Reed Oliver

Update 12/6/01:
Welcome to December! This holiday season (count 'em: St. Nikolaus Tag, Hanukah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, Western New Year, and Twelve other Days!) is brought to you by Microsoft, Sony, Time-Warner, the Creator of all things, and the little gnomes that maintain the space-time continuum. Santa Claus, the movie I often find this time of year a bit depressing, but I've mostly been busy enough to avoid that ... mostly. We're still in the middle of invading Afghanistan, and it looks like the military of the richest county in the world was tough and resourceful enough to defeat the military, airports, and civilians of one of the poorest. The increased tension has led to an erosion of the peace process in Israel, and it looks like we may invade Iraq next. (more of my opinions on the war) In addition, George III has declared executive secrets untouchable, thus protecting past presidents, like Reagan, George II, and eventually even Clinton from a historical anaylysis of their questionable actions. Like it wasn't enough to let the statute of limitations run out. Cynically, I can be pleased when the current system doesn't work, because that only brings the revolution closer, but I really would prefer an enlightened evolution to a bloody revolution any day.

The Halloween Party was a huge success! Lots of folks came, lots of folks danced, Captain Reed Oliver and Senior Morale Officer Chris Cruise lots of folks drank, and no one destroyed anything important. Thanks to everybody who showed up, especially those of you who brought interesting guests. I had a great time, and I keep hearing stories about things I had no idea were happening with people I had no idea were there. that means either A) terrific party or B) too much punch for Reed. Click on this fancy picture of my roommate Chris and I to see more party pics. Chris is moving to San Diego [sob] in January or so, so we'll have another party to send him off. Send your theme suggestions to me.

My job search is over! I have been hired for the front desk job at The Texas Center for Reading and Language Arts (TCRLA) in the College of Education at UT. UT Tower One of my applications finally paid off, and I received a phone call asking me if I'd be willing to work temporarily in this position in mid October. Why temporarily? Political reasons aside, they somehow didn't have the funding to make this position permanent when they posted it, so they had to have somebody fill in temporarily until they could get their ducks linear. Now, it looks like I may be hired before the Winter break, which means paid vacation and, after the 6-month pre-existing condition wait, insurance that covers my diabetes! So, my employment worries are over. Time to get some of those other worries off the back burner!

We're submitting The Right Girl to SXSW! All of the ecstacy and agony of finally showing my baby to others, and it turns out to be my friends at SX. SXSW Will they like it? Who knows? Will we get in? Here's hoping. They're not even getting the final version, since we still need some ADR (dialogue rerecording), sound mixing, color correction, and closing credits. God willing (please pray to your deity/ies of choice), The Right Girl will get in and we'll premiere at the festival in March.

The love-life update has been canceled because I feel silly repeating myself. If you really must know, read the last sentence from October over and over.

Check out the March, July, August and October updates!

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Reed Oliver

BROQ Productions
610B Genard
Austin, TX 78751
(512) 374-9916

email Reed
The Right Girl
Providing entertainment since 1972
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