Babylon 5 Episode Guide






"It was the year of fire; the year of destruction; the year we took back what was ours. It was the year of rebirth; the year of great sadness; the year of pain and a year of joy. It was a new age; it was the end of history; it was the year everything changed.

The year is 2261

The place - Babylon 5"




The allies of Babylon 5, convinced that the Shadow war is over and that John Sheridan is dead, stop supplying ships to the Army of Light. Delenn continues a vigil for John, and Ivanova is in shock over the loss of him and Garibaldi. Londo realizes that the new Emperor, who has struck a deal with the Shadows to use Centauri Prime as a base, is mad. He enlists Vir’s help in removing him from the throne. Morden survived the blast on Z’Ha’Dum, though he is injured. G’Kar sets out to find Garibaldi. The new Vorlon is keeping something from Lyta. Ivanova, Delenn, Lyta, and Lennier take a White Star to Z’Ha’Dum to attempt a rescue. Sheridan, still alive below the planet’s surface, meets a mysterious alien. 





While on another planet investigating Garibaldi’s disappearance, G’Kar is found by Centauri and taken to Emperor Cartagia on Centauri Prime. After being tortured and imprisoned, he and Londo come to an agreement that if G’Kar helps remove Cartagia from the throne, Mollari will guarantee the freedom of the Narn homeworld. Delenn mourns the loss of Sheridan, until Franklin shares a message that Sheridan left before his disappearance. She is then encouraged to lead the remaining Army of Light forces in an attack on Z’Ha’Dum. On Z’Ha’Dum, Lorien guides Sheridan in those moments between “tick” and “tock.”





Ivanova and Marcus take a White Star to try to find First Ones to join in the Army of Light’s attack on Z’Ha’Dum. Delenn is notified of a rally against the planned attack. Zack is tipped off to Garibaldi’s whereabouts, and leads a small fleet of ships to find him. Garibaldi doesn’t remember any details from the previous two weeks. The new Vorlon ambassador has been hurting Lyta as he inhabits her body. The White Star happens across a Vorlon fleet sneaking about in hyperspace. Later Susan and Marcus discover that a planet which was home to a Shadow base has been totally destroyed by the Vorlons. Lyta tells them that the Vorlons are leading an attack against all the worlds that have been contaminated by the Shadows. Cartagia becomes obsessed with torturing G’Kar until he can get some kind of reaction from the Narn. This strengthens Londo’s and Vir’s resolve to remove the Emperor from the throne. Lorien and Sheridan return to the station, which changes the minds of those opposing the attack on the Shadows. 




The Vorlons continue their attacks on worlds with any kind of Shadow influence. Ivanova broadcasts continual updates to the colonies in the path of the armada. Sheridan — now being revered because of his return from Z’Ha’Dum — has Garibaldi ask the Vorlon ambassador to leave the station because of the attacks. Garibaldi remains suspicious of Sheridan and especially Lorien, while Franklin and others still seem suspicious of Garibaldi. Lyta helps lure the Vorlon from his quarters, then a security team ambushes him in a specially modified corridor. Sheridan gets caught in the crossfire while trying to save Delenn. The piece of Kosh within him emerges and battles the Vorlon ambassador, and they both leave the station in a huge energy spike. Londo is frightened by the Vorlon advance and urges Cartagia to expel the Shadows from the planet. However, the Emperor sees this as a perfect way to achieve his promised godhood and is looking forward to their destruction of Centauri Prime. Londo convinces Cartagia to take G’Kar to Narn for trial and execution. Cartagia is bothered by the way G’Kar is looking at him, and orders his eye plucked out. Delenn is anxious that Sheridan blames her for what happened at Z’Ha’Dum, but he allays that fear. He later presents her with an engagement ring.





The Shadows begin to counter Vorlon attacks with a planet-killing weapon of their own. Ivanova and Lorien embark on a quest for more First Ones. Londo orchestrates the assassination of Cartagia, aided by Vir, and is named new Centauri Prime Minister. As promised, the Centauri leave Narn, whose freed citizens beg G’Kar to lead their people against their former oppressors. Sheridan orders Ranger Ericsson to his death in luring the Shadows to Coriana 6, the site of an impending Vorlon attack. 





On Centauri Prime, the Minister of Intelligence brings news to Prime Minister Mollari that Lady Adira was not killed by Lord Refa, but by Morden. A crushed Londo exacts revenge on Morden, while at the same time ridding his planet of its last Shadow influence. As a result, Vir sees a long-held wish fulfilled. After contacting the remaining First Ones, Ivanova and Lorien join the allied fleet at Coriana Six. The Vorlons and Shadows arrive, with Sheridan determined to protect the planet’s 6 billion inhabitants. Sheridan and Delenn are taken away to speak with both sides. They convince the Shadows and Vorlons that their races don’t want to be shepherded any more. At that point, Lorien explains that it is now the humans and their allies’ turn to lead the galaxy. The Shadows, Vorlons, and remaining First Ones leave for the Rim, leaving the rest to ponder the dawn of the third age. 





The residents of Babylon 5 celebrate their victory in the Shadow War. President Clark begins an effort to shut down the station using ISN, the Psi Corps, and other means in a propaganda war. Cartagia’s minister is promoted to the temporary post of Regent while the Centaurum debates the future of the monarchy. Londo returns to Babylon 5, as does G’Kar. Franklin begins fitting G’Kar for a prosthetic eye. Garibaldi receives a strange BabCom message, then resigns as head of security, saying he wants to “find a way for himself.” Zack is named as Garibaldi’s replacement. Lyta begins putting her life back together now that she is no longer in the service of the Vorlons. Clark quarantines B5 because of “possible terrorist threats,” and forbids travel between Earth and B5. Part of his plot includes a preemptive strike, arranged with Bester’s Black Omega Starfury squadron, which will damage Babylon 5’s credibility with the alien governments. However, Bester brings news of this plan to Sheridan as a bargaining tool. Sheridan agrees to take Bester to Z’Ha’Dum to search for leftover Shadow technology which may free his lover from the neural nets. In return, Bester notifies Sheridan of Clark’s plan to attack an Earth Force base in Sector 49 and make it seem like Babylon 5 was the aggressor. Sheridan dispatches a squadron of B5 Starfuries that successfully intercepts the Black Omegas. Upon arriving at Z’Ha’Dum, Sheridan and Co. witness a mass exodus of ships from the planet, and soon after the planet explodes. Later, Sheridan confronts Lyta because he suspects that she had a hand in the planet’s destruction. The Centauri Regent wakes from a bad dream and finds a “keeper” attached to his neck.





Sheridan is worried when efforts to contact his father prove fruitless, and fears that Clark may have done something to him. An ISN reporter tries to sneak a crew and equipment onboard the station. When confronted, they admit that they are on B5 to get the story about what it’s like to live on the station while it’s under quarantine. However, when the finished story airs on ISN the interviews are twisted so that it appears Babylon 5 is hostile toward Earthgov and submissive to the will of aliens. Garibaldi makes an attempt at an alternate occupation, finding lost items for people. Directed by Stephen Furst (Vir).





Delenn is recalled to Minbar to answer to her clan about taking a human mate. If the clan decides she is in error, she will not be allowed to return to Babylon 5. Before Delenn leaves the station, she watches Sheridan for the third night. Lennier accompanies Delenn to their homeworld, where they enter the Dreaming. Delenn is taken back to the time when she served the Minbari leader Dukhat as aide and when she was appointed to the Grey Council. After exiting the Dreaming, Delenn realizes that what she was supposed to see and hear was on the verge, so she takes Lennier and Calenn back in that they may see the end of the story. Dukhat, on his deathbed, tells Delenn she is a child of Valen. Delenn therefore realizes that she is already partially human. Delenn and Calenn compromise and Delenn returns to Babylon 5. Meanwhile, Ivanova attends a Drazi religious festival. Marcus and Franklin embark on a journey to Mars, taking the long way around, to meet with B5 allies there.





Ivanova negotiates a deal with smugglers to keep Babylon 5 in supplies. Marcus and Franklin, undercover as a newlywed couple en route to a Mars honeymoon, meet with leaders of the Mars resistance. “Keepers” have infiltrated at least one member of the resistance. Garibaldi and Sheridan publicly disagree over Garibaldi’s comments to ISN. A pro-Clark/ anti-Sheridan group lobbies Garibaldi to join them. Delenn and Sheridan undergo yet another Minbari pre-marriage ritual that requires them to find each other’s centers of pleasure.





While viewing ISN reports which continue to paint Sheridan and B5 in a bad light, John realizes that B5 can also use the airwaves to broadcast to the Resistance. He recruits a reluctant Ivanova for the job. On Mars, Franklin and Marcus meet with members of the Resistance and try to convince them to cease their terrorist bombings and work with Babylon 5. A member of the religious caste named Forell brings Delenn news of the Norsai — Minbari allies — being attacked because the warrior caste will no longer protect them. Because of the religious caste’s promise of protection for the Norsai, Delenn takes a fleet of White Stars to investigate. They encounter a fleet of Drakh ships. Upon meeting the Drakh emissary face to face, Delenn realizes that he is a Shadow ally from Z’Ha’Dum. Forell admits that he wants the Drakh to attack the warrior caste to keep them in check. When the Drakh realizes it is Delenn to whom he is speaking, he returns to his ship and initiates an attack against the White Star fleet. The fleet escapes, then returns on the offensive and destroys them. Delenn realizes that she has been away from Minbar for too long, and enjoys a dinner with Sheridan before leaving once again for her homeworld. Franklin and the Resistance leader, Number One, enjoy what can only be assumed is a passionate encounter. 





Garibaldi is hired as a bodyguard for his ex-fiancée, Lise Hampton. Ivanova goes to Epsilon 3 seeking power for her Voice of the Resistance broadcasts. Sheridan tries to convince Londo and G’Kar to allow White Star vessels to patrol their borders in the interest of keeping the peace.





As civil war breaks out on Minbar, Delenn and Lennier journey home. Delenn’s Religious Caste and Neroon’s Warrior Caste experience a misunderstanding which nearly proves fatal for Lennier. Sheridan tries to convince the League of Non-Aligned Worlds to agree to peace-keeping patrols by White Star ships. Ivanova broadcasts for the Voice of the Resistance.





Edgars asks Garibaldi to get a package past Babylon 5 customs and on to Io without incident. Lyta reaches the end of her rope as her money runs out, she has trouble finding work, and station resources asks her to move to smaller quarters. She tearfully accepts an offer from Bester to discreetly rejoin Psi Corps in exchange for rights to her body after her death. Ivanova announces via the Voice of the Resistance that four more ships have defected to the Resistance. Mr. Adams hires Garibaldi to find his dog and cat, who want to take over the world. On her homeworld, Delenn announces that the Religious Caste will surrender to the Warrior Caste. Neroon arranges for the surrender to take place at the Temple of Varennie, where disputes were resolved before Valen led the council.Delenn meets Warrior Caste leader Shakiri at the temple — which has the means to broadcast to all of Minbar — for the surrender, and challenges him to join her in the Starfire Wheel, a device the ancient Minbari used to choose their leaders. Shakiri reluctantly steps in, but quickly leaves after Delenn refuses to compromise. Delenn remains and is nearly killed. Neroon pushes her away at the last minute and takes her place, proclaiming his allegiance to the Religious Caste as he is consumed by the Starfire Wheel. Despite great injuries, Delenn returns to the chambers of the Grey Council, where she presents a new council led by the Worker Caste. She leaves the spot in the center empty in memory of Neroon, and proclaims that it will remain empty until filled by “The One Who Is To Come.” Ivanova is livid when she receives a broadcast showing Earth military ships attacking unarmed civilian transports, killing over 10,000 people. Sheridan vows to fight back hard.





Continued attacks on civilian ships by Clark’s forces prompt Sheridan to lead his troops to liberate the Earth colony Proxima 3. The League of Non-Aligned Worlds agrees to protect Babylon 5 with their ships so that Sheridan can take his ships away from the station. Londo tries to persuade G’Kar to sign a treaty with the Centauri that backs Sheridan’s efforts. After the liberation of Proxima 3, with losses on each side, Sheridan invites the remaining Earth forces to join his fight. Garibaldi leaves for Mars, claiming that he won’t return to Babylon 5. The Narn and Centauri governments announce their treaty.





Garibaldi is taken to the home of William Edgars on Mars, where he undergoes a telepathic scan to judge his trustworthiness. Edgars admits that the Earth mega-corps allowed Clark to take over the presidency, but now they think he has gone too far. Although Edgars agrees with Sheridan’s position on Clark, he is afraid Sheridan’s actions will make the President too paranoid. Garibaldi agrees to help Edgars turn the captain over to Clark. As Dr. Franklin continues to have problems awakening the frozen telepaths without sending them into a rage, Lyta inadvertently makes contact with one and is able to calm him. Franklin is then able to medically reproduce her influence. On Mars, Edgars is doing his own experiments with telepaths which presumably deal with the anti-telepath virus he’s discovered. Sheridan contacts Franklin and discloses some shocking information. Franklin then asks Lyta to accompany him to Mars with the frozen telepaths. Ivanova announces that two other colonies have been liberated from Earth.





Garibaldi lures Sheridan to Mars with news that his father has been captured by Clark. He then drugs Sheridan so that Clark’s forces can capture him. The Mars Resistance’s Number One is less than enthusiastic when Franklin arrives with Lyta and the frozen telepaths in tow. It seems that Psi Corps has posted “bloodhound units” with the military on Mars to perform deep scans on those suspected of being members of the resistance. Edgars proclaims that the greatest threat to human liberty and thought is telepaths. He then admits to not only discovering the cure for the anti-telepath virus, but to engineering the virus as well. Edgars hopes to use the virus as an intimidation tool over the Psi Corps. Garibaldi shares this information with Bester. The Psi Cop admits to Garibaldi that he was captured by the Corps and slightly reprogrammed to ferret out dangers to the Corps. Bester releases Garibaldi from the telepathic influence with full memory of the events since his disappearance. Frantic, Garibaldi returns to the Edgars compound to find a ransacked room and Edgars and Wade near death. Lise is missing, as is the virus and antidote. Unfortunately for Garibaldi, by this time Ivanova has learned of his role in Sheridan’s capture, and orders Babylon 5 forces to shoot him on sight. The Agamemnon, Sheridan’s former ship, joins the resistance.





Sheridan, held captive on Mars, is interrogated by people working for President Clark.






Sheridan has been interrogated on Mars for nearly a week. Garibaldi is caught by the Mars Resistance and is nearly killed for turning in Sheridan. Number One is ready to shoot him on sight; however, Stephen Franklin persuades her to listen with him to Garibaldi’s story. Michael pleads with Lyta to scan him, and she confirms his story. This allows Garibaldi, along with Franklin and Lyta, to rescue Sheridan from his interrogators on Mars. The League of Nonaligned Worlds, along with the Narn and Centauri, vote to back Sheridan’s forces with ships from their own fleets. Ivanova, commanding the resistance fleet, learns of an ambush planned by Clark’s forces using new super destroyers. She and Marcus lead only the White Star ships to the engagement, which they win. Shrapnel from an exploding Earth Force ship hits Ivanova’s ship head-on, and Susan is very seriously injured. Sheridan, upon request by the dying Ivanova, takes command of the Agamemnon and leads the entire fleet to engage Clark’s forces at Mars.





Nov. 1, 2261. Ivanova lays dying aboard Delenn’s vessel with Marcus at her side. Marcus reluctantly allows her to be sent back to B5. The final strike to free Earth and Mars begins. An EA supply officer smuggles the frozen telepaths onto almost every EA ship. With inside help, Garibaldi, Number One, Franklin, and Lyta secure a bunker on the surface of Mars. Franklin fits Lyta with an apparatus similar to the one implanted on the frozen teeps. Sheridan commands the battle from the bridge of the Agamemnon. This is the biggest gathering of Earth warships since the Battle of the Line. The rebels free Mars by assaulting bases on the surface of the planet, and then proceed to Earth. Lyta, using the telepathic attachment, activates the sleeping teeps, who attempt to merge with the ships they're on, disabling most of the ships in the Earth-loyal fleet. Marcus searches B5 medical databases to find information on dealing with extreme measures, where he learns of the alien healing device used by Franklin and Sheridan to save Garibaldi. (cf. Revelations.) Marcus tricks Lennier into going to Delenn’s ship, and then he turns his White Star back toward Babylon 5. Upon entering Earth space, Sheridan broadcasts a message to Earth declaring their intent to place Clark under arrest, disband Night Watch, and return the government to the hands of the people. The Earth defense grid activates and begins attacking the rebel ships. Senator Crosby leads a group of armed guards to Clark's office, where they find he has committed suicide, but not before programming the Earth defense grid to turn back on Earth and fire. The attacking fleet attempts to take out the grid, but the Agamemnon is disabled en route to destroying the last defense satellite. Sheridan orders the ship to ramming speed, but at the last moment the EA ship Apollo jumps into range and fires on the platform, destroying it. The free ISN returns to the air announcing the victory. Franklin realizes what Marcus is going to do, and returns to Babylon 5 at top speed in an attempt to stop him. However, Marcus has already arrived on the station and hooked himself and Ivanova to the alien healing machine, which drains his life force and transfers it into her. He proclaims his love for Susan before slipping to his death.





ISN confirms Clark’s suicide and announces Sheridan’s surrender to Earth Force. Susanna Lucenko of the Russian Consortium has been named acting President of the Earth Alliance. Ivanova shares with Franklin her deep distress over Marcus’ sacrifice. Vir announces to Londo that the Centarum wants to name him Emperor upon the death of the ailing Regent. Bester asks Sheridan about his lover, Carolyn. Sheridan assures Bester that she was not among the telepaths used against the Earth Force ships. Garibaldi searches for Lise and rescues her with the help of the Rangers. Delenn presents Londo & G’Kar with the plan to dissolve the League of Nonaligned Worlds and create a new alliance led by an elected president and protected by the Rangers. Sheridan makes an agreement with President Lucenko that he will resign Earth Force in exchange for full amnesty for his officers and crew. Lennier tacitly admits to Delenn his love for her. Sheridan is named President of the new alliance. Sheridan is reunited with his father. Lucenko signs an order freeing Mars. Ivanova is promoted to captain and resigns from Babylon 5 to take command of a new Warlock-class warship. Sheridan and Delenn are married. G’Kar uses his electronic eye to spy on their honeymoon.





The history and influence of Babylon 5 and its leaders are examined in a series of flashbacks by a mysterious person who is recording Earth history before its solar system’s sun goes nova a million years in the future.


Season Four Finale




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