
This is Nick, a.k.a. CowbearUK, one of my closest friends, click on his pic to go to his webpage. He also runs "Lines & Bears" club and the link to their webpage is on my links page.

This is Duggy who used to work with CowbearUK on Lines & Bears.Click on his pic to go to his little place on the web

This is Nick Maxwell, another close friend. He is also a nurse, and has just been on the same sign language course as myself...he was also on the BSL Level 1 course with me, but that was by accident, we didn't know we'd both applied at the same college for the same course.We've actually known each other for years, back when he was still a student nurse.You can email him via the link below.

Wayne I've known since within the first few weeks of moving to London, a few years back. Steve, much to his shock, found he inherited me on settling down with Wayne. You can e-mail them via the link below:

Tim is an old buddy from when I used to live up north, near Manchester. You can go to his wee corner of cyberspace by clicking on his pic

Rob is a real sweet and damned cute bear I met over the net, and followed that up in the real world,much to my pleasure. You can go to his website by clicking on his pic (be gentle, it's his first attempt)

This is Roger, a very sweet and cute guy from Switzerland who I met in Berlin at the EBMC. You can e-mail him by clicking on his pic below, ignore the old geocities address on his pic:

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