered under her breath, half-wanting Marta to hear.

“Exactly,” Marta answered nonchalantly, walking away.

Felicidad turned away, and her gaze caught a beautiful woman at the top of the staircase. At first, she thought the new arrival was Carnelia, because she was in a stunning scarlet vestida. But Felicidad realized it wasn’t the Princess. In fact, it was someone all the more beautiful.

The statuesque human lady descended the stairs slowly, her silken black hair bounced gently with every step, her evening gown rustling and complimenting her exquisite figure.

Surely she must be one of us, Felicidad thought. But Felicidad could not remember ever meeting the strange woman before.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue

An Invitation

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