Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




Azul was leading Ali across the hallways and corridors and staircases of the huge dark palace of Karak. The prince of Agrabah was impressed, for it was a big and impressive place and yet Azul knew very well her way around.

"This is a maze!" He said letting her drag him along. "I can't believe how well you know this place!"

"This comes from a boy who's lived in a palace just as big his whole life."

"No, really… this place is more complicated than my parent's palace." Ali was saying while looking around. Everything in that place was magnificent.

Azul kept Ali's hand in hers and she was running, trying to get to the temple as fast as possible… and trying to get Ali to do the same, for the prince kept stopping to admire the glory of the dark palace.

"Ali!" Azul scolded him. "We're not tourists!"

"I know," He smiled. "But it's a real shame that this beautiful place has to be destroyed."

"Believe me, after living in this palace during certain time the only thing I want is to get out of here and never come back."

"And yet," He said mischievously. "You are going to leave this palace just to go directly to another one."

Azul looked back at him, a small smile on her face and blushed lightly. Ali chuckled softly. He knew they were in the middle of a crisis, they were in danger, they were in a very dangerous situation… and he couldn't help it but feeling good as never before having her with him again.

"Do you have any idea what that ceremony is like or anything?" He asked curiously.

"Not the slightest idea. But we'll manage. Once we're there with the stones and the amulet we'll see what we have to do. Good thing we have the key and everything."

"Wow, you've became quite an expert on this kind of stuff." He smiled. "I'm amazed."

"YOU are amazed?" She laughed. "What about those stones or the medallion or the music you used to open the doors of the throne room?"

"And wait until you see this book I have. You are going to love it… it belonged to your ancestor, Azrak."

"So you know about Azrak, do you?" She smiled back at him.

"Yeah, he's an old friend of mine. Quite a nice guy I must add. I met him."

Azul giggled and Ali frowned but he giggled at well.

"No, really… there was this sanctuary in the desert and then Reeh and I saw this snake with jewels on its back… and we follow it but then the snake fused into a flute and the doors opened and then Azrak…"

Ali stopped when he realized what he was saying. It all sounded so unreal, as if he was making a story. Azul kept running and dragging him along but he could see a small smile on her face. He shook his head.

"I guess you won't believe what I'm saying…"

"After being in Karak I believe anything, Ali."

"What if I tell you about this stone that makes Reeh run like the wind…? We can travel from one side to the other of the desert in just one night."

"Interesting." She smiled at him. "Sounds like a fairy tale… but I believe you."

"I know." He smiled sincerely.

"I still can't believe you have the stones and the amulet! You are fantastic Ali!"

"Am I?" He smiled proudly. "Oh well, I need them for a different reason but I had to get them in order to get to you… I had no idea we were going to need them to destroy Karak."

"I can't wait to hear everything about your adventure. We'll have a lot of things to tell each other when this nightmare is over."

"For me the nightmare ended the moment I saw you again, Azul… now that I'm with you I am happy again. I feel powerful and strong… must be your influence. Your blood in my body… how wonderful is that?"

"Yes." She said softly. "We really complete each other… even with the stones, you needed them to get to Karak, and now we need them to destroy the city. And now we share a very intimate bond… a blood bond."

"You and me share the same blood." He smiled tenderly.

"We are almost there!" She announced.

But suddenly she stopped and Ali stopped with a jolt, almost running over her. He didn't have time to ask why the violent stop for he could see a company of a half dozen guards appearing right in front of them. All of them were armed and they didn't look happy.

Azul gasped and stepped back. A violent and hateful expression appeared on Ali's face as he stepped forward and grabbed his sword. He put Azul behind him protecting her with his body.

"I hate those guys!" Ali said through clenched teeth.

Azul's face reflected her fear. Ali had that scary look on his face once again. But the guards were moving slowly to them, menacingly.

Azul's gaze went to a small corridor at their left. She didn't want Ali to fight those guards, so she grabbed Ali's arm and pulled him with her.

"C'mon Ali! This way!"


"Trust me!"

They started to run down the dark and small corridor but the guards were coming right behind them groaning savagely and yelling at them to stop.

"Are those guys friends of yours, blue eyes?" Ali said while running.

"I know them."

"Geez, you should really pick your friends out better!"

"What about YOUR friends during your journey?"

"Oh no!" Ali said almost amused. "Let's not get into it!"

Azul shook her head. She was very worried for she understood the danger and urgency of the situation they were in but still she had to smile.

Finally she stopped and pointed at a huge wooden door right in front of them.

"That!" She screamed. "That's the temple!"

"Open it!" Ali said. "I'll take care of the guys… be quick about it though, I really don't feel like fighting against 6 men."

Azul took the half key she had kept with her for the last weeks and then the other half of the key that was inside Aswad's bag. One was made of gold and the other half was made of silver.

"Alright." She said looking at them and then pressing them together. "This has to work!"

The two halves fit perfectly and with a flash of light the two halves fused into one key. A beautiful golden and silver key.

"Open the door!" Ali hurried her. "They are almost here!"

Azul put the key inside the lock of the door and it opened immediately with a loud noise. It was as if no one had entered that place in centuries. As if that door had been kept closed for a long time. Azul stepped back as the huge door opened but Ali almost pushed her inside, for the guards were practically there. He entered the temple after Azul and both of them pulled the heavy and huge doors closed. They closed with another loud noise just in time, for the guards were already there and as soon as the door closed Ali and Azul could heard them right on the other side, hitting the door and yelling at them.

"They are going to break the door and enter here!" Azul said alarmed.

"So we must hurry then!" Ali said taking Azrak's book out of his satchel.

"That is a BEAUTIFUL book!" Azul said in amazement. "Where did you get it?"

"In the village of Hessa, near Agrabah." Ali explained as he paged the book. "Your grandfather Azrak lived there, you know that?"

"No." Azul said looking at the book over his shoulder. "I didn't even know I had a grandfather named Azrak that happened to be a powerful magician."

"Ah! The surprises of the family tree!" Ali said casually still paging the book.

"And how did you know Azrak lived there, Ali?"

They stopped and looked at the door. From the noise outside they could say more guards had arrived to reinforce the attack against the doors of the temple.

"Well," Ali said. "The Oracle told me about Hessa and everything…"

"The ORACLE?!" Azul's eyes widened.

"Oh yes." Ali smiled at her. "You would've loved to see that!"

"Good Allah!" She giggled nervously. "You sure have a lot of things to tell me!"

She looked at the temple they were in. It was a small place, compared to the normally huge spaces of the Dark Palace of Karak. It was a circular room rounded by high columns and there was some kind of altar in the back of the temple. It was a stone altar and on that altar there was a huge stone, like a gem or a diamond. It was red and was shinning beautifully thanks to a stream of light that was coming from an unknown spot of the high ceiling.

"That must be the center of the power of Karak." Azul said softly.

"Funny how something so beautiful can be so deadly." Ali said finally opening the book to the blank pages.

Azul just nodded at him. Ali was going to say that the temple reminded him of the sanctuary of Azrak but he didn't have the time, for the attack to the doors of the temple was getting stronger.

"Alright," Azul said. "What should we do?!"

"Please!" Ali said to the book. "The spell! We need the spell!"

Azul looked at Ali's stressed face. She was going to comment that he was talking to a book but before she could say anything a blue, bright glow came from the book. Her eyes widened in surprise and a small and mischievous smile appeared on Ali's face.

"I told you this book would help us!" He said happily.

"But…" Azul was impressed. "Ali… there are letters… letters appearing on those blank pages… look at that!"

"Oh yeah!" Ali shrugged casually. "It keeps doing that all the time."

Ali smiled at her, but she had her eyes set on the book and Ali thought her eyes looked beautiful shinning with that blue glow from the book.

The glow finally ended and Azul examined the words that had just appeared on the book. They were in their normal language, just as the rest of the book.

"It's the spell." She said softly. "The spell to vanish Karak from Earth… the spell Azrak cast on Karak centuries ago."

"The spell you have to perform now, blue eyes… everything is in your hands now."

"Me?" She looked up at him. "Why?"

"Because only you can cast this spell. Because you have the strength of Azrak's blood in you. And we must hurry, for those guys out there are about to break this door!"

"What should I do?" She said alarmed.

"Let me see…" Ali started to read the book. "This is the ritual you must perform…" He said walking to the altar. "You must place the stones in the holes here in the altar, pretty much like I did in Azrak's altar… and you must wear the amulet…"

Ali was going to take the amulet off when Azul stopped him.

"No Ali! Wait!"


"Aswad said you cannot survive in Karak without that amulet!"

"I know, but this has to be done!"

"But Ali.."

"It'll be only for a couple of minutes, blue eyes." He said tenderly cupping her face. "I'll be alright… besides now I have Azrak's blood in my body too… I'll survive."

"But Ali…" She tried to protest. "I don't want you to…"

"It's okay." He smiled taking the three stones off the wooden box. "Here you have the stones.. and the ritual… you must read this as you do what the book orders you to do."

"Alright." She said softly taking the three stones in her hands.

"Only you can do this, my love… I'll be guarding the door."

"This won't take long Ali." She said softly. "I promise it."

"I know." He smiled and took a last look at the book. "Uh… just one more thing."


"This is the part that got us into this mess in the first place." He said pointing at a line in the spell. "Azrak cast the spell in a way that as long as he was in the city, Karak would live. I think you should skip that part."

"But then we won't have time to escape before the destruction of the city!" She said alarmed.

"We'll escape!" He reassured her. "I promise it to you!"

"Are you sure about this?" She asked not very convinced.

"I'm sure… I don't want any kind of future troubles involving Karak and your precious blood, my blue eyes…"

Ali stopped, for the attack to the doors was so strong then that they thought the doors would give up in any second. Ali looked back at Azul and caressed her face softly.

"Besides I don't want OUR children to live through this all over again in the future."

A sweet smile appeared on Ali's lips and the same wonderful smile was mirrored in Azul's face. They looked at each other tenderly as a warm feeling flooded their chests. Even the noises of the attack to the door seemed to fade away. Azul put her hand on the hand Ali kept on her cheek and she pressed it against her amorously, her eyes locked on Ali's.

At that moment, as the thought of their future children came to them, they felt things were for real between them. They were just a step away from the blessed day they'd be one forever, and just the thought of it was enough to make them feel dizzy and lose track of time and space… and of reality.

But a very loud noise brought them back to reality. They woke up from their trance and looked at the door.

"They are breaking it Ali!" Azul said alarmed.

"I know." Ali took off the amulet and placed it on Azul's neck. "C'mon my girl, this is almost over… just read that spell and we'll be home!"

Azul nodded and Ali grabbed her face pressing his lips against hers urgently. They pulled away and Ali went to the door as Azul went to the altar.

"Do it!" Ali screamed at her. "Now!"

She nodded and placed the book on the altar. She gulped and she was going to start to read when another loud noise made her turn to the door. Ali was leaning against it, sword in hand, trying to keep the guards from getting in there. But it was obvious that without the amulet Ali had lost strength.

"Ali!" She screamed at him knowing that without the amulet Ali was defenseless.

"Don't worry about me!" Ali yelled back. "Concentrate on the spell! Please Azul! Do it!"

She nodded not very convinced and turned to the altar. Her eyes went to the book and she gulped.

"May Allah help us!" She whispered.

She pressed the three stones against her chest and started to read out loud the words in the book.

"I, Azul from Azrak's blood summon all the good powers of the universe, I summon you to vanish from Earth what has to be vanished… to disappear from Earth what needs to be taken away. For the Dark City of Karak holds within it all the dark and evil powers of the universe… I claim what's good and pure to replace what's dark and evil…"

The red stone of Karak started to glow in a very menacing way. It was pulsing and making strange noises. Azul's eyes widened and she almost stepped back. She was scared. But Ali's voice reassured her.

"Keep going blue eyes!" He was screaming and even if she wasn't looking at him, from the tone of his voice she knew the door wouldn't resist anymore. "Whatever you see or hear… please don't stop!"

"I hold the authority to summon the powers of good, for I've been proven in purity, wisdom and courage…"

She wasn't very sure about what that meant exactly but she placed the three stones in the holes on the altar as she was saying those words. The stones started to glow brightly as well and Ali and Azul felt how the ground was starting to shake under their feet. Azul gulped and tried to focus on the spell.

"Now, for the powers I hold and for the goodness I've proved I command the Dark City of Karak to vanish forever from Earth… to the realms of darkness and solitude, where this dark city cannot cause any damage… where this city cannot spread the evil on Earth… where this city cannot wound the hearts of the people of Earth with its evil and its darkness… vanish forever now…"

She stopped remembering she must skip the part about Azrak's blood. She skipped it quickly and continued with the last words of the spell.

"I, Azul of Azrak's blood command Karak to be forever vanished from Earth!"

The amulet she had on her chest started to glow even more brightly than the stone of Karak and the three jewels. Azul was feeling a powerful energy running across her body. Her whole body was shaking and her hands were glowing as well.

Ali was still trying to resist the attack of the guards to the door, but he kept his eyes on Azul and they were wide open in amazement. He never thought his blue eyed angel had such power in her.

"All Mighty Allah!" Ali said softly feeling his own body getting weaker without the medallion.

Azul had finished reading the spell and the earth was shaking under them. She looked at the red stone of Karak one more time. The stone was glowing and pulsing in a way that Azul thought it would explode any second.

"In the name of Allah!" She said by her own. "I want Karak to disappear forever from Earth and from the hearts of the people that were hurt by this cursed city in one way or another!"

As soon as she said those words there was a strong wind in the room, so strong that it opened wide the doors. Ali jumped out of the way of the wind but as soon as the doors opened Ali realized that the guards of Karak were running away in terror. He looked at them breathing heavily and he realized the spell had worked.

"This is going to be destroyed!" He yelled. "We have to get out of here!"

He looked up at the altar and he saw Azul leaning against the altar, her hand to her head. His heart stopped for it seemed as if she was going to pass out.

He was feeling really dizzy and weak but he practically flew to Azul's side just in time to catch her when she collapsed.

There was a blue glow around her and Ali noticed it. The spell had totally worn her out.

"AZUL!" He screamed holding her limp body.

"Ali!" She said weakly looking up at him. "The amulet Ali! Take back the amulet!"

Ali was touched realizing how much she worried for him. She took the amulet off her neck and placed it around Ali's.

"Are you alright?" She asked softly.

"I am…" Ali said alarmed. "But what's wrong with you?!"

"I feel… weird…"

"Oh Allah!" Ali said looking at the red stone that was about to explode. "We don't have much time, blue eyes… when this stone is destroyed, Karak will vanish and we must be out of here by then…"

"Ali… I feel so… weak…"

"I'll take you out of here my love!" He said picking her up. "We'll escape now!"

The walls of the temple were falling down by then and Ali knew the whole city was falling apart by then. But just when he was going to take Azul out of there the glow of blue light that was involving her became brighter… and suddenly it was like a flash of blue light.

Ali and Azul closed their eyes blinded by that light. Azul's head rested on Ali's shoulder and they stayed like that for a few seconds until Ali opened his eyes. He was alarmed of what he could find…

But what he saw was not what he expected… for Azul was still in his arms. And her dark hair was cascading over her shoulders and he was wearing her usual blue pants… and his blue shirt, the same she had borrowed from him that day long ago in Agrabah, the day Nasir had spilled the red painting on her shirt. Those were the clothes she was wearing the night she had been kidnapped. It seemed like an eternity then.

Ali smiled even though Karak was falling apart around them. She was not wearing the Karakian dress anymore… or the Karakian hairdo. She was once again the Azul he knew and he loved so much. His Azul.

"Blue eyes!" He said. "You succeeded my girl! The spell worked! You are free from the powers of Karak now… we all are free now!"

"What?" She said weakly opening her eyes and looking at herself. "Oh my gosh!" She giggled. "Oh Ali! My clothes! My hair!"

"Yeah!" Ali laughed with her. "Welcome back my darling! Allah, I missed you!"

Azul snuggled against Ali's chest, hugging him around the shoulders tightly. Then he put her down.

"How do you feel?" He asked concerned.

"A little weak… but great! I love these clothes!"

"You look so cute wearing that shirt!" Ali smiled and took her hand. "Now let's go… we have no time to lose… we must get out of Karak now!"

Ali and Azul left the temple of the powers of Karak. The place was falling down. Everything was falling in pieces and there were noises and energy all over the place. The prince of Agrabah knew they must move fast, for the City of Karak was vanishing form Earth and this time it was forever.

* * * * *

They didn't find any kind of obstacles while leaving the Dark Palace of Karak. It was a real shame to see that beautiful place falling apart, but somehow they were almost happy to see all those walls and columns collapsing around them.

They were really careful for the falling rocks could hurt them but they were lucky enough to get out of the palace of Karak unharmed. When they were right at the doors of the palace Azul stopped and looked back.

"What?" Ali asked concerned.

"Seven weeks." She said. "This was my prison for seven weeks… and now I'm finally free… free at last!"

"Seven weeks?" Ali asked. "I always thought it had been longer than that… time without you lasts eternally."

Azul smiled and hurried him.

"C'mon, let's get out of this city! We don't have time to lose!"


Ali took Azul's hand and they started to run across the main street of the city. It was still dark and everything was falling apart. The ground was shaking under their feet, a loud noise was heard and Karak was dying right there.

They were running as fast as they could trying to ignore the weakness and the fatigue they were feeling. The main gates of the city were right before them but they still had a long way to go in order to reach them.

"Keep going!" Ali was yelling. "We are almost there!"

"Faster!" Azul replied. "Go!"

Suddenly the sound of a horse came to them. A loud neigh made them stop and look around. A big smile appeared on Ali's face when he saw Reeh right behind them.

"Reeh!" He screamed excitedly. "You are here, boy! You are inside the walls of Karak… you know what that means, Azul? That means the spell is working… Karak is really vanishing!"

"And if we don't hurry we'll vanish with it!" She said urgently.

The faithful horse came to them and went directly to Azul, nuzzling against her face. She laughed softly and hugged the horse's big head quickly.

"I'm alright Reeh! Oh, it's so good to see you again!"

"We'll have time for this later." Ali said taking Azul by the waist and helping her to mount Reeh. "C'mon blue eyes! Up!"

Then he mounted the horse himself.

The gates of Karak were closed. Ali spurred Reeh.

"C'mon boy! As fast as you can! This city is about to collapse and be vanished from Earth! C'mon!"

Reeh neighed loudly and started to run in the gate's direction. Azul smiled. It felt so good to be in Ali's arms one more time. She wished she could enjoy the feeling but a city falling down in pieces around them was not exactly the most romantic scenario for romance.

"It's over." She kept telling herself over and over. "We did it… we destroyed the city! The powers of Karak have been vanished from Earth for good… forever… Agrabah is safe… the Seven Deserts are safe now, and this time forever!"

"We're almost out of here blue eyes!" Ali whispered in her ear. "Almost there!"

Azul looked up at him and smiled. He looked at her and returned the smile but just at that moment Reeh stopped abruptly and reared on his back legs neighing loudly.

The sudden action took Ali and Azul totally by surprise and they completely lost their balance and fell to the ground. Azul landed on Ali and the prince tried to soften her fall.

As soon as they landed on the ground Ali groaned.

"Aw man!" He said. "I hope it wasn't another snake! Reeh and you are making a tradition out of this!"

Azul straightened herself and looked back at him.

"Ali!" She said concerned. "Are you alright?!"

"I've had better days." He muttered straightening himself and taking her hand. "What happened Reeh? What--?"

He didn't finish his question. He didn't even have to. For suddenly he knew what had scared Reeh like that.

A terrible expression appeared on Ali's face and he started to breath heavily.

"This is not done yet, boy!" The dark man said holding his sword.

"Faaris!" Ali said. "Out of my way!"

"Oh no… not this time… not when Aswad is gone and I can be the next Lord of Karak… as you can understand all I need is a few drops from Azrak's blood."

"That blood spell has been broken!" Ali said.

"But it can be reinstated very easily… but as you can see I'm running out of time so let's be quick about this."

"Don't you dare, Faaris!"

"We have some issues to solve, Ali… and this time only one will live. And only one of us will keep the girl."

Ali looked at Azul. He was shielding her with his own body but she was scared. She was behind him looking at Faaris with a terrified expression. Ali shook his head and a determined look appeared on his face.

And without any warning he turned to Azul and cupped her face desperately kissing her lips. It was a quick and yet deep kiss.

"You are going to be fine my love." He picked her up.

"Hey!" She protested. "What are you doing?! Put me down!"

"You have to escape, we have no time to discuss this so don't argue with me, alright?"

"Ali!" She said annoyed. "Put me down! Now!"

Ali placed her on Reeh and looked over his shoulders. Faaris was getting dangerously close to them.

"I want you to live, Azul." He said looking up at her and taking her hand. "You are going to be alright. I'll take care of this."

"Ali!" She almost whimpered. "But I don't want to leave you!"

"You are going to make it, Azul… Reeh, take her out of here!"

"No!" She screamed. "Ali, please, don't do this to me! Life without you is not life!"

"I'll be alright, don't worry about me." He said kissing her hand.

He released her and grabbed his sword. He cringed a little for his wounded hand was hurting.

"Ali!" She said madly. "You cannot…!"

"You are beautiful… that shirt looks great on you… I love you!" He interrupted her. "Now take her out of here Reeh, GO!"

"NO! Please Ali! Don't!" Azul screamed.

But there was nothing left she could do, for the horse was running in the gate's direction as fast as the wind. And Ali was left behind… alone with Faaris.

The dark warrior tried to stop Reeh but Ali jumped on him, sword in hand and didn't allow him to get close to the run away horse. Faaris groaned savagely and turned to Ali.

"If I cannot have her I'll have to settle for you!"

"Just try it!" Ali said firmly. "You cannot win! Not when Karak is falling apart like this! This is over Faaris, over for good!"

"This won't be over until I'll see you dead… Ali of Agrabah!"

Ali held his sword in front of him.

"I'm going to live… I'm going to live for her!"

"No, you don't… you won't leave Karak alive, that I promise to you… so, this is it, boy… the last encounter."

"You know you cannot beat me, Faaris… you just can't!"

The ground was moving under their feet and stones were falling from the higher buildings. It was a very chaotic place to be and yet Ali and Faaris were there, face to face, holding their swords and preparing themselves to fight each other… a last battle. The final one.

Ali almost lost his balance when a big stone fell between them. He stepped back and tried to be alert but at that moment Faaris started the attack falling on Ali. The prince of Agrabah knew from the first moment that the last battle was not going to be an easy one, for he was so tired and so weak that he felt he couldn't resist Faaris' attack. His legs were weak, his body was aching and his arms weren't responding as well as he'd wished them to but he promised himself he was going to live. He'd fight that last battle with all he had.

He also knew that battle would be a very short one, for Karak was practically falling on them. He knew he had to beat Faaris and escape that place as soon as he could, otherwise he'd stay forever trapped in Karak… for the rest of eternity. But he was glad that at least Azul was escaping that cursed place.

A fierce expression appeared on Ali's face. Rage was reflected in his face. He groaned loudly and responded to Faaris' attack falling on him like a lion. The dark warrior resisted Ali's hit and shoved him away. But Ali reacted quickly and he raised his sword and went to hit Faaris one more time.

"You have no way out, boy!" Faaris screamed.

And without any warning the leader of the dark warriors made a quick movement with his sword.

Ali stepped back and groaned in pain for Faaris' sword had hit him on the leg. The wound was superficial but it was painful nonetheless. But the blood only fired the rage in Ali. He struck back against Faaris with all the strength he had in his body.

Their swords clashed and Ali tried to hit the dark man over and over but he just couldn't, for Faaris was really good with the sword.

"Give up now!" Faaris was saying. "This will be less painful to you!"


The ground was starting to shake even more violently and energy was starting to spark all over the place. It was obvious the end of Karak was about to happen and Ali knew he had to act really quickly if he wanted to save his life.

He jumped to Faaris, his sword raised over his head, ready to hit the dark warrior. But Faaris was faster than Ali and he moved his sword, defending himself from Ali's attack. Ali lost his balance and at that moment a huge stone fell on them. Faaris could barely move away but a fragment of the stone hit Ali.

The Lion of the Desert screamed in pain and Faaris took advantage of the situation right away. He rushed to Ali's side and he punched Ali's face furiously just as Ali had done to him several times in the near past.

It was so unexpected that Ali couldn't react. He just felt Faaris' fists on his face over and over. He lost his balance and stepped back but Faaris was not willing to let him go. He punched his face one more time and Ali felt blood in his mouth. Blood was coming out of his nose and also from a split lip. And before Ali could react to Faaris's attack the warrior punched him really hard in the stomach.

Ali hunched over. The punch had suffocated him. For a second he was breathless and gasping for air but he was still on his feet and he wouldn't allow Faaris to send him to the ground. He could hear the dark warrior chuckling amused.

Ali looked at Faaris with a deep hate and fury reflected in his eyes. He was still gasping for air. The prince of Agrabah groaned madly and in a very unexpected movement he threw himself against Faaris. They started to fight with their swords one more time.

But the young Lion of the Desert was exhausted. He felt all his strength was abandoning his body little by little but he knew he just couldn't give up. His sword clashed against Faaris' one more time and the warrior shoved him away so violently that Ali lost his balance again, in part because of the shaking ground. But Faaris didn't lose any time, he jumped to Ali, punching his face one more time and then his stomach once again.

This time Ali's legs gave up and the prince fell on his knees. But as soon as he hit the ground Faaris kicked him violently in the stomach once again. Ali tried to suppress a cry of pain but he was breathless. And Faaris was laughing happily and kicking him over and over in the stomach and the ribs.

"You don't look so impressive anymore, Prince Ali… Lion of the Desert… c'mon, defend yourself!"

Ali's blood was boiling in his veins. He knew if he didn't go back to his feet Faaris could end him right there. He tried to put together all the strength left he had in his body, which was very little and he shoved away from Faaris and with a very uneasy movement he went to his feet using his sword as a support.

Faaris laughed. Ali was not in good shape anymore and it was obvious the prince was weak. And the signs of the battle were quite visible in his body by then. He had blood on his face and in his clothes. His cape was totally ripped and he had lost his head band. His face reflected his exhaustion and Faaris noticed how he was shaking and how weak his legs were, for it was hard to Ali to find support on them.

But the prince of Agrabah was not willing to give up and he was not going to let Faaris win that last battle. At least not without a good fight.

Ali yelled madly and he threw himself on Faaris one more time, determined to fight the dark warrior until the end.

Azul was looking over her shoulder at the battle behind her. She could see how Faaris beat Ali over and over and how her prince was trying to defend himself and defeat Faaris. But she knew how weak Ali was. A weakness born from exhaustion. In any other time she wouldn't have any doubts about the fighting skills of Ali, but at that moment it was obvious that Faaris was stronger than Ali… and in a better shape.

She was desperate. She knew Ali needed help and she wasn't going to abandon him that way. Ali was giving her the chance to live, but she knew life without her prince was no life.

"REEH!" She was screaming in the middle of the messy end of Karak. "Stop! Stop!"

But the loyal horse was determined to obey Ali's orders and take her out of there. He was running as fast as he could and they were almost reaching the gates of the city by then. Azul was mad at Ali who had sent her away like that, risking his life for her one more time.

She had to practically hug Reeh's neck to keep herself on the horse's back, for Reeh was running like a demon. She looked over her shoulders once again just to watch Ali falling to the ground and Faaris kicking him over and over.

"NO!" She screamed in desperation. "Ali!"

Her eyes scanned nervously on Reeh's saddle and she finally could find and grab the horse's reins. Azul pulled them with all her strength and forced Reeh to a violent stop. The horse neighed loudly and almost lost his balance.

"Reeh!" She screamed to make her voice audible in the middle of the noise. "We have to go back! We cannot abandon Ali!"

Reeh looked at Azul and then at Ali and Faaris. He snorted madly when he saw that dark man beating his master that way.

"Is this how this ends?" Azul said. "We cannot allow this Reeh!"

The horse looked at Azul. She was looking at him with big, desperate, teary eyes. She was pleading with him even with her eyes. Azul grabbed Reeh's head in her hands and looked directly into his big sparkly eyes.

"Do you want Ali to die? Are we going to abandon him like this?" Her voice was shaky and filled with pain and fear.

Reeh looked back at Ali and he neighed loudly, turning around and running back to Ali with all the might he had left. Azul smiled.

"Good boy!" She said.

As they were approaching the scene Azul was looking at them in horror. They were fighting with all they had and Karak was falling on them. It was a image from a nightmare, she thought. And she was mortified trying to think of a way she could help Ali. But her mind wasn't thinking. She was totally lost in the images of death, hate and destruction before her.

Ali was very weak but he was fighting Faaris with all he had left. He was making noises with every swipe he made. Faaris was defending very well from Ali's strokes. It was almost a game for him and he was amused. He wasn't exhausted as Ali was and definitely he was not as wounded as the prince of Agrabah was. But he knew that kid would die fighting but he would never give up.

Stones were falling on them and the ground was shaking more and more violently every second. There were flashes of lights every were and sounds like explosions could be heard every second. It was the perfect image of the end of the world.

Ali attacked Faaris one more time and his and Faaris' swords clashed and stayed together for a moment. Both of them were straining, pressing them together with all their might.

Finally Faaris shoved Ali away from him and attacked him with his sword. Ali tried to defend himself. There were a few more clashes but another giant stone fell on them and they had to move away to avoid it.

For a second Ali was distracted by the falling stone and Faaris smiled malevolently. He had to take advantage of Ali's distraction. It was only a split second but it was enough for the resourceful Faaris.

In a second Faaris noticed an open spot in Ali's guard and with a quick and very firm movement his sword fell on Ali's body.

Azul was arriving to the scene when that happened. She saw Faaris' sword falling on Ali and then Ali let out the most terrible scream she had ever heard and he dropped to his knees. His sword clanged down on the ground in front of him.

Azul yelled when she saw that scene and then she covered her mouth with her hand and gasped in horror, her blue eyes wide open in surprise. She felt fear flooding across her body when she saw Ali collapsing to the ground like that. She was just as sure that Faaris had killed Ali.

But she realized Ali was still alive. He was on his knees and supporting himself on his arms. He was gasping for air and his hand was clutching his right shoulder, the spot where Faaris' sword had wounded him.

Faaris' stroke had been a powerful one and the gash was very deep. The blade had cut right into his shoulder muscle and hit a bone. Faaris knew where he was aiming when he did that, for Ali couldn't continue the fight with his right shoulder hurt like that. Faaris wanted to give him a slow and painful death and that was only the beginning of it.

Ali felt like crying. He had never felt a physical pain like that in his life. He hadn't had an injury like that before, not even in war.

He was on the ground, clutching his shoulder and there was a steadily growing crimson stain emerging from under his hand and coming through from between his fingers. He was still gasping for air and trying to ignore the pain he was into.

Ali lifted his head and looked up back to Faaris. The dark warrior looked down at him with a smirk, holding his sword in front of Ali for him to see it. Ali's blood was clearly visible on the blade.

Ali and Faaris

Azul was horrified. Her gaze went from Ali to Faaris and then to Ali again. She had never seen so much blood before… and that was something she wouldn't want to see: Ali's blood. She had never been so scared before. She just froze at the sight of it and she couldn't move, she couldn't think, she couldn't even react to what she had seen.

But then fire suddenly appeared in Ali's eyes. He felt adrenaline as high as never before in his body. He was angry as never before. He could kill.

As fast as light Ali was back on his feet, in spite of his bleeding wounded shoulder. He was there, on his feet, sword in hand, staring at Faaris with an intensity that would've scared any man. Any man but Faaris who was still looking at him with an amused expression.

There was a moment of stillness between them. Faaris looking impertinently at Ali and the prince of Agrabah sending him a look that could kill.

And then without any warning Ali charged at Faaris. The dark warrior was taken by surprise by Ali's reaction, for he thought the boy had no strength left in his body and also because it was impossible for Ali to attack him like that with that wounded shoulder.

But the Lion of the Desert was hacking Faaris furiously. Ali was so mad that he didn't even notice the excruciating pain that was coming from his shoulder. Adrenaline was rushing through his veins high as never before.

Azul gasped. She was impressed and horrified, all at once. She had never seen Ali like that before. She had never seen him acting so violently. She had never seen that expression on his face. He was Ali, the warrior, the man who had been pushed to the limit of all human resistance in an endless journey. The man who had been beaten up physically and emotionally. A man who was not willing to give up, who would die in the fight.

Faaris was very surprised. He never expected such reaction from Ali. He never expected the young prince to strike back that way, so violent, so mad and so strong. He could barely defend himself from Ali's attack. He was moving fast but Ali's sword was every where trying to hit him. The prince was groaning and screaming. He was not going to give Faaris another chance to hit him. He was determined to kill that man.

For the first time in his life Faaris was scared of Ali and his attack. He just couldn't believe a man with such bad injuries in his body could have such strength and such energy. Ali was bleeding, his life was going away with every drop of blood he was shedding and yet he was there, on him, fighting him as no one had even done before. For a moment the dark warrior thought Ali was going to beat him.

But just for a moment, for Ali got dangerously close to Faaris in one of his strokes and the smart warrior took advantage of that and with a very quick movement and using all his strength he hit Ali's head with the handle of his sword.

That was a hard hit and a fatal stroke for Ali. The pain he felt in his head was so deep that he thought he was going to pass out. The world started to spin around him and he felt a terrible dizziness and he felt the warm sensation of blood coming from his temple and running down his face. Ali couldn't keep his balance anymore. His legs failed him and he couldn't help it, his body refused to go on and he fell to the ground heavily. The hit had been so strong that Ali almost lost his consciousness.

Azul yelled when she saw that. But she couldn't react. Everything was happening so fast that she wasn't following the events. It was like a blurred scene in front of her. Her heart was beating fast as never before in her chest.

Ali shook his head trying to recover himself. He felt he was about to pass out. He looked up at Faaris. The man was laughing at him and Ali's blood started to boil in his veins again. But he was so weak that he was having troubles finding the strength to get up even though he was determined to fight to the end. But his body wasn't responding anymore.

Faaris ran his finger across the edge of his sword, looking down at Ali with an amused expression.

"So this is the end of the Lion of the Desert… of the powerful Prince of Agrabah, the pride of Sultan Aladdin and Queen Jasmine… look at you boy, you are nothing but a rag doll now…"

Ali was looking up at him, rage clearly showed in his eyes. He was having troubles even breathing. He couldn't even talk anymore.

And at that moment a loud noise was heard and the shaking of the ground became more violent.

"The end of Karak…" Faaris said.

Ali was trying to push himself up but he couldn't find the force to lift himself. His arms just gave out and he became aware of how painful his shoulder was. He fell to the ground coughing and trying to get his breath. He was covered in blood, he even had the taste of blood in his mouth from his split lip.

"And the end of Ali of Agrabah!" Faaris raised his sword over his head ready to kill Ali.

Azul was looking at Ali. She was scared and very nervous but when she saw Faaris getting ready to kill Ali, at that moment Azul felt something exploding in her chest. Something like her own hate and her own rage. All those bad feelings she had been storing in there all the time she had been in Karak. When she saw Faaris about to kill her prince all those bad emotions exploded in her heart.

She wasn't even conscious of what she was doing. A yell of rage escaped her throat and she jumped off Reeh. With an incredible fast movement she picked up Ali's sword and got in the middle of Ali and Faaris, protecting Ali with her own tiny body.

Ali barely lifted his face just to see Azul getting between him and Faaris. He was scared. He wanted to stop her but he just couldn't.

Faaris was already charging against Ali, determined to kill the prince with that last hit of his sword. But it happened so fast. It happened in a flash. When Faaris was about to give Ali the last, mortal hit Azul got between them, sword in hand and with an incredible fast movement, so fast that Faaris couldn't react, she hit Faaris with Ali's sword. She hit him right in the stomach, right in the spot where Ali had tried to stab himself because of Faaris.

Ali's eyes widened in surprise. He saw it all in slow motion. Azul hitting Faaris and the dark man stepping back as he was screaming in pain. Faaris' sword fell to the ground right beside him and he saw how Faaris' hands went to his stomach as he fell down to his knees.

Ali looked up at Azul in awe. She was scared and her face showed her own surprise. She was breathing really fast and holding Ali's sword in her hands. She kept her eyes set on Faaris.

Another big explosion brought them back to reality. Azul turned to face Ali who was still on the ground, looking up at her.

"Azul…" He muttered painfully. "You came back!"

She kneeled beside him to help him to get to his feet.

"If we escape, we'll do it together Ali… otherwise we'll die together…"

Ali was feeling a warm feeling flooding his chest. But Azul's efforts to help him to his feet seemed useless, for the prince of Agrabah couldn't lift himself. He was covered in blood and he felt he was about to pass out.

"I'll take you out of here Ali… trust me…"

"We have no time left!" Ali whispered. "The city is about to disappear!"

"I know!" Azul groaned helping him up. "Just… hold on… you are going to be alright…"

"Azul…" He said softly. "I just can't…"

"No!" She warned him. "You can Ali… you can and you will! Help me here! C'mon!"

Reeh approached them and Ali found some extra support on him. He had to get on Reeh's back but his legs weren't supporting him anymore.

"C'mon Ali!" Azul was saying while trying to help him on Reeh. "I know you can!"

By then the city was actually vanishing. Energy was every where, the ground was shaking violently and the whole city was falling apart. They knew they had only a few seconds to abandon that place before it was destroyed forever.

Ali was having troubles trying to mount Reeh. He could barely move but he was trying with all his heart for he knew Azul was doing all she could for him. And he cold feel a kind of power, a mysterious strength coming from her and flooding him. It was something magical. Ali thought perhaps it was Azrak's blood in her, or the mystical diamond or the amulet he was wearing. But then he realized that whole thing had awakened a power in her. She was strong for him. She had just saved his life. He couldn't desert her now. The thought of it gave Ali barely enough strength to move. He felt his legs couldn't carry him anymore. She was trying to help him to get on Reeh but he was too heavy for her.

"C'mon Ali!" She kept saying. "You can do it! Just a last effort my love! You are almost there!"

Ali was trying with all his might but they were so concentrated on themselves that none of them noticed Faaris recovering himself.

Ali finally got on Reeh's back. Azul smiled proudly and she started to climb on it as well, but as soon as she started to do that Faaris came behind them.

Ali looked at him in horror. The man was very weak and one of his hands was still pressed against his stomach. He was stumbling but he came behind Azul totally by surprise. When she was about to get on Reeh, Faaris grabbed her and tried to send her to the ground.

"No!" Azul screamed grasping Reeh's saddle. "Ali!"

"You are not going anywhere!" Faaris said between gasps. "You'll die in here… Karak will be your grave!"

"Azul!" Ali screamed.

The prince of Agrabah grabbed Azul around the shoulders. Faaris was pulling her down but Ali was not going to allow that to happen.

Using the last energy he had in his body Ali took his dagger off his belt and with a firm and quick movement he hit Faaris' face with it. The man screamed and released Azul, his hands going to his face immediately.

Ali didn't know where he got the strength he needed, but he lifted Azul with one arm and placed her on Reeh between his arms. She was scared but they didn't have much time to think about it. Another big explosion was heard and this time they knew Karak was going to disappear.

"Run Reeh!" Ali yelled. "Take us out of here! Run!"

The prince spurred his horse and Reeh started to run in the gate's direction with all his energy, putting his heart into it. But regardless of the magical stone around his neck and the velocity he could reach with it, that was not fast enough, for the city of Karak was finally vanishing from Earth. The energy around them was very strong then, the ground was shaking so violently that it almost felt as if they were galloping on the waves of the sea. And stones were falling all around them. Reeh had to make his way across that hell of destruction.

"Almost there!" Ali was screaming. "We are almost there!"

They were almost reaching the gates of the city when a very loud noise was heard. It was so loud that they thought their ears would explode. Ali and Azul cringed at that sound as they felt waves moving under Reeh's feet.

"It's the end!" Ali muttered.

He couldn't say anything else, for a terrible explosion happened then. It was a terrible wave of heat and energy. Azul screamed in panic but Ali embraced her, trying to cover her with his own body.

It was real quick. But the shockwave hit Ali, Azul and Reeh really bad and sent them away. Even if Ali was covering Azul with his body, the energy of the explosion catapulted them away. It was the end of Karak, energy, sand, wind, noise, all mixed in a storm of destruction and death.

Ali and Azul hit the ground in the middle of that storm and they passed out.

And suddenly, with a giant flash of light everything vanished from earth. Suddenly there was only an empty desert under the moonlight in that place where the Dark City of Karak had been. And silence. A deep silence in the darkness of the night.

* * * * *

Everything was so quiet and so silent. In the desert just three motionless figures were laying on the endless sands in that place where the dark city of Karak had been. The city that had been spreading pain, terror and evil around the lands of Allah for the past weeks. A city that was now only a dark memory in the minds and the hearts of those who had to fight it.

Reeh was the first one to wake up. He was laying on the sand, his mane was all messy and the saddles were almost gone after the explosion. All his travel stuff was in a very bad shape and he only had his magical jewel around his neck. He stood up and shook his mane furiously. Then he neighed softly and looked around.

Just at that moment Azul started to move. She blinked a couple of times and groaned. She couldn't remember where she was or what had happened.

"Oh my head!" She said trying to push herself up.

She looked around. Her mind was still blurred. It was still dark but the horizon was starting to get clear, announcing the upcoming dawn. Azul rubbed her forehead. Her body was aching from head to toe.

"What happened?" She muttered.

A soft noise caught her attention. She turned around slowly and found Reeh staring at her. She blinked and frowned.

"Oh Allah!" She said rubbing her face. "What happened? Reeh…!"

She looked around. Everything around her was so peaceful. Everything was so quiet and so silent. And all of a sudden the memories of Karak came to her mind.


She turned around to the place where the city had been, but she only found an empty desert there. There was nothing left of Karak. Nothing. Not even the slightest clue that a city had been there.

She was impressed, her blue eyes wide open with surprise and amazement.

"Karak is gone!" She whispered.

Then she looked at herself and gasped in horror. She was totally covered in blood.

"What happened to me?!" She was scared.

Slowly she wiped some blood away on her arm and she noticed it didn't hurt. And there was nothing under that blood, her arm was perfectly fine, not even a scratch. Her eyes opened wide when she realized it was not her blood… then she realized where all that blood had come from.

"ALI!" She called desperately as all the memories of the last minutes of Karak came to her head. "Ali where are you?"

She was horrified. She looked around frantically trying to spot Ali. She could remember how Ali protected her with his body from the final explosion but it was obvious that the blast had separated them.

Finally she gasped when she discovered him. He was laying on the sand on his stomach, his face hidden from her and not moving at all. His cape was covering him. A cape that was all ripped and tattered. And Azul noticed red sand near his shoulder. That image was awfully familiar to Azul. It was the same scene she saw on Aswad's water mirror… the image of Ali laying dead on the sands of the desert.

She wanted to rush to him but just when she tried to do that she froze. Ali wasn't moving at all. He wasn't even breathing. He looked like a dead man.

"Ali!" Azul said as tears started to run down her face. "How could this happen twice and it not be true? This shouldn't be like this… this was not supposed to be like this… Ali, you shouldn't have… why Ali? Why?"

She approached him slowly, crawling on the sand. She was crying, for Ali wasn't moving. She was sure he was gone but she didn't want to learn the truth. She was afraid of what she could find once she reached him.

"Oh please… Allah… no…" She was whispering softly as tears were escaping her eyes. "Don't let this be true Allah! Not like this!"

Finally Azul reached him. She looked down at the motionless body. She couldn't see his face and she wasn't even sure if she wanted to see his face. She tried to touch him but she stopped. It was so hard for her to accept what she was seeing.

There was an expression of infinite pain and frustration in her face. Her blue eyes where shinning with tears and she wasn't even stopping them from escaping her eyes.

She let out a deep and painful sigh that shook her whole body. A sigh that came out from her heart and she leaned over slowly, hugging Ali's motionless body softly from behind, resting her head on his back. She closed her eyes and let all her pain out, she was crying.

"I love you!" She whispered softly. "I love you my prince… I always have… and always will…"

But suddenly she could feel the soft rising and falling of his back. He was barely breathing. Azul's eyes opened wide when she heard and felt his faint breathing. He was alive.

Azul rushed to turn him on his back. She did that carefully, trying not to hurt him anymore. But when she looked at his face she saw how bad of shape he really was in. He looked terrible, very pale and covered by blood. He had dark circles under his eyes and even if it was covered by the cape Azul noticed his shoulder was bleeding real bad. And he had a strain of blood coming out from his temple and running down his face. He was barely breathing and his hair was going everywhere, caked with dust and dirt. His clothes were all ripped and he had a painful expression on his dirty face.

Azul touched his forehead. He was cool to the touch and that alarmed her. She rushed to feel under his cape to feel his heart beating. She knew he was badly injured and that he had lost a lot of his blood but she also knew he was suffering from exhaustion.

"Ali!" She whispered softly as tears were running down her face. "This all is because of me… I'm sorry Ali… so sorry…"

She brushed his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead softly. She stroked his cheek gently and caressed his hair carefully, not running her fingers through it, for she was afraid she could hit some hidden injury there.

Ali opened his mouth, almost gasping for air and Azul noticed how dry his lips were. She knew he needed water. Slowly she stood up and approached Reeh who was right beside them looking down at Ali with a very worried look in his big eyes.

Azul opened the bags and she found a canteen filled with water. She rushed to go back to Ali's side, kneeling by his side. She poured a little water in her hand and put it on his face. He noticed Ali's breathing was more steady then. She lifted his head carefully, holding him up a little and gave him a drink. Ali's lips reacted to the water and he started to drink it slowly. Azul smiled weakly.

"You are going to be alright Ali." She whispered. "I'm going to take care of you."

When she took the canteen away from Ali's lips the prince of Agrabah moved a little. Azul's heart soared with joy. Ali was groaning.

"Ali!" She whispered amorously. "Wake up sleepy head!"

Finally Ali's eyes opened slowly. He was in pain, in a terrible pain, but it all faded away when he opened his eyes and discovered Azul there, looking tenderly at him. It was a great sight for him. He had her there with him, that was all he needed.

A New Dawn

"Azul…" He barely whispered.

"Shhh… I'm here… don't talk…"

Ali moved his hand to her. She rushed to take it to prevent him from moving. They held hands and looked into each other's eyes. Azul had tears on her face and Ali was trying to smile.

"It's over." Azul said. "It's all over now, Ali… finally over…"

"Then… then we can finally get married…" He barely whispered and smiled weakly.

"Yes…" Azul said kissing his hand but her voice cracked.

Ali looked at the horizon. Dawn was already coming. The first lights of a new day were covering the deserts, even if the sky was still dark.

"Dawn…" He said.

"Yes… it's dawn… a new day."

Ali groaned.

"You know… blue eyes… I'm going to be sleepy all day… I HATE to get up this early!" He said almost playfully but weakly.

"Ali!" She said tenderly and hugged him softly.

She was giggling between her tears. She knew he was trying to lift the mood. But she knew he was in pain as much as he was trying to hide it.

"How are you feeling?" She asked concerned pressing his hand against her chest.

"I'm fine." He said and cringed. "But… no pillow fights for a while… okay?"

"Okay." She smiled teary eyed.

Their eyes locked and they stayed like that for a long while, just staring at each other's faces, small smiles on their lips and tears shinning in their eyes. Azul kept Ali's hand in hers and Ali was dying to touch her, to hug her, to caress her, but he couldn't move.

Finally Azul leaned over slowly, searching for his lips with hers. Ali just closed his eyes at the soft feeling of Azul's lips on his. He let her do as she pleased, for he had no strength left. He was so exhausted that he couldn't even kiss her back.

Azul kissed him softly and tenderly and her heart ached when she could taste the blood on Ali's lips. Ali's blood. That blood that he generously had shed for her. The love she felt for him at that moment exceeded anything she had felt before in her life. She wanted to devote the rest of her life to that man who was willing to give his life for her. That was willing to pay the price of her security in blood.

But Ali was lost in heaven. That soft touch was the most heavenly sensation he had ever experienced in his life. It was a relief after all they had to go through in Karak. At that moment he knew he had no energy left in his body. He knew from that moment on it was all up to Azul. He was leaving his life in her hands. And the happiness he felt in his heart exceeded the pain he felt in his body.

At the taste of Ali's blood on her lips tears of pain and gratitude came to Azul's eyes again. But for Ali Azul's touch was the touch of an angel. A couple of tears of happiness escaped the corner of his eyes and ran down, leaving a trail in the dirt of his face.

Ali lifted his arm to hug her but it was really painful for him to do that and Azul understood that. She leaned down to him so he only had to lift his arms from the elbows for she knew he couldn't use his injured shoulder. They stayed like that for a long while, holding each other and their lips pressed together in a sweet and soft kiss.

Finally they pulled away. They looked at each other's teary eyes and smiled sweetly. Azul stroked Ali's hair softly.

"Thank you, my prince." She whispered. "Thank you."

"Nah…" Ali said weakly. "Don't thank me… we did this together… I was on that journey… but you had your part in Karak… I had the stones and the… amulet… but only you could perform the ritual… I fought with all I had but… at the end it was you who… beat Aswad and… Faaris…"

Azul smiled and kissed his forehead.

"We are a wonderful team, aren't we?"

"Yeah." He said breathless. "And we will always be."

"Don't talk Ali!" She said softly. "I have to check on those injuries of yours and… we have to go back to Agrabah now."

"Azul…" He barely whispered. "You saved my life…"

"Ali!" She said giving him a small hug. "I love you so much…"

"But… are you alright? Aren't you… hurt?"

"I'm fine." She said caressing his face. "And I'm going to take good care of you."

"I… I don't think I can help much… Azul… I know I look bad but… but I know I can make it home… just… just take me home…"

"Don't worry my love." She said softly. "I'll take you home and I'll take care of you until you're in perfect condition again."

"No…" He whispered. "I want you to… take care of me for… for the rest of… my life… would you Azul? Please?"

Azul smiled a wonderful smile, even if her eyes were filled with tears. She leaned over and hugged Ali tenderly.

"Of course I will, silly boy… I'll be by your side forever."

"Good." Ali said closing his eyes. "Just… please… take me home…"

Azul stood up. She knew she had no time to lose. Ali needed a doctor and he needed it fast for he was bleeding a lot and she could clearly see how he was losing his remaining energy and also his consciousness. She had to act quick.

She went to Reeh to get some clothes she could use to improvise some bandages. The horse looked at her and she patted him.

"It's not going to be easy, Reeh…" She said looking at Ali over her shoulder. "But we have to take him to Agrabah as fast as we can. I'm afraid for his life. He's bad Reeh… we must take him out of here."

Reeh made soft noises and bounced his head as if saying: "Don't worry, I won't let him die." Azul smiled weakly and took one of Ali's shirts, ripping it off. She turned to Ali and removed his cape. The wound he had on his shoulder was a very deep one and Azul cringed just at the look of it. Ali kept his eyes closed but when he felt Azul was examining his wound he turned to her and opened his eyes.

"It is bad, isn't it?"

"Well…" She didn't know what to answer. "I guess it will leave you a scar…"

"Oh," Ali tried to smile. "But it will be a special one."

Azul tried to smile and she looked at Ali.

"I'm going to clean and bandage this wound but you need a doctor Ali. We have to go back to Agrabah now."

"Don't worry blue eyes… Reeh will take us there… we'll be there soon…"

"How soon?"

"By… nightfall." Ali barely whispered.

Azul bit her lip and preoccupation appeared on her face. She wasn't sure Ali could make it until nightfall. Ali noticed it and tried to smile.

"C'mon Azul… I can do it!"

"Alright." She said worried. "I'm going to clean this… and this is not going to be nice… ready?"

Ali nodded weakly and closed his eyes, turning his face away. Azul poured water on the wound and Ali tried to suppress a yell, so he just ended groaning.

"Uh… that hurts…" He groaned.

She covered the wound with a clean rag and then with some improvised bandages she immobilized Ali's arm to his chest. Then she put the cape back on his shoulders. She took another piece of fabric and put it around Ali's head, for he was still bleeding.

Ali's ribs were killing him and his stomach was aching so bad but he didn't wanted to worry Azul more so he decided he'd save that for himself. When he was ready Azul helped him to his feet. It was not easy at all to do, for he was like a rag doll, but he knew Azul would never make it all on her own and if he wanted to go back home he had to be strong and use all the energy he had left to help her to help him.

Azul made Reeh lay on the sand so Ali could mount him more easily but even that was painful to him. But they managed and Ali was on Reeh.

Azul got Ali's satchel and put it on her and placed Ali's sword on Reeh's saddles. And just when Azul was going to mount the horse Ali noticed something shinning on the sand under the soft light of the morning.

"Look!" He said weakly and yet enthusiastically. "The stones!"

Azul looked at where Ali was pointing and she discovered the three stones laying there on the sand. She smiled and went to pick them up. But not only the stones were there, but also Azrak's book.

"I thought I'd never see those again." Ali commented.

"It's all that's left from Karak." Azul smiled and placed the stones inside the wooden box and put it inside the satchel.

When she was going to put the book inside the satchel Ali stopped her.

"No wait!" He said. "Read the last page…"


"I don't know… just… read it…"

Azul opened the book to the last page. There was a last message written with Azrak's unmistakable handwriting. Azul looked up at Ali and then at the book.

"Your lives are but a story that is still to be written. They are not written yet, you'll make your own story day after day… and you must fill the pages of the book of your lives day after day with your own story… together."

The book ended there. Azul smiled and looked up to Ali. He had a warm smile on his lips. Azul placed the book inside the satchel and mounted Reeh. Ali closed his free arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Let's go home my angel… a new life is waiting there for us… our life together."

Azul reached back and caressed Ali's face. Then she took Reeh's reins and patted Reeh's neck.

"Take us home boy… back to Agrabah."

Reeh neighed loudly and started to run. He was determined to run like the wind and not stop until the golden domes of Agrabah's palace were before them. He knew that was the last effort and he was going to take them there even if that took his life.

Azul looked over her shoulder one last time to the place where the dark city of Karak had been. She promised herself she'd try to erase all the memories of that cursed place from her heart. Now she was with Ali again and this time it was forever. She looked at the endless desert before them and smiled thinking each step of the way would take them further from Karak and closer to Agrabah.

* * * * *

But the way back home was not easy at all. Ali was in pain and he was still losing blood, as much as Azul tried to avoid it. She knew he could lose his consciousness any minute for he was getting worse by the minute and she was praying to Allah for him to resist a little longer, just a little longer.

They wanted to travel fast and Ali knew with Reeh's jewel they'd be in Agrabah by nightfall if they traveled non stop. But unfortunately they had to stop a couple of times, for Ali was really sick and he needed to rest and recover himself before they could continue.

Azul knew that last travel would take longer than expected and yet, they had no choice, they had to be in Agrabah as soon as they could, otherwise she knew Ali could die in the deserts.

She was mortified for him. Little by little he had been losing all his remaining energy. He was not able to open his eyes anymore and Azul was afraid he could fall asleep. Not only could he fall off Reeh but even worse, he could sleep and never wake up again.

Ali kept his head resting against Azul's shoulder. He was heavy for her but she was trying to be strong for him for she knew Reeh and herself were Ali's only hope. By then Ali was burning with fever and there was nothing she could do but keep Reeh on the run and pray to Allah for Ali to resist.

"Please Ali!" She was pleading while galloping across the golden dunes. "Keep you eyes open! Don't fall asleep Ali! Please, I know you can do it!"

"I'm trying, blue eyes…" He was muttering against her neck. "I'm trying… but it's so… hard…"

But Ali was determined to live. His body was giving up but his spirit kept him going. Every time he was about to fall asleep he opened his eyes and asked Azul to tell stories to him.

She was telling him stories about her childhood, about her travels, tales she had read in books or that her parents had told to her. She was telling him nothing but happy stories trying to keep him awake and happy.

Ali wasn't even listening to what Azul was saying but just the sound of her voice was reassuring for him and he had to smile and close his arm around her, both, to keep his balance on Reeh and more important, because he wanted to feel her close to him. As close as possible. He kept his head on her shoulder and every now and then he turned his head to brush her neck with his lips weakly and to mutter a soft "I love you".

After a long and painful day the night finally fell on them. Azul was grateful, for the sun had been really strong all day and she knew Ali could dehydrate. She was making him drink every hour, even if she wasn't drinking at all. She wanted to save all the water for him. But the night was a relief to them.

They were so tired and so exhausted and with every second Ali felt life was escaping his body. With every drop of blood he lost a drop of life was gone.

"I'm going to live." He kept thinking. "I'm going to live for you, Azul… and then I'm going to devote the rest of my life to loving you… to making you happy."

"Ali!" Azul finally announced. "It's the oasis Ali! OUR oasis!"

The prince of Agrabah opened his eyes and looked at the oasis in front of them. A weak smile appeared on his lips as he muttered a soft "Thank Allah!"

Azul spurred Reeh, they were near to Agrabah then. Azul looked up at the sky, it was midnight. But they knew that last part of the road very well, for they had spent so many wonderful days in that oasis. They were practically back home.

Reeh ran like the wind the final distance to Agrabah and with the stone he had around his neck it didn't take long. Finally the horse climbed on a high dune and big smiles appeared on the faces of Ali and Azul.

Reeh had to stop, for the view before them was so beautiful they had to contemplate it for a moment. The golden domes were shinning under the moonlight and the city was peacefully sleeping under the protection of the royal palace.

"Agrabah!" Azul muttered.

"Home..." Ali barely whispered.

Azul looked at Ali's face and caressed it softly.

"We're here my love… we are finally here… together, as it should be."

"I love you, my blue eyed angel." Ali whispered.

Azul noticed Ali was paler than before and his grip around her waist was very weak. His body was feeling more heavy and she knew he was giving up. He couldn't resist anymore. He had done all he could.

"Let's go Reeh!" Azul spurred him. "To the palace… non stop!"

Reeh neighed and ran in the direction of Agrabah's gates. Ali took a last look at his beloved city and rested his head once again on Azul's shoulder, closing his eyes as a small smile appeared on his lips.

"It's over." He thought. "It's all over now."

And he started dozing off as the royal horse ran like the wind in the palace direction. Azul looked up at the sky and said a prayer to Allah. She thanked him for allowing them to live and to be back in Agrabah, but most of all her prayer was for Ali. It was for her prince to live, and for their future. A future full of happiness where the memories of Karak were just shadows in the back of their hearts. She spurred Reeh even more. They were in the blessed city of Agrabah at last. She put her hand over the arm Ali kept around her waist and she promised herself she was going to be there for him always the same way he had always been there for her.

"You'll be alright!" She whispered. "I promise that to you… you will be alright!"

Reeh entered the gates of the city and he ran across the main street of the sleeping city, directly to the Royal Palace of Agrabah.

*        *        *

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