Rabbit's Recipes


Welcome to Rabbit's abode. Rabbit is the type to be very organized, and organized types like to keep recipes for some kind of reason. So here we are, looking for some yummy recipes. Pooh is hoping to find one that will satisfy his eleven o'clockish a little smackerel of something appetite. But don't eat too much! Or you might get stuck in Rabbit's door when you leave here. :)



Rabbit's Carrot Cake


2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
3/4 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon cinnamon
2 cups granulated sugar
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups vegetable oil
1 cup chopped pecans
2 cups grated carrots
1 pound cream cheese
2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup butter (1 stick)
1 3/4 cups powdered sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 350�F.
  2. Sift together flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon. Set aside.
  3. Cream sugar and eggs together.
  4. Add flour mixture and oil, alternately.
  5. Fold in pecans and carrots.
  6. Pour batter into 2 thoroughly greased 8-inch round cake pans.
  7. Bake for 40 minutes.
  8. Cool in cake pans for 15 minutes. Carefully remove and cool on wire raack before frosting.


  1. Mix cream cheese, vanilla, butter, and powdered sugar.
  2. Spread between layers and on top of cake.

Serves 12.


Pooh's Honey Cookies On A Stick

1/2 cup butter of margarine, softened (1 stick)
1/3 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
28 to 30 popsicle sticks


  1. In a bowl, measure butter, honey, and vanilla. Beat these ingredients on the lowest speed of the electric mixer until well mixed.
  2. Add 1/2 cup of the flour into the bowl. Beat on low speed until the flour disappears. Add some more flour and stir it in with a spoon until it disappears. Repeat this with the rest of the flour until it is all mixed in.
  3. With your hands, shape the dough into 2 balls that are the same size, and wrap them in plastic wrap. Put them in the freezer for only 15 minutes.
  4. Preheat the oven to 350�F. Take dough out of freezer. Sprinkle some flour on a cutting board and on a rolling pin. Unwrap one ball and roll out the dough to a 9-inch circle.
  5. With your cookie cutters, cut shapes from dough and place the cut-out cookies on a cookie sheet.
  6. Reuse scraps to roll out and cut-out more cookies. Repeat with other ball of dough.
  7. Carefully push a popsicle stick into the dough like a lollipop.
  8. Bake cookies for 12 to 14 minutes, or until they are brown on edges. Remove cookies to a wire rack to cool. Makes about 28 to 30 cookies.


Piglet's Berry No-Bake Pink Frozen Cheesecake

300 ml (about 1 1/4 cups) Oreo Cookie wafer crumbs
2 tablespoon melted butter
1 package of cream cheese (250 g)
1 can of frozen berry juice (strawberry, rasberry, or any berry punch)
2 tablespoon icing sugar
1 litre Cool Whip (1 tub)


  1. In a large dish, mix the Oreo wafer crumbs and the melted butter together. Press mixture on the bottom of the dish to make a flat layer.
  2. Place the dish in the freezer for 15 minutes, until the shell sets.
  3. Mix cream cheese with defrosted juice and icing sugar in a food processor.
  4. Place the cream cheese mix in a separate bowl, and fold in the whipped topping. Fold well.
  5. Remove dish from the freezer after 15 minutes and pour the cream cheese mixture on top of wafer shell.
  6. Freeze for 4 hours before eating.

This cake is eaten like ice cream, very yummy :�


Eeyore's Fudge Brownies

1 cup butter
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup flour
2/3 cups cocoa
1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract
1/2 tablespoon baking powder
3 eggs


  1. Preheat oven to 350�F.
  2. Melt butter in a saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat and place a a mixing bowl.
  3. Add cocoa & sugars in mixing bowl. Stir with a whisk.
  4. Beat eggs in separate bowl and then add to the mixing bowl. Stir with a whisk.
  5. Sift flour and baking powder in mixing bowl. Stir with a whisk.
  6. Stir in vanilla.
  7. Pour batter into a greased 11" x 17" pan.
  8. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes.
  9. Remove from oven and let cool for 15 minutes before eating.

Optional: add in broken up Skor bar pieces (toffee) into batter before mixing. This adds a crunchy surprise. :)


* Some recipes are from Winnie-the-Pooh's Teatime Cookbook (1993) and Cooking with Pooh - Yummy tummy Cookie Cutter Treats (1995). Others were collected by the webmaster.


This page was last updated on 12/04/99

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