Babylon 5 Episode Guide









Earthforce Captain Elizabeth Lochley arrives on Babylon 5 to begin her watch as the station’s new commander. Sheridan prepares for his inauguration as president of the new Interstellar Alliance, and asks G’Kar to write the Oath of Office and the alliance’s Declaration of Principles. A former Earthforce officer attempts to assassinate Sheridan during the ceremonies, but he is thwarted first by a adolescent telepath — injured by the assassin earlier — and then by Garibaldi. Sheridan assigns Garibaldi to the role “Head of Covert Operations” for the IA. A telepath named Byron seeks to establish a colony for telepaths who have avoided Psi Corps. His request is turned down by Lochley, but later approved by Sheridan.





Delenn learns that Lennier has made plans to leave her employ and join with the Rangers. Londo Mollari suffers a very serious heart attack. While unconscious, he has visions of various people leading him toward atonement for his guilt before he can recover.





Member worlds of the new Alliance refuse to sign the Declaration of Principles, which prompts G’Kar to rewrite it. A badly injured Ranger arrives on B5, and, due to his injuries, enters a coma. Lyta’s help is enlisted in determining the source of his injuries. She learns, as he is dying, that a colony world near Drazi space, on the verge of another attack by Raiders, would like to join the Alliance. Sheridan amasses the White Star fleet to come to their rescue. Garibaldi approaches Byron about the possibility of using the telepaths to help in covert intelligence gathering. At first the group refuses, but Lyta is sent to persuade them. Byron tells Lyta that the thoughts of the Drazi ambassador indicate the Drazi have been assisting the Raiders in attacking the colony world. In an Alliance meeting, Sheridan lets the Drazi know that he has figured them out. Frightened that the entire White Star fleet will destroy the Drazi fleet, the ambassador recalls his ships. Lyta returns to Byron and tells him she is interested in hearing his ideas about telepaths refusing to be “lap dogs” to the mundanes.





The station deals with attacks by an unknown alien race. The story is told through the eyes of two maintenance crew members, Mack and Bo.





Two Minbari Rangers and their Minbari trainees travel to Babylon 5 to meet with Delenn. Zack tells Garibaldi that two of Byron’s telepaths will take the covert intelligence positions. Garibaldi continues attempting to determine which side Lochley was on during the War, which finally causes her to explode and confirm that she fought against Sheridan. A man named Trace tries to fill the B5 underworld gap left by N’Grath’s assassination. He observes Zack as a threat to his rise to power and orders his men to kill the security chief. The Minbari Turval expresses concern to Delenn about how hard Lennier is pushing himself in Ranger training. The acolyte Rangers interfere with Trace’s attack on a women, and one is critically injured. He recovers somewhat and invokes Mora’Dum — “the application of terror”— which forces the Ranger to face the terror that confronts him. Sheridan reveals to Delenn that there is something  about the relationship between he and Captain Lochley.





Bester attempts to take Byron and his rogue telepaths into custody. Lochley throws Garibaldi in the brig when he tries to confront Bester about what the Psi Corps did to him. An attempt is made on Londo’s life, so Delenn appoints G’Kar to be his bodyguard. Lochley admits to Garibaldi that she and Sheridan were married for a very brief time several years ago. Lyta joins Byron’s group.





In taking samples of Hyach DNA, Dr. Franklin learns that their race destroyed a different race which used to share their planet. As a result, the Hyach are now dying because they needed to be interbred with the Hyach-Do for their species to survive. Lyta and Byron become intimate, and during their love-making Byron sees visions of how the Vorlons modified and used her. This angers him, and renews his interest in finding a homeworld for his people.





The popular comedy duo Rebo & Zooty visits the station. Lochley sells part of the station to the Brakiri for their celebration of the “Day of the Dead.” Those inside the Brakiri sector experience visits from the dead: Londo is visited by Adira Tyree (cf. “Born to the Purple” and “Interludes and Examinations”); Lennier is visited by Morden, who tells him that he will betray the Rangers; Garibaldi is visited by Dodger (cf. “GROPOS”); and Lochley is visited by Zoë, a very close friend who committed suicide twenty years ago. Zoë also delivers a cryptic message to Sheridan from Kosh.





The attacks on Alliance ships continue. Some of the telepaths have procured weapons and are attacking some station personnel. As the situation worsens, Lochley asks Bester to come to Babylon 5 with Psi Cop troops to capture the rogue telepaths.





Londo and G’Kar discover that a Narn is still being held in the Centauri palace, despite the end of their war several months ago. Upon investigation they realize the prisoner is Na’Toth, G’Kar’s former aide. Londo and G’Kar smuggle her through the Centauri court and to safety.





Byron reveals to Lyta that part of the hostility between him and Bester comes from the fact that Byron was once the Psi Cop’s protégé. Byron and Lyta emerge from their hiding place in an attempt to end the telepath situation peacefully. Unfortunately, Bester has other plans for them. Byron and several other teeps commit a rather horrific suicide by fire to avoid capture. Lyta seems to take the mantle of leadership for the telepaths that are left on Babylon 5. Garibaldi confronts Bester about his capture and reprogramming by the Psi Corps and tries to kill him. When Garibaldi finds himself unable to pull the trigger of his PPG, the Psi Cop then tells him that part of his conditioning included the implantation of a mind block which prevents Garibaldi from harming him or allowing harm to come to him. As a result, Garibaldi does something that he hasn't done in a very long time: he begins drinking.





Garibaldi, who continues to drink, travels to the Drazi homeworld in search of a witness to the attacks on Alliance ships. G’Kar returns to Babylon 5 to find that someone has taken the book he has been writing and published it on the Narn homeworld and Babylon 5. Several hundred thousand copies are in circulation, and many Narn come to G’Kar to seek his wisdom. Dr. Franklin has been asked to return to Earthdome to become Head of Xenobiological research (don’t you just love that word xenobiological?), succeeding Dr. Benjamin Kile.





Bester brings two Psi Cop interns to Babylon 5 during his investigation of a murder.





Delenn recruits Lennier to gather information about possible Centauri involvement in the raids. Vir unknowingly brings a bug, planted by a Drazi merchant, into his and Londo’s quarters, but Londo quickly discovers it. Londo then tells Vir that he is being prepared to take the position of Centauri Ambassador to Babylon 5 after Londo becomes Emperor. As a cover, Lennier is assigned to a White Star ship for “training.” G’Kar finally receives his matching prosthetic eye from Dr. Franklin. As the doctor is installing it, he tells G’Kar how much he has enjoyed reading the Book of G’Kar. Dr. Franklin asks G’Kar if he could sit in on a regular Q&A session he has with Narn who are eager to listen to his thoughts. Lennier and other trainees are put to a number of tests in new one-man White Star fighters. Vir confronts the Drazi merchant about the bug, but the vendor refuses to answer his questions because he thinks Vir is weak and won’t do anything to him. This angers Vir, and he returns to the Zocalo with a Centauri sword and destroys the vendor’s cart. Garibaldi misses a dinner with Delenn, Sheridan, Franklin, and Zack because he is drunk.





Garibaldi dreams that the station is being attacked and he can do nothing to stop it. He awakens to find Lyta at the foot of his bed. She tells him she’s decided to stop hiding what the Vorlons did to her and that she’s testing the limits of what she can do. She tells Garibaldi that he’s been having a dream, and he wakes up again to find Lise entering his quarters. She later discovers alcohol in his cabinet and confronts him about his return to the bottle. Later, during a date at Fresh Aire, she tells Garibaldi she is worried about some of the things she has found in the Edgars corporations on Mars. Lyta asks a businessman to hire her telepaths in exchange for letting them keep a livable, uninhabited planet they find. She is turned down, however, because they are not affiliated with the Psi Corps. Lyta turns to G’Kar and reminds him of the offer he made her in 2257: cash in exchange for her telepath DNA. Vir and Londo are suspicious when people from other worlds cancel all meetings with the Centauri. Lennier takes a Minbari fighter and tracks a signal to the source of the random attacks, and records evidence that the Centauri are behind them. The Centauri  homeworld instructs Londo to threaten war if they are accused in the attacks. After learning that Lennier is still alive after his mission, Delenn encounters Londo in the hall and hugs him because she fears she will never have another chance to do so. After a covert meeting with the leaders of the Alliance, Garibaldi tells Lise to leave Babylon 5 as quickly as possible because he fears war will break out within hours.





The Alliance convenes a Council session closed to the Centauri to present evidence in the attacks. Londo is invited into the Council chamber and presented with the final piece of evidence, Lennier’s video recording. The Alliance announces a blockade of Centauri vessels, which the Centauri answer with threats of warships accompanying all trade ships. Fearing the worst, Sheridan pledges that White Star ships will stand ready in hyperspace to help protect Alliance ships. He asks Garibaldi to personally see to the coordination of the information from the White Star fleet. When Garibaldi does not answer a call from Sheridan, Zack finds him waking up from a drunken sleep. Garibaldi assures him that it isn’t a problem, but later misses a very important call from a White Star ship that directly leads to a shooting war with the Centauri. Londo decides to leave for his homeworld because he feels he can do more good there. He leaves Vir to attend to things of Babylon 5. G’Kar accompanies Londo to Centauri Prime as bodyguard, where the Centauri ministers try to make him feel unwelcome. The pair is later imprisoned after the war breaks out and Londo refuses to let G’Kar be taken away without him.





Centauri warships begin targeting Alliance jumpgates. As a result, Sheridan orders the White Star fleet into the action. He then sends Delenn to Minbar to ask for her government’s cooperation with Earth in building new destroyer-class White Star ships. En route, Delenn’s vessel is attacked by Centauri before it can jump back to normal space and sustains heavy damage. Much of the crew is killed, and the ship is dead in hyperspace. Vir enlists Dr. Franklin and Lyta Alexander to help obtain the bodies of Centauri killed in combat with the Drazi. On the Drazi homeworld, the duo discovers that the aggressive Centauri ships are manned entirely by Shadow technology which was left behind for the benefit of their minions. Franklin and Lyta manage to capture one of the pods as evidence. Starfuries in hyperspace locate a lone Centauri cruiser headed toward Babylon 5. As the ship’s jump engines begin emitting strange readings, Capt. Lochley realizes that it is destined to blow up the jumpgate at the space station. While imprisoned on Centauri Prime, Londo is taken for a mysterious medical procedure administered by strange aliens. Afterward, neither he nor G’Kar are aware of his absence. G’Kar then assists Londo in being released so he can speak with the Regent and try to stop the attacks. When Londo confronts the Minister of Defense, he is assured that their ships are strictly on the defensive, despite Londo’s evidence to the contrary. Regardless of a stern warning from Sheridan, Narn and Drazi forces secretly move to attack Centauri Prime. When Sheridan discovers what they have done, he commands a fleet of White Stars to intervene.  Sheridan, Lyta, and Franklin deduce that an alien force has a hand in the Centauri aggression, designed to eventually draw an attack on Centauri Prime. Sheridan points his White Star fleet toward the planet with hopes of intervening. Londo slowly realizes that the Regent is obviously under control of someone or something when the leader admits to sending away all the ships guarding their planet and turning off the planetary defense system. As Londo makes it outside, hundreds of jumpgates open in the Centauri sky and the Narn/Drazi fleet emerges.





The damaged White Star conveying Delenn and Lennier continues to drift in hyperspace. On Centauri Prime, Londo saves G’Kar’s life by pulling him out of his cell beneath the Centauri palace as the Narn and Drazi fleet fiercely bombard the capital city. Londo then meets with the Centauri Regent and learns that the Drakh, former servants of the Shadows, have been controlling the Regent and were behind the attacks on Alliance ships. The Regent reveals and explains his Keeper to Londo, then the thing separates itself from the Regent, killing him. Londo meets with G’Kar to say he can no longer serve as Londo’s bodyguard now that he will be Emperor. G’Kar says that although his people will never be able to forgive the Centauri for what they’ve done, he forgives Londo. Londo then goes to face the Drakh and receive his Keeper. As Sheridan moves his White Stars to confront the Centauri fleet, Londo orders his ships to withdraw. He contacts Sheridan and tells him that the Regent acted alone in ordering the attacks against Alliance ships. Sheridan then meets with Londo on the planet to discuss Delenn’s situation. Londo — obviously under the control of the Keeper — tells Sheridan that he will only assist as a favor, and that the Centauri will no longer have anything to do with the Alliance. Sheridan angrily reacts, announcing that the Centauri will pay reparations to the Alliance worlds that were attacked. In hyperspace, the crippled White Star is found by a Centauri fleet. As the Centauri weapons charge, Lennier tells Delenn that he loves her. Abruptly, the weapons stop and the ship is caught in a tractor beam and pulled onto a Centauri ship and returned to Centauri Prime. Vir arrives on his home planet and visits Londo in his quarters, discussing the severity of the reparations. Delenn is reunited with Sheridan, G’Kar, and Vir in the Palace while Londo addresses his people as Emperor. He publicly blames Sheridan and the Alliance for their future hardship due to the reparations, and announces that they will withdraw from the Alliance and rebuild with no help from any outside worlds. Afterwards, Londo announces that he is appointing Vir as Ambassador to Babylon 5 as his first official act. Back on Babylon 5, Sheridan meets with Delenn, Garibaldi, Lyta, and Franklin to discuss the Shadow pods recovered from the Centauri ships. They speculate about other leftover Shadow technology, and Garibaldi wonders if there might be technology the Alliance could use left over on the Vorlon homeworld. Lyta cryptically replies that no one will be allowed back there until they’re ready — in a million years.




G’Kar returns to Babylon 5 to find that his popularity among the Narn has soared. Some Narn want him to return to the homeworld to assume leadership; others would like to him establish a government that they would run. Neither idea appeals to the Ambassador. Garibaldi’s alcoholism finally comes to light when he arrives at a senior staff meeting late — and drunk. Sheridan places him on suspension. Lyta is arrested when it is found she is funding terrorist bombings against Psi Corps targets on Earth. Lochley reveals to Garibaldi that she too is an alcoholic. She calls Lise in from Mars to give Garibaldi support. Delenn collapses under stress, and Dr. Franklin discovers the unlikely fact that she is pregnant. Lise asks Garibaldi to return to Mars to marry her and co-own Edgars Industries. He realizes that he can use the significant influence and wealth of the corporation along with Lyta to exact his revenge on Bester and the Psi Corps. He makes a deal with the telepath that will get her released from Earth Alliance custody in exchange for her assistance. G’Kar comes to the conclusion that he cannot return to his homeworld, but he cannot stay on the station due to the overwhelming number of Narn arriving on a daily basis to see him. He decides to leave Babylon 5 to see more of the universe in order to understand it better, and he offers to let Lyta join him in hopes that he can help her work through some of her anger. Lyta reveals to Garibaldi that the Vorlons modified her abilities so much that she is the telepathic equivalent of a doomsday weapon. On Centauri Prime, Emperor Mollari sits in his throne room quiet and alone.




Tessa Holloran, once the leader of the Mars Resistence and now an elected member of the Mars provisional government, arrives on Babylon with a message for Garibaldi and Lise: there will be an assassination attempt. She tells them someone connected with Edgars Industries on Mars is afraid they will discover and reveal black projects the company was working on. The Narn population of Babylon 5 continues to follow G’Kar, awaiting a word of wisdom or advice. Some are angry that he plans to leave the station; they believe he should stay and teach or return to their homeworld and lead. G’Kar visits Lyta in her cell to let her know she is welcome to leave the station with him. Sheridan devises a plan — a public going-away for G’Kar — to draw Garibaldi’s potential assassin into the open. The man is caught, however an angry Narn tries to shoot G’Kar at the same time and seriously wounds Lise instead. When she awakens, Garibaldi makes plans for a quick wedding ceremony. Tessa and Sheridan discuss Mars’s difficulty in getting Earth to recognize their independence. Sheridan assures her that the Interstellar Alliance recognizes the new government and offers to let them open a diplomatic office on Minbar. This also gives Sheridan an idea... Garibaldi enlists Lyta’s help to discover who hired the assassin and learns it was the Board of Directors for Edgars Industries. Garibaldi contacts the board and introduces the new head of intelligence for the Alliance — Tessa — and promises if they do not resign immediately he will use information he has gathered about their “extracurricular” hobbies along with what Holloran knows of their activities during the fight for Mars resistance to bring them down. Dr. Franklin and Tessa, who had a relationship on Mars, share a moment before they part to begin their new jobs. Delenn returns from Minbar just as Garibaldi and his bride are leaving for Mars. Garibaldi thanks Sheridan and Delenn for their frienship and says goodbye.





President Sheridan and Captain Lochley say goodbye in a quiet Observation Dome. Ta’Lon is confused to find that G’Kar has sent for him even though the elder Narn has already left the station. G’Kar has left a message asking Ta’Lon to take on the role of Narn Ambassador on Babylon 5. Dr. Franklin meets with Dr. Hobbes to say he would like her to succeed him as the station’s medical chief of staff. He then leaves the station for Earth and his new job as head of xenobiological research for the EA. Lennier arrives, to Delenn’s surprise, to help the Sheridans make the move to Minbar. On Mars, Garibaldi convenes a new Board of Directors for Edgars Industries. Sheridan’s White Star suffers a coolant leak in its weapons systems while en route to Minbar. As Sheridan aids a Ranger trying to stop the leak, the bulkhead seals them into the area. Lennier has the opportunity to save them, but turns his back on Sheridan. Overcome by grief because of his actions, Lennier leaves, telling Delenn that he will return when he has worked out his problems. When the Sheridans arrive in the new Alliance capital, they find Emperor Mollari has come for a visit. He presents them with a gift to be given to their child on its 16th birthday. John and Delenn are unaware that inside the urn a keeper is waiting. Londo takes his leave of John and Delenn, telling them that they will always be his friends no matter what happens. On his ship, Londo’s keeper tells him he has done well. Unable to sleep, Sheridan records a message to his unborn child for its 21st birthday, since Sheridan knows he only has 19 years left to live.





The year is 2281. The place is the Alliance headquarters on the Minbari homeworld. Sheridan has been dreaming of Lorien’s statement that he will only have 20 more years left to live. He senses that the time is at hand, so he calls his closest friends to Minbar for one last gathering. Garibaldi comes from Mars where he still heads Edgars industries. Franklin comes indirectly from Earth where he continues his xenobiological research. General Ivanova also travels from Earth, where she is unhappy in her job and her life, and Emperor Cotto is summoned from Centauri Prime. During dinner together they toast their friends who are no longer with them: Londo, G’Kar, Lennier, and Marcus. After dinner, Delenn — who is now the elected President of the Alliance — offers Sheridan’s position as Entil’Zha to Susan. That evening in bed, John tells Delenn that the next day he will go out for a “drive,” that he should feel space under him again, and that is the way he should die. He travels to the 25-year-old Babylon 5 and takes one last look around, where is surprised to find Zack and not many others. The station is to be decommissioned very soon. Then Sheridan leaves the station for Coriana 6, where the Shadow War ended. The ship alerts him that the pilot’s lifesigns are fading, and then Lorien himself appears beside Sheridan. There is a flash of light, and the bridge is empty. Sheridan has been taken beyond the Rim. Later, the last of the Babylon stations is officially decommissioned. An explosion rips her from one end to the other while representative ships from every Alliance world look on. A shuttle flies out of the bay doors as the explosion begins, thus fulfilling Lady Ladira’s prophecy foretold in “Signs & Portents.”


Series Finale




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