Quest 3: Azrak's Legacy




As soon as the first shadows of the night fell on the deserts, Ali stopped Reeh. He had forced himself to ride the whole day but he just couldn't keep going. He needed a rest and he knew Reeh needed a rest. He stopped near some palm trees hoping to find water somewhere around but much to his dismay there was no water in that place. After taking the saddles and bags off Reeh he set a good fire and laid on the sand, resting against a palm tree. Reeh was happy to have some fresh plants to eat but the horse noticed Ali wasn't eating. In fact, Ali hadn't eaten for a couple of days. He was not hungry, he only was tired.

Reeh neighed and pushed with his nose the bag with the supplies and the food to Ali. The prince of Agrabah smiled weakly at his friend and shook his head.

"Thank you Reeh but I'm not really hungry."

The horse snorted and nuzzled against Ali's face.

"I know, I know." Ali giggled weakly. "I need to eat but I don't feel like eating… I just want to sleep."

Reeh made some mad sounds but it was obvious Ali wouldn't follow the horse's advice. He just pilled a couple of bags and rested his head on them using them as pillows. He looked at the star covered sky and sighed deeply.

"You should try to get some rest of your own, pal. You've been working so hard… we both have been working so hard…"

Ali reached to his satchel and took Azul's portrait out of it.

"My blue eyed girl… I'd give anything in this world to be there where you are right now. Oh Azul, my love, for you I'd pay the price in blood… I'd give anything for you. If I only could reach you!"

Ali placed the portrait on the ground by his side and let out a frustrated sigh.

"This was supposed to be the easy part of the way." He said madly. "And look at me, Azul… stuck out here in the middle of no where… we've been traveling for days but we have to stop every few hours because our bodies are not responding to us anymore… I wish I knew how much time we've been on this crazy journey but I don't even know that… and it frustrates me, my love… it really annoys me."

Reeh came to lay beside Ali and the prince looked at him. The poor horse was totally worn out. Ali had never seen him like that before. He was filthy and messy and Ali thought he wasn't any better. And to top it all he had that annoying fever again.

"Why is this happening to us now?" He said frustrated. "Why NOW?"

Reeh just snorted but Ali thought his friend was asleep already. He looked at the stars and sighed. A worried and sad expression appeared on his face as he was staring at the endless sky. He stayed like that for a long while, his mind lost in the space.

"It's all my fault." He finally said letting out a painful sigh. "This is all my fault. If you are suffering the way you are, Azul, it's because of me… I'm the one to blame… I'm the only one responsible here."

Ali's mind flew back to that cursed night, the night when she had been kidnapped. He remembered how nervous she was and how many times she asked him not to leave her alone. How many times he had to go back to her because she was scared. He remembered the way her little body felt against his chest. How tiny she was in his embrace. The way she was shivering and the fear he could read in her beautiful blue eyes.

"And yet I abandoned you." He said out loud. "You gave me all the signals… all the clues… and I just walked away from you. I didn't understand what you were trying to tell me… because I know you felt something bad was going to happen. Somehow your little heart knew the truth… and your heart was screaming to me… and I didn't listen to it… I didn't even listen to my own heart… and then I went home and you were calling for me… in my dreams I could see you calling for me… and I closed my ears and my heart to your cry, Azul… why? Why was I so stupid?!"

Ali groaned, mad at himself. He was hating himself at that moment. He was hating himself in a way he had never hated anyone before.

"I deserve to die." He said. "I don't deserve to be alive knowing that I failed you that way my sweet Azul… I totally deserted you… I abandoned you… I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most… why am I so stupid? Why?!"

He turned to his side to face Azul's portrait. He looked at her for several minutes and his eyes got all teary.

"And from the moment I started with this magical journey I've been losing valuable time. I knew I could've gone faster than this Azul… I've been off the way most of the time, not focusing in the road before me… from that lion I killed in the desert.. the volcano… queen Karima…" Ali made a face. "Specially with queen Karima..."

He looked at Azul's portrait.

"I failed you, blue eyes… I failed you in every possible way I could. That queen had me under her most complete power and I allowed her to do that to me… I wish I could've fought her somehow but her magic was so powerful… I couldn't do anything and I know it was bad… I was acting real bad. That was not the way I was supposed to be acting Azul… and I never wanted things to be that way. But all of a sudden she was there… acting like that… being like that… oh Azul… I hope you can forgive me because I know I cannot forgive myself…"

Ali was remembering the touch of Karima and how uncomfortable he felt every time she was close to him. Every time she touched him. Every time she hugged him. And worst of all, Ali remembered when she kissed him.

He cringed remembering that. The feeling of Karima's lips against his was something he wished he could erase completely from his heart and from his memory.

"It felt so wrong." He was thinking. "So different from the way your kisses feel, Azul."

Ali closed his eyes trying to remember the feeling of Azul's lips against his. Without even thinking about it a warm feeling flooded his chest and a small smile appeared on his face.

"Your touch feels so different." He whispered. "So beautiful… so soft and delicate… so tender and sweet and yet so warm and loving…"

He sighed deeply and touched his lips.

"Oh Azul… my Azul… my blue eyed angel… it's been so long since the last time we saw each other… from the last time I had you in my arms, embracing you, kissing your forehead… it's been so long since the last time I looked into your gorgeous blue eyes… those eyes with the stars in them… it's been an eternity since the last time your lips caressed mine…"

He was lost in the memories of his Azul. He smiled remembering the sound of her voice… the soft sound of her laughter. The way her blue jewels shone when ever she looked at him. The way her hands felt when she caressed him.

He remembered the soft scent of her perfume. That azhar flower scent he loved so much in her and how she always smelled so good. The way her head always found the right spot on his shoulder whenever she rested it on there. He remembered how absolutely cute she looked when she was all sleepy and she closed her eyes taking a little nap on his shoulder when they were in the menagerie just staring at the stars or talking about any topic. He could spend his whole life watching over her sleep.

He loved that easy way she had to fit into his arms whenever she looked for a hug or whenever he wanted to embrace her. It was as if she was made to fit in his arms and only in his arms.

Ali smiled thinking how she was the most beautiful creature on earth. She never needed fancy dresses or make up for her beauty was so simple and so true. Ali loved how real she was. He hated the idea of her wearing fancy dresses and make up. First of all he knew how much she hated it and second, he always thought it would be a crime to hide her beauty behind that kind of stuff. For him she was beautiful just the way she was. Ali always thought that she had so much inside that she needed really little outside to be perfect, for her inner beauty made her glow no matter what. And she only needed her gorgeous smile and her beautiful blue eyes to look perfect all the time.

Ali smiled thinking that no matter how bad things were, she had always the power to make things better for him only with her presence. He loved the way she kissed him, the way she caressed him, the way she embraced him. When he was with her everything was right in the world.

He loved that warmth of her. And that warmth he felt in his heart whenever she was around. That fuzzy feeling he got every time just at the thought of her. He loved the way she snuggled against him looking for his warmth. He usually would keep her close to him whenever they were out at night, for he knew how easily she got cold. And he never minded keeping her warm in his loving embrace.

Ali smiled dreamily remembering her gorgeous smile and the way her blue eyes shone when she smiled. Every smile of hers was like a dawn in the east. And the stars were shinning in her eyes all the time. He loved the way her little hand always found its way to find his. And the way her hand felt in his. She was so small that Ali felt that urge to protect her from anything. He sighed remembering the way their fingers entwined and how their hands fit so well together.

He remembered the way she blushed every time he told her 'I love you' and then the sweet and soft tone of her voice when she replied with a tender 'I love you too'. He just loved the way she blushed. She was so absolutely cute when she blushed.

He loved that manly feeling he got every time he was around her. She allowed him to protect her, to be her hero, her protector, her guardian. But also the way she trusted so completely to let him know about her deepest fears, her secrets, her pain. The way she fell into his arms when she cried and how she allowed him to pamper her. He felt so brave and so manly in those moments.

He also remembered the silly and the funny stuff. That way she had with pillows, for she was the best pillow fighter in the world. They had so much fun together. The way she was always willing to play silly games or to laugh at his silly jokes. And the funny part was that he knew she actually found funny whatever he said or did. He could be totally silly around her knowing that she loved him for who he was, no matter if he was a silly boy, as she used to call him from time to time.

And the way they missed each other even when they had to say good bye for the night. He couldn't believe he'd be so dependant on someone else. But even the few hours they had to stay away during the night were eternal for them. He loved the way she kissed him every morning when they met again and told him how much she had missed him or how she had him in her dreams. And Ali knew she meant it, for he knew that for some strange reason beyond his comprehension that blue eyed angel loved him as much as he loved her. She was always his source of security and love. She was all he needed in life to be happy. She was his everything, he was willing to fight the world for her. She was the only person in the world who knew him in all his depth. She knew his secrets, his fears, his dreams, his hopes. And she shared them.

He only had to look into her eyes to discover love burning there. That deep love she had for him. That love she demonstrated to him every second. They didn't have to talk for their eyes talked for them. They didn't need words to communicate, for between them their hearts did all the talking.

"My life," Ali whispered staring at her portrait. "My whole life has been inevitably consumed by this love I feel for you… my heart doesn't beat on its own anymore, blue eyes, for my heart only beats for you."

Ali let out a frustrated sigh and shook his head.

"And yet I deserted you, Azul." He said bitterly. "I was supposed to be there for you always, to stand over you, to protect you… I wish I could have been there that night, right by your side… my sword ready to protect you… the fire of my heart burning for you… I was supposed to be there to shield you from every danger, from anyone who would try anything against you, my love. I was supposed to be the brave warrior who would defend you from any harm… and yet I left you alone…" Ali's voice trailed off.

He looked at the sky once again and for a moment he was silent. After a while he turned to look at the little portrait once again and lowered his eyes in shame.

"And I keep failing you, my angel. I keep losing time… being stupid… being pathetic… just look at me, Azul… look at the kind of man I'm now… I can hardly move. I feel so sick and so tired and Allah knows I wish I could keep going but I just can't… I cannot move and this is frustrating me… because I'm so close now and my body is refusing to go on anymore… what can I do my love? What can I do?"

Ali felt like crying. He was feeling so weak and so tired, too completely worn out that he thought he couldn't even stand up any more.

"I've failed you again." He said. "I am so close and yet… Azul, I don't deserve you… I don't deserve your love… I only deserve to die!"

He closed his eyes and tried to avoid his tears. He was feeling down and depressed as never before. He felt pathetic as never before.

Suddenly his eyes opened wide and he sat up as a yell escaped his throat. He cried so hard that Reeh lifted his head to see what was wrong with his master.

Ali removed his cape, for a terrible pain was crawling from his ankle to the rest of his body. He crawled back in horror when he discovered an enormous scorpion there. It had bitten his ankle.

Ali reached for his sword and with a steady and fast movement he threw the scorpion to the fire with a hit of his sword. Ali looked at the fire as sparkles flew around it. The young prince was breathing heavily.

"Oh all mighty Allah!" He said rushing to take his boot off. "It bit me, Reeh… I've been bitten by a scorpion…"

Ali removed his boot as fast as he could and thanked Allah the boot seemed to protect his feet, but still he found the bite mark right on his ankle.

"Oh Allah!" He kept repeating. "This is bad… this hurts!"

He noticed his foot was not only hurting but also it was swelling.

"No…" He said. "I don't want to die! I won't let myself die! Not now that I'm so close to her! NO!"

He realized he was starting to have difficulty breathing and swallowing and he knew he had to act quickly if he wanted to save himself.

"This cannot be that bad." He said reaching for his satchel. "It barely bit me… my boot protected me… I'm going to be fine… I have to be fine… for you my Azul…"

Ali took off his dagger and clenched his teeth. With a very fast movement he made a small but deep cut on his ankle, just where the bite mark was. He groaned and bit his lower lip trying not to scream. He applied some pressure making the little wound bleed.

"This…" He said breathing heavily. "This will take the poison out… oh Allah, I'm feeling nausea… and…"

He covered his mouth as he felt contractions in his stomach. He wasn't swallowing very good and he was feeling so dizzy. But he tried to stay calm. He kept pressing the wound until it stopped bleeding all by its own.

Clumsily Ali reached on the bags and took his canteen, pouring water on the wound. Finally he improvised a bandage and covered the little wound. He leaned back against the palm tree and he noticed he had fever and also the nausea and that difficulty to breath.

"No…" He said in his delirium. "I cannot give up now… not now that I am so close… no… I won't give up now!"

He closed his eyes and Reeh came to watch over him. Ali was shaking his head weakly.

"I can't give up now, Azul… I'm in the final steps of this race… and I'm giving up… I'm deserting you again. Not anymore my love… not anymore… not this time… I have the three jewels and I need the amulet. I'm so close… please don't let me give up now. I have to be going… I must be going…"

Ali opened his eyes and stared at the sky. His face was covered in sweat and he was burning in fever. He was hardly breathing. He took his canteen and took a few sips of water. All of a sudden a determined expression appeared on his face. He took his sword and using it as support he tried to stand up. It was not easy at all for his body was weak and worn out. But he did it. Once he was on his feet he looked at his faithful horse. Reeh was looking questioningly at Ali.

"I cannot stop now, Reeh… and we are not going to stop here. I won't give up… I won't abandon her, not this time Reeh… not this time."

Reeh neighed and Ali took Azul's portrait in his hands. Then he put his hand on his chest, over his heart, pressing his A+A pin against it. His face got very serious as he spoke.

"I promise this, Azul… I promise on my love for you and on my loyalty to Agrabah and my parents that I'll go on. That I won't give up… not here and not tonight… not now that I'm so close to you, my love… I'll use every bit of strength I still have in my body to go on… and my heart will force me to keep going… I'm not going to stop now Azul… this is a promise."

Ali took his sword and pressed the handle of it against his heart for a second. Immediately he looked at Reeh.

"I know we are tired, Reeh… but we'll ride the whole night if we have to. We cannot afford losing any second now."

Ali was really clumsy and slow in his movements but he saddled Reeh and put the magic jewel on and once his horse was ready he mounted him. That was painful to him and it took him a while to get on his old friend's back but he did it.

He still had fever, he was feeling so sleepy and so dizzy. His foot was hurting so much and he had nausea but he promised himself he wouldn't stop until he found the Sanctuary. He was not going to lose any more time.

"We'll ride day and night if it is necessary." He said patting Reeh's neck. "Now go, Reeh… to the East… follow the way of the morning light… and don't stop. We'll never stop until we find that sanctuary."

Reeh neighed softly and started running wild across the dunes following the path Ali had pointed out at him. The Prince of Agrabah tried to smile and kept his eyes on the horizon.

"It's for you, Azul… no more stops on my way… no more stops until I have you in my arms again… hang on my blue eyed angel… I'm going to find you!"

And as sick as he was and as tired as Reeh was they promised themselves they'd die before letting anything stop them. They were determined as never before to find Karak and this time nothing and no one would stop them.

* * * * *

That night Jasmine entered Aladdin's private studio. She stopped by the door and looked at Aladdin for a while. He was staring absently at the window playing with the quill. She came from behind and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Aladdin." She called softly.

He looked at her but his expression didn't change at all. Jasmine sat by his side and took his hand.

"I understand you had a meeting this evening… with captain Ahmed?"

"I did." Aladdin said absently and pointed at a pile of papers on the desk. "Those are the reports of all the magical incidents our army had to fight this week."

"By Allah!" Jasmine said. "That's a bunch of papers."

"It is." Aladdin said putting the quill aside. "Things seem to be getting worse and worse by the day and I'm worried. I don't know how much longer our army could resist. I don't remember Agrabah had ever being under a magical attack like this for such a long amount of time. We've been able to keep things away from the city until now but every inch of ground we lose to them is an inch of ground they are closer to Agrabah."

"Almost like the good old days, huh?" Jasmine tried to joke.

"Well… not even in the old times did we have to fight something like this… and in those old times I never had this preoccupation of my son being in danger."

Jasmine nodded and looked at his face.

"So… that was all that meeting was about? I saw Bassel coming here."

"He was here… I called for him."

"What for?"

"Well…" Aladdin said lowering his head. "We were talking about an expedition…"

Jasmine covered her mouth trying to suppress a gasp. There was something in Aladdin's voice that made her realize Aladdin was losing hopes.

"Expedition?" She asked softly. "Aladdin… you are not thinking about…?"

"I am." He said looking at her. "I've been thinking a lot about this and… and…"

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." He said frustrated. "I keep thinking about a million things and I just cannot find the right answers. I don't know… I was thinking that maybe if you could take care of Agrabah in my absence…"

"Aladdin!" She said scared. "You cannot leave now! Not when we have this emergency! We need you here, this is your place as the Sultan and you know that!"

"I know but…"

"You can't go! I know that you want to find our son and I do too, as anything in this world… but I wouldn't be able to take, Allah forbid, losing Ali AND you at the same time!"

Aladdin sent her a painful look.

"Please Jasmine!" He pleaded. "Don't you ever say that again… that about Ali."

"I'm sorry." She said softly. "But Aladdin, my love, you know how I feel about this. This is not easy for me either."

"I know. That's why I want to go find him. I know you can take good care of Agrabah in my absence and I'm going to ask captain Ahmed to support you all the time. He was with Ali through the whole war and Ali trusts him with his life. I know he'll be the best advisor and supporter for you."

"Aladdin, it's not about that… it's…"

"And I'll do my best to find Ali. Bassel and I agreed we'll travel day and night until we find the kids, and then…"

"Aladdin!" She said firmly. "Listen to me! You know I have all the faith in the world in you but this worries me. You haven't been on a dangerous adventure with magical things in a long time… and you're not 20 years old anymore."

"But Jasmine, just think about Ali. He's out there all by his own. What if he needs my help? Do you realize the kind of weight we've put on his shoulders? Rescue Azul… save Agrabah… travel across the deserts… and we are here, just sitting and waiting for him to fix things… this isn't fair, Jasmine!"

"And you think I haven't thought about that? I've been up all night for weeks just thinking and thinking about all the implications of this. Thinking about my son and praying to Allah for him and Azul… this hasn't been easy for me, Aladdin. You're not the only one who's desperate here!"

"Then you should agree on me going to find him!" Aladdin raised his voice a little.

"But you don't even know where to start looking!"

"I'll go to the village of Hessa, where Ali's journey started. With Allah's help I think we'll be able to follow Ali's trail from there."

"Aladdin." She said softly grabbing his arm. "I know you are really worried and really scared. So am I! But you have to stay here… you are the Sultan… you must stay, for the Kingdom's sake!"

"My family will always come before the throne!"

"But Aladdin, I…"

"Jasmine!" He stopped her. "I know you were raised as a princess and I know you are really concerned about the kingdom's sake and all… I am too! But being the Sultan doesn't mean I cannot have a heart! I am the Sultan but I have a family to take care of! Look, Jasmine, I really don't want to sound rude but sometimes it's annoying that people think that the Sultan should take care of nothing but the Kingdom's well being. I've done my best through all these years and I think I've done it pretty well… look at Agrabah, Jasmine. It's a beautiful, peaceful and prosperous place… if now I want to put my family before my royal responsibilities, could anyone blame me? Could anyone tell me I'm not a good ruler?"

"No." She responded quietly.

"I grew up all alone in the streets and I promised myself I'd be always there for my kids… don't you think Ali could be needing some extra help right now? Don't you think he could be hoping for his father to go to give him a hand?"


"I understand your concern, Jasmine and I admire your devotion to Agrabah… but you and the kids are more important to me than any throne… the people are important to me and you know that… but you, Jasmine… you and my children are my whole life and no one can complain, for I've been doing my best for almost 13 years now. So what if I want to leave Agrabah in the hands of its Queen? Isn't my fatherhood one of my most sacred and important duties, Jasmine?"

"It is." She said softly. "And I really admire you, Aladdin… and that's why I love you so much… but I'm scared."

"Don't be." He said taking her hands. "Everything is going to be fine… Agrabah will be fine in your hands… and I won't stop until I have my son and my daughter in law back."

There was a long silence in the room. Both of them were just staring at the floor, thinking about a lot of different things. Finally Aladdin stood up and walked to the spot on the wall where his sword was hanging. The same sword Ali had gotten for him. Ali's twin sword. Jasmine looked at him as he went to grab that sword.

"He even had my name carved on the blade." Aladdin said caressing the handle. "That kid!"

"Aladdin…" she asked softly and yet concerned. "Why are you limping?"

"I am?" He blinked.

"Yes, you are."

"Oh, it's nothing." He smiled.

"Did you hurt yourself or anything?"

"Well… no, I don't think so… it's just that… my ankle has been annoying me tonight for some reason. I guess I'm starting to show my age." He laughed softly. "Or maybe something bit me… I don't know."

"I should take a look at it."

"Well," He shrugged. "It's nothing… and we have more important business to take care of now."

Jasmine nodded and lowered her eyes. After a little while she looked at Aladdin. He still had his sword in his hands.

"I'm so sorry, Aladdin."

"Sorry for what?" He blinked at her.

"For being so cold hearted about this… you must be thinking I don't care for Ali but…"

"Please Jasmine, don't say that!" He said placing the sword aside and going to put his arm around Jasmine's shoulders. "I know how much you love the kid… I understand your point of view. Perhaps it's just that you have more faith in Ali and trust him more than I do…"

"Oh no!" She looked at him. "I know you have all the faith in the world in Ali."

"And I know you love him deeply and unconditionally."

"Aladdin…" She asked softly. "What is happening with us?"

"I guess we are just scared, that's all."

Jasmine snuggled against Aladdin's chest and closed her eyes.

"I know things are going to be fine now… and I promise I'll do my best for Agrabah in your absence."

"I know you will." He smiled pulling her closer to him. "And I'll bring the kids back home."

"Alive." Jasmine said softly.

"Alive." Aladdin nodded as a worried expression appeared on his face and he was grateful Jasmine couldn't' see it.

Aladdin kissed Jasmine's forehead softly and rested his head on her hair. She kept her eyes closed while snuggling against Aladdin's chest. He was just staring at the sword on the table and praying to Allah for his kid and for Azul.

After some minutes Jasmine pulled away and looked up at Aladdin's face.

"When are you leaving?" She asked quietly.

"In a week." Aladdin responded. "If we don't have news from Ali and Azul in a week, we'll be leaving Agrabah to find them."

"May Allah be with you!" She said softly.

"May Allah be with US!" He corrected her in the same soft tone.

Jasmine nodded while caressing Aladdin's chest softly. She looked at his face and forced herself to smile. Aladdin responded with an equal faked smile.

"Let's go." She said standing up and taking his hand. "It's late and you need your rest… and I need to take a look at that ankle of yours."

"Yeah." He said standing up. "Just give me a second."

Aladdin grabbed his sword and pressed it against his chest lovingly. Then he hung it from the wall again.

"Don't worry Ali." He whispered. "Your dad is going!"

Jasmine came from behind and placed her arms around Aladdin's waist and rested her chin on his shoulder. They stared at the sword for a while, praying to Allah for the things that were coming in the near future.

Finally Aladdin looked at her and smiled.

"Let's go to our room… I really need to get some rest."

"Me too."

Aladdin took her hand but when he started to walk to the door, Jasmine stopped and forced him to a stop. He jolted and looked at her questioningly.


"Aladdin." She said throwing her arms around his neck. "I just want you to know you are the best ruler Agrabah could ask for… and you have every right to put your royal responsibilities aside… when it comes to your family. I also want to tell you that you are the best father the kids could have. We all are lucky to have you, Aladdin. For they have a wonderful father and I have the most sweet and amorous husband… I love you, Aladdin… it's been more than 25 years and I'm still falling in love with you day after day."

Aladdin didn't respond. He just leaned over and kissed her lips tenderly. Jasmine returned the kiss and it went from tender to deep. It was a long kiss. When they pulled away Jasmine took his hand and led him to the door.

"Let's go… I need to check on that ankle of yours."

Aladdin smiled at her and before closing the door they sent a last look at the sword hanging on the wall. Aladdin thought they were supposed to be twin swords. They were supposed to be always together. Just as Ali and himself. He promised his son and promised himself he'd take Ali back home for without his silly boy he felt something was missing in his heart. He smiled and closed the door behind him carefully. Then he smiled at his wife and they headed, hand in hand to their royal chambers.

* * * * *

Ali and Reeh had been riding non stop the whole night. As sick and tired as Ali was he was trying to do his best, to ignore his body and just kept going on. before them Ali could only see an endless sea of sand.

"We have to keep going…" He was muttering. "We're so close now… we've come so far, Reeh, we cannot stop now."

Ali looked at the horizon where a weak glow was appearing timidly. He smiled realizing dawn was coming.

"That scorpion bite was a wake up call." He thought. "I don't know what was happening to me. I was giving up now that I'm so close to the end of this journey. I was losing all my hopes and I can't understand why. I guess after all these weeks I'm just tired… and at times I feel uninspired but not because I don't have a reason to go on but because some times this quest seems endless and… useless."

He looked at the stars and smiled weakly.

"But you are at the end of this road, Azul… you are my inspiration, my fire, my guiding light. Sometimes the body is weak but I must keep my spirit strong for you, my love."

Ali kept his gaze on the horizon. Dawn was coming quickly and the first light of the new day was caressing the sands of the desert.

"A new dawn." Ali thought. "I just keep thinking how wonderful it is going to be when every new dawn finds you in my arms, Azul… when this sweet and soft morning light touches your face and I'm there to contemplate you in your sleep." He smiled shyly and almost blushed. "It's just so sweet… it gives me this warm feeling inside every time I think about that… even though right now you are only a dream, my angel. Sometimes at night I try to understand things… because sometimes you seem to be so far away from me even if you are so close to me in my heart. I wonder if you feel this power in your heart too?"

Ali looked at the sky as a preoccupied expression covered his face.

"I wonder if you think about me just as much as I think about you?" He sighed. "I wonder what's in your head every night when you're sleeping… I wonder what your life in Karak is like, my blue eyes. And sometimes I don't want to think about it. There are so many possibilities in my head that it's just all so frustrating. Every time I imagine you in there, all alone… oh Azul, I'm scared. I've tried to be fast but sometimes I think I've been losing time. I'd never forgive myself if something bad happened to you. But I swear it, Azul. If someone is hurting you, if someone is making you cry, if someone is scaring you, that someone is going to pay their imprudence with blood!"

A terrible expression appeared on Ali's face as his hand went to the handle of his sword. But as soon as that expression appeared in there, it vanished as Ali sighed deeply.

"Oh Allah, what am I saying? I must keep nurturing my courage, my wisdom and my purity. But just the thought of Azul suffering…" Ali groaned softly. "You show me the way, All Mighty. I don't want to disappoint Azul in any way… or my parents…"

Ali's thoughts flew to Agrabah and to his parents. His face was covered with sadness at the memory of them.

"It's been a long time." He said. "They must be so worried for me. I really have no idea how long I've been away from Agrabah and away from them… I wish I could have a way to let them know I'm fine. But I guess that another reason for me to do my best and try to get to Karak as fast as I can. I want to go back to Agrabah. I want to go back to them… knowing them, they must be so worried about me. I wonder how everything is going in the city? My only way to help them is going to Karak and taking Azul out of there. I am doing my best, dad, mom… sometimes I'm weak and sometimes I fall apart but I'm trying to do my best… in the best way I can. This hasn't been easy and I know the worst of this journey is yet to come but I won't let you down. Trust me… I'll be back in Agrabah victorious, with my Azul… you can count on me, I'll make you proud!"

Ali smiled and closed his eyes.

"My Azul… that sounds just great… my wife… my blue eyed angel… Azuuuuu---whoa!" Ali said grabbing tight the reins.

Reeh neighed loudly and reared up in his back legs.

"Easy boy! Easy!" Ali said trying to control his friend. "What's going on? What happened?"

Reeh stepped back nervously and Ali looked at the ground and smiled when he noticed what had freaked out Reeh.

"Oh, c'mon Reeh! It's only a snake!"

Reeh looked at Ali and snorted annoyed, as if telling him: "Yeah right! Only a snake, you say that because you are safe and sound on my back!". Ali laughed.

"Oh yeah, I know… I know… I'm sorry. I guess I had enough with that scorpion bite anyway. But don't worry Reeh!" Ali patted the horse's neck. "It's alright… look, it is going now. That filthy thing won't hurt you!"

But suddenly Ali's eye was caught by something shinning on the ground. Something glowing at the soft light of dawn.

"Wha--?" He said looking at the snake that was moving quickly in the direction of a canyon nearby. "Reeh," Ali said surprised. "Look at that snake! It's back… that snake has jewels on its back! How can that be possible?"

Reeh paced slowly, following the serpent and lowered his head examining it. Ali leaned over to take a better look of it as Reeh was walking beside it slowly.

"Oh Allah!" Ali's eyes shinned with amazement. "But you look at that, Reeh… we've seen weird things on our journey but I never expected to see something like this… a snake with jewels on its back… I wish I could take it with me. No one is going to believe this. You know, that kinda reminds me of that shark my parents told me about, the one with jewels and gold on its belly." He laughed. "Well, I'll have a thing or two to tell my parents when this crazy journey is over… look at that snake! It's so beautiful! So many colors and all! I wonder where it is going… follow it, Reeh!"

They followed the jeweled snake who was moving fast in the canyon direction. It didn't take much for them to reach the canyon. The place was still dark for the weak light of the dawn was not enough to illuminate inside that place.

Ali was really curious about that snake so he dismounted Reeh and cringed when his wounded foot hit the ground.

"Darn!" He said. "I keep forgetting I must be careful with that stupid foot!"

He took Reeh's reins and followed the snake who was heading towards some big rocks there. Ali smiled at Reeh.

"Maybe it's there where it lives and maybe it has friends in there… maybe baby snakes… how cute! Let's take a look! Oh, what a weird thing!"

Ali put his hand on the handle of his sword, ready to take it off if the snake stopped ignoring them and decided to attack him.

The snake crawled behind a rock and Ali went there to take a look at where it was going. He was really curious about that creature. But he was really surprised when he saw behind the rock and he discovered a wooden flute there, leaning against the rock.

"A flute?" He frowned. "What is…?"

But before he could finish his sentence he saw the snake going to the flute and started to curl itself around the instrument. Ali's eyes widened when he noticed the flute started to glow. And his mouth dropped to the floor when he saw how the snake started to fuse with the flute in the middle of that magical glow.

"Oh… All Mighty… Allah!" Ali muttered.

Reeh was looking over his shoulders and his eyes were wide open and his ears were moving nervously at such a unusual sight.

Suddenly a flash of light made them close their eyes and a sound was heard. Ali stepped back covering his eyes. Then, when he opened his eyes again he had to blink a couple of times for the flash had blinded him. He shook his head and when he recovered his sight he rushed to take a look at the serpent and the flute… but what he found was a flute with a carved jeweled serpent around it.

The Flute

"Wow!" He said impressed. "What just happened here?"

He was still pronouncing those words when he felt a warm feeling in his side and a vibration coming from his satchel. He removed his cape and he could see a blue glow coming from inside the satchel. He rushed to open it and he realized Azrak's book was glowing and vibrating softly.

"It's the sign!" Ali smiled taking the book out. "Azrak's going to tell us something, Reeh!"

As soon as he took the book out of the satchel a soft breeze started to blow inside the canyon and opened the book. It was getting really hot and shaky so Ali placed it on the rock, beside the snake shaped flute. The wind tired the pages of the book. Finally it opened in a blank page and Ali leaned to observe what was going to appear there.

But instead of the usual words, some weird figures started to take shape in the middle of the glow. Ali stared at them blinking, for the light was too bright for his eyes. Finally the glow vanished and everything went back to normal. Ali looked at Reeh who was impressed and then he gulped taking a look at the figures in the book.

The Music Sheet

"It's…" He looked at Reeh. "It's some sort of music sheet… a very weird music sheet for that matter… it must be so old… what am I supposed to do? Play that music with…" Ali gulped. "That snake?"

Reeh made soft noises and Ali made a face.

"Ew, Reeh! I don't feel like sucking snakes, you know?"

Reeh snorted almost scolding Ali. The prince of Agrabah bit his lower lip and reached to grab the flute. He stopped and looked at Reeh. The horse sent him a sharp look and Ali sighed deeply and took it in his hands.

"Oh well, but if it returns to life and bite my lips YOU will be the one to blame, Reeh… and you'll have some explanation to do to Azul about why my lips are in a bad shape. I don't think she's going to be very happy about it!"

Reeh snorted softly and bounced his head and then hit Ali's back with his big head. Ali smiled and stared at the flute.

"Hey, it's not all that bad… it's kinda nice after all and it feels good… a snake shaped flute, this is interesting… I bet no one has one like this!"

Ali stared at the music sheet for a couple of seconds and frowned.

"This is not easy to read… let's see… hmmm… let me try this…"

Ali looked at the flute and gulped, still not very sure about putting that thing against his lips. He finally took it to his lips nervously and made sure nothing happened. When he was sure the snake was not going to bite him he stared at the music sheet and played a few notes clumsily.

"No… I think that's not it." He said. "It's more like this…"

He started to play the music but it sounded awful. Reeh stepped back and neighed in protest.

"Alright! Alright!" Ali replied. "So I am a little out of practice and I'm here trying to read this ancient music sheet and play the music in a flute that used to crawl and eat frogs until 10 minutes ago!"

Reeh stared at Ali and the prince could swear the horse was laughing at him. He found the subject rather funny himself. He laughed and patted Reeh's head.

"Let's try this again… I think I got it now… let's see…"

Ali put the flute to his lips and started to play that song. It was a very mysterious tune and Ali thought it was really nice. It was a short song and it took Ali only a few minutes to get it right, with some mistakes and all but he finally got it right.

"See?" He told Reeh. "That wasn't that hard after all… now let me play it again… this has to have a purpose somehow. Otherwise it wouldn't be in Azrak's book… here I come."

Ali closed his eyes and started to play the melody. He was very good with the flute and the way he played that little song was superb. When the last notes faded in the echoes of the canyon Ali opened his eyes and smiled.

But as soon as the last notes faded away Ali and Reeh could feel the ground shaking under their feet. They stepped back in alarm.

"Wha--?" Ali was saying. "What's going on?! Hey, c'mon, my song wasn't all that bad!"

Ali noticed something on the giant stone walls of the canyon. It was something on them. Something they hadn't noticed before, for they were so concentrated on the snake.

There was a giant door… an artistic giant door carved in the stone walls. Ali's eyes opened wide as he noticed the big stone door was opening slowly causing that shake in the ground.

Ali and Reeh stepped back. Reeh's face was mimicking Ali's surprised expression. Finally the huge doors were wide open in front of them and the canyon was silent again.

Ali gulped and looked at Reeh. The horse looked back at him and didn't make a sound.

"Did you see that?!" The prince asked in shock. "Those huge doors just… opened like that…"

Reeh bounced his head and snorted softly.

"Amazing!" Ali said looking at the flute he still had in his hands. "The song opened them… and if the snake led us here… and if this song appeared in Azrak's book…"

Ali looked at Reeh and a big smile appeared on his face and his eyes brightened with joy and amazement.

"Reeh! This has to be the temple! The Sanctuary of the Dawn! We made it Reeh! We're here! This is the final stop before Karak!"

Reeh neighed happily and Ali looked again at the giant doors. He laughed softly and placed the book and the flute inside his satchel.

"This is amazing!" He said taking Reeh's reins. "No one is going to believe us about this! Oh Reeh, when we tell people about our adventures they are going to think we are crazy!"

They went to the temple entrance and stopped there. It was all dark inside. Ali gulped and took off his sword, holding it firmly in one hand as he kept Reeh's reins in the other. He looked at his friend and nodded.

"The Sanctuary of Dawn… we're finally here… let's go Reeh…"

The horse snorted nervously but followed his master anyway.

* * * * *

Ali entered the place walking slowly. Reeh was nervous and kept making soft noises and nuzzling against Ali's back. The place was like a giant empty cave and their steps echoed in the huge and dark place. Ali kept looking around him in wonder.

"What is this?" He whispered. "Where are we?"

Reeh neighed softly and Ali patted the horse's head to reassure him.

"Don't worry Reeh, everything is going to be fine."

His eyes were caught then by a soft light at the end of the hall. He smiled and nodded at his horse.

"This way Reeh… there must be something in there…" he said heading to that light. "This almost reminds me of all those stories my dad has told me about the Cave of Wonders."

Ali and Reeh stopped at the entrance of the hall where the light was coming from. Ali looked at Reeh. The horse was still nervous. Ali gulped and held his sword tighter in his hand.

"Let's go."

When they crossed the door they stopped short, their mouths and eyes wide open. It was a huge place, a very ancient place. It was like a temple carved inside the mountain. Around them there were dozens of arches surrounding the place and there were quotes from Azrak's book carved on the walls all around them. There was a big dome over their heads and a mysterious blue light coming from some place and illuminating some kind of altar at the center of the room. Ali thought it was a beautiful place.

"The Sanctuary of Dawn!" He said releasing Reeh's reins and walking slowly to the altar, looking all around him, a smile on his amazed face.


Ali's steps and his voice echoed in the place. When he finally was by the altar he noticed there was a small wooden box on it. A beautiful wooden box with a silver cover and a mysterious symbol engraved on the cover. A crescent moon and a star. He looked around him and noticed that same symbol all over the place.

"I've seen this symbol before!" He said opening his satchel and taking his book out. "It's right here, on the cover of the book… it's Azrak's symbol! That means this is the place where we can find the amulet!" He said excitedly.

But the wooden box was covered by a crystal dome. Ali examined it carefully and walked around the altar. He noticed 3 small holes around the crystal dome. The three of them had different shapes: a circle, a star and a rectangle. He frowned and put his sword in his belt and his hands on the crystal dome trying to lift it, but it seemed to be glued to the altar.

"How am I supposed to open this?" He muttered. "Should I break it?"

Suddenly a noise like an explosion was heard in the place as the soft blue light flashed so brightly that Ali had to step back and cover his eyes. A strong wind ran around the temple causing panic to Reeh. But before Ali could say anything he could hear a strong, deep and powerful voice that echoed in the place.

"My amulet can only be owned by the Lion of the Desert. By the one who has been proven in purity, courage and wisdom."

Ali opened his eyes. The room was silent again and the light was soft again. The prince looked around in surprise.

"Who are you?" He said. "Where are you?"

"You are here," The voice was heard. "Because you've proven you true value. You've proven you are a worthy man, Lion of the Desert."

"Azrak?" Ali said. "It's that you?"

Ali looked around him trying to locate the place the voice was coming from, but when he turned to the altar once again, he stepped back and let out a yelp of surprise.

A man was standing there, behind the altar. A tall man with white hair and white beard and dressed in blue and golden robes with crescent moon designs all over. Ali's eyes were wide open with the surprise and his first reaction was to take out his sword and point at the man.

"Who are you?" Ali said with a shaky voice.

The man didn't respond. He just smiled and Ali thought that was one of the most sincere smiles he had ever seen in his life. But there was something familiar about that man. Those eyes. He had seen those big blue eyes somewhere else… those were Azul's eyes. Ali looked suspiciously at the man.

Azrak and Ali

"Azrak?" He said.

"Welcome to the Sanctuary of Dawn, Lion of the Desert."

"But…" Ali shook his head. "I know you… you were that man… the man who sold us those twin swords… THIS sword!" Ali said showing the sword to Azrak.

"I was. Those swords certainly changed your destiny, Lion of the Desert."

"But… how? Why? How come you…? What's going on?" Ali said rubbing his temples.

"You've come a long way, Ali. You've proven yourself. You are the rightful owner of my Amulet. This amulet that holds all the powers and magic I was able to collect and to conquer in my life."

"Why us?!" Ali said annoyed. "Why Azul and me?"

"This was bound to happen, Lion of the Desert. This had to happen. It was written that Karak would appear again in the sands of the desert. It was written that a maiden from my blood would give life to the city… and it was written that the Lion of the Desert would fight for her."

"So we had our lives already decided by fate? We are at the mercy of destiny?"

"Fate and destiny are roads that have many sidewalks around. Every one of us has a mission in life, that is destiny. But it's up to you to decide what's the best way to go."

"But we didn't decide this! We were forced into this!"

"The dark powers worked things this way for her. But you are here for her, young one. You should be thankful. In devoting yourself to her you are saving the whole land. For Karak is powerful enough to destroy everything that's important to you in the deserts."

"I just don't understand… this hasn't been easy for me. You know all the things I've been forced to fight."

"And I know how strong you are now, in your mind, your heart and your body."

Ali looked at him and shook his head.

"I only want her." His voice was almost a plea when he looked at Azrak. "Please, lead me to her… show me the way…"

"You need the amulet if you want to destroy Karak. But the amulet can only be owned by a pure, wise and brave man. You are that man."

"What should I do?"

"Take the amulet."

Ali put his sword back in his belt and looked at the altar, examining it once again. His fingers touched the 3 holes in there and he looked at Azrak.

"I need to prove my wisdom, courage and purity here, right?" Azrak nodded.

Ali smiled and opened his satchel taking out of it the three jewels. He smiled at Azrak and showed him the crystals he had in his hands.

"Here!" He said placing each stone in each hole. "Courage… purity… wisdom…"

Once he placed the stones in the holes the altar shook a little and the crystal dome opened as if it was a crystal flower. Ali smiled and looked up at Azrak. The old man just nodded.

Ali approached the altar and slowly and very carefully he took the little wooden box in his hands and held it there for a moment, not knowing exactly what he had to do with it. He looked at Azrak.

"It's a beautiful box." He said. "I suppose the amulet is inside?"

"It is." Azrak said. "That amulet is a powerful thing, young Ali. Never forget that. If you have earned it it's because you've proven worthy. But remember, young Lion of the Desert, the tests of courage, purity and wisdom are not completed. Those were just little seeds that have been placed in your heart. It's only the beginning. You must grow and nurture those seeds. Those tests haven't been the first test you had to face in your life and they aren't the last ones either. There is so much to come in your life. So many tests ahead of you. But now you know you have what it takes to conquer anything that could come to you in the future."

"I know." Ali said. "And I'll do my best… always."

"I know you will."

"So… the amulet is mine then…"

"Yours and Azul's. For she has been proved in courage, purity and wisdom in Karak as well."

"Azul!" Ali said. "How's she? Is she alright?"

"I cannot tell you that, for I have no control over Karak or over what happens in there."

"Please Azrak, just tell me if she's alright! That's all I want to know."

"I cannot tell you anything about her."

"So," Ali said annoyed. "You don't know how she is?"

"It's up to you to find out about that."

"I have to go find her." Ali said determined. "I cannot afford losing more time."

By saying that Ali opened the small wooden box and smiled when he saw Azrak's amulet in there. It was a blue stone with the same symbol of the crescent moon on it. It was beautiful.

"When you are in Karak," Azrak was saying. "You must wear it all the time. For you are not magical and not from my blood. You'll need my amulet to protect you all the time."

"I understand." Ali said taking the amulet in his hand and examining it carefully. "This doesn't look so powerful."

"True power lies within." Azrak smiled.

"I know." Ali smiled back and examined the back of the medallion. "Hey, there's something written here… uh… it's an ancient writing though, I don't think I understand it…"

"Show no fear." Azrak said.

"Show no fear?" Ali looked at him. "Is that what it says?"

"Yes. And it's that what you must keep always in your mind from now on. Show no fear."

"I will." Ali smiled. "But I've been traveling for many weeks and facing all kinds of dangers… there's nothing that can scare me anymore."

"Don't be so sure of your own strength, Lion of the Desert. You've been protected against the evil of Karak while you were on your journey. But know this, this is the end of the magical journey for you. Now you must take the path to Karak and I cannot protect you anymore. You are on your own from here. You must know my powers cannot protect you anymore the way they have been protecting you from the moment you left Agrabah. The moment you leave this temple, you'll be under the powers of Karak."

"I understand." Ali said placing the amulet back in the box. "And that's why I need this amulet, right?"

"This amulet and all the power of your heart. You've been proven in courage, purity and wisdom… you've proven you have a strong heart, a powerful soul and a wise mind. You must feel, think and fight… you must keep yourself going, no matter what."

"Azrak, you have to trust me. The road to Karak is the road that will take me to her. No one in this universe could stop me."

"That's right, Lion of the Desert. Only YOU could stop you. Keep that in mind."

"Well, I don't think I'm going to stop myself." Ali smiled. "Now that I am so close to her, I won't stop until I have her in my arms again."

"Never forget that."

Ali smiled and picked up the three jewels, placing them inside the wooden box with the amulet. Azrak smiled at him.

"Do you love her?"

"More than my life." Ali replied.

"Do you love her enough to mix your blood with hers?"

"Uh..." Ali said thinking that in the future they'd have their bloods mixed in the children they could have. "Absolutely."

"Things could be different than what you have planned, Lion of the Desert. And your love will be proven in blood."

"What do you mean?"

"Azul and you will have a blood bond that cannot be broken. A blood bond that will keep you together forever… and forever means the rest of the eternity."

"I want to spend the rest of eternity with her." Ali smiled.

"But are you willing to pay the price?"

"I am."

"Even if that means pain and blood?"

"I am willing to pay the price in blood." Ali said with a firm voice.

"Your love for her exceeded my expectations." Azrak smiled fondly. "But it was written that my blood and the blood of the Lion of the Desert would be mixed."

"Sir, I love her with all my heart and soul. There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for her. I love her so deeply and so sincerely that I'm willing to give my life and soul for her… I'm willing to die for her."

"But, are you willing to LIVE for her?"

Ali looked at Azrak and frowned. There was something in Azrak's question that made him think.

"What do you mean? I only live for her!"

"Just remember young Lion, it takes more courage to live than to die."

"But I am willing to live."

"Whatever it takes?" Azrak asked.

"Yes." Ali responded firmly. "I am willing to live for her."

"NEVER forget that."

Ali frowned and shrugged at Azrak's words and put the wooden box inside his satchel. He looked at the man and thought for a couple of seconds, finally he spoke with a quiet voice.

"Could you tell me what's going on in Karak? Please, I just want to know what kind of things I should fight once I'm there. I want to be prepared."

"As I told you, Lion of the Desert, what's in Karak and what Aswad has prepared for you is beyond my control."

"I know." Ali said softly. "Thanks Azrak."

"For what?"

"For my Azul." Ali smiled.

"You are a good man, Ali of Agrabah." Azrak smiled back. "I'm proud to know your noble blood will mix with mine in Azul."

Ali blushed and smiled weakly.

"Azrak, I also want to thank you for all your help and I hope this is not the last time I have the chance to see you… but you must understand that I have to be going. I need to go to Karak now and I'll be very thankful if you just could show me the way."

"You must now return to the beginning… go back to the origin. That's the path that will lead you to Karak."

"What does that mean?"

"You've been proven in the roads of the universe. Now go back to where this all began. That's the path that will lead you to Karak."

"Hessa?" Ali said. "The village of Hessa? That's where my journey started… should I go back there?"

"Show no fear, Lion of the Desert." Azrak said. "Show no fear."

Ali nodded and turned to leave. He stopped and turned back to Azrak to hold his hand but when he looked at the place where Azrak had been, it was empty. Azrak was gone.

"Azrak?" Ali called softly.

"Show no fear." Azrak's voice echoed in the room. "Now go!"

Ali patted his satchel and nodded.

"I have your book… I know I can always count on you… and I have the three crystals and the amulet."

Ali went to Reeh. The horse was still nervous and impressed. Ali smiled at him and took his reins leading him outside the cave. He turned to take a last look at the temple and then he sighed deeply and left the place.

Once they were outside in the desert Ali mounted Reeh and patted his horse's head.

"We must be careful, Reeh. You heard the man, from this moment on we are on our own… only Allah knows what's waiting for us out there in the sands, but we'll take it, Reeh… nothing can stop me now!"

He looked at the endless sea of sand and took a deep breath.

"Move on Reeh!" He said spurring his horse. "Back to the village of Hessa… back to the path of our destiny… to my destiny… and my destiny has a name… Azul!"

Ali smiled dreamily and spurred Reeh even more.

"It's time to show no fear, for the road to Karak is the road that will take me to her! Azul, my love here I come… I'm finally on my way to you… let's go Reeh! Off to Karak!"

The faithful horse neighed loudly and started to run like the wind on his way to the village of Hessa. Ali thought he could find new hints there, new clues that would let him know what the road to Karak was. He was not feeling sick or down or tired or depressed anymore. He felt Azul as close to him as never before in his journey and he was determined to not stop until she was with him again. He was willing to fight for her, to sacrifice himself for her, even to die for her… but as Azrak had told him, he was determined as never before to live for her.

* * * * *


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