Tigger's Awards


You have just bounced into Tigger's abode. Here you'll find some tigger-rific awards that you can apply for. They aren't all of Tigger's awards, but he does take care of most of them... ;) To be eligible to win an 100 Acre Woods award you simply need to satisfy the 3 conditions below:

  1. You must have a web site where it contains some Winnie-the-Pooh and/or his friends related material.
  2. Your site must be "family" friendly (we hope that we don't have to explain on that one).
  3. You must email the 100 Acre Woods webmaster so that we know you are applying for an award. Simply mention which award you are applying to (preferably in the subject), your web site URL, the title of your web site, and WHO you want the award awarded to if you do win (it will be personalized).

Awards will (hopefully) be awarded on a monthly basis. That also depends on how many applications we get. And of course, if you do win, we request that you link your award to the 100 Acre Woods :)

So pick an award below and good luck!

NOTE: If you have applied for an award within the past year, please try applying again. I have updated the email address and this time, I will receive your applications. So sorry about before. Got a little lazy... Please forgive my Poohish ways. (February 6, 2002)



Tigger Award
The Tigger Award

Winners of the Tigger Award
Andrea's Oh Bother Page




Pooh Award
The Pooh Award

Winners of the Pooh Award
Pooh's Corner




Piglet Award
The Piglet Award


* Note: actual award will not contain yellow background


Here, you'll also find the awards that the 100 Acre Woods has received. Tigger will also be in charge of looking after these lovely awards. The awards are listed below. Thanks to everyone that awarded us!


We've been featured as the 
Pooh's Page of the Month! Yay!! 

Thanks Pooh Bear's Den!



 This page was last updated on 02/06/02

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