Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




Aswad looked really concerned as he was pacing almost nervously from one side to the other in his throne room. He was rubbing his chin and he was lost in his thoughts. Something was really worrying him.

"It's clear I cannot trust her anymore. It's clear I never should've trusted her in the first place. She's dangerous and I should've known better. I was very careless with her for I knew she is Azrak's blood but I thought she'd be easy to handle... that she'd be docile and easy to tame. How wrong I was... after all the time she's been here in Karak I thought by now she'd be scared enough and resigned to her fate but she hasn't lost hope... she still believes, she still expects a miracle to happen. How that can be possible? I never thought she'd be so strong."

Aswad looked at the window at the view of the dark city below him and sighed.

"But now I'm worried. It's obvious she won't join the dark forces of Karak and I cannot force her. She must make that decision... but Karak needs her, I need her... and she's only a mere mortal. How long would she live? Fifty or sixty years more? And then what? And then Karak will lose her and we'll be again vanished from earth... unless I can find the way to undo Azrak's spell... but I've been trying to find a counter spell for a thousand years without success... what if she dies before I could find the counter spell? I need her blood forever in Karak..."

He sat on his throne and meditated for a long while. Then he shook his head.

"It's just that I cannot believe this girl. I was offering so much to her and she rejected it all... why? She knows she has no way out but she's fighting... she knows she's weak, she knows she has no chance against me and yet she doesn't give up. What's that force that's keeping her alive like that? Any other person would've broken already... she's just a girl, a weak defenseless girl... how can she be so strong? What's that that's keeping her spirit strong like this?"

The sounds of footsteps echoed in the hall outside the throne room and Majid appeared in there bowing respectfully before Aswad.

"My lord!"

"What is it, Majid? Any troubles with the young one?"

"Oh no, sir. It's not that. She's in her room, locked and under severe vigilance just as you ordered it."

"Good. Then what is it?"

"We've received news... from the Lion of the Desert."

"Ah!" Aswad smiled amused. "Interesting... I'm sure Karima is having such a good time with this boy."

"My lord." Majid said nervously. "The White Crystal has been found."

"WHAT?!" Aswad said standing up and going to his water mirror. "But that cannot be!"

"Notice of that just came to Karak. It seems Karima failed."

"No... no, that's impossible Majid. I've known Karima all my life. And I know no man has ever resisted her spell and her temptation."

"Well, no one had... until now."

In the water mirror Aswad could see the image of the Prince Ali of Agrabah mounting Reeh and running like the wind on the road of the north.

"I cannot believe this." Aswad said half annoyed, half impressed. "How on earth could this stupid boy pass the test of Karima? Majid, look at him! He's just a boy! I've seen wise men falling into Karima's web... I've seen tough warriors falling for her... I've seen her conquer powerful magicians with just a wink of her eye... how could this boy pass that test? This is impossible... this just cannot be!"

"It seems Queen Karima couldn't break his will... she never found the way to his heart." Majid said.

"That sounds so familiar." Aswad said softly. "The same thing is happening to me with Azul."

"They seem to be connected somehow." Majid said. "They are each other's force, each other's inspiration... they have all their hopes and faith in the other."

"I know." Aswad said thoughtfully. "The only way to dominate them, the only way to control them, to surrender them is taking all those hopes away... all the faith away."

"How can we do that?"

Aswad shook his head and looked at the reflection of Ali in the water mirror.

"I cannot try anything against the Lion of the Desert while he's on his journey. I cannot attack him while he's being proved. He's immune against me and my magic for now. And now that he passed Karima's test with flying colors I know he's strong enough to take this to the end and that worries me, Majid."

"What should we do then, my lord?"

"Be prepared. In the moment he passes his last test, in the moment he gets Azrak's amulet, in that moment he'll be at our mercy... that'll be our time to break him. We must be prepared, Majid. We know his weak point now... the one who gives him his strength is also his weakest point and we must take advantage of that."

"What do you have in mind, my lord?"

"You'll see... when the time comes. Now I need you to take care of Azul day and night. We cannot afford losing her now. As for me, I know someone who can help us with this Ali of Agrabah... this Lion of the Desert. Someone who's faced him before and who knows all his weaknesses... someone who fought him when he was nothing but a cub, not a lion at all. And I'm going to summon this someone now. As soon as this Lion of the Desert gets the amulet, the real challenge will start for him. He'll be facing the powers of Karak... we are going to destroy his heart for that's his weakest point. We can destroy his body but as long as he has this power in his heart he'll continue fighting. So we are going to destroy his heart."

"So what are your orders, Lord Aswad?"

"Keep Azul safe. It's going to be a while before the Lion finishes his quest. He still has to find the Blue Crystal. He could fail in his journey but we'll be prepared anyway."

"Yes my lord... but who's that person you are going to call to fight the Lion of the Desert when the time comes?"

"You'll see, Majid... you'll see."

Majid bowed and he was going to leave the room when Aswad's voice stopped him.

"We need her in one piece, Majid. And I just hope she's prepared for what's coming."

"And what is that, my lord?" Majid looked at Aswad.

The Lord of Karak opened a big, old book and smiled, showing a page to Majid.

"This is what's coming."

In the page there was a spell... a spell of immortality.

"My lord?" Majid said confused.

"She's going to live forever for Karak. I'm going to give her immortality. I'll cast this spell on her. We need her living blood. And once I'd take all hope away from her I only want to make sure she's immortal already. I don't want to lose her and I know when she has no reason left to go on in life she could die... but not with this spell. By then she'll be immortal and she'll be tamed."

"Sounds as if you have a plan already, Lord Aswad."

"I do, Majid... I do."

Majid just bowed and left the room. Aswad smiled evilly and sat on his throne staring at the image of the Lion of the Desert in his water mirror.

"You are going to take all hope and faith away from her, Lion of the Desert... as for Azul... she's going to kill you."

* * * * *

Ali and Reeh were running across wonderful plains on their way to the north. On the horizon they could see a lot of mountains. It was wonderful scenery. All was green and there were creeks and trees all over the place. Ali made Reeh stop when he saw a shepherd sitting under a tree, watching over his flock.

"Salaam, good man. May Allah be with you." Ali greeted him.

The man looked up at him and frowned.

"You are very far away from your lands, foreigner." The man said.

"Well," Ali said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "I sure am. That's why I need your help. I left the deserts a couple of days ago and I've been traveling to the north ever since then. I need to know where I am."

"The lands of Hagol."

"Hagol?" Ali said opening his map and studying it carefully. "Geez, that's really away from the deserts."

"I know. I don't think you've left the deserts just yesterday. As fast as your horse can be it's at least a 7 days ride to the deserts from here."

"Right." Ali smiled knowing that Reeh's Jewel was working. "That's what I meant, I left the deserts 7 days ago."

"Where are you going?"

"To the north." Ali said.

"The north covers a lot of places, foreigner."

"Well... I'm just going... to the north."

"Where fate may take you, is it?"

"You could say that."

The shepherd laughed and looked up at Ali.

"It's lunch time boy and I really could use the company. Sheep aren't nice company to talk to, you know that?"

Ali dismounted Reeh and took the saddles off him so he could take a rest.

"Yeah. And I accept your invitation. To tell you the truth I really needed to see another human being. I haven't had human company for a long time and even if my horse is my best friend I really can use some company as well."

The man opened his satchel and put food in front of Ali: cheese, milk, bread, fresh fruits. Ali was really hungry and his eyes shinned with joy.

"You provide the company." The man said. "And I'll provide the food."

"Fair deal." Ali laughed.

"I used to be like you when I was young. Always looking for adventures. I used to take my horse and run where destiny would take me. Those were the days, boy. But then I felt the need to have roots somewhere. To belong somewhere. And I came here."

"You live near here?"

"Yes. My village is only a few minutes away from here in that direction. But I like what I do now. It's wonderful to sit here under the trees watching over my flock and remembering the good old days. So many memories."

Ali smiled taking the rustic cup the man was offering to him. Ali drank the milk avidly and he thought it was the best milk he had ever tasted.

"You must lead a very peaceful life, sir."

"I do. You'll see what this kind of life is like when you're older. You are so young now, how old are you? 18? 19?"

"I turned 21 a couple of months ago."

"When I was your age I lived a very carefree life of adventure, just like you. No memories at all, no boundaries. Just me and the land under my horse."

"Well, I do have memories."

The man looked at Ali and smiled.

"You are in love. I can see it in your eyes."

"I am."

"Where is she?" The man asked. "You are so far away from your deserts, so far away from her, I imagine. Are you trying to find good fortune so you can marry her by any chance?"

"No." Ali said sadly. "Things are not like that... I just... my motives are different."

"I see and I won't be curious about it."

"I've been traveling for a long time now. And I'm so tired..."

"And every step of the way takes you farther from her."

"No sir, you are wrong. Every step of the way takes me closer to her."

"Where is she?"

"In the deserts. Somewhere in Allah's deserts."

"You are weird, boy." The man laughed. "I think this cold climate must be affecting your head. You must be used to the heat of your deserts."

"Yeah." Ali laughed. "As a matter of fact I am. It's really cool here."

"If you're going to the north then you must be prepared. You must cross those mountains. There's nothing there, nothing but ice and snow."

"Really?" Ali said shivering in advance. "Well, that cannot be that bad... after that volcano and after Karima maybe I could use something more cold."


"Oh, nothing." He laughed softly. "Don't mind me. I'm just a crazy boy."

"Sure you are."

They ate in silence for a while until the man spoke.

"So, where are you from?"

"Agrabah." Ali smiled. "In the Arabian Desert."

"Well, I'm not good at geography of the deserts but that must be a very far away place."

"And a very beautiful one too."

"And what are you doing away from that beautiful place? What brought you to the lands of the north?"

"Love." Ali said absently.

"You know kid, you really are weird."

Ali laughed and looked at the mountains in front of them.

"Have you seen the northern star that appears in the sky to mark the north? That star the sailors and the nomads and travelers follow to find the north in their travels?"


"Such is life, sir." Ali said absently. "Life is the journey and we must follow our own personal northern star, the one that shows us the way... that marks the right spot for us that we have to go to."

"And what's your northern star, kid?"

"Azul." Ali said dreamily. "My angel."

"So, are you following her on this travel of yours?"

"I am, sir. I'm actually following her. For every little thing I do it's for her. Have you ever felt that kind of love that burns you inside? That love that drives you crazy?"

"Well..." The man said not very convinced.

"That's the love I have for her. My heart only beats for her... my body only breaths for her... my mind only thinks about her... believe me sir, this has not been an easy journey at all and I know the end is not in sight. I know I have to face a lot of dangers in this path but I'm willing to do whatever it takes for her... just for her..."

"Although there must be other stars in your sky, young one."

"There are." Ali smiled. "My parents... Agrabah... those are my stars."

"Are you a philosopher or a poet, kid?"

"Me?" Ali laughed. "Oh no... I'm just a man in love."

"And for how long are you planning to follow your northern star?"

"Forever sir... forever."

Ali sighed happily and looked at the sun.

"Oh Allah!" He said. "It's getting late... sir, I guess I have to be going."

"To follow your northern star." The man laughed.

"Right." Ali smiled placing the saddles on Reeh. "Thanks for your food and your hospitality. I guess I was even worse company than the sheep but..."

"That's fine." The man laughed. "I wish you the best in your journey. And be prepared for the ice of the windy mountains."

"Ice? Wind?" Ali asked remembering those were the elements of the blue crystal. "Then I must be in the right way."

"Just follow the northern star." The man smiled.

"I could never go wrong that way." Ali smiled.

The prince of Agrabah mounted his horse and after saying his good byes to the kind shepherd he continued his way to the north, to the mountains in the horizon.

* * * * *

Ali knew that with Reeh wearing the jewel they'd be in the mountains by sunset and it was good for them for he couldn't afford losing any more time. They'd been traveling the deserts for a long while and he was starting to get really worried because of the time. He felt terrible knowing that while he was out there finding those jewels Azul was in Karak all alone and not even knowing where he was.

"She must be waiting for me to go there." He was thinking. "I know she must think I'll be there any minute... and every minute I spend out here is a minute I'm taking away from her... oh Allah, if I had only went back to her that night none of this would be happening... would it? Or perhaps this is really our fate... who knows? I only know that in order to save her I must get the last of the crystals and then Azrak's amulet. Thank goodness I got this Jewel of Reeh. I never thought it'd work, I admit I'm impressed... happily impressed. We've traveled a long way in only a couple of days. At least something good came out of Malahy."

He shook his head trying to shove the memories of the Queen away from him and instead he tried to concentrate on the road before them.

"This jewel is amazing, isn't it Reeh?" Ali told his horse. "You are running like the wind now. Oh, Azul would LOVE to see this. She's going to love all the adventures I have to tell her... also my parents. I can't wait to get home and tell mom and dad about all of this. They are going to be so happy to hear about this."

Ali meditated a couple of seconds and smiled.

"Well, I know they are going to be worried knowing all about this mess but they are going to be proud of me, knowing I did my best."

Ali's heart flew to Agrabah then. To Agrabah and to Aladdin and Jasmine. He had been missing them a lot and he thought about them every day, knowing they were defending Agrabah from the evil forces of Karak that were unleashed in the deserts.

"But I know Agrabah has nothing to fear having you as its hero, dad." Ali smiled. "I wish I could see you now, fighting so bravely..."

Ali's face was covered by a sad and preoccupied expression then as he suddenly remembered the conversation he had with his father a while ago. That talk about Aladdin's past.

"I really had no idea about the things you told me then, dad." He thought. "I always knew your life wasn't easy at all but I never imagined it was... like that. You told me terrible things that night and I--- and I can't believe I have such a great man as my father. For you are the greatest hero ever. I know you're a famous hero who lived a thousand adventures and I know you're known as a wise and fair ruler in the deserts... but I know the man behind all of that... the man who survived in the streets for so many years, who passed so many tests... a man who proved himself in pain and solitude. You know, dad, I really think you passed your own tests for courage, purity and wisdom while living in the streets, I really think so. I'm out here finding my way through those three ways... and I know you proved yourself a wise, pure and brave man... and then you got the lamp and then you could be with my mom... and you married her... it's the same with me, as soon as I finish with the three roads I'll go get the amulet... and then I'll go to save Azul... it's funny how alike we are, isn't it, dad?"

Ali laughed and looked at the sky. It was almost sunset and the mountains were real close then. He smiled but soon his smile transformed into a sad expression.

"I really don't know what to do about grandfather Cassim though." He sighed. "I wish I could see things from a different point of view but after knowing what I know about my father's past... well... I feel even more anger towards Cassim. I keep thinking how much my dad is willing to do for his family, for my mom, for me and my siblings... I'm here risking everything for the woman I love... and then I think about Cassim... that man doesn't have a heart. He abandoned his wife and his son... my dad would've never done something like that and I know I would never ever abandon Azul... how could he do that then?"

He sighed deeply and shook his head.

"I wish I could understand him... I wish I could forgive him for what he did to my dad... for what he's still doing to him. But how? How in the name of Allah can I forgive someone who was responsible for my father's hard life in the streets? I know I should forgive and forget but I just can't... not now... not when I'm missing my parents so much... not when I feel so lost without the woman I love... Cassim, you had everything and you threw it all away... why?"

Ali didn't want to continue thinking about that. He tried to think about more happy things. About his future and all the happiness that was waiting for them.

"Azul... my love. I keep thinking about our wedding... about our honeymoon... about all the wonderful things we'll do together. All the love we'll share." Ali giggled and smiled tenderly. "I can imagine when we're parents... and mom and dad are grandparents. I really want my kids to be as close to their grandparents as I never was. Close to my parents and to Azul's parents, of course... oh I can only imagine dad playing with his grandchildren..."

He blushed a little and smiled nervously.

"I can't believe how I keep thinking about that kind of stuff day and night lately. I cannot see Azul as my fianc�e anymore... for some reason I can only see her as my wife... my wife... how wonderful does that sound! I'm going to make you happy, blue eyes... I'm going to love you forever... forever."

Ali noticed Reeh was slowing down. He looked around and he realized they were at the foothill of the impressive mountains of the north. Reeh stopped and Ali rubbed his arms. It was really cold.

"Oh man, it's freezing here!" Ali said looking at the sky. "And it's dark already... I guess we have to go through those mountains but it's useless to try to go through them in the dark of the night. I'm afraid we'll have to stop here and stay in here for the night."

Ali dismounted Reeh and looked around.

"We'll, at least we have enough wood to set a good fire... otherwise we'd freeze to death." He said taking the saddles off Reeh. "And look at the mountains, they are covered with snow... Reeh, this is not going to be easy... not at all. Not for us, desert guys anyway... but it's for Azul and I know we are closer... I know we are in the right direction."

Reeh neighed and Ali smiled and patted his head.

"I better start collecting some wood here... this is going to be a long, cold, lonely night Reeh..." He looked up and his eyes went to the northern star. "But we are in the right way."

* * * * *

The night had been particularly cold. The wind blew the lonely alleys of the city of Agrabah and went to the high balcony of the Sultan's bedchambers blowing the heart of Aladdin who was leaning against the rail of the balcony staring absently at the dark city below him.

He sighed deeply and his eyes set on the walls of the city. The army was guarding the gates and the walls of Agrabah. A lot of things had been happening in the last weeks and the army was alert day and night. Aladdin gazed at the bonfires in the desert and then his eyes went up to the sky.

"An army without his General." He thought.

A cold breeze sent shivers down his spine. He rubbed his own arms absently and stared at the endless desert beyond Agrabah's walls. The Sultan of Agrabah had a depressed and sad expression on his face. And he looked really stressed.

The Queen of Agrabah appeared on the balcony behind him. She stayed by the door, just staring at her husband for a long while. She had a sad and preoccupied expression of her own covering her face. But Aladdin didn't notice her standing in there, he was lost in his thoughts not even noticing how chilly the night was. He was hugging himself, staring out into oblivion.

Jasmine sighed sadly and came up behind him quietly and draped his robe over his shoulders. Aladdin didn't break his stare when he noticed his wife standing there. He was totally lost in his thoughts.

"Why don't you come to bed?" She asked quietly. "It's so cold out here."

"And our boy is out in that cold somewhere..." Aladdin replied absently.

"I know." Jasmine said rubbing Aladdin's back and staring at the desert.

"I never thought it'd take so long for him to come back."

"He's been gone for a whole month now." Jasmine said absently.

"A whole month and no word from him. We have no idea where he could be... or if he's fine."

"He has to, Aladdin... he has to be fine."

"We've been having all those magical situations here in Agrabah, Jasmine. All those magical troubles we've been fighting the last weeks. I just keep thinking that Ali hasn't succeeded in his journey yet for if he had all those magical troubles would've stopped already."

"I know." She said absently. "And it worries me too."

"Every day, every hour, every second of the day I keep wondering where on Earth our kid could be but I have no clue. He could be anywhere in Allah's lands... even beyond. As bad as the situation is in Agrabah at least we have a warm bed and food every day but what about those children? Azul in that magical city of Karak and Ali only Allah knows where. I'm worried Jasmine, worried as never before."

"But there's nothing we can do, Aladdin. Nothing but wait and pray for them."

"I know and that frustrates me. I wish I could go out to find Ali but then I know Agrabah needs me and besides..." Aladdin made a pause. "Besides I have no idea where my boy could be."

Jasmine looked at Aladdin's face and she noticed how distraught he was over it all. She felt sorry for him. She loved Ali beyond words and she was very worried for him and for Azul but she knew that special thing, that special bond that Aladdin and Ali had. They were always very close to each other. From the moment Ali was born Aladdin was crazy about him. And she knew that devotion Ali had for his father. Aladdin's voice brought her back to reality.

"Have you..." He stopped and gulped. "Have you considered the possibility of Ali failing in his mission...? Have you thought that Ali could never come back?"

"Aladdin!" She said alarmed.

"I just... keep thinking that he has to come back. But I know he'd never come back without her. I know I wouldn't come back without you... he'd rather die than lose her and I understand him. But that'd mean Ali and Azul... gone forever."

"No!" Jasmine said covering her mouth. "I refuse to even think about that."

Aladdin shook his head and stared off into space.

"I trust him. I have all my faith in that boy. But it's been a month already."

"Aladdin," Jasmine said softly looping her arms around his. "He's your son, how could he fail?"

Aladdin closed his eyes as if in pain and cringed. At the sound of Jasmine's words something stirred in him.

"Ali... my son." He whispered under his breath. "I feel him so distant, Jasmine. So far away from me."

Aladdin kept his head down and his eyes closed. He rubbed his face and tried to hold back his tears. He felt he was about to cry but he knew he had to be strong for Jasmine. He didn't want to let his wife know how serious his doubts about Ali's life were.

"Aladdin," She said trying to bring him back to his senses. "I know this hurts. My heart is aching for him... and for Azul. But this is not the first time Ali has been away. He's gone to Baghdad all on his own and he was only 17 back then. Your son fought a war. He's not a child anymore, he's a man and we must trust him and his good judgment. And we have to trust Allah."

"I know. But at least when he went off to war I knew where he was. But now I have no clue where that silly boy could be... at least when he was off to war we knew if something had happened to him we..."

Aladdin stopped not wanting to put that possibility into words. He just sighed deeply and lowered his head. Jasmine hugged him around his middle and he hugged her back automatically, wrapping his arms around her. Jasmine snuggled into his chest letting him hold her.

Not Even a Grave

"If we lose him," Aladdin said quietly. "We'd have nothing left from him, Jasmine... nothing. Not even a grave to cry on."

"Oh Aladdin!" Jasmine said as she felt her tears running down her face.

"I wish I could stop thinking about this but... we've already lost a child, Jasmine. We know what it is like. She was only a baby and yet we haven't stopped mourning her death... Ali has been with us for 21 years..."

Jasmine's thoughts went to her daughter. She barely made it through losing Amaranth. With her only being with them for such a short time, she had a bond with Amaranth that Aladdin hadn't fully had yet. She carried her and delivered her. It was so painful to her to lose her daughter. Now the thought of losing Ali was so much for her to handle. She had to keep her mind away from such a possibility. When they had lost their daughter Aladdin had been the strong one, the rock. Now it was time for her to be strong for Aladdin.

"He has always been a good boy, hasn't he?" She tried to lift the mood. "He always manages to make us laugh."

"Yeah." Aladdin smiled. "He's such a court jester when he wants to."

"Well, he's always enjoyed teasing his father."

"That silly boy!" Aladdin laughed softly. "And he's good at it even though he's never going to hear me saying that."

"Well, he gets you every time."

"That's not true!" Aladdin smiled at Jasmine. "I think I manage pretty well his 'get him' schemes."

"No, you do not." She chuckled. "I wish I were keeping the score. I'm sure he'd be winning."

"That's a lie and you know that!" Aladdin laughed. "I admit he's good at it but I'm still the boss."

"Sure you are."

"Remember when he was a baby?" Aladdin giggled. "And he used to take off his clothes all the time? He was quite a stripper, wasn't he?"

"He was." Jasmine laughed.

"Who can blame him? You always made him wear very uncomfortable clothes... the poor thing."

"Hey, he looked cute wearing those. Besides it's the royal style. I don't know why Ali and you always complain about your royal outfits. You guys look great in them."

"Uh... let's not get into it." Aladdin smiled.

"Do you remember how he found it hilarious to pull your bangs?"

"Yeah." Aladdin laughed. "I shall have my revenge."

"He's been always an adventurer. I remember that time when he was a baby and he could barely walk. And all of a sudden he was gone. I looked for him all over the room, all over the wing but I couldn't find him anywhere... and then you came carrying him in your arms."

"I remember." Aladdin said softly. "I was in an official meeting with your father and a lot of important people... and all of a sudden the meeting was interrupted by a shrill little voice screaming a loud 'daddy'... oh, wasn't it cute?"

"He traveled all the way to the throne room... at his age it was quite an adventure for him. It's a long way down there... and the staircase and all..."

"I know. I was so scared when I thought he'd have fallen off the stairs and hurt himself. But when I saw his little face and those big eyes staring at me... his smile and his little arms stretched for me to pick him up... I just melted right there."

"He just wanted to be with his father."

"That silly boy." Aladdin said fondly. "He's a little crazy."

"I know." Jasmine smiled. "He's done a lot of crazy things in his life... this adventure he is in right now is just one of them."

"This is not crazy at all, Jasmine." Aladdin said seriously. "I would've done the exact same thing if you were the one in danger."

"I know." She said snuggling into his chest. "You've done a lot of crazy things for me before... a LOT of crazy things..."

"And I've survived them all."

Jasmine smiled and looked up at him.

"See? Our son has to be alright. It's just matter of time, Aladdin. He'll be back. He'll bring Azul back. They both will be back safe and sound. I know this is not an easy mission and I know Ali must be having a hard time but we have to trust our boy and to trust Allah. He won't abandon Ali."

"I guess you are right." Aladdin said thoughtfully.

"You'll see I am right. Someday soon you'll see your son crossing those gates carrying Azul in his arms... and having a lot of adventures to tell."

"Yes." Aladdin smiled.

"And then we'll be thinking about their wedding."

"And they'll live happily ever after... we all will live happily ever after."


Aladdin took Jasmine's hands in his and looked down at her.

"Let's pray, Jasmine... let's pray for them. For our kid and for Azul. Allah won't abandon them but we have to have faith, don't we?"


Aladdin and Jasmine looked up at the star covered sky and prayed for Ali and for Azul. They tried to reassure themselves that everything was going to be alright and that the kids would be back safe and sound very soon. Allah wouldn't allow anything bad to happen to them.

After a long while Aladdin looked down at Jasmine and smiled at her.

"Everything will be fine." "I know." She smiled back.

"It's getting really cold out here." He said absently. "I think we should be going to bed now. We have a lot of things to do tomorrow."

Jasmine nodded and took Aladdin's hands.

"Ali is doing his best out there... we have to do our best in here."

"I love you, Jasmine. I love you and the family you gave me."

Jasmine smiled tenderly and slipped her arms around his neck and searched for his lips with hers.

"I love you, Aladdin... you and our children."

They pressed their lips together into a soft and sweet kiss. When they pulled apart Jasmine took his hand and led him back to their bedroom. Before they entered they looked at the desert one more time and they made a short prayer for their son, the brave boy they had raised. The man who was journeying around the deserts trying to find himself and trying to rescue the woman he loved.

In their hearts Aladdin and Jasmine knew everything was going to be fine for they trusted Ali beyond words. They only prayed to Allah to bring their son and Azul back home soon for they felt something was missing if they didn't have that silly boy by their side.

* * * * *

It was early in the morning. Ali was still by his campfire trying to warm himself with a cup of coffee. It was a very cold morning and he had barely slept the night before for it had been a very cold night. Reeh was curled around Ali but they were really cold.

"And to think we are only in the foothill." Ali muttered, his voice shaking. "Have you noticed this little smoke that comes out of my mouth and nose every time I talk or breath?" He asked Reeh. "It's kind of cute, isn't it?"

Reeh snorted letting a lot of vapor out of his nose. Ali laughed.

"You're better than me, Reeh." He said letting out vapor of his own from his mouth. "This is fun."

He blew in his hands trying to warm them up and then he rubbed his arms and snuggled in his cape.

"This is not going to be easy." He said snuggling to Reeh. "It's a long way up the mountains... an icy road and yet we have to go up there. I think I'm turning blue, Reeh, don't you think?"

The horse made soft noises and Ali smiled reaching out for his satchel and taking Azul's portrait out of it.

"Well, I need something to warm me up." He said staring dreamily at her. "You'd hate it in here, blue eyes. It's really cold and I know you get cold very easily. I'd hate you to be this cold. But then again that'd give me the perfect opportunity to hug you and never let go... as if I needed an excuse." He laughed.

He stared at the portrait for a long while, a tender smile on his face. He was really getting all warm inside while thinking of her, at the easy way she had to always make him smile and laugh. He was remembering the way her eyes lightened up and shone every time she smiled. And her laughter like a wind chime. Ali giggled just at the thought of it.

"Alright." He smiled. "I'm feeling warmer already."

Ali kissed the portrait and put it back in the satchel. Reeh was standing up already and Ali started packing all their stuff.

"Time to go, Reeh. As cold as these mountains can be, my heart is burning for her so I won't be cold. I just have to go on."

Ali put the saddles and bags on Reeh and made sure the fire was extinguished already. He nodded approvingly while placing his sword in his belt and mounted Reeh.

"Up to the top of the mountains, Reeh... to the north."

The horse neighed and bounced his head responding to Ali's words and started to go the road. Ali put his hood on and covered his mouth with his cape. It was a really cold and foggy morning.

The ascent to the mountains was not easy at all. After a couple of hours they found what it seemed a road across the mountains and they were following it. Ali felt he was freezing and he knew Reeh felt the same way, for the skin of the horse felt so cold. Ali knew they wouldn't have much daylight and he wanted to keep going for as long as possible before it was dark again. In that hard terrain Reeh's jewel didn't work.

"I can't believe this." Ali was muttering while rubbing his own arms. "I don't even know what time it is or how long we have been walking today, Reeh. Does the sun ever shine in this country? It's so cold... I wish I could have warmer clothes than these."

Reeh neighed softly and Ali leaned over, grabbing the reins and almost snuggling at the back of Reeh's neck.

"Go on boy. This is the only way."

They walked for what seemed like forever. The farther they went the chillier it became. And it was so foggy that Reeh could barely find his way under his feet. There was snow here and there by then and Ali realized they had been walking practically the whole day. It was too dark then to go on. They had to stop.

"For how long have we been walking?" He said dismounting Reeh. "Oh man, I think I've never been this cold before. I really don't know if it's night already or it's just dark because of the fog but in any case we can't go on. We cannot even see the way in front of us."

Reeh neighed, almost nodding to Ali's words. The prince of Agrabah took his sword and went to a nearby tree, chopping it completely to have enough wood for the night. He went to some rocks and tried to take advantage of the protection the rocks gave them against the chilly wind. He set the fire there and Reeh came close to catch some warmth from the fire.

"This cannot be that bad, Reeh." Ali said sitting by the fire and embracing himself. "I'm sure there must be a village or something around here. Once we're there we can get warm clothes..."

Reeh just made a noise and laid down by Ali's side. He rubbed the horse's back and he noticed Reeh was freezing. Ali went to the bags and took out a light blanket. He put it on Reeh's back and rubbed the horse's head fondly.

"I know it's not much, but we're not prepared to travel in such climates. I guess we have to get used to this... but it's not easy, not when we're hot blooded people from the deserts."

Ali boiled some water and prepared coffee. He just wished the coffee was warm when it got to his mouth but even the boiling coffee was freezing in seconds. Reeh ate some plants and grass and then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Ali was trying so hard to fall asleep but he just couldn't. The cold was really bad and he was shivering. As much as he snuggled under his cape and as much as he snuggled to Reeh he just couldn't get warm. He curled himself against Reeh's neck and started to doze off after a while.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, terror reflected in them.

"I cannot fall asleep." He said. "I could die... I must stay awake... Reeh!" He said shaking the horse. "Wake up! Don't fall asleep!"

Reeh opened his eyes drowsily and snorted annoyed not even lifting his head.

"I know." Ali said through clenched teeth. "I know you are tired but we must stay awake, boy... otherwise we could freeze to death."

It was getting really cold by then. The wind was blowing making the whole thing even worse. Ali curled and tried to get warm but he just couldn't. And the wind was so bad that it was impossible for him to keep the fire burning.

"Oh Allah, help us!" He muttered against Reeh's neck feeling he wasn't able to keep himself awake anymore.

He shook Reeh a couple of times but the horse wasn't moving at all. And as much as he was trying to avoid it he started to doze off until he felt his whole body relaxing and he fell asleep.

Ali felt some strong arms lifting him up from the ground and he barely opened his eyes. He discovered at least half a dozen men around him. They were forcing Reeh to stand up as well.

One of the men asked something to Ali but the prince couldn't understand what he was saying. He was just trying to keep his eyes open. "Reeh!" He barely muttered.

The men seemed annoyed at him. One of them took him as if he was a rag doll and placed him on a horse another of the men was riding. They put a cape on his shoulders and Ali didn't know what that cape was made of but the truth was it was warmer than his own. He snuggled under his cape and he noticed the men had put a similar cape on Reeh. They started to walk and Ali couldn't think much of what was going on or who those men were. He was just glad to have a warm cape on his shoulders.

They walked what seemed hours to Ali. It was so windy and so cold. He was wondering where he was or what those men wanted but he was so cold he just couldn't talk. He couldn't even move.

After a long while they arrived in a village and Ali smiled. That was what he wanted to find, a village. But as soon as he was forced to dismount he thought he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore and he fell into a sound sleep, not knowing what was happening around him.

* * * * *

Ali could hear the sound of the wood burning and cracking and he could feel the warmth of fire in his face. He smiled weakly and opened his eyes. In front of him a wonderful fire was burning in a fireplace. He looked around and he noticed he was in an empty room. The whole place was made of wood, from the floor to the walls and even the ceiling. Ali noticed he was sitting on a chair and still covered by that warm cape the men had given to him the night before.

But when he tried to stand up he discovered something terrible: his hands were tied together by the wrists behind his back.

"Wha--?" He said drowsily. "But-what's this?"

He struggled trying to free himself but he just couldn't. An annoyed expression appeared on his face and he looked around the room. In the corner he could see his bags and his sword, all his stuff.

"What's going on here?" He muttered. "Where am I? Who were those men?"

He was still trying to free himself but when he realized it was useless he was really desperate.

"I cannot afford losing any more time!" He said. "I have to get out of here!"

When he accepted that he wouldn't do any good trying to free himself he started to hit the wooden floor with his boots making a lot of noise.

"Hey!" He was crying desperately. "You cannot do this to me! Come in here and free me! Anyone? Come in here!"

The door of the room opened and Ali stopped his scandal and looked up at the men that entered the room. They all were tall and very different from the people Ali was used to see in the desert, for those men had light skin and light hair and eyes. They looked down at Ali with the same examining look in their faces.

"Who are you and where am I?" Ali asked. "I demand you to free me right away!"

The men looked at Ali and then they started to talk between them in a different language. Ali bit his lip and paid attention to what they were saying. He knew the language, it was the language of the people of the north. He was taught many languages as part of his diplomatic training but he had never used them and even though he knew he could make the men understand him he knew they'd laugh at him when they'd hear him speaking their language.

"Where am I?" Ali asked in that language. He had a very notorious accent and the men in the room giggled.

"You are in our village, infidel."

"What village is that?"

One of the men shook his head and came close to Ali.

"We are not allowed to give you information but our king will talk to you later."

Ali tried to pay attention to what the man had just said but he couldn't understand it very well, so it was necessary for the man to repeat it for Ali, slowly this time. Ali nodded.

"I want to see your king." He said. "I have to get out of here."

"But you have to wait." The man said slowly. "He is out in the battle field now."

"Battle field?" Ali said not very sure of his skills and vocabulary. "You mean war?"

"Yes, war." The man said.

"A war." Ali muttered for himself. "Just what I needed."

"What are you saying?" The man asked him.

"Nothing... that I really need to see your king."

"He'll come later. We saved you from the snow storm last night."

"Thank you." Ali said sincerely.

"Who are you? Where are you from?"

"I will tell that to your king." Ali responded.

"You have credentials." The man said pointing at Ali's stuff. "But we cannot read them. They are in an strange language for us."

"It's Arabic." Ali informed them.

"So you came from the deserts?" The man asked interested and Ali thought they seemed good people.

"Yes, from the deserts."

"Far away from here."

"Could you please free me?" Ali said kindly. "I assure you I won't escape. I swear on Allah, I really want to meet your king."

The men discussed Ali's request for a couple of minutes and finally the man that was doing all the talking freed Ali. The prince rubbed his wrists and smiled at them. He wanted to be friendly for those people didn't seem menacing at all. They were big and strong but there was something kind about them. The man pointed at the door.


Ali followed him to another room. It was a small room with a bed and a table and the man pointed at the warm food on the table.

"You eat and stay here." The man said. "Our king will talk to you soon."

"Uh..." Ali stopped him before he left. "My horse?"

"He's fine. He's a strong horse."

"Thank you." Ali said sincerely.

The man nodded and gave Ali a small smile. He left the room and closed the door behind him locking it from outside.

Ali shook his head and examined his food. It didn't look that great but it was warm and he was hungry so he started to eat.

"They are in war. Maybe they thought I was an enemy. But as soon as I talk to the King and straighten things out I'll be released and I'll be able to continue my way. At least these people saved us from freezing to death out there."

After his meal Ali just laid on the bed. He needed to talk to the king but he knew that while the king was in the battle field he couldn't do anything but wait.

* * * * *

Ali straightened himself on bed when he heard the door opening. The man that had been talking to him earlier came in and Ali smiled.

"Our king is here." The man announced.

Ali stood up and he was conducted to another room, a bigger one. There Ali met the king who was a very impressive man, tall and strong even though he was not young anymore. Ali bowed respectfully once he was in front of the kind and saluted him formally in a very clumsy language.

"My name is Ali, Prince of Agrabah and I'm honored to be before you, King."

"Prince of Agrabah?" The kind said. "Where's Agrabah? Never heard of it. You have a funny name, foreigner."

"I'm from the deserts of Arabia."

"Oh I see. My men told me you were rescued last night during the storm. You almost froze to death. They thought you were a spy but it's obvious you're not from around here."

"No." Ali said barely following what the king was saying.

"Any way, I'm King Nepo of the Kingdom of the West of Hagol."

"Great!" Ali thought. "King Nepo... and he said my name was funny." He shook his head and spoke in a formal tone. "Nice to meet you, King Nepo."

"Where are you going?"

"To the north but I guess I'm not prepared to face this cold climate."

The king nodded and turned to the man who had been Ali's guardian.

"Give him some clothes and all he needs to keep him and his horse warm, Reler."

"Yes sir."

"Thank you." Ali smiled. "I really appreciate this."

"It's all part of the diplomatic business. But I wouldn't recommend you to go any further, Prince Ali. The battles are really dangerous up hill."

"I understand you are in war." Ali said. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"I am too. We're battling against the East Kingdom of King Hazdar. Our kingdoms have been enemies for generations."


"Well... it's a tradition." The man shrugged.

"It's a tradition to be enemies?" Ali asked in disbelief. "That's not very logical, don't you think, King Nepo?"

"Nah," The king shrugged. "We have our reasons now. The Prince of the East Kingdom tried to elope with my daughter a couple of months ago."

"Well," Ali smiled. "That could be the beginning of the peace, don't you think? A love marriage that can consolidate a good alliance between the Kingdom of the East and your kingdom."

"Of course not. I would never allow Prince Aster from the East Kingdom to marry my daughter!"

Ali shook his head and sighed.

"I've been in a war before, King Nepo. And it's something I don't want to live never again. It was awful."

"War always is awful."

"I saw people die, King Nepo. Sometimes at night I still remember all those images and it's terrible. War really hurt me in so many ways. Only Allah knows how hard it was for me to overcome all those memories. The first few months after war were horrible to me as I was thinking over and over about the things I did and I saw... it was awful."

"But you overcame your painful memories."

"At least my wounds were healed."

"By whom?"

"By a wonderful woman." Ali smiled. "By a woman who was by my side day after day, sharing my pain and wanting to heal me... and she did."

"And who is she?"

"Azul." Ali said fondly. "My fianc�e."

King Nepo was going to say something but a man entered the room in a rush and kneeled before him.

"King Nepo!" He said presenting a parchment to him. "Important news from the front."

"What is this?" The man said taking the parchment and reading it as fast as he could. "Oh no... this just cannot be." The king turned to Reler, who was obviously his advisor and spoke in a very irritated tone. "My son was fighting Prince Aster... and they have been lost in the mountains of the north for almost a week now. They could be dead."

"That cannot be!" Reler said. "Prince Gerg is the best warrior."

"When did this happen?" The king asked the messenger.

"A week ago. We've been looking for them ever since now but with no luck, King Nepo. And the battles are not helping either. They have been gone for a long time and we are afraid they could be dead."

"My son." Nepo said. "Oh, I will take my sword and kill King Hazdar myself!"

"King Nepo." Ali said timidly. "I know this is none of my business but... your son is lost up there. Shouldn't you be searching for him instead of going to kill King Hazdar?"

"We'll look for him once I've killed that cursed man!"

"But think, sir. Your son could be alive and needing your help up there."

"But then Prince Aster is also there. The moment we'd step in the northern mountains the troops of the East Kingdom would beat us!"

"But their prince is missing too, isn't he? You should talk to King Hazdar and go up to look for your sons together, as a team."

"Prince Ali," Nepo said annoyed. "We've been enemies for generations. I can't do that!"

"Why? You don't even remember why that hate was all about in the first place. Are you planning to keep such a dumb tradition? The tradition of an ancient hate and a war? Your son could be dying up there."

"This is not about my son. It's about the honor of the Kingdom of the West."

"Sir," Ali said softly still having troubles with his language. "Please let me tell you about this. When I was fighting that war I saw terrible things. I saw a lot of people dying... a lot of people suffering. Sir, several of my men died in my arms just calling for their families. Those are images I could never forget. Never. Those strong, loyal men shaking in there as life was escaping them... calling for their wives or their parents. Sir, if your son is up there he could be calling for you just now."

"He is a man." The King said. "He's not a crying baby."

Ali lowered his gaze and sighed. Then he looked up at the King again.

"Sir, believe me, in war we ALL are crying babies. When I fought that war I was so scared. I felt so helpless, so weak. My heart was going to my people all the time, minute after minute. And I had fears and I was scared and I cried and I know we all did the same. Sir, Prince Gerg is your son... he must be thinking about you now. Praying to... praying to the heavens for you to come to rescue him... when I was in that war I hoped my father could just appear in there and tell me everything was going to be fine. When I finally saw my father in there... I just..." Ali's voice cracked. "I knew for sure everything was perfect then. Just his presence was enough for me to make things better."

King Nepo paced from one side to the other of the room. Then he stopped and looked at Ali.

"Perhaps you are too young, just a boy who still needs his father. My son is not like that."

"Well, I don't know about you, King Nepo but I think I'll never stop needing my father in one way or another."

"I cannot dump this war and go up there to find my son... that'd be against the best interest of my people."

"Believe me, sir, the best interest of your people or of any people in the world is for any war to stop."

The king sat on what seemed to be his throne and shook his head. He was worried, Ali could say. But he was not admitting that he was feeling really preoccupied for his son.

"I just don't know."

"King Nepo," Ali said. "I've been away from home for a whole month and I know how worried my father must be for me now, not knowing where I am or whether I'm fine or not. And for me it's reassuring to think about my father... to know he loves me... to know he cares... maybe the same thing happens to your son, Prince Gerg. Maybe he's up there in the mountains hoping for you to go find him. He's a man, alright. But he's human thus he has the right to be scared."

"I don't know." The king repeated.

"Don't you remember when he was just a little boy?" Ali smiled. "I'm sure you were so proud of him... of the things he did, of the magic he brought into your life when he was born."

"How could you possibly know about that?" King Nepo asked.

"Because my father is always telling me about that kind of stuff. And I know deep in your heart you want to stop this crazy war and go find your boy."

For a long moment there was silence in the throne room. Ali was staring at the king and the man was totally lost in his thoughts. Finally he spoke.

"But in any case I don't think King Hazdar would be willing to stop the war and go find his son."

"Let me talk to him then." Ali smiled. "We can fix things in a diplomatic way. And I can be your representative if you allow me."

King Nepo laughed softly and shook his head.

"You are a weird boy, do you know that?"

"I know." Ali smiled. "People say that to me all the time."

"Maybe we could do what you say."

"Then let me do it now. After last night I know what it is like to be out there in the cold so I know Prince Gerg and Prince Aster must be waiting eagerly for someone to go to rescue them... let me see King Hazdar. We have no time to lose."

King Nepo nodded and looked at his advisor.

"Reler, you go with Prince Ali. Go to Hazrad's camp and tell him I want to see him. To have a diplomatic encounter with him."

"You won't regret this, King Nepo." Ali smiled.

The king smiled back weakly and motioned them with a movement of his head.

"Now go, get some warm clothes and go there."

"It'll be done as you said, King Nepo." Reler bowed.

*        *         *

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