Paparazzi Glantri

The Midsummer Night's Ball

Part 5. Kassar's Story

Kassar Krinagar was thoroughly enjoying himself at the ball. He enjoyed the taste of the wine, the sights of the women, and the sound of the music. But he was becoming impatient and wanted to dance. After all, Kassar had started to learn el fandango and la jota, ever since he chided Urmahid for not bringing him along to Princess Carnelia’s famous parties. What was he a Prince in Glantri for, if he could not bring his own half-brother to the party of the season?

Kassar spied Beatriz Dominatore as she cut through the crowd of guests towards him.

“Good evening, Kassar. I hadn’t expected you to be here,” Beatriz greeted, trying not to sound accusatory.

“Good evening, Beatriz. I am here with my brother, Prince Urmahid. And what happened to that frisky young fop who couldn’t keep his hands off of you, Beatriz?“ Kassar said, also trying to not to sound accusatory.

“Oh! Giampaolo? He drunk a bit too much champagne and lost his head...” Beatriz replied innocently.

Kassar caught Beatriz absent-mindedly licking her lip as she caught him nervously rubbing his neckline. Deciding that tonight was not a night for confrontations, the two broke their gaze and let the matter pass.

“Kassar,” Beatriz began, in a different tone of voice, signaling a change of topic, “Would you know who that Krondaharan is?”

“Which one?”

“That one over there. The handsome one in gold, speaking to the lady in red.”

“Ah!” Kassar replied, looking at her askance. He was tempted to ask if she was planning to replace Giampaolo so soon, but decided in staying away from the subject of the boy’s fate.

“The one talking to Doña Rosario?”

“You know the lady as well?”

“Noussoir told me. She is from abroad. The Savage Coast, I think. One of the Baronies.”

“Ah!” Beatriz said, only half-interested. “And the man is?”

“Actually, I don’t recognize him. He’s probably from Ralindi’s entourage. This is his first Belcadizan ball as Prince, and he brought a large retinue to impress.”

“Kassar,” Beatriz said sweetly, “Would you mind if we went over there and introduced ourselves? I’d like to know who he is.”

“Ah, but that has to wait, Beatriz...” Kassar said, his eyes suddenly widening in anticipation and eagerness, “Princess Carnelia has just arrived.”

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue

An Invitation

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