Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




It was midday in Karak. Azul was looking at her window and fingering her necklace impatiently. It was obvious she was bored. She made a face and paced the room from one side to the other a couple of times and then went to the window again. The Dark City looked especially menacing under the sun light.

"What is Aswad trying to do? Bore me to death? If he thinks I'm going to get depressed staying in this room day and night he's wrong, very wrong. It takes much more than just a boring room to depress me... much more."

She threw herself on bed and bounced there for a couple of minutes. Finally she just hugged her pillows and started to get sleepy.

"Our wedding day." She whispered smiling softly. "I wonder what it is going to be like. I can only imagine you there, Ali. Right at the altar, waiting for me. Boy, I don't know if my legs are going to be strong enough to support me as I walk to you. Oh Allah, you are going to look so absolutely handsome and dashing, Ali. I've imagined that moment a lot of times and every time I get these butterflies in my stomach just at the thought of it. I can only dream what the real thing is going to be like. You and me... husband and wife... doesn't it sound just wonderful?"

She rolled on bed and stared at the ceiling, a dreamy and happy expression on her face.

"Azul Bint-Bassel Al-Ababwa... hmmm... I really like the sound of it." She closed her eyes and giggled happily. "You are going to be a wonderful husband, Ali. You are so cute."

She propped on her elbow looking at the window, tracing the designs of her bed cover absently with her fingertips and smiling tenderly.

"I can imagine so well our wing in the palace... when we're living there, just you and me. It's going to be so full of light and color, not like this dark place at all, no sir. I'm going to plant a lot of flowers... flowers of soft colors... I know the palace has their cooks and all but every once in a while I'm going to cook for you and we'll spend lazy afternoons in the garden just talking and playing... fooling around, having a happy time just you and me... and then every night we'll see the stars from our balcony and..."

She stopped and closed her eyes blushing lightly, a small smile on her lips.

"We are going to be oh so happy, Ali."

At that moment the doors of her room opened suddenly with a loud noise. Azul left her bed almost jumping to her feet. She frowned annoyed when she saw Aswad coming in.

"What do you want?" She said daringly.

"You must come with me to my throne room, Azul."

"But I don't want to go with you."

"I'm not asking you... I'm ordering you."

"I don't take orders from you, Aswad."

The dark man looked at her and tried to hold back his anger. He just muttered a bunch of incomprehensible words. Azul lifted her face proudly, almost challenging him.

"I don't have time for this." He said. "You're coming now!"

Aswad tried to grab her arm but she stepped back.

"I'm not!" She yelled.

"You think you're so brave and so smart, don't you?" He said clearly annoyed. "I'm not going to be nice to you anymore. You're coming."

Aswad grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. She started to struggle trying to free herself from him but he closed his arms around her and pulled her closer to him.

"Let go! Let go of me!"

Aswad was laughing amused.

"You know, you can be funny if you want... sadly most of the time you're nothing but a shrew..."

Suddenly Azul stopped her struggle and looked up at Aswad, surprise in her eyes. In her struggle with Aswad and being so close to him she had just felt something. That little bag Aswad carried around his neck... Azul could feel something in there. The second half of the key of the temple.

She tried to avoid her smile but she couldn't avoid it completely. Aswad smiled down at her evilly.

"So, you like being in my arms I see."

"What?" Azul said recovering from her trance. "NO! Let go of me you freak!" She said struggling again.

Aswad laughed but soon his laughter transformed into a scream as he practically threw Azul away from him. She laughed softly and smiled evilly for she had stamped on his foot.

"That hurt!" Aswad screamed.

"Serves you well." Azul said.

"You spoiled brat!"

Aswad had a very annoyed expression on his face. He grabbed Azul's arm tightly, almost hurting her.

"Take your hands off me!" She screamed.

"You are coming with me to the throne room, like it or not and that's final. I'm going to teach you who's the boss here and you are going to learn you must respect me if you want to have a pleasant stay in Karak, Azul..."

As much as she tried to free herself she just couldn't. Aswad wasn't kidding anymore. He practically dragged her all the way to the throne room.

"Stop it!" She screamed releasing herself when they were in the throne room. "What do you think you're doing?"

Aswad nodded at Majid who had been following them all the way from Azul's room to there and the guard grabbed Azul from behind.

"Hey!" Azul said annoyed. "What is this? Let me alone!"

"Don't fight it, Azul." Aswad said. "In fact, you should be really grateful, girl. I'm going to do a favor to you indeed. You shouldn't be acting like this."

"What?" Azul said trying to free herself from Majid's grip.

"I've been thinking how much Karak needs you... how much I need you." Aswad said cupping her face. "But you're not helping, young one. I want the best for you. I want to keep you safe and happy in Karak but you are not helping."

"What do you want from me?" She screamed.

"You know I want your blood. But not just your blood, for I want... I NEED your living blood. You are intelligent enough to know what this means, don't you?"

"That means that even if you keep me in here, which is not going to happen, someday I'll die and Karak will disappear again." Azul said annoyed.

"That's right." Aswad smiled. "You are clever. And this mortal part of you is bothering me... bothering me a lot indeed, young Azul."

"I'm sorry if I'm not as magical as you'd wish me to be."

"Oh, but you are wrong, little lady. For you are even more magical than I expected you to be... in so many ways." Aswad said getting his face real close to Azul's.

She looked at him directly to the eye with a determined look in her eyes.

"I'm not afraid of you, Aswad."

He laughed and walked to his throne.

"You are a mere mortal, young one. And I need your blood. Your living blood. So, Azul, you have to be grateful your old friend Aswad is a powerful magician and a very clever sorcerer." He said opening a book. "For I've found just what we need for you."

"And what is that?"

Aswad smiled and opened the book in front of Azul for her to see.


Azul's eyes widened and a scared expression appeared on her face even if only for a moment for she tried to hide it from Aswad right away.

"A spell of immortality?" She muttered. "But... NO! I won't allow you to do this!"

"As if you had a choice." Aswad chuckled.

"You cannot do this to me!"

"Yes I can."

The dark sorcerer muttered a spell and the water mirror started to glow with a red light. Azul was trying desperately to release herself from Majid but she just couldn't. She was getting really nervous by then.

The room was starting to glow and a thick fog was invading the place. Azul was getting really scared, specially because she started to fill the magic all around her, like electricity. Suddenly Aswad looked at her. She gasped when she saw his eyes glowing in red and a really wicked expression on his face.

He extended his arms to her and Majid stepped back, releasing her. But as soon as she was free from Majid's grip, some sort of energy coming out from Aswad's hands involved and immobilized her. She felt her legs weaken and she collapsed on the floor.

"No!" She barely gasped for she could hardly breath. "Please no!"

She looked up. Aswad was right in front of her reciting the spell in an unknown language. She started to feel how strength was being drained from her body. She couldn't move surrounded by that magic.

"No Allah... please don't allow this to happen! Have mercy on my soul!"

She was on the floor on her hands and knees, unable to support herself anymore. She thought she was going to die right there for her breathing was very difficult and she thought she was losing consciousness.

"No... I won't allow this!" She reassured herself. "I can't allow this! This is not going to happen! His magic cannot control my will... he... he can surrender my body but not my spirit..."

She felt she was about to pass out. She just couldn't resist that magic on her anymore. That energy around her was burning her body she took a deep breath and opened her eyes looking up at Aswad.

"You can't do this..." She muttered through clenched teeth. "I'm stronger than your magic... I have Azrak's blood... I have my will... and I have Ali's love..."

Suddenly she felt a different kind of magic. It was something cool against her chest. She looked at herself and noticed a blue glow there, Ali's diamond.

"I can do this." She thought. "If my blood is strong enough to keep this city alive, then it's strong enough to resist Aswad's magic..."

She tried to get to her feet. It was not easy but she was determined to do it. She was in the middle of the room so she cannot look for support anywhere around her. It was her and only her against Aswad's magic.

"Ali..." She was whispering as if that word gave strength to her. "Ali... I love you... I have to be strong... for you... Ali..."

With a last big effort she stood tall with pride and lifted her head. Suddenly an unexpected ball of blue light escaped her diamond and traveled across the room at an incredible velocity, hitting Aswad's chest.

That energy broke Aswad's trance and sent him to the floor. A strong wind was felt in the room and with a sound like an explosion all the magic was gone.

There was silence for a minute. Aswad and Majid exchanged looks of amazement. Azul was standing in the middle of the room, facing Aswad with a determined and proud look in her eyes.

"What have you done?" Aswad said standing up. "How can that be possible?! You just... couldn't'!"

"You can do nothing against me, Aswad!" Azul said.

She was surprised herself. As a matter of fact she was in shock but she tried not to show it. Before Aswad she had to look secure and confident. She felt her legs weaken and she was shaking. Her heart racing in her chest. But she wouldn't let Aswad notice any of it.

"YOU!" Aswad said walking towards her. "This is the second time you've ruined my plans!"

"Your plans are not what I want for me, Aswad!"

"You spoiled..." Aswad grabbed her by the arm and raised his hand to hit her.

Azul gulped but she stared directly at Aswad's eyes, challenging him. The dark man stopped and something appeared in his eyes. Something like hate. He made a face and shoved Azul against the wall with a groan.

She crashed against the wall and collapsed to the floor. Her legs wouldn't support her anymore. But she sent Aswad a last sharp look.

"Take her to her room." Aswad commanded Majid. "And keep her there."

"Yes my lord."

"We're not finished yet." Aswad told Azul. "We'll see who's the best... I have other plans for you, Azul... this is the last spell you ruin, do you hear me?"

She looked at his eyes but said nothing. Aswad left the room and Azul sighed in relief.

"Thank Allah." She whispered.

Majid grabbed her arm to help her up but she pulled away annoyed.

"I can go to my room myself!" She told the guard. "Don't you dare touch me!"

The guard stepped back, clearly surprised by Azul's strength and determination. She stood up. She was feeling so weak. Weak as never before but she wouldn't allow Majid or Aswad to see her weakness. With very unsteady movements she started to walk to her room followed by Majid.

Once she was there she locked her door, even though she knew it wouldn't do any good. She let herself fall on the bed and closed her eyes.

"You won't break me, Aswad... never."

She smiled weakly remembering what she had learned.

"Aswad keeps the other half of the key around his neck... I have to figure out a way to take it out of there... and complete the key and open the temple and..."

She closed her eyes.

"I cannot stay awake anymore... I need some sleep. What did I do today? I actually beat Aswad... is this little diamond really that magical? Is it really that powerful?"

She kissed the diamond and her thoughts flew to Ali. She smiled weakly at the memories of him.

"I love you my prince... Aswad might break my body but never my spirit... I promise it to you."

She closed her eyes and she fell asleep with the image of her handsome prince in her mind and a warm feeling in her heart.

* * * * *

Ali entered the war camp of king Hazdar as a part of a diplomatic embassy. The king had acceded to meet Ali knowing that he was a prince from a far away land that wanted to have a word with him. Ali was escorted by Reler and a couple of soldiers from the army of the Kingdom of the West of Hagol.

Ali entered the tent where the king was, surrounded by his personal guard and his advisors. The prince of Agrabah bowed respectfully and presented his credentials.

"King Hazdar, I'm Ali Prince of Agrabah and I've come to talk to you in King Nepo's name."

"Nice to meet you, prince Ali." Hazdar said. "But I really don't know why Nepo sent you here. You must know our people have been in war for generations."

"I want to make this quick, King Hazdar." Ali said. "This is about your sons, prince Aster and prince Gerg. I know they are lost somewhere up there in the mountain and I've been talking to King Nepo. Sir, you have to do something to save them. Both of you."

"Interesting." The king said. "You went directly to business, Prince Ali."

"Look sir, I'm telling you this because you have no time to lose. Your sons could freeze to death up there."

"What do you know about this? What do you know about war?"

"I was in a war, sir. I know plenty about war and I know I was so scared and so alone out there, hoping for my father to come to save me. I can relate to what the princes are feeling being up there all on their own. I almost died in the snow the other night."

"So what exactly do you want?" The kind asked curiously.

"I want you to meet King Nepo and rescue the princes."

The king of the East Kingdom paced the tent thoughtfully. Then he turned to Ali.

"In many generations no king of the East has ever met any king of the West. We are natural enemies."

"And don't you think that could be your problem, sir? You don't even remember why you are fighting in the first place."

The king shook his head.

"Right now I'm only concerned about my son. I want to save him. And if we can arrange a truce with the West and go to find my son... so be it. Tell King Nepo I'm willing to talk to him."

Ali smiled and nodded.

"You won't regret it, sir."

The meeting was set in a neutral zone right at the foothill of Mount Serek, the highest mountain of Hagol and in which the princes were lost. Ali was out there looking up at the high snow covered mountain and thinking that it was no wonder the name of the mountain meant "the mountain of the stars" in the local language, for that mountain was so high that it seemed to actually reach the stars.

"Prince Ali." Reler came to him. "The meeting is about to start."

"Oh." Ali got back to reality. "Yeah, thank you Reler."

In the tent King Nepo and King Hazdar were sitting right across from each other at the table. Both of them were looking at the other with a examining gaze. They had been enemies all their lives and never had the chance to meet the other face to face. Ali entered and took his place at the table.

"King Nepo," He said. "Meet King Hazdar."

"I know this is not easy for any of us." Hazdar was saying. "But I acceded to this meeting because I'm worried for my son."

"Your son tried to steal my daughter away from me." Nepo said.

"Your daughter agreed to elope with him." Hazdar replied. "That's not stealing!"

"She's only 17, what does she know about what's the best for her? Your son brainwashed her only God knows why! I cannot be sure of the intentions of your son OR yourself could have to take my daughter away from me!"

"If that's what you think, King Nepo, I must insist that..."

"Whoa! Whoa!" Ali stood up and stretched his hands to both sides of his body to make the kings stop. "We cannot start fighting here. The subject at hand is the rescue of the princes."

"Alright." Hazdar said. "I acceded to this truce because I'm worried for Aster, my son. And I know my men could never find him if we have to keep our eyes on your army. We have to agree to this truce and go up to find our sons."

"Yes." Nepo said shaking his head. "This had never happened before in all the years our people have been fighting."

"I know this is none of my business." Ali said. "But you have been fighting for generations... and you have no idea why you are fighting. Isn't this a little... crazy? To keep a war only because it's some kind of... tradition? Wouldn't you like to live your lives in peace? You two never meet before, how come you hate the other so much if you never had the chance to meet the other?"

The two kings looked at the other and then at Ali and lowered their gazes. They didn't know what to answer.

"Don't you see it is absurd to keep up this war? Peace is the only way. Love always triumphs over evil... over war. Can't you see Prince Aster and Princess Jided could be the beginning of a peace? They want to love each other in peace. I'm sure they'd feel happy to share their love having your blessing, not having to elope at night."

"How did your son meet my daughter in the first place?"

"He was in your kingdom... as a spy. An undercover mission and he met her there."

"Why you..."

"King Nepo!" Ali stopped him. "Please!"

"Alright." Nepo said. "I agree with this truce. We won't fight until we find our sons. Now we have to go. We have to look out for my son."

"Hey wait!" Ali stopped him. "It'd be better if you all could search the mountain all together. You'd cover more ground that way."

Nepo and Hazdar look at the other but said nothing. Ali sighed frustrated.

"Look, I really don't think this is a good time to be stubborn. Your kids are dying up there and you're here acting very immaturely."

"You know, kid." Hazdar said. "You sure are bossy."

"Oh," Ali blushed. "I didn't mean it that way... it's just that... this whole situation reminds me so much of the war I had to fight and all the fear I had to go through."

"And you think that gives you the right to come in here to force us into this?" Nepo said.

"Well... I don't know." Ali smiled. "But if I'm annoying enough to make you two agree on something as you just did saying that I'm being bossy, then I think I'm in the right way."

Hazdar smiled and shook his head and Nepo laughed.

"You know, I like you, boy."

"Alright." Hazdar said. "Let's move then. We'll search Mount Serek inside and out until we find our sons. Let's go."

"I was wondering." Ali said. "If I could join you... I'm going to the north, the same way you'll be traveling."

"Of course." Nepo said throwing a heavy cape to Ali. "Just put this on. The top of Serek is a very cold place. It's nothing but ice and wind."

"Perfect." Ali smiled. "Exactly what I am looking for."

* * * * *

The ascension to Mount Serek was not an easy one at all for Ali. For one he was not used to the kind of cold climate of the lands of Hagol and he was feeling really tired and a little sick. But it was compensated by the beautiful and impressive landscapes Ali could see from up there. Landscapes he had never seen before. It was nothing but snow and wind, as he had been told and yet there was something of greatness and enchantment in the solitude of the top of Hagol.

"Mount Serek." Ali was thinking as Reeh was making his way across the snow covered ground following the rescue party led by the two kings. "The mount of the stars. And being up here I can really feel as if I could reach the stars." He looked at the sky. "As if I could reach out and grab them all... oh blue eyes, if I could do that I'd take all the stars and put them all in my satchel. I'll keep them all in there for you... but then again what would you do with those stars if you already have all the stars of the sky in your eyes?" Ali smiled tenderly and sighed.

"Why the happy face?" Reler asked Ali.

"Oh... I was just thinking about my fianc�e."

"Is she pretty?" The man asked trying to make some conversation.

"Pretty?" Ali laughed. "No sir... there's no word to describe her beauty. In Azul's case the word 'beautiful' is an understatement."

"How long have you been together?"

"Two years." Ali answered absently. "Two wonderful years. We were going to get married but I had to go out in this travel. But as soon as this is over I'm going to get back to my home and we'll marry and live happily ever after."

"That sounds nice."

"Yeah..." Ali said absently. "It's amazing what two years can do to you... specially if you are in love."

Ali's gaze went to the sky and he started to think about what his life had been in the past two years.

"After my first adventure," He thought. "I sure started to mature. I started to learn who I really am and what was my mission in life. But something was missing. There was this spot in my heart that was empty and I never knew why. I've learned so much from my parents in my life. I have to thank them for what I am and for my life and all the things they've done for me. They have always been there for me no matter what. And yet I was feeling incomplete somehow. I had all I needed. I had a good life, I had my parent's love. I had the best teachers, I had money, I had just everything. I am blessed having such an easy life... but it was not enough. I needed something that I couldn't even understand... there was this emptiness inside me... this... yearning for something... for someone."

Ali's hand went to his cape and pressed the A+A pin against his heart, smiling tenderly.

"And then came you, blue eyes." He sighed happily. "And from the moment I first met you I knew you were something else. You gave completeness to my life. You are the part of me that was missing. I always knew my life had a reason... now I know my reason is you."

Ali smiled and looked to Reler.

"You know what I've learned in the past two years?"


"That no matter how bad things are, when you have love burning your heart, you have the strength you need to stand up, even if fate forces you to your knees."

Reler smiled but said nothing. Ali laughed softly knowing the man was thinking he was a weird guy.

"Courage and purity." Ali thought. "I've got those seeds in my heart now. But courage and purity haven't been given to me by the crystals but by my own actions. The crystals are just a representation of those virtues... and I can't take them for granted, for I know they are only small seeds that have been planted in my heart. Now I have to take care of them... to make them grow strong and healthy... to make them give their fruits. This is only the beginning of a path that I'll have to walk my whole life. Now I cannot do things the way I used to, for now I have a bigger responsibility. Now that I've been proved in the path of courage and in the path of purity I'll be requested with bigger tests and bigger responsibilities. And I have to do always my best in life. For me and for the ones I love... oh Azul, I feel closer to you with every step..." He looked up at the northern star. "Take me to her... lead me the right way."

At that moment the kings ordered the rescue party to stop. They needed to check on the maps and the group needed a rest. Ali smiled thinking he could really use a rest. He went to some rocks and sat on them, contemplating absently the snow covered landscapes before him and he continued thinking about all the things he was learning in his journey.

* * * * *

It was the middle of the night in the dark palace of Karak. Majid entered Aswad's throne room and bowed respectfully before his master.

"My lord."

"I'm glad you're here, Majid."

"I came as soon as I could. I understand there's something very important you want to tell me, Lord Aswad."

"Yes." Aswad smiled rubbing his chin and leaning back on his throne. "Something very important and very interesting."

"About the girl?"

Aswad shrugged and went to his window.

"She's been a very stubborn young woman. When she first arrived in here I thought it'd be so easy to control her but now I know she won't allow that. I'm still wondering about that spell of immortality. Do you have any idea of what people is willing to give in exchange for immortality? And she refused it! And I'm still amazed at how she was able to fight the spell... Majid, do you know how many people have fought my spells successfully before?"

"No sir."

"None, Majid. No one has never fought me the way she did... even Azrak had a hard time trying to beat me... but you saw what she did. She is dangerous, Majid and the worst part is that she doesn't even know her own potential... and I am very worried about it."

"And what are you planning to do, my lord?"

Aswad looked at Majid and laughed softly going back to his throne.

"I've spent a lot of sleepless nights being tortured by the thought of that girl. There's something about her that's just... fascinating somehow. And after spending days and nights thinking about it, I think I finally have the answer... I think I finally know what I am going to do with Azul. She refused immortality, but that doesn't mean her blood cannot be immortal in Karak, you know?"

"I think I'm not following you, sir."

"Just think about it, Majid. What's the best way to keep Azrak's blood alive in Karak if Azul dies?"

"Only having someone else from Azrak's blood."

"Exactly." Aswad smiled evilly. "Someone we could manipulate from an early age. Someone who could be totally devoted to the city knowing THIS place belongs to him... someone from Azul's flesh and blood... someone who would be the heir of my powers and of Karak's throne."

"A heir?" Majid asked almost in shock.

"That's right." Aswad replied absently. "We need a heir. Someone to keep alive Azrak's blood in Karak. Isn't that just ironic? Azrak's blood will reign over the city he cursed."

"But..." Majid was confused. "How...?"

"Karak needs a heir from Azrak's blood... I could use a heir as well... just imagine, Azrak's blood in my son's veins."

"Your son?" Majid asked in surprise. "That means you and...?"

"Yes Majid." Aswad smiled from ear to ear. "I've decided it already. I'll make her the mother of my son."

"But... how?"

"It's not going to be easy at all." Aswad said thoughtfully. "For I cannot take her just like that. It wouldn't work that way. There must be a ritual since we're talking about the joining of two magics... but I know Azul is strong enough to resist my spells, my rituals... myself. That can be a problem."

"And what are you planning to do about it?"

"There's only one chance, Majid. What's given this force to her is not Azrak's blood... no, the blood is magical and powerful but that is useless if you don't have a spark to fire that magic. And Azul has a powerful spark, Majid. She has a heart that's burning with love... and the Lion of the Desert is getting dangerously close to us."

"And what are we going to do then?"

"If I want my plan to work I have to get rid of the Lion of the Desert first. I have to take him out of my way. And I know exactly how I am going to do that but first he has to finish his journey. I cannot do anything against him while he's still in his journey. It's all matter of time though, for I know he'll fall. I've been studying him carefully and I know about his weak spots now. And the person who will take care of him for me is someone who cannot fail... not this time."

"And once the Lion of the Desert is out of the way... then what?"

"Then I'll break Azul's spirit. I'll take that fire away from her. All her hopes, all her dreams, all her love... all of it will be taken away from her. She'll be weak then. That'll be my time... and I have to figure out a way to take the blue diamond away from her as well... without the mystical powers of the diamond and without that fire in her heart she'll be at my mercy... and that'd be Karak's moment of glory. I'll perform the ritual and she'll give me an heir... she'll give her living blood to Karak and my son will become Karak's glory... and the city will live forever... and all thanks to her."

"That sounds good to me, my Lord."

"I have to admit it, Majid. Making her the mother of my child is not exactly something I'd hate... I've always admired Azrak, he was my teacher, my tutor... my mentor and in several ways he was my hero. Now it's quite an honor to know his granddaughter is going to give me a son. I like the idea."

"Do you like the girl?" Majid asked.

"She's a royal pain." Aswad smiled. "She's stubborn and annoying... but she's perfect for me to have a son with... do I like her...? Hmmm... maybe I do."

"So what are your orders, my lord?"

"Keep her safe... we only have to wait for the Lion of the Desert to finish his journey and then we'll take action. Funny thing, he thinks when he finishes his journey he'd be closer to her... the truth is the moment he finishes his mission he'll be away from her as never before... don't you love irony? All the tests he's been going through because of her... and it's all so useless."

"I'll keep her safe, my lord."

"Good... remember, she's the future mother of your future prince. I don't want anything bad happening to her."

"She'll be alright."

"I hope so, for your own sake... now go to take care of her."

Majid bowed and left the throne room. Aswad looked at the window and smiled evilly.

"Keep going, Lion of the Desert... don't stop. The moment you finish your journey your beloved Azul will be forever mine... you want her for you... but I must insist you stay away from the mother of my son."

Aswad laughed softly and opened his book. He wanted his plan to be perfect so he decided he'd start to work on it right away. This time nothing would go wrong. His blood would mix with Azrak's to give Karak an heir who would keep the living blood of Azrak forever fresh in the city. Azrak would give life to the city he once vanished from Earth.

* * * * *

"Over here!" One of the men of the rescue party was crying. "I think I've seen something."

Ali spurred Reeh and they went closer to the spot the man was, looking down at the bottom of a snow covered cliff. The two kings rushed to the edge of the cliff as well. Under them they could see some smoke coming out from inside a cave.

"We have to get down there." Nepo was saying. "There's the road... let's go down..."

"Someone is inside the cave, that's right." Hazdar said. "And that could be my son."

"That HAS to be my son." Nepo said.

"Uh, why don't we just go down there to check it out?" Ali smiled as friendly as he could. Those two kings gave him headaches.

The rescue party went down to the bottom of the cliff using a very dangerous and slippery road. It took them a couple of hours to get down there and the whole time both kings kept discussing whose son was in that cave.

Ali only wanted to find the princes and continue his travel for he knew he had to speed up his journey and also he wanted to leave those cold mountains once and for all. By then he was sure he had caught a cold.

When they finally reached the bottom of the cliff Ali dismounted Reeh and stood in front of the kings.

"You have to take things calmly." He said. "Please, don't rush into this..."

As Ali was talking a man appeared in the enter of the cave and smiled when he saw the rescue party in there.


"Father!" He cried running to King Hazdar's arms. "Oh I knew you wouldn't abandon me! I just knew you'd come to find me... I---"

Prince Aster stopped when he saw King Nepo standing in there. He blinked a couple of times and turned to his father.

"What is he doing here... with YOU, father?"

"It's a long story son... but how are you? You've been lost in this mountain for almost a week... I thought I'd never see you again but... you don't seem to be injured, why didn't you come back then?"

"And what have you done with my son?" Nepo stepped forward menacingly but Ali put his body between them even though those people were by far taller and stronger than him.

"Whoa!" Ali said. "Please King Nepo!"

Prince Aster stepped forward lifting his head proudly and spoke: "I didn't come back, father, even though I am perfectly fine because Prince Gerg of the West Kingdom is not in a good shape for traveling back to his kingdom."

"WHAT?!" The two kings said at the same time.

"He broke his leg... I was starting to think we couldn't make it for we have no food left and wood for the fire is hard to find... but I cannot leave him up here all alone, surviving all by himself while I go to get help..."

"Is Gerg here with you?" Nepo asked in surprise.

"Yes sir."

King Nepo rushed inside the cave and the rest of the rescue party followed after him. When they entered there they discovered Prince Gerg resting on some blankets on the floor of the cave, by the fire.

"Son!" Nepo cried rushing to embrace him.

"Father!" Gerg smiled returning the embrace. "Thank God you're here... Aster and I were starting to lose hope! I knew you'd come here and..." Gerg stopped looking at King Hazdar. "How come you two....?"

"What's going on in here?" Hazdar asked. "Aster... Gerg... how come you two...?"

"Long story, father." Aster said. "Gerg and I were fighting... even after the battle was over that was something personal between the two of us... we were stubborn enough to start climbing Mount Serek always going after the other."

"We were not willing to let the other win." Gerg completed. "And we came this far... just following a stupid, senseless fight... we almost killed each other... until the moment I stepped in the edge of the cliff and the ground collapsed under my weight."

"I saw him falling down to this cliff." Aster continued. "And as much as I wanted him to be dead I just... I just couldn't leave him down here... I guess at first I just wanted to make sure he was dead but when I came down here and I saw him totally helpless I realized something... I realized I had no idea why I was fighting this guy in the first place and that I wanted to kill someone I didn't even know... not to mention he might be the Prince of the West Kingdom, but he is the brother of the woman I love. I just couldn't let him die... I just... couldn't."

"When I opened my eyes Aster had cured all my wounds. I was impressed but when he asked me why were we fighting I didn't know what to answer. It was not because he wanted to elope with my sister... the reason, whatever it is, is something that belongs to our ancestors, not to us... and I realized that this man had saved my life... and that I was totally dependent of him if I wanted to survive. He could have gone away but he's been here with me all these days... taking care of me."

"We've been talking a lot and we've discovered all the things we have in common. And we were worried that you'd never come to find us since we knew you'd never agree on a truce... of course we never expected to see you two coming together... what happened?"

"Oh, thank God you are alive!" King Hazdar said relieved.

"As for what happened, we are here thanks to this foreigner boy, Prince Ali of Agrabah, in the Arabian Deserts."

"An infidel?" Prince Gerg asked.

"He forced us into this." Hazdar said. "He's been stubborn enough to bring us here... to find you guys."

"Thank you, Prince Ali." Aster said sincerely. "I guess God sent you to our parents. Otherwise Gerg and I would've died."

"Well," Ali smiled. "I guess now you can see how stupid and senseless this war is, huh? You guys don't even know why are you fighting for. You have never given yourself the chance to talk, to get to know each other. Look at Prince Aster and Prince Gerg, they had learned things now..."

"Father." Gerg said. "Aster has saved my life. I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to continue fighting this war. Not anymore. I want to live my life in peace. And I owe my life to this man."

"You owe me nothing, Gerg. We only got the opportunity of realize things. And father, I am not fighting this war anymore either."

The two kings looked at their sons and then at each other. Every one was looking at them. There was a long, heavy silence in the cave. Finally King Hazdar spoke.

"I'm done, King Nepo. If you want to claim victory in this war, just do it. I'm through. All my life I've been fighting, hating, living a very unpleasant life. I almost lost my kid now and I don't want this to happen again. I really don't know what the reason of this war was in the first place but I'm done with it. The Kingdom of East Hagol quits the war."

"Good." Ali whispered to himself.

"I guess we have nothing to fight for now." Nepo said. "My kingdom cannot claim a victory, King Hazdar. This is more a peace agreement between our kingdoms."

King Nepo extended his hand to King Hazdar. The King of East Hagol smiled and held that hand, shaking it enthusiastically. Everyone in the cave started cheering and applauding. Ali smiled and stepped back. He was feeling a warm feeling inside his heart even though it was so cold in there.

"Many generations of senseless war." Nepo was saying. "You came to my lands in a good moment, Prince Ali. You are a messenger from God. Thanks to you we found our boys and thanks to you peace will be restored in Hagol after centuries of war."

"I'm glad to hear that." Ali said. "But I am not messenger of God. This was not thanks to me at all... I guess there's a time in life when we must learn what our mistakes are and try to fix them. I guess this was the right time for you... I was just lucky enough to be around to witness this special moment and I'm happy about it. Thanks Allah."

"Well," Nepo was saying. "I just hope you can stay around for a while in our kingdoms... you cannot miss the big event."

"Geez sir," Ali rubber the back of his head. "I'd love to but I cannot lose more time... in fact I'm leaving now because... wait... what big event is that?"

"Why," Nepo said placing his hand on Prince Aster's shoulder. "The wedding of Prince Aster of East Hagol with Princess Jided of West Hagol."

"What?" The prince said.

"There's no need for you two to try to elope again... she loves you and she hasn't stopped crying and praying for you, Prince Aster... and you saved my son's life... and besides you are a real handsome man. If you marry my little girl I couldn't be happier."

"Are you... serious, King Nepo?"

"Of course I'm serious! What do you say, Hazdar? This could be the perfect way to seal the peace between our kingdoms... the wedding of our children."

"I'd say... welcome to the family, Nepo."

After many hugs and hand shaking King Nepo put his hand on Ali's shoulder.

"Thank you, Prince Ali. As much as you want to be humble about this, you played a major role in this peace."

"Happy to help." Ali smiled. "The scars war left in me were painful. I really wish I could help other people to stay away from wars... I have really sad memories of my own war... a war that left scars on my body... but mainly on my heart. Now I know you have to work real hard to overcome the scars of this war but this is the beginning."

"The beginning of the peace for our kingdoms."

* * * * *

Ali was sitting outside the cave. Everyone was partying inside but he really didn't feel like celebrating. He was feeling sick, tired and down. He was just staring at the stars and thinking about Azul. He was going to go on on his trip as soon as the sun came out.

"I wish I could go to you now, blue eyes. I miss you... I miss you more and more every day. How long has it been since the last time I had you in my arms? Since the last time I kissed your lips? I long for you... for that soft feeling of your hands caressing me... your lips kissing me... your soft and sweet voice whispering things in my ear... I wish I could look at your blue eyes... I wish I could get lost in them... forever lost in you, my love."

"Prince Ali." Aster came to him. "May I?"

"Of course." Ali smiled. "Please, sit down."

"Why aren't you inside?"

"I--- you guys are drinking wine and celebrating... I don't drink." Ali shrugged.

"Wine keeps you warm in this cold climate."

"Believe me, Aster, I am warm." Ali smiled.

"Thinking about your girlfriend?"

"Well... she's more than my girlfriend. She's my fianc�e... uh, as a matter of fact she's more than my fianc�e, she's almost my wife."

"I see." Aster smiled. "I guess you are in love with her just as I am in love with Jided."

"I bet so." Ali said looking at the sky. "You must be happy now that you'll marry her."

"Oh, I am... there's so much to do but we'll do our best. As you said, prince Ali, we must overcome the wounds of this war."


"How did you manage to do that?"

Ali smiled and his hand automatically went to the A+A pin on his heart.

"She healed my wounds for me."

"She did?"

"Yes, she did. She was there day after day making things better for me with her love and tenderness... with her sweetness and patience. It was not easy for me. So many images in my head, so many thoughts... so much guilt in my heart. But her love did the miracle in my life."

"She must be great."

"She is great."

"And where is she?"

"I wish I knew, Aster." Ali sighed. "I really wish I knew."

"I only wanted to thank you, Ali." Aster said standing up. "I guess you saved our lives convincing our fathers to come to look for us. Thank you."

"You are welcome." Ali said looking up at some rocks on the top of the mountain that had caught his attention. "What's that?"

"Oh... the Rock of the Winds... all the winds in Mount Serek crash there for some reason." Aster said casually. "Well, I have to get back to the party inside... I have to listen to what my father has to say.. they asked him where he thinks he'd be in ten years from now..."

Ali's eyes were still set on the rocks on top of the mountain.

"Hmm... Rock of Winds... interesting." Then he smiled. "In ten years from now... where will I be in ten years from now? In Agrabah, with my wife. I don't know what the future has prepared for me but there's something I know for sure, my future is Azul... and my place is Agrabah. And that's all I have to know."

He sighed deeply trying to go back to the warm thoughts of Azul he was having before Prince Aster came to talk to him.

"Blue eyes... my blue eyes." He giggled. "I remember the first time I called you that. We were in the oasis... it was a lazy afternoon and we were just laying on the grass, looking at the clouds as they passed by and holding hands... and we were calling each other every single endearment term in the book... I called you my girl, my sweety, my love... and finally I turned my head to you... you were looking at me with such a loving expression on your face and your eyes were shinning bright with the sun and the reflections of the water... but most of all with the joy and the happiness of the moment... your deep blue eyes... I remember I was under a spell looking at your eyes... I could barely pronounce those words... blue eyes... my blue eyes."

He looked at the sky and a shaky sigh escaped his chest. Suddenly his eye was caught by something in the Rock of Winds. He focused his eyes on that spot and he could see something shinning in there. It was a weak glare but still it was enough to catch his attention.

"Could it be the blue crystal?" He whispered getting up.

He went to the side of the cave where the horses were and called for Reeh. The faithful horse came to Ali's call.

"C'mon Reeh." Ali said putting his hood on and mounting his horse. "Take me there... it has to be an hour ride up to there but I saw something shinning on those rocks and I want to make sure."

Reeh neighed and bounced his head at Ali's words and he started to climb up the mountain through the snow covered roads trying to reach the top of Mount Serek, the Rock of the Wind.

* * * * *

The cold and the wind were worse as Ali and Reeh were getting closer to the top of mount Serek, to the Rock of Winds. Ali could barely keep his eyes open for the wind was really strong. He kept his head resting on the back of Reeh's neck and once in a while he lifted his head trying to keep the Rock of Winds always in front of them.

Reeh was doing his best trying go get up there but it was not easy for him at all. The cold climate of the mountains was not something he was used to and he was even a little clumsy in his movements. But he wouldn't give up. For Ali he was willing to descend to hell... or reach the stars.

"We're almost there..." Ali kept muttering. "We're almost there... reach the stars, Reeh... c'mon boy, keep going..."

After a very hard climbing Reeh stopped when the giant rock that was the top of the mountain was right in front of them. Ali smiled and dismounted, taking Reeh's reins and leading him behind some rocks to protect themselves from the winds.

"Wow!" Ali said gasping for air. "My lungs feel like freezing."

Reeh lowered his head trying to get some air of his own. Ali patted his head.

"My good Reeh... I'm sorry I'm dragging you into this adventure. You must be hating me. You are the best, you know that? I don't think any other horse in the world could do what you've done for me... and I know I can count on you to the end."

Reeh just looked at Ali. He was so breathless that he couldn't even neigh. He just nuzzled his head against Ali's face. The prince laughed softly and hugged Reeh's big head.

"Alright boy, I'm going to check out those rocks... Aster said this is the place where the winds crash... the book said wind is the element of wisdom... I guess it's all like a wind, alright. Something that just comes to your heart and mind... like a windstorm. You feels so lost and all the sudden you get that inspiration, that... certainty of what you need to do... of what you HAVE to do."

Ali took off his sword and hung it from Reeh's riding saddle. He made sure his dagger was in his belt and nodded. Then he took off his satchel and hung it from the saddle as well. He rubbed Reeh's neck affectionately then.

"Wish me luck pal. You stay in here and take care of this stuff. I'll be back. Don't move."

Ali covered his face with a part of his cape trying to keep his nose protected against the cold wind then he left his shelter and went to the Rock of Winds that was just ahead of him.

Ali thought Aster was right when he told him about the winds of the mountains crashing against that rock for he felt as if he was in the middle of a storm. A storm of wind and ice. The rock was really close to him and yet he was approaching it so slowly. It took him a lot of time to reach the big rock.

When he finally did it he leaned against it trying to get some air and he started climbing on it. From the camp he had seen that shinning spot at the top of the rock and he wanted to make sure if it was the crystal or not.

"Azul..." He keep whispering as he was climbing. That word had a magical effect in him. "Azul... I'm almost there my angel... almost there..."

His feet slipped several times and he was about to fall a couple of times but he kept fighting against the wind, climbing that rock. Even if he could barely breath, even if his hands were freezing and even if his body was not responding to him the way he'd wanted Ali kept climbing that rock.

The Final Peak

Finally he reached the top of it. He smiled and his hand started to feel around for his eyes couldn't see for the wind forced him to keep them half closed. And suddenly his hand felt something... a smooth surface in the middle of the rough rocks. Ali smiled when he focused his eyes and could see that little thing shinning under the stars. A blue glow, nonetheless.

"I did it." Ali smiled caressing the stone. "The blue crystal..."

He grabbed the crystal but it wouldn't come out for it was incrusted in the rock. Ali took his dagger and with the blade he forced the crystal out of the stone. It was not easy to do but he succeeded.

And there he was, the Prince of Agrabah on his knees, holding the blue stone while the winds hit him. He was on the top of the world then, literally.

"I have the blue crystal!" He said out loud holding the stone in front of his eyes and smiling proudly.

He looked at the star covered sky. Ali thought he could grab all the stars from the sky from there. He was really close to the sky then. He looked around him and he realized there was nothing higher in the land than the rock he was on. He stood up letting the winds beat him all they wanted and raised his arms in a sign of victory.

"I have the three crystals!" He yelled. "I've reached the stars! I'm on the top of the world! I LOVE you Azul!"

He was screaming and laughing like crazy.

"I've reached the stars!" He repeated. "Just for you my blue eyed angel! Just for you, my Azul!"

After his explosion of joy he started to climb down the rock which was not very hard to do since half way down his foot slipped and Ali fell to the snow covered ground.

"Ow!" He groaned trying to stand up and brushing the snow off his head and shoulders. "One minute you're on the top of the world and the next minute you're on the ground. Serves me well..."

He felt his pocket to make sure the crystal was in there and then he ran to where Reeh was waiting for him behind the rocks, protected against the winds.

"I did it, Reeh!" He screamed when he got in there even though he was breathless. "The blue crystal! Look! The blue crystal!"

Ali showed the stone to Reeh. The horse made soft noises and shook his head happily.

"Oh I know, I know... this is the last one... now we can go back to our warm land... I'm sick of snow!"

Ali took his satchel and opened it, taking the other crystals out and placing them on the snow beside the blue one. He kneeled in front of them.

When the three crystals were together they started to glow wonderfully. Ali laughed softly and Reeh snored happily.

"We made it, Reeh... look at this... aren't they beautiful? Together at last... Courage, Purity, Wisdom... I've done it... now we only need to find that amulet and we'll go to find Azul... we're closer Reeh, closer than ever!"

Ali noticed the blue glow coming out from his satchel and he smiled as he reached for the book. He put it on the snow, right in front of him and opened it. The blank pages were glowing and he nodded.

"Talk to me, Azrak... I need to know what this was all about... and what my next path is..."

The letters started to appear and Ali smiled. No matter how many times he saw that it still impressed him every time.

When the glow vanished and the next pages were written Ali looked up at Reeh and smiled friendly.

"Well... let's see what good old Azrak has to say about this..." He said and started to read.

"You've got the last of the three crystals of infinite, Lion of the Desert. And you've done it just right. You've proved you are a wise man regardless of your youth. Now you have the blue crystal, the last of the three. The Crystal of Wisdom and with it you have been completed in heart, body and soul."

"But..." Ali said. "What is wisdom? What did I do to earn the crystal?"

"Wisdom, young Lion of the Desert, is a clever behavior towards life. You've been earning wisdom from the beginning of your journey but it crystallized in the blue road. You have shared your experiences with others. You have made people get to their senses. You have proved that physical strength is not as important as the force inside you."

"Well," Ali said to Reeh. "I guess this has something to do with the fact of that senseless war we helped to end, don't you think? I think when the book says I've been getting wisdom from the beginning of my journey it's not THIS journey he's talking about but the journey of my life... I guess I've learned wisdom from my father who's a fair and wise ruler... from mom... from Azul... and from every single step of the way. I guess this war thing was only a test... and I passed it."

"Now you posses the key of time, for wisdom is the key of time. You must concentrate on your present keeping your eyes on tomorrow as a vision of hope and always remembering yesterday as a dream full of experiences. That's the origin of wisdom."

"That is so true." Ali said. "I have so many memories for the days that have gone by... and I have so many dreams for my future... but it's the present that keeps me going. I have dreams, hopes, memories... but I have a mission to fulfill right now. But you just cannot keep past and future away from your present. This is really the key of time."

"Wisdom also is your love for life, protection to Earth, to life in any form from natural life to human life, to Earth and mostly to yourself. Only if you love yourself you can be wise.

Wisdom comes from meditation. Only by searching your heart will you find true wisdom. You must reach your own mysteries, your own deep secrets. That's a way to reach your own wisdom."

"My deepest secrets... my deepest fears... my deepest feelings... oh man, I've been meditating a lot about all of that lately." Ali smiled.

"Now you have been taught and tested. You have courage, honor, experience but most of all you have the key of wisdom. But wisdom, as well as courage and purity, is a never ending process. Never forget that.

Follow always the way of the truth, even though that road is always the hardest and most dangerous of all. Never forget your true feelings. Act with nobility, courage and wisdom and never expect a reward for your actions. The ultimate reward, the real reward doesn't exist in this world.

Now you have wisdom to make your own decisions and build your own destiny... and lead your own life.

In your eyes will glow from now on the fire of courage, the soft light of purity and the spark of wisdom.

You have come far, Lion of the Desert. And you have done a good job."

Ali smiled at Reeh and then looked at the sky.

"I've completed the three roads... I wonder if Azul would find me any different when she sees me? More mature perhaps? Will she notice this light in my eyes? The light Azrak's book is talking about?"

Ali smiled and stared at the crystals for a moment. Then he went back to the book.

"Very well, Azrak. I'm here with the three crystals. Now I know I need your amulet and I have to travel to the East to get it... what should I do?"

"Now that you have a pure soul to feel, a brave heart to fight and a wise mind to think your next path will take you to the Golden Road of the Universe. To the Sanctuary of Dawn where you'll find my amulet. You've proven yourself worthy of it. You've proven yourself worthy of the powers the amulet holds. Travel to the East, young Lion of the Desert. Find the Sanctuary of Life in the sands of the desert. That's your final destination before you go to face your ultimate challenge."

Those were the last words in the book. Ali smiled and closed the book placing it back inside the satchel. Then he took the three crystals and contemplated them for a minute. He put them back inside the satchel and stood up.

"Off to the East, Reeh." He said with a determined expression on his face. "The final mission..."

Reeh came behind him. Ali smiled and patted his head.

"I can't wait to get out of this icy place." He said mounting Reeh. "I only have to say good bye to the people of Hagol and we'll be out of here... and with your magical stone we'll be back in our deserts in a couple of days... let's go Reeh!"

As Reeh was descending the mountain Ali looked back at the rock of the winds once again. He smiled and nodded.

"I've reached the stars." He whispered. "And I've learned that not even they can compare to you, Azul."

Ali looked at the path in front of him.

"Courage, purity, wisdom... and now off to the Sanctuary of Dawn. Once I get the amulet I'll run non stop to Karak. Hang on my angel, I won't abandon you. Sooner than you think I'll be there with you. Don't lose hope Azul... you are my whole life."

He spurred Reeh, determined as never before to end his mission and go to Karak, to that Dark City where his love was. Now that he had passed the three tests he felt different somehow but he knew some things change and some always remains the same. And he knew no matter what happened the love burning in his heart would remain the same for the rest of eternity.

He smiled and tried to focus on his last path. The road of light that would lead him to the East, to find the Sanctuary of Dawn in the golden sands of the desert. The Golden Road of the Universe.

*        *         *

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