Enterprise Episode Guide







Written by Rick Berman & Brannon Braga

Directed by Allan Kroeker

Guest Stars: Matt Winston as Daniels, Vaughn Armstrong as Admiral Forrest, John Fleck as Silik, Keith Allan as Raan, Jim Fitzpatrick as Commander Williams, Michael Kosik as Suliban Soldier, Gary Graham as Soval

Star Log Date

Airdate 09/18/2002

As the Suliban prepare to destroy Enterprise, T'Pol reiterates that Archer is not on board and invites them to send a search team to confirm that fact. On-board scans find a temporal signature in the turbolift where Archer was last seen, convincing Silik that the captain might have left the ship. The Suliban leader orders the crew locked down in quarters while he investigates, uncertain whether or not to destroy Enterprise because his contact from the future has refused to contact him.

Meanwhile, in the wasted Earth city of the 31st century, Daniels realizes that a statue commemorating the Federation has vanished as if it never existed. Archer recommends visiting the nearby library to look for discrepancies in history. Daniels fears they won't be able to access the electronic databases, but inside the building they find books printed on paper. There Daniels discovers that the Federation apparently never formed because Archer never made it back from the future. It's clear to him that the Suliban wanted to remove Archer from the timeline, not just to derail Enterprise's mission. Yet Daniels believes that Archer may be able to communicate with someone in his own era if they construct a device using his communicator.

Suliban ships escort Enterprise into a nebula. Silik has T'Pol interrogated, but all she can tell him is that the Vulcan Science Academy denies the possibility of time travel and she has no idea where Archer might be. Back in her quarters, Archer appears to T'Pol using his modified communicator, but she thinks at first that he's a torture-induced hallucination. He manages to convince her to break into Daniels' quarters to find the technology he left behind. Tucker and Reed have managed to get communication among crew quarters; they enlist Hoshi to crawl through claustrophobic conduit shafts to get a tranquilizer for use on the Suliban guards.

Reed breaks into Daniels' quarters and finds his quantum device, but the Suliban catch him. During a brutal beating, Reed says that Archer told to destroy the device lest the Suliban use it to contact someone. Naturally this makes it interesting to Silik, who tries to make it summon the mysterious humanoid from the future. Tucker fakes a warp core breach to get the rest of the Suliban off the ship. When Enterprise goes to warp, they pursue, but by the time they have caught up, Archer has come through the Suliban time portal and convinced Silik at gunpoint to leave his ship alone. When he returns to the ship, he has Silik as a hostage and the data he needs to exonerate Enterprise of responsibility for the explosion at the mining colony.

Vulcan ambassador Soval still believes that Enterprise should be recalled. But Archer insists that humans learn from their mistakes, and T'Pol offers an impassioned defense of her crewmates, reminding the Vulcans of their own error in using a sacred sanctuary as a surveillance post. Later Archer visits her in her quarters to tell her that she put it over the top; their mission will continue. T'Pol declares that she still doesn't believe in time travel.





Story by Rick Berman & Brannon Braga & Dan O'Shannon
Teleplay by Chris Black
Directed by James Contner

Guest Stars: J. Paul Boehmer as Mestral, Michael Krawic as Stron, Ann Cusack as Maggie, Clay Wilcox as Billy, David Selburg as Vulcan Captain, Ron Marasco as Vulcan Officer, Hank Harris as Jack, Paul Hayes as Businessman

Star Log Date April 2152

Airdate 9/25/2002

When Archer invites Tucker and T'Pol to dinner to celebrate her first anniversary on the crew, he asks why she took a five-day leave at the old mining town of Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania. She tells them that she wanted to visit the site of the first contact between humans and Vulcans -- which was not Montana as every school kid learns. T'Pol claims that her great-grandmother was on a vessel that crashed in Carbon Creek in 1957 during a survey mission, and asks whether they would like to hear the story.

As Sputnik circles Earth, a Vulcan ship in higher orbit develops a problem with its impulse manifold and goes down, killing the captain upon impact. T'Pol's ancestor T'Mir takes command of the mission and goes into hiding with the remaining two crewmembers, though they are not certain their distress call made it out of the system. Desperate for food, the Vulcans steal clothing and venture into town, where Mestral risks interaction by playing pool for money in a local bar. Soon T'Mir has a job cleaning the bar, Mestral is working in the mines and Stron has found work as a plumber. T'Mir continues to warn against socializing with humans, but Mestral becomes enamored of television and accepts a date with Maggie, who works in the bar to raise money to send her son to college.

After an accident in the mines traps several of Mestral's new friends, he wants to use a particle weapon to help dig them out. T'Mir refuses, saying they can't risk such interference, but the other Vulcan says he plans to save the humans with or without her help. Reluctantly she talks him through the underground passageways so that he won't be seen when he uses the weapon to cut through solid rock. Three months later, the Vulcans receive a message from a ship headed to their crash site to attempt a rescue, but Mestral refuses to leave, for he wants to stay and watch human culture evolve. T'Mir -- who has already meddled with history herself by patenting Velcro in order to raise money to send Maggie's son to college -- lies to the captain of the rescue mission, claiming that Mestral died in the initial crash.

On Enterprise, Tucker says that this will rewrite the history books, but T'Pol shrugs it off as just a story. However, when she returns to her quarters, she takes from a storage cabinet the purse her great-grandmother used during her sojourn on Earth.






Written by John Shiban

Directed by James Contner

Guest Stars: Timothy Glenn as Med Tech, Elizabeth Magness as Injured Crewmember

Star Log Date

Airdate 10/2/2002
Archer and Reed's uncomfortable breakfast chat ends when T'Pol hails to tell the captain about an uncharted system along their course. The ship drops out of warp, but as Archer begins to discuss landing parties, an explosion rips a hole in the side of Enterprise. Soon he learns that the ship has drifted into a cloaked minefield, and before they can navigate free, another mine has attached itself to the hull near the impulse reactor. Reed suggests to Archer that he go outside in an environmental suit to defuse it.

The captain reluctantly agrees, telling Tucker to work on a backup plan to detach the section of hull to which the mine has attached itself. While unidentified aliens pursue the ship and send messages the translator can't decipher, Reed works on the weapon. It sends a metal spike filled with circuits through his leg as it bolsters its grip on Enterprise's hull. So Archer puts on a suit and goes outside the ship to help Reed defuse the mine. While the lieutenant talks the captain through the disarmament, he criticizes Archer's command style. Archer insists that on a mission such as theirs, he needs friendships among his crew and honest opinions.

Sato is able to translate the hostile messages, which come from the Romulan Star Empire and warn Enterprise to leave the system immediately. But the ship cannot go to warp until the mine has been defused. While Archer continues to work on it, Reed confesses that he didn't follow his relatives into the Royal Navy because of his fear of drowning. His great-uncle went down with his ship despite a similar fear. Now Reed wants Archer to detach the panel with him trapped on it for the safety of Enterprise. When Archer refuses, Reed detaches his own oxygen supply, but the captain revives him.

Near the end of the disarmament process, the mine triggers a sub-detonator that could take days to defuse. Since the Romulans are threatening to blow up Enterprise if it does not leave the system at once, Archer brings a pair of shuttlepod blast doors onto the hull with him and tells Tucker to detach the plating to which the mine is attached. Then the captain cuts through the spike in Reed's leg, which triggers the mine, though not before the two men have protected themselves from the blast with the shuttlepod doors. The crew retrieves them before going to warp.






Written by Mike Sussman & Phyllis Strong
Directed by Roxann Dawson

Star Log Date

Airdate 10/9/2002

Four days after leaving the Romulan minefield, Tucker estimates at least three months for repairs...if Enterprise can find a way to get to Jupiter Station, which is a decade away at the current top speed. Archer asks Sato to send out a general distress call, answered by a Tellarite freighter that directs the ship to a nearby repair station. The automated station scans the ship, adjusts to the life signs on Enterprise and invites the crew to relax in its recreation facility while it repairs the entire ship in 36 hours -- for the small price of 200 liters of warp plasma.

The repair station seems too good to be true, which vaguely bothers Archer. Matter replicators there can produce perfect pan-fried catfish. Its devices repair year-old hull damage and even fix the wound to Reed's leg from the mine. Reed and Tucker determine to see the computer that makes these miracles possible and sneak through off-limits conduits, setting off alarms and getting themselves beamed in disgrace onto Enterprise's bridge. Archer is furious, but becomes distracted when he learns that Mayweather has walked into an off-limits area under repair and been hit by a power surge. Phlox says, "He's dead, Captain."

But during a postmortem examination, Phlox discovers that Mayweather is not dead -- or, at least, that the body in sickbay is a replica, not the real Mayweather, who had live vaccine in his body that's dead in this corpse. Archer asks Reed to sneak back into the conduits with him while Tucker stalls on payment by insisting that the automated repairs are inadequate. With T'Pol's help, Archer breaks into the computer core and discovers that the station is powered by the biological activity of living beings. He finds Mayweather and gets him back on board Enterprise as the station's defenses attack the ship, but Reed has rigged a fuse in the warp plasma delivered as payment and blows it up. The ship escapes when the station explodes, though it later repairs itself.






Written by Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Directed by David Straiton

Guest Stars: Vaughn Armstrong as Kreetassan

Star Log Date

Airdate 10/16 /2002
When Enterprise visits the Kreetassan home world to pick up a plasma injector; Archer and crew inadvertently offend their hosts and returns to the ship carrying a pathogen. The captain, T'Pol and Hoshi recover after a session slathering each other with gel in the decontamination chamber, but Porthos becomes very ill and must spend the night in sickbay as Phlox fights to save the dog.

Archer is furious that they did not get the injector, and even angrier that he is expected to apologize to the Kreetassan just because his dog urinated on their sacred trees. They don't even express concern that the dog may now die. When T'Pol suggests that Archer say he's sorry just so they can get the injector, he snaps at her too. While he waits to see if Porthos will recover, Archer tries to sleep in sickbay, though Phlox keeps waking him with his grooming and care for various flora and fauna. When the captain complains that T'Pol accused him of caring more about his dog than his ship, Phlox wonders whether the Vulcan's opinion irks Archer so much because of unresolved sexual tension between them.

Sato convinces the Kreetassan to explain what sort of an apology would suffice so that Enterprise can pick up the plasma injector. She also helps Archer and Phlox capture a bat, which has gotten loose in sickbay. Archer finds the Kreetassan demands outrageous and refuses to consider them until Porthos has recovered, but the dog nearly dies of anaphylactic shock and ends up needing surgery. While Archer rests, he dozes and dreams about Phlox giving a eulogy at Porthos' funeral, then lecturing him on sexual tension over the comm as Archer and T'Pol fondle each other in the decontamination chamber.

Porthos recovers from having a chameleon pituitary gland transplant. Archer performs a ritual involving sawing up a tree and making a design with the wooden circles while wearing body paint and braids. Then Archer thanks Phlox for his help and apologizes to T'Pol, noting that there is frequently tension between people who work closely together when they are of the opposite sex. T'Pol observes that it's a good thing he's her superior officer and they're not in a position to allow themselves to be attracted to each other...hypothetically.






Written by Mike Vejar

Teleplay by David Wilcox

Story by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga.

Directed by Mike Vejar,

Guest Stars: Larry Cedar as Tessic, Jesse James Rutherford as Q'Ell, Robertson Dean as Korok, Bari Hochwald as E'lis, Steven Flynn as Maklii, Wayne King, Jr. as Klingon #1, Peewee Piemonte as Klingon #2

Star Log Date

Airdate 10/30/2002

When Enterprise is in need of fuel, Archer discovers a desolate mining colony that is being controlled by Klingon marauders who are bullying the colonists and hoarding their fuel.With Enterprise's deuterium reserves running low, Archer and the crew visit a small mining colony in hopes of replenishing their supply. The alien colonists, however, claim that they can't spare any deuterium, and ask Archer to return at the end of the season. Archer manages to negotiate, and eventually reaches an agreement with the colony's leader, Tessic — the deuterium in exchange for medical supplies, power cells and assistance in repairing the colony's extraction pumps. In a puzzling move, Tessic also insists that the pump be repaired within two days.As the Enterprise crew is helping with repairs, a Klingon ship enters orbit. Tessic panics, insisting that Archer and his people hide. As Archer watches, a small group of Klingons beams to the surface, greeting Tessic in what appears to be a friendly manner. The leader of the Klingons, Korok, is significantly less friendly when he learns that Tessic does not have the deuterium he has requested. Tessic asks for more time to produce it, but Korok becomes enraged, and orders Tessic to have the deuterium ready in four days. Finally, the reason for the colonists' strange behavior becomes clear — these Klingon marauders have been preying on them for five seasons, taking all the first-yield deuterium they can produce. When Tessic and the others tried to rebel, it resulted in the deaths of eight colonists. Defeated, Tessic tells Archer to just take the deuterium he needs and leave.Archer, however, is angered by the situation, and believes that the crew of Enterprise may be able to aid the colonists. He convinces Tessic to allow them to try, and reveals a plan: the colonists will surreptitiously move their village and rigs so that when the Klingons arrive for their next visit, they will be lured into a combustible fuel field. To protect them in battle, T'Pol offers some rudimentary self-defense training, while Reed and Hoshi lead the colonists in target practice.When the Klingons do arrive, Archer's scheme is a success — the colonists defend themselves against the marauders, and the Klingons are tricked into entering an area that appears to be barren desert. This "desert," however, is the deuterium field, and flaming deuterium explodes from the wellheads surrounding them. As the Klingons are surrounded by a ring of fire, Tessic approaches, warning the Klingons to leave and never return. Rattled, Korok and his crew beam back to their ship. As Archer and his crew prepare to leave, a grateful Tessic gifts them with 2,000 liters of deuterium — significantly more than the initially agreed upon amount.





Written by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga.

Directed by David Livingston

Guest Stars: Bruce Davison as Menos, Richard Wharton as Jossen, David Richards as Dockmaster, Vincent Hammond as Huge Alien, Coleen Maloney as Vulcan Officer, Stephen Mendillo as Vulcan Captain

Star Log Date

Airdate 11/06/2002

'Pol brings Archer with her on a top-secret mission when she is dispatched by the Vulcan High Command to capture a fugitive that has eluded their authorities for nearly two decades.When T'Pol is assigned a secret mission by the Vulcan High Command, she asks Archer to accompany her. The captain is surprised by her request, but agrees — especially when T'Pol reveals that there is a personal side to the mission. Many years ago, T'Pol was sent to retrieve several rogue Vulcan operatives. She was able to apprehend all but one of them, a man known as Menos. Now, the Vulcans believe they have located Menos, and they want T'Pol to bring him in.Soon, T'Pol, Archer and Mayweather are on their way to the Pernaia system, where Menos was last spotted. As Mayweather pilots their craft, T'Pol briefs Archer on Menos: he was assigned to infiltrate a cell of smugglers, and apparently became one of them. Now, he reportedly makes a career of smuggling synthetic bio-toxins used to make transgenic weapons. T'Pol last spotted him on Risa, where she nearly caught him. Once the trio lands at the snowy alien outpost, T'Pol spots Menos in the crowded, bar-like shelter. Menos puts up a good fight, but Mayweather manages to apprehend him, and the trio prepares to take him aboard their ship. Unfortunately, the landing deck of the outpost is being thermalized, and they won't be able to leave for several hours.Meanwhile, back on Enterprise, Trip is confronted with the difficulty of serving as acting captain. Both Phlox and Reed need him to make decisions that will affect the ship and crew, while Hoshi informs him that Enterprise has been hailed by the Vulcan Captain Tavek, who has an urgent message from Admiral Forrest. When Tavek insists on speaking to the captain, Trip pretends to be Archer. As it turns out, the message from Forrest consists of water polo scores, and a relieved Trip hastily thanks the captain and bids him farewell.Back at the alien outpost, Archer, T'Pol and Mayweather are holding Menos captive until it's safe to take off. Menos tries to appeal to T'Pol, saying that he has a wife and two daughters and that he's really not a smuggler at all — he merely transports spent injector casings. As they continue to talk, Menos insinuates that he wasn't alone when T'Pol nearly apprehended him on Risa. This triggers some fragmented flashes of memory for T'Pol. In one vision, she sees herself chasing two men through the jungle; in another, she seems to be in emotional distress at a Vulcan monastery. Determined to prove that Menos is a criminal, T'Pol makes her way across the dangerous dock to his ship ? only to find cases full of spent injector casings. Frustrated, she returns to the shelter, and asks to speak to Menos alone. With his help, she manages to piece her visions into a coherent scenario. It seems that there was one other fugitive she was charged with retrieving: Jossen, who she spotted on Risa with Menos. She chased both of them through the jungle, and ended up killing Jossen. Later, she underwent an obscure Vulcan ritual known as the Fullara, wherein her memories of the event and all the surrounding emotions were repressed. T'Pol reveals this to Archer, who is upset that Menos is manipulating her emotions.With T'Pol's guard down, Menos manages to escape, and Archer, Mayweather and T'Pol chase him to his ship. Though Menos nearly traps them, T'Pol manages to apprehend him. As she trains a weapon on him, Menos appeals to her guilt — he insists that she will let him go, rather than killing another innocent man. Archer, however, reminds T'Pol that she was assigned to apprehend Menos — not judge him. The captain's words help T'Pol to come to final decision, and she brings Menos in. Meanwhile, Mayweather discovers that Menos actually was hauling more than injector casings — a large container of bio-toxins sits just beyond a hidden forcefield.Back on Enterprise, Archer extends his sympathies to T'Pol, noting that her newly-resurfaced memories aren't going to be easy to deal with. T'Pol notes that she's ready to move on, and tells Archer that if he ever needs someone he can trust, she's there for him.






Teleplay by Andre Bormanis

Story by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga

Directed by James Contner

Guest Stars Francis Guinan as Gosis, Tim Kelleher as Lt. Pell, Brian Reddy as Dr. Temec, Dennis Cockrum as Alien Barkeep, Jason Waters as Soldier

Airdate 11/13/2002

Reed accidentally leaves his communicator on an alien planet during a visit, and when he returns with Archer to retrieve the crucial technology, they are captured by soldiers who accuse them of being enemy spies. Upon returning from a research mission to a pre-warp alien planet, Reed discovers that his communicator is missing. After an extensive search, he realizes that he must have lost it somewhere on the planet. Hoshi manages to tap into the communicator's power signature and pinpoints its location near a tavern that Reed and the rest of the team visited. Archer knows that the crew must retrieve their technology or risk contaminating the planet's pre-warp society, so Archer and Reed return to the planet, hiding their shuttlepod in the woods. As they enter the tavern, a group of soldiers eyes them suspiciously. Using his scanner, Reed realizes that the communicator is located in another room of the tavern, but when he and Archer go to retrieve it, they are apprehended by the soldiers. The two men are taken to the tavern stockroom and questioned by Major Pell, who asks if the communicator is a weapon. Pell also seems to think Archer and Reed are connected to something called "the Alliance." When the men refuse to respond, Pell orders that they be taken to the military complex. At the complex, Archer and Reed are interrogated by Pell's superior, General Gosis. Gosis informs them that someone named "T'Pol" was trying to reach the "captain" via the communicator. Archer identifies himself as the "captain," which only furthers Gosis' suspicions that the two men are military recruits for the Alliance. During the interrogation, part of Archer's alien prosthetic comes off, revealing his human face. Gosis doesn't know what to make of this, and orders a full medical examination. Meanwhile, on Enterprise, Hoshi has managed to locate Archer and Reed, and Trip suggests taking Shuttlepod Two to rescue them. T'Pol, however, is reluctant to risk further contamination of the pre-warp culture. So, Trip comes up with another idea. As Enterprise is still in possession of the Suliban cell-ship, perhaps he could attempt to bring its cloaking device online — the crew would be able to rescue their missing crewmen without being detected. T'Pol agrees, and Trip and Mayweather begin work on the cell-ship. As they work, Trip is somehow affected by the particle radiation the ship uses to conceal itself rendering his right arm invisible! Phlox guesses that it will eventually materialize on its own, and gives Trip a surgical glove to use in the meantime. Back on the planet, Gosis is astonished at the results of the medical tests. He can find no reasonable explanation for the various physical "deformities" displayed by Archer and Reed, and continues to press them for answers. Unfortunately, Gosis has yet another suspicious piece of evidence: a surveillance photo of the Enterprise shuttlepod. As it appears he may be getting closer to the truth, Archer offers an explanation: he and Reed are prototypes for a genetically-enhanced Alliance super-soldier, and the various pieces of technology they have with them are Alliance prototypes as well. Gosis believes this might be a logical explanation, but he needs proof — so he orders the execution of the two men. Once they're dead, the doctor will be able to study their organs in more detail. On Enterprise, Hoshi manages to intercept a message saying that two "enemy spies" are set to be executed. With time running out, T'Pol, Trip and Mayweather head down to the planet in the cell-ship, which still isn't cloaking properly. Meanwhile, Archer and Reed prepare to face their execution, determined to sacrifice their own lives rather than contaminate this alien culture. As they are led to the gallows, Trip and the others struggle to get the cell-ship cloaked in the air. They are pursued by military aircraft, but the ship cloaks at the last second, and they manage to land at the site of the complex just in time to save Archer and Reed. Archer retrieves Enterprise's technology, and the crewmembers pile into the still-cloaked cell-ship just in time. Once onboard, Archer thanks T'Pol for taking a risk to save his life. She notes that even though they manage to retrieve the technology, they have contaminated a pre-warp culture. Still, she's impressed that the captain was willing to sacrifice his life to protect an entire alien race. As for Trip, his arm has rematerialized and is visible again ... for the most part.







Written by Chris Black

Directed by Patrick Norris

Guest Cast: Matthew Kaminsky as Cunningham

Star Log Date

Airdate 11/20/2002
On a "typical" day on Enterprise, the crew finds their routine tasks turn into uncharacteristically strange obsessions over trivial matters. Enterprise has dropped to impulse in order to get a closer look at a black hole that's part of a trinary star system. As it will take them two days to get there, the crew has time for personal endeavors. Archer concentrates on writing a one-page preface for a biography of his father. He also assigns Trip the task of making some adjustments to the captain's chair, which is apparently rather uncomfortable. Reed hopes to work on a new security protocol, while Hoshi takes over cooking duties for an ailing Chef. Meanwhile, Mayweather visits Phlox for a headache remedy. Phlox, however, is not content to simply diagnose Mayweather with a headache, and begins to subject the ensign to a number of medical tests. Soon, each of the crew's seemingly ordinary tasks begin taking on more and more significance, as each person becomes obsessed with a single job. Archer turns his one-page preface into a 19-page missive, while Trip takes the entire captain's chair apart, determined to add new features (such as a cup-holder) and re-shape it to fit Archer perfectly. Reed, who is attempting to draft a special emergency alert, becomes obsessed with the perfect name and sound for the alarm. And Hoshi tries to get her family recipe for a dish called oden just right — so much so that she abandons her other cooking duties, leaving the crew to starve. Their behavior is also affecting their interactions with one another — Reed and Trip nearly get into a physical fight, while Phlox sedates a frustrated Mayweather so he can run more medical tests. T'Pol, meanwhile, is the only member of the crew who does not seem to be obsessing over a particular task, and she can't help but notice everyone's odd behavior. She approaches the captain about it, but he remains absorbed in his preface, and becomes irrational and angry when she disturbs him. T'Pol also tries to inform Phlox of the crew's illness, but he is intent on performing an extreme medical procedure on Mayweather. Seeing that the doctor has also been affected, T'Pol quickly renders him unconscious via a Vulcan nerve pinch. With the rest of the crew unconscious, T'Pol uses Phlox's scans of Mayweather and her own study of the trinary system to form a hypothesis: the radiation from the trinary system is affecting the crew. If they're exposed to this radiation much longer, they may not survive. In order to escape, she must chart a course between the stars. This means passing dangerously close to the black hole and a considerable amount of debris — she will not be able to pilot the ship alone. T'Pol heads to Archer's quarters and manages to rouse the groggy captain by putting him in the shower and dousing him with cold water. She manages to explain the situation to him, and the two head for the bridge. While T'Pol determines the course corrections, Archer pilots the ship away from danger. Enterprise is rocked by debris, and Archer determines that they need weapons. T'Pol insists that there isn't enough time to bring them online — then she notices that they already are, apparently as part of Reed's new security measures. Enterprise fires its phase-cannons at the dangerous debris, clearing a path, and jumps to warp. The ship is finally out of danger. Later on, Phlox examines the crew, and determines that there are no lingering effects from the radiation. Archer commends Reed on his Tactical Alert, noting that it saved Enterprise at a crucial moment. In fact, the captain requests that Reed make the new protocols standard procedure. Trip, meanwhile, has lowered the captain's chair a centimeter, making it much more comfortable, and Archer appears to have written a preface he's happy with.






Written by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga

Directed by David Straiton

Guest Stars: Keone Young as Hoshi's Father, Gary Riotto as Alien #1, Morgan H. Margolis as Crewman Baird, Ric Sarabia as Alien #2, Carly Thomas as Alison

Star Log Date

Airdate 11/27/2002

Following her first experience in the transporter, a series of eerie events leads Hoshi to question whether she is the same person. Hoshi and Trip are surveying some primitive alien ruins, taking pictures and discussing what might have happened to the people who used to inhabit the planet. Suddenly, Archer contacts them and asks them to return immediately to Enterprise — a storm is heading their way. As the duo prepares to board their shuttlepod, Archer contacts them again: the storm situation is more urgent than he predicted, and he needs to bring Trip and Hoshi up via the transporter, one at a time. Hoshi is apprehensive, and insists that Trip go first. Once he is safely onboard, she beams up. Back on Enterprise, Hoshi feels strange, but decides that she just needs some rest. Later on, she joins some of her crewmates for a meal — strangely, they seem to be ignoring her the whole time. Dr. Phlox insists there's nothing wrong with her, however. The next day, Hoshi is summoned to the bridge — Trip and Mayweather have been taken hostage by aliens while attempting to retrieve Enterprise's shuttlepod. Archer needs Hoshi to decipher the aliens' language. Hoshi, however, can't seem to accomplish her task, and a frustrated Archer sends her back to her quarters and assigns her duties to Crewman Baird. Later, Hoshi learns that Baird deciphered the language easily, and the two officers were returned safe and sound. Also, Hoshi is to remain off-duty for the time being — Baird will assume her responsibilities. Feeling useless, Hoshi begins to notice more troubling signs: water in the shower seems to pass right through her, and the turbolift does not respond to her. Also, she seems to be hearing strange voices. Distressed, Hoshi pays another visit to Phlox ... who maintains that there's nothing wrong with her. Still apprehensive, Hoshi heads to the gym to work out. Soon, however, her hands pass right through the free weights and the doors will not respond to her. Upon looking in the mirror, Hoshi discovers that she has become completely transparent. The crew soon discovers that she is missing and mounts a search. Though she is invisible to them, Hoshi trails the crew, hoping to somehow send them a message that she's still alive. The crew, however, determines that Hoshi's disappearance is, in fact, connected to a transporter snafu — apparently, her molecules are breaking down. In her invisible form, Hoshi also makes a disturbing discover — aliens have infiltrated Enterprise and are planting explosives that will soon detonate. Desperate, Hoshi tries to contact the crew, resorting to such tactics as Morse Code. Nothing seems to work, however. Eventually, Hoshi sees the aliens heading towards a transporter pad, taking the detonator for the explosives with them. Quickly determining that the only thing she can do is follow them, she overcomes her fear and leaps onto the transporter pad. As she begins to hear voices again, she suddenly finds herself materializing on Enterprise. The voices belong to Trip and Reed, who are in the process of beaming her back. The mysterious aliens have vanished Reed and Trip inform Hoshi that she was trapped in the pattern buffer for a few seconds ... leading Hoshi to conclude that the whole ordeal took place in her head, while she was being transported from the surface. Relieved, Hoshi gets a quick check-up from Phlox, and informs Archer that she'll stick to shuttlepods for the time being.





Mission Date Sep. 12, 2152

Padma Lakshmi as Kaitaama
Leland Crooke as Firek Plinn
Scott Klace as Firek Goff

Director: David Livingston
Story By: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Teleplay By: David A. Goodman

When Trip rescues an exotic alien woman from her kidnappers, they find themselves on the run from her captors and, in the process, on an unexpected romantic adventure.

The Enterprise crew has visitors — two Retellian cargo pilots, Firek Goff and Firek Plinn, need help repairing their life support systems. The pair explains that they have been hired to return a young woman to her homeworld. Because of their limited resources and the length of the trip, they are transporting her in stasis. A few days ago, her stasis pod began to malfunction. The crew cannot support a passenger out of stasis, so they need Trip's help repairing their systems. Firek Goff refuses Archer's offer to help them transport their passenger more quickly, but he does accept the captain's offer of a meal.

Trip, meanwhile, brings some equipment over from Enterprise and starts working. He finds himself intrigued by the woman in the stasis pod, and is surprised when she suddenly awakens. Goff and Plinn are signaled that the pod has malfunctioned, and Goff heads back to the ship. As Trip frees the woman from stasis, he notices that her wrists are bound — she is a prisoner, not a passenger. As Trip reacts, Goff attacks him, rendering him unconscious. Goff alerts Plinn to the chaos, but Plinn is caught by Reed before he can make it back to the ship, and Goff escapes with the mysterious woman and Trip in tow.

While Archer sets out after the ship, Goff orders Trip to repair the stasis pod. Trip knows that he's expendable once the repairs are finished, so he attempts to figure out an escape route. Unfortunately, he's having trouble understanding the alien woman, whose name is Kaitaama. He eventually locates the universal translator and the two are able to communicate, but Kaitaama is very combative. As royalty from Krios Prime, she treats him like a subject, ordering him around and questioning his methods. Trip doesn't much like this, but urges Kaitamma to escape with him. She's resistant, but finally agrees, and the two set out in the cargo ship's escape pod. After a turbulent ride, Trip finally locates a humid, swamp-like planet, and they land.

Back on Enterprise, Archer and T'Pol come up with a ruse to trick Plinn into giving them information, so that they might be able to track down Trip. Archer informs Plinn that he will face a harsh tribunal with T'Pol at the helm. He implies that T'Pol is very strict, and fond of handing down extreme sentences. Terrified, Plinn reveals the information they need to find Trip.

Meanwhile, Trip and Kaitaama have set up camp on the planet, but they can't seem to stop bickering. Despite this, there is a definite undercurrent of sexual tension between them. When their fighting finally comes to a head, Kaitaama suddenly pulls Trip to her, giving him a passionate kiss. Trip, in turn, kisses her back. Later on, Goff tracks them down, but they manage to trick him and render him unconscious. Moments later, Archer, T'Pol and Reed show up as well.

Back on Enterprise, a Krios ship shows up to take the prisoners into custody and return Kaitaama to her home planet. Trip ponders visiting Kaitaama, but notes that her family probably wouldn't like it. She agrees, but playfully notes that someday she'll have the authority to change the rules. Intrigued, Trip bids her farewell.



Mission Date Sep. 18, 2152

Guest Cast:

Scott Burkholder as Tagrim
Zach Grenier as Renth
Aaron Lustig as Guri
Elizabeth Magness as Female Crewmember
Danny Goldring as Alien Captain
Brian Cousins as Alien Lieutenant
Sean Smith as Alien Crewman

Director: Mike Vejar
Written By: Mike Sussman & Phyllis Strong


When a deadly radioactive storm threatens Enterprise, the entire crew must take refuge for eight days in a small maintenance shaft.

As Captain Archer prepares to lead a survey team to an uninhabited planet, Enterprise is suddenly hailed by a trio of aliens seeking refuge. The aliens warn Archer that a deadly neutronic wavefront is quickly approaching. After conferring with the crew, Archer surmises that everyone must take shelter somewhere protected in order to survive the storm's deadly radiation. Trip suggests one heavily-shielded place onboard that might suffice for the eight-day ordeal: the cramped quarters of the catwalk, the maintenance shaft that runs the length of each nacelle. Only one problem: the temperature in the catwalk can reach 300 degrees when the warp coils are online, so Trip will have to shut down the main reactor and set up a makeshift bridge in one of the catwalk compartments.

The crew and their alien visitors evacuate to the catwalk, and as the days wear on, tensions run high among them. The storm envelops the ship, making for frequent, sudden bouts of turbulence. Also, the alien trio doesn't do much to endear themselves to the Enterprise crew, and even endangers the crew by trying to cook their food near a plasma manifold. To make matters worse, Trip and Archer discover a problem in Engineering — the matter and antimatter injectors have come online, endangering the crew's safe haven in the catwalk. Trip cannot shut the injectors down from the catwalk, however — outfitted in an EV suit, he must make the trek to Engineering. The suit will only protect him for 22 minutes, so he has to work fast.

Once Trip reaches Engineering, he notices something even more peculiar — alien intruders, who appear to be interfering with the ship's systems. Trip manages to hide from them, and attempts to ascertain what they're doing aboard Enterprise. As he peers out a window, he notices an alien ship docked alongside Enterprise. He also manages to activate a monitor and witnesses the aliens on the bridge — oddly enough, they're the same species as the trio of aliens taking refuge in the catwalk. Trip returns to the catwalk and relays his findings. Phlox runs a scan on the alien visitors, deducing that the aliens are actually immune to the effects of radiation. Angered, Archer demands to know what's going on. The trio confesses that the aliens Trip saw are actually looking for them — they're considered fugitives. They explain to Archer that they were officers in the Takret Militia, but they escaped when they learned that the commanding officers were corrupt. The trio apologizes for lying to Archer, and tells him that these alien intruders have a history of seizing vessels like Enterprise and murdering the crews.

Reed reports that the alien intruders are trying to re-initialize the warp reactor, putting the crew in danger. Realizing that he must act quickly, Archer formulates a plan. He, T'Pol and Reed suit up and head down to the main area of the ship. While T'Pol and Reed work to shut down the warp reactor, Archer distracts the alien leader, claiming to be the only survivor onboard Enterprise. He demands they leave, or he'll destroy the ship. He then breaks contact, and orders Mayweather to change course, heading straight for a destructive plasma eddy. As T'Pol and Reed finally succeed in shutting the reactor down, the alien leader realizes that Archer is serious, having set Enterprise on a suicide course towards the plasma eddy. He and his men flee the ship, and Mayweather manages to steer clear of the eddy just in time.

Soon after, Mayweather maneuvers Enterprise out of the storm, and the crew is able to return to their quarters. The alien visitors, meanwhile, apologize for all the trouble they've caused, and head for the Gyrannan System. Relieved that the whole ordeal is over, Archer wishes them luck and bids them farewell.



#39 “DAWN”
Mission Date Unknown

Guest Cast:

Gregg Henry as Zho'Kaan
Brad Greenquist as Khata'n Zshaar

Director: Roxann Dawson
Written By: John Shiban


Trip is fired upon by a territorial alien and forced to land on the night side of a moon.

Trip is alone on a test mission aboard Shuttlepod One, trying out the latest autopilot upgrades. Suddenly, he is fired upon by an alien ship and must make an emergency landing on a nearby moon. It's nighttime, and Trip attempts to repair the transceiver in order to contact Enterprise. While he's working, he is suddenly attacked by a mysterious alien. Trip retreats into his shuttlepod, but quickly notices that the alien interloper has stolen his transceiver.

Meanwhile, Archer has mounted a search for Trip. As Enterprise attempts to track him down, they are hailed by an Arkonian ship and ordered to leave the area immediately. T'Pol warns Archer that the Arkonians are a territorial species, and that Enterprise should proceed with extreme caution. Apparently, relations between the Vulcans and the Arkonians have been contentious for many years. Archer tells the Arkonian captain, Khata'n Zshaar, that he will not leave until his missing crewmember is back onboard. Khata'n Zshaar admits that one of his crew is also missing, and was most likely piloting the alien ship that fired on Trip. Archer proposes that the two crews work together in order to find both missing crewmembers. The Arkonians agree, but T'Pol advises that Archer remain cautious.

Down on the surface, Trip has managed to trick the alien, an Arkonian named Zho'Kaan, into leaving his own campsite so that Trip can retrieve the transceiver. Unfortunately, Zho'Kaan realizes the ruse, and attacks Trip, rendering the chief engineer unconscious. When Trip wakes up, Zho'Kaan demands that Trip fix the alien's transceiver. The repairs are slow-going, as Trip and Zho'Kaan cannot understand each other without the universal translator. They rely on gestures to communicate, however, and eventually learn each other's names. Trip also learns that Zho'Kaan has some unusual abilities. When Trip is injured, Zho'Kaan hisses some strange fluid onto his arm, healing the wound. The two still do not trust each other, however. Frustrated with the alien transceiver, Trip sprays shuttle fluid into Zho'Kaan's face and gains control of the situation.

On Enterprise, the crew works to locate Trip. T'Pol has learned that the moons they are searching experience extreme changes in temperature — in the daytime, the temperature can rise as high as 170 degrees. Alarmed, Archer realizes that they need to find Trip before the sun rises.

With Zho'Kaan as his prisoner, Trip has returned to his spot near the shuttlepod and is attempting to repair his transceiver using some of the alien transceiver's components. After a few attempts, Trip concludes that perhaps he needs to take the transceiver to a higher ground, and asks Zho'Kaan to assist him. But as soon as Trip unties Zho'Kaan, the alien attacks him and the two engage in hand-to-hand combat. Eventually, the pair falls to the ground, exhausted. Too tired to fight, Trip manages to convince Zho'Kaan that they need to work together in order to escape the moon. Together, they take the transceiver to a higher ground and Trip finally manages to make contact with Enterprise.

Unfortunately, dawn is approaching, and as Trip and Zho'Kaan wait for help to arrive, Trip notices that his alien companion doesn't seem to be dealing well with the heat. As Zho'Kaan gets more and more dehydrated, Archer and the Arkonian captain work to lock onto the officers' positions. Archer tells Reed to prepare the transporter, but Phlox advises against it: the Arkonians are extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Thus, Zho'Kaan's dehydration is causing cellular breakdown. Despite Archer's urging, Trip refuses to return without Zho'Kaan — he doesn't want to leave the alien alone. Trip suggests using a modified Arkonian shuttle to rescue the duo, and Archer agrees to look into the possibility. The idea works, and Trip and Zho'Kan are soon on their way back to Enterprise.

Once both officers are onboard and recovering, Khata'n Zshaar bids Archer farewell — he still doesn't seem terribly friendly towards the captain, but T'Pol notes that at least Archer was more successful than the Vulcans in establishing relations with the Arkonians. Meanwhile, Trip visits Zho'Kaan in sickbay, and both men express that they are grateful to have encountered one another.




#40 ”STIGMA”
Mission Date Unknown

Guest Cast:

Melinda Page Hamilton as Feezal
Michael Ensign as Dr. Oratt
Bob Morrisey as Dr. Strom
Jeffrey Hayenga as Dr. Yuris
Lee Spencer as Vulcan Doctor

Director: David Livingston
Written By: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga


T'Pol's standing on Enterprise is threatened when it is learned that she has contracted a deadly disease.

As Enterprise enters the orbit of Dekendi Three, Dr. Phlox prepares to attend the Interspecies Medical Exchange conference. He's also looking forward to being reunited with one of his wives, Feezal, who will be helping Trip install a neutron microscope onboard. Phlox is pleased to see his wife, but the conference raises a troubling issue: Phlox is the only person onboard Enterprise who knows that T'Pol is suffering from Pa'nar Syndrome, an incurable Vulcan disease. He has been able keep the effects of the disease at bay, but he knows that T'Pol will soon need supplemental medications. Otherwise, she might die. The doctor sees the conference as the perfect opportunity to speak with Vulcan physicians, and learn if they have made any headway with the disease. However, he must keep T'Pol's identity a secret, as the High Command cannot learn of her condition.

Unfortunately, the Vulcan doctors — Yuris, Strom and Oratt — see right through Phlox's ruse, and quickly ascertain that T'Pol is suffering from the disease. When Archer learns of this, he is furious and demands to know why Phlox and T'Pol have kept her condition a secret from him. T'Pol explains that Pa'nar Syndrome carries a certain stigma on Vulcan. A small number of Vulcans are born with the ability to form a "mind-meld," and it is through this act that the disease is transmitted. Anyone can be on the receiving end of a meld, however, and T'Pol found herself in that very position when she was attacked by the Vulcan Tolaris the previous year. Because this telepathic minority's behavior is considered "unnatural" on Vulcan, those who carry the disease face prejudice — T'Pol would most likely lose her commission if the High Command were to learn of her condition. Archer urges T'Pol to tell the High Command that she was forced to meld, but she refuses, not wanting to fuel their bigotry.

Later, Dr. Yuris contacts T'Pol and asks her to meet him on the surface. He passes along some research that might help in treating her. T'Pol wonders why he's willing to help her. Yuris explains that he's part of the minority of mind-melders — he does not, however, have the disease. Once he realizes that T'Pol was coerced into melding, he suggests she tell his colleagues, knowing that they will be more sympathetic. She still refuses.

Meanwhile, Trip is dealing with a much less serious problem — Phlox's wife Feezal keeps trying to flirt with him as they work together to install the microscope. Trip is uncomfortable with her advances, and decides to discuss it with Phlox. The doctor, however, does not react as Trip might expect — he enthusiastically suggests that Trip should return Feezal's affections. When Trip points out that Feezal is Phlox's wife, Phlox dismisses him, saying that Trip is too wrapped up in human ideas of morality. Still, Trip is uncomfortable with the situation, and cannot be swayed. Somewhat disappointed, Phlox merely says that it's Trip's loss.

The Vulcan doctors have decided to return T'Pol to Vulcan, where the High Command will determine whether or not she's fit for duty. Archer, however, has discovered a loophole — Vulcan medical protocols entitle T'Pol to a hearing. T'Pol, however, continues to stand by her decision not to explain how she contracted the disease. Archer respects her wishes, but hopes that he will be able to keep her onboard. At the hearing, Archer and T'Pol face the Vulcan doctors, and make points about the Vulcans' narrow-minded attitudes toward mind-melders. Still, it seems to fall upon deaf ears. Then, Dr. Yuris surprises everyone: unable to keep silent any longer, he reveals T'Pol's circumstances and informs the other doctors that he is one of the melding minority. Shocked, the doctors allow T'Pol to remain on Enterprise ... but Yuris is suspended and will most likely lose his standing with the Medical Exchange. T'Pol is determined not to let him go down without a fight, however — she plans to contact the High Command. She also hopes that perhaps this incident will encourage others to speak out against the bigotry in Vulcan society.




Mission Date Unknown

Guest Cast:

Jeffrey Combs as Shran
Suzie Plakson as Tarah
Gary Graham as Soval
John Balma as Muroc
Vaughn Armstrong as Admiral Forrest
Zane Cassidy as Andorian Soldier
Christopher Shea as Telev

Director: David Straiton
Written By: Chris Black

When a military conflict erupts between the Vulcans and Andorians, Archer is brought in as negotiator.

The Andorians and the Vulcans are locked in battle over a small planet, situated on the frontier between their two systems. Both sides claim that it belongs to them — the Andorians refer to it as "Weytahm," while the Vulcans call it "Paan Mokar." Andorian Commander Shran has landed a force on the planet and occupied the settlement. Now, the Vulcans are calling for a cease fire and Shran wants Archer to help the two sides negotiate. Vulcan Ambassador Soval is reluctant to bring Archer in as mediator, but three Vulcans have been taken hostage, and Shran has made his position clear: he only trusts Archer.

Archer and T'Pol head down the planet for a meeting with Shran. Shran's lieutenant, Tarah, is especially wary of T'Pol, but Archer manages to convince Shran to release one of the Vulcan hostages as a show of good faith. He also agrees to bring Soval down to the planet for a meeting. Soval is skeptical, but agrees to go. Meanwhile, on the planet, Shran has a tense moment with Tarah, who objects to his attempts to negotiate with the Vulcans. She would rather continue the fighting and reclaim the planet for the Andorians. Shran notes her suggestion, but still wishes to proceed with the negotiations.

As their shuttlepod nears the planet, Archer, T'Pol and Soval find themselves being fired on — they are forced to crash-land right in the middle of the conflict. Soval suggests the Andorians are trying to sabotage the peace talks, but Archer doesn't believe Shran would resort to such tactics. Back at the Andorians' position, Shran, for his part, is furious that Archer's shuttle was fired on. Tarah claims that it was the Vulcans who fired, but Shran doesn't believe her — he orders her to find Soval and Archer and bring them to him alive.

Meanwhile, on Enterprise, acting captain Trip is having troubles of his own. As the crew tries to pinpoint Archer's location, Trip must keep a Vulcan ship and an Andorian vessel from firing on one another. He maneuvers Enterprise right between the two ships, hoping to avoid bloodshed.

Down on the surface, Archer, T'Pol and Soval are attempting to make their way to Shran's location, when Soval is injured by weapons fire. Archer discovers that Andorian snipers are behind the attack, so he has T'Pol and Soval distract them with weapons fire while he disables them. As he sneaks up behind the second sniper, he discovers that it is none other than Tarah, Shran's lieutenant. He manages to subdue her just as Shran and his men arrive on the scene. Even though Tarah denies it, Archer manages to convince Shran that his officer has betrayed him. Tarah eventually confesses, but angrily informs Shran that there are others who feel the same way she does.

Now that the situation's under control, Shran and Soval are finally able to sit down for a series of difficult but productive negotiations. With Archer's help, the two sides agree to cease fire and continue the peace talks on Andoria.





Mission Date Unknown

Guest Cast:

Vaughn Armstrong as Admiral Forrest
Cullen Douglas as Suliban Soldier

Director: James Whitmore, Jr.
Written By: Mike Sussman & Phyllis Strong

Far beyond where any Earth vessel has ventured before, the Enterprise crew finds a small craft adrift in space that contains what appears to be a human corpse. The mystery deepens when the Suliban and the Tholians both try to procure the enigmatic vessel.

When the Enterprise crew discovers a mysterious, futuristic vessel adrift in space, Captain Archer orders it brought onboard for further investigation. Inside the craft, the crew is shocked to find what is apparently a human body, charred beyond recognition. Trip and Reed take a closer look at the interior of the ship, and discover that it is much more spacious that it appears. They also discover a "black box" device within the depths of the ship and prepare to bring it up to Engineering for more research.

Before they can explore much further, however, Enterprise is hailed by a Suliban ship. The Suliban claim that the futuristic ship belongs to them and demand that Archer turn it over immediately. When he refuses, the Suliban open fire and beam a pair of soldiers onboard Enterprise. The soldiers attack Trip and Reed and attempt to break into the launch bay containing the vessel. Enterprise manages to disable the Suliban ship's weapons, but before they can do any more damage, the soldiers beam back to the ship and the ship cloaks, disappearing from view. Archer, however, can't help but wonder why the Suliban want the mysterious vessel so badly.

Post-battle, Trip and Reed examine the black box device, hoping that it can tell them something about the strange vessel. Meanwhile, Dr. Phlox has some curious news: his autopsy of the charred corpse reveals genetic material belonging to several other species, including Vulcans. He surmises that the individual seems to be the result of several generations of interspecies breeding. Archer and T'Pol decide to pay a visit to Daniels' old quarters, hoping that his futuristic database might give them some answers. Indeed, the database contains what appears to be a schematic for the ship. Theorizing that the ship and its occupant are from the future, Archer has a troubling revelation: if the Suliban take the ship, they could dismantle it and learn how the engine works. This could change the course of the Temporal Cold War. Before he has time to ponder this further, Enterprise is approached by another vessel. This one belongs to the Tholians, a xenophobic, non-humanoid species. The Tholians say they have been sent to retrieve the futuristic vessel, and claim that its temporal radiation could be dangerous to the Enterprise crew. When Archer refuses to turn it over, the Tholians lock on to Enterprise with a tractor beam. Archer, however, threatens to destroy the futuristic vessel and the Tholians retreat.

Trip and Reed work to unlock the mystery of the black box device, but as they do, they suddenly find themselves locked in a time loop, repeating their actions over and over. Archer wonders if this is the "temporal radiation" the Tholians referred to and orders the launch bay sealed off until further notice. He decides that the best course of actions is to rendezvous with the Vulcans and have them take the futuristic vessel back to Earth.

As the Suliban vessels approach Enterprise yet again, Trip finally determines that the black box device is actually a micro-transmitter — some sort of emergency beacon. As Enterprise approaches the Vulcan rendezvous point, the Suliban ships attack. And when the Vulcan ship comes into view, it's apparent that it has been attacked as well — the crew is alive, but the vessel is completely disabled. Suddenly, a group of Tholian ships emerge from the wreckage, firing on Enterprise. The Tholians catch the eye of the Suliban, who begin firing on them. Entrprise is now caught in a crossfire, so Archer orders Trip to activate the emergency beacon, hoping that whoever built it might send help. Meanwhile, he and Reed will arm one of Enterprise's torpedo warheads manually.

As they work to arm the torpedo, the battle between the Suliban and the Tholians rages on. Suddenly, Archer and Reed find themselves caught in another time loop. They work against the clock and finally manage to arm the warhead ... which the Tholians, who have beaten the Suliban, quickly neutralize. Luckily, Trip has managed to activate the beacon. As the device powers up, it suddenly vanishes, as does the futuristic vessel and the humanoid corpse. Everything has dematerialized ... but it's not aboard the Tholian ships. Realizing that their quarry has vanishes, the Tholians retreat.

In the aftermath, Archer and his crew are left to wonder about the origins of the future ship and its contents. For now, it will all remain a mystery.






Mission Date Unknown

Guest Cast:

Mark Rolston as Kuroda
Holmes R. Osborne as Enolian Official
Michael McGrady as Nausicaan
Sean Whalen as Zoumas
Brian Morri as Enolian Guard
John Hansen as Prisoner

Director: Allan Kroeker
Written By: John Shiban

Archer and Tucker are mistakenly arrested and placed on a prisoner transport vessel bound for the penal colony Canamar.

Upon leaving the Enolian homeworld, Archer and Trip are mistakenly identified as smugglers and arrested. The two men are placed on a prison transport headed for the penal colony known as Canamar. Among their fellow prisoners are the menacing Kuroda, a hulking Nausicaan and a young, talkative alien named Zoumas.

Back on Enterprise, T'Pol manages to convince an Enolian official that Archer and Trip are innocent and he arranges for their safe return. Just as Archer and Trip are about to be set free, however, Kuroda breaks free and, with the Nausicaan's help, takes down the guard and pilot. With the pilot out of commission, there's no one to fly the ship. Hoping to figure out an escape plan of his own, Archer volunteers to pilot the craft. He also pretends to be a smuggler, hoping that Kuroda will come to trust him. When the vessel comes under attack from Enolian patrol ships, Archer also convinces Kuroda to allow Trip to assist them. Trip manages to create a plasma cloud that, once ignited, fends the patrol ships off, allowing prison transport jumps to warp.

Meanwhile, Archer has also managed to covertly transmit a distress signal from the prison ship, and the Enterprise crew picks up on it. Unfortunately, the Enolian official has bad news — his superiors have issued orders to destroy the prison transport. Although Archer and Trip are still onboard, the Enolians are determined to get rid of the violent Kuroda. If the crew is to save their fellow officers, they have to find the prison transport before the Enolian patrol ships do.

Back on the prison transport, Kuroda is impressed with Archer's ploy to fend of the Enolian ships. In fact, Kuroda has come to respect Archer and asks the captain to join him on his next endeavor. As the two men talk, Kuroda reveals that he was 14 when he first spent time in a penal colony. He was innocent, but he still spent five years in prison, where he picked up many new skills. He started making a living as a criminal after he was released. Kuroda also finally reveals where he's taking the transport: a trading outpost called Tamaal. Once there, they will rendezvous with another ship and Kuroda will set the transport on a decaying orbit. The other prisoners will be incinerated. Naturally, this doesn't sit well with Archer, but when he tries to talk Kuroda out of it, the other man merely dismisses him.

Archer is determined to save the other prisoners and enlists Trip's aid. Trip is freed under the pretense of fixing a docking hatch, but Archer wants him to overpower the Nausicaan so they can take control of the ship. Trip manages to render the hulking alien unconscious, but the commotion draws the attention of Kuroda, who stuns Trip with a weapon and realizes that Archer has been plotting against him all along. The transport docks with another ship at the Tamaal rendezvous point ... but when the doors open, Reed, Mayweather and a Starfleet security guard appear! The crew manages to get all of the prisoners off the transport, which is now in a decaying orbit, but Kuroda refuses to come. He would rather die than return to prison. As the others leave, he remains on the transport and the vessel explodes.

Back on Enterprise, the Enolian official demands a report for his superiors. Archer, however, is in no mood to give one. He tersely informs the official that Kuroda is dead and that he and Trip were falsely arrested. Angrily, Archer wonders how many others are on their way to Canamar that don't belong there.




Mission Date Unknown

Guest Cast:

Joseph Will as Rostov
Steven Allerick as Cook
Valerie Ianniello as Female Crewman
Alexander Chance as Crewman #1
Matthew Kaminsky as Crewman #2

Director: David Livingston
Story By: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga & Andre Bormanis
Teleplay By: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga

Enterprise encounters a large, otherworldly vessel unlike any the crew has seen before. They try to make contact with it, but to no avail. Suddenly, a large portal opens and the ship "swallows" Enterprise, rendering its weapons and engines useless. Luckily, life support is still operational. Archer, Trip and Reed take a shuttlepod into the cavernous ship for further exploration. Although there doesn't seem to be any immediate threat to Enterprise, Trip is suddenly attacked by a colorful wisp of smoke that seems to invade his body for a few seconds before releasing him. Back in Sickbay, Trip insists that he's fine. He explains that during his brief encounter with the alien wisp, he had an out-of-body experience and believed he was in Florida and visiting an old girlfriend.

Archer is perplexed, to say the least. He orders Trip to get the engines back online, then discusses the situation with T'Pol. Though Archer believes that their captors have hostile intentions, T'Pol cautions that there's no reason to believe these mysterious aliens mean Enterprise any harm. Suddenly, Archer and T'Pol are contacted by a crewman who informs them that Trip is acting strangely. They find the commander in the mess hall, devouring large amounts of food and speaking in an odd manner. Archer deduces that Trip has been overtaken by another being, and attempts to communicate with it. The alien informs Archer that Trip is exploring another realm while the alien explores humanity. Archer insists that Trip and Enterprise be released. The alien complies, and the giant alien vessel releases Enterprise while the alien lifeform leaves Trip's body. A dazed Trip tells Archer that his exchange with the alien made for some amazing experiences and that the aliens told him that anyone on the crew was free to try a similar exchange. Archer, however, is still skeptical, and is determined to get Enterprise away from the area as soon as possible. Unfortunately, engines are still down.

As the crew works, more of them are suddenly invaded by the strange, noncorporeal beings. Reed is overtaken and attempts to mate with T'Pol, while Hoshi is invaded and tries to incapacitate Dr. Phlox. As more and more crewmembers are overtaken, Archer realizes that Enterprise cannot leave the area until the crew is returned to normal. While Phlox works on a solution, Mayweather is chased into the catwalk by one of the wisps. When the wisp doesn't follow him, he realizes that the area must contain a component that keeps the alien beings out. Upon hearing this, Archer orders all unaffected crewmembers to the catwalk.

Once there, Archer and T'Pol discuss options for saving the crew. T'Pol has an idea: she wants to allow one of the aliens to enter her body so that she can learn the intentions of the beings. She insists that the highly-evolved Vulcan mind should be able to resist being overtaken. Once T'Pol leaves the catwalk, she immediately encounters one of the wisps. She is able to resist invasion, but learns that the beings have been lying to Archer. Their ship is deteriorating and they need corporeal bodies in order to survive. With this in mind, Archer hatches a plan — he will send Phlox (whose biological make-up is incompatible with the aliens) to release carbon dioxide into Enterprise's living quarters, rendering the affected crewmembers unconscious. Once that happens, the aliens won't be able to survive and will leave the crewmembers' bodies. Phlox carries out Archer's orders, but meets an unexpected foe: Trip, who has been overtaken once again. Luckily, Phlox manages to release the gas, which knocks Trip out. The wisps vacate the crewmembers' bodies and Enterprise takes off with the alien ship in pursuit. Enterprise fires torpedoes, which detonate and destroy the vessel for good.




Mission Date Unknown

Guest Cast:

J.G. Hertzler as Kolos
Daniel Riordan as Duras
Victor Talmadge as Asahf
John Vickery as Orak
Helen Cates as Klingon First Officer
D.J. Lockhart as Cell Guard
Granville Van Dusen as Magistrate
Danny Kolker as Guard

Director: James L. Conway
Story By: Taylor Elmore & David A. Goodman
Teleplay By: David A. Goodman

On Narendra III, Archer stands before a Klingon court magistrate and a crowd of blood-thirsty Klingons. The captain is charged with conspiring against the Klingon Empire, and will stand trial. He is banished to his cell, where Dr. Phlox pays him a visit. The doctor, who is tending to Archer under the ruse that the captain is suffering from a mysterious illness, quietly lets Archer know that T'Pol and the rest of the crew are working on a way to free their captain. As Phlox leaves, Archer meets his Klingon advocate Kolos, who warns him not to speak during the tribunal.

The trial gets underway, and Prosecutor Orak calls his first witness — Duras, the former captain of the battle cruiser Bortas. After a skirmish with Enterprise, Duras was demoted to second weapons officer. Duras explains that Enterprise was harboring Klingon fugitives, and he asked Archer to surrender them to the Bortas. Duras insists that the captain was very aggressive, and ordered an attack on the Bortas. Archer is appalled by Duras' account and wants a chance to explain himself, but Kolos tells him to keep silent. Orak notes that Archer was clearly the aggressor in the matter, and that the captain was obviously conspiring to disgrace Duras and incite a rebellion. In short, says Orak, Archer is an enemy of the Klingon Empire. Archer insists that Duras' account of events isn't correct, but once again, Kolos refuses to respond to the accusations.

Later, Kolos visits Archer in his cell — he's spoken to the magistrate, who is willing to offer Archer a deal. If the captain will give up the location of the fugitives, his life will be spared. Archer, however, doesn't believe the fugitives are guilty of anything, and refuses. Archer insists that he be allowed to defend himself, and expresses outrage the Kolos isn't willing to do more in order to attain justice. Kolos explains that he became an advocate many years ago, when things were different. Times have changed, and he feels that he's too old to change the rules. Archer accuses him of being afraid, shaming the honorable Klingon.

A short time later, Kolos seems to have a change of heart, and presents Archer's case with flair. He even convinces the magistrate to allow Archer to give his own version of the events. Archer describes finding a vessel with a small group of aliens aboard, many of them barely clinging to life. The crew brought the refugees onboard Enterprise, offering them food and medical assistance. The refugees explained that they were "annexed" by the Klingon Empire, only to be stripped of their resources and abandoned when they requested aid. When Duras showed up with the Bortas, Archer was reluctant to turn the refugees in. He tried to reason with Duras and negotiate a diplomatic outcome, but the Klingon captain wouldn't listen and the Bortas fired on Enterprise.

As Archer recounts his story, Kolos feels the trial turning in his favor. He offers further evidence that Archer is not an enemy of the Klingon Empire — after all, the captain has helped the Empire in the past. He exposed a Suliban plot to divide the Empire and later rescued a Klingon Raptor. Kolos' defense is convincing enough that the magistrate agrees to spare Archer's life. However, he sentences the captain to life in the dilithium mines on the penal colony of Rura Penthe. When Kolos objects to the sentence, the magistrate sentences him to a year on the colony.

On Rura Penthe, Archer and Kolos work side by side in the frigid mines. The duo is surprised when Archer's crewmates show up to rescue the captain — T'Pol managed to find a few Klingon officials to bribe. Archer asks Kolos to come with them, but he refuses. Kolos reveals that Archer has made an impression on him — he wants to restore honor to the Klingon people, but he cannot do that as a fugitive. As Archer and his crewmates escape, Kolos returns to work in the mines. Perhaps one day, he can help his people to a better future.




Mission Date Unknown

Guest Cast:

Corey Mendell Parker as Paul
Nicole Forester as Nora
Adam Paul as Nichols
Joan Pringle as Rianna
Philip Anthony-Rodriguez as Juan
Ken Feinberg as Alien Captain

Director: James A. Contner
Written By: Andre Bormanis

Enterprise reverses course to investigate a geological phenomenon — a planet that's about to be covered with erupting volcanoes. The course change will take the ship near the E.C.S. Horizon, the cargo ship where Mayweather grew up. Mayweather requests a few days off to make a family visit — he hasn't been home in several years, and his father is ill. The ensign is somewhat nervous about seeing his family — his father didn't seem to approve of his decision to leave Horizon to join Starfleet. Ultimately, Mayweather's homecoming proves to be bittersweet — when he contacts his mother, Rianna, she reveals that his father died a few weeks ago.

Once aboard Horizon, Mayweather finds himself adapting to the rough-around-the-edges cargo ship. It's sturdy, but doesn't boast the high-tech perks of the warp-5 Enterprise. Most of the ship's crew welcomes Mayweather warmly, expressing pride at the young ensign's accomplishments. Still, Mayweather can't help but feel a bit out of place. His brother, Paul, was promoted to captain upon their father's death. While Paul acts like he knows what he's doing, Horizon isn't exactly running like clockwork — the new captain doesn't seem to be quite ready for the job. He also seems resentful of Mayweather — when Mayweather attempts to make a few upgrades to Horizon, Paul curtly asks him to stop.

Soon, the Horizon faces a new, potentially disastrous challenge. An alien ship attacks the cargo vessel, attaching a dangerous homing device to its hull. Mayweather surmises that the device could explode if they try to detach it. Also, the crew notes that another ship was attacked several weeks earlier after a similar device was planted on their hull. An alien cruiser stole their shipment and killed several crewmembers. While Mayweather wants to adapt some of Horizon's systems in order to better prepare it for a possible fight, Paul insists that they jettison some of the cargo and attempt to make it to their next stop as soon as possible. If they can't make it, they will simply turn the cargo over to the aliens. Mayweather isn't too fond of this plan, but Paul is firm — this is his decision.

Meanwhile, on Enterprise, Trip is trying to convince T'Pol to come to a screening of "Frankenstein." T'Pol has no interest in human horror movies, but Archer eventually convinces her to go — fraternizing with the rest of the crew will be good for her. To her surprise, T'Pol finds herself engrossed in the movie. In fact, she later tells Archer and Trip that she sees it as parallel to the experience the Vulcans had when they first landed on Earth. She notes that she is looking forward to watching "Bride of Frankenstein."

On Horizon, Mayweather is making a few upgrades without Paul's knowledge. When Paul finds out, he angrily confronts his brother. Mayweather, however, is firm — he's just trying to help his family and the crew. Later on, the ship is approached by an alien cruiser. Paul prepares to surrender their cargo, but then the aliens make another request — surrender the Horizon. Paul enlists Mayweather's experience, ordering his brother to bring the makeshift weapons upgrades online and take the helm. Mayweather suggests cutting the cargo loose and battling the alien ship with Horizon's command module. Paul agrees, and the brothers are able to successfully fend off the alien attack.

In the end, Paul reconciles with his brother, and sends Mayweather back to Enterprise. Pleased that he and Paul have come to an understanding, Mayweather promises to visit soon.




Mission Date Unknown

Guest Cast:

Henry Stram as Hudak
Mark Chaet as Yolen
D.C. Douglas as Zepht
Laura Putney as Trevix
Jamison Yang as Crewman

Enterprise is asked to evacuate a group of Denobulan geologists from Xantoras, a world that has been taken over by a militant faction. The Denobulans are located in some underground caverns, so the rescue team — Mayweather, Trip and Reed — will have to traverse some treacherous rock formations in order to get them out. Meanwhile, another ship of off-worlders is headed away from Xantoras when their reactor casing is ruptured, flooding the ship with radiation. When the Xantoran officials refuse to let the ship land, Archer agrees to bring the evacuees onboard Enterprise for treatment. One of the evacuees is an Antaran named Hudak, who is horrified that Enterprise's doctor is Denobulan. Phlox explains to Archer that the Denobulans and Antarans have a troubled, bloody history between them — the two species have gone to war several times. Even though it's been three hundred years since the last conflict, much bad blood still exists between them.

As it turns out, Hudak has absorbed a heavy dose of radiation and will need a medical procedure in order to live. Hudak, however, refuses to be treated by a Denobulan, and Phlox won't treat a patient against their wishes. Archer threatens to order Phlox to do so, but the doctor stands firm — he will not treat the Antaran until Hudak gives his consent.

Meanwhile, Trip, Reed and Mayweather are attempting to navigate the treacherous caves on Xantoras. Mayweather is a skilled climber, and attempts to teach Reed and Trip various techniques. Unfortunately, the trio suffers a dangerous fall, and Mayweather injures his ankle. As he cannot proceed, Trip and Reed continue on without him and eventually locate the Denobulan geologists. The geologists, however, are unwilling to leave. Their research is going very well and they've collected many important rock samples.

On Enterprise, Archer tries to convince Phlox to set aside his preconceptions and attempt to get through to Hudak. If the Antaran doesn't receive the necessary treatment soon, he will die. Phlox attempts to make conversation with Hudak, but Hudak isn't interested. He asks Phlox if he ever told his children stories about evil Antarans, or taught them to be afraid of the Antaran people. Hudak's harsh words cause Phlox to examine his own upbringing — he remembers being taught to hate Antarans, and was determined not to raise his own children the same way. He tells Hudak that he tried to educate his children, to raise them so they wouldn't be prejudiced against other species. He also reveals that his son Mettus did end up embracing hateful, anti-Antaran values, and that this has created a rift between father and son. In the end, Phlox's words move Hudak, and the Antaran can't help but think of his own children. He agrees to go through with the procedure.

Meanwhile, a frustrated Trip has finally convinced the Denobulan geologists to leave the cave. As the caves are rocked by nearby fire, Archer discovers that a Xantoras patrol has opened fire on soldiers from a previous regime. Archer manages to convince the Governor of Xantoras to stop firing until Trip and the others return to Enterprise. They escape just in time, and the Denobulan geologists are brought safely onboard.

Having successfully recovered from the treatment, Hudak prepares to leave. Archer sees him off, informing him that the Denobulan geologists will be joining Hudak on the transport. Hudak is cautious, but seems more open to the idea than he would have previously. As Hudak heads off, Phlox sits in Sickbay, penning a letter to his son. He expresses that a recent experience has changed him and he hopes his son will listen. Perhaps it's the first step in re-building a bridge between a father and his estranged child.




Mission Date Unknown

Guest Cast:

Andreas Katsulas as Vissian Captain
F.J. Rio as Vissian Engineer
Larissa Laskin as Vissian Wife - Calla
Becky Wahlstrom as Cogenitor
Stacie Renna as Traistana
Laura Interval as Vissian Woman #2

Director: LeVar Burton
Written By: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga

Archer is thrilled to be within ten light years of a hypergiant star. As the crew prepares to study the phenomenon, they make first contact with another species — the Vissians, who are also in the area to study the hypergiant. After the Vissian captain, Drennik, explains that meeting new species is one of their primary goals, Archer invites him and his crew onboard Enterprise for dinner. Once there, Drennik and Archer hit it off, and Drennik invites Archer to join him when he takes the Vissian stratopod deep into the hypergiant the following day. Archer enthusiastically accepts the invitation. Meanwhile, other crewmembers are mingling with the Vissians. Reed hits it off with a female Vissian tactical officer, while Trip meets the Vissian chief engineer and his wife. Trip is intrigued by a third individual the couple has with them, a member of the species' third gender known as a "cogenitor." The cogenitor is a nameless individual who somehow makes pregnancies among Vissians possible — the engineer and his wife are trying to have a baby.

The Vissian engineer invites Trip to explore the engineering department on the Vissian ship. But, while there, Trip can't help but ask questions about the cogenitor. In an effort to learn more, he accepts a dinner invitation from the engineer and his wife. As they talk over dinner, Trip can't help but feel that the cogenitor is mistreated. The Vissians seem to think of it as something less than a pet, and it is not allowed to attend school or learn. With help from Dr. Phlox, Trip surreptitiously scans the cogenitor, and learns that it has the same mental capacities as the other Vissians.

Meanwhile, other Enterprise crewmembers are forming close bonds with their new Vissian acquaintances. Archer and the Vissian captain come to be friends as they pilot a small Vissian craft through the hypergiant, while Reed forms a romantic attachment to the Vissian tactical officer.

Trip, however, is becoming close to the cogenitor. After determining that it has the same mental capacity as other Vissians, he attempts to help it by secretly teaching it to read. He tries to encourage it, telling it that it has the same abilities and rights as other Vissians. He even goes so far as to invite it onboard Enterprise for a tour, and introduces it to such concepts as movies and games. The more the cogenitor learns, the more excited it is about the prospect of being able to live a fuller life. Unfortunately, the other Vissians don't feel the same way. Once they learn of Trip's secret encounters with the cogenitor, they inform him that he is no longer welcome on their ship. The cogenitor, meanwhile, asks Trip for refuge on Enterprise.

When Archer returns from his adventure with the Vissian captain, he is furious at Trip for interfering in Vissian affairs. However, he knows that he must take the cogenitor's plea for asylum seriously. After a meeting with the Vissians and further thought on the matter, he eventually decides that he must send the cogenitor back to the Vissian ship. As the captains bid farewell, the Vissian captain mentions that he hopes the incident won't tarnish the two species' future relationship.

Then, a few days later, tragedy strikes. The Vissian captain contacts Archer — the cogenitor has committed suicide. Angrily, Archer expresses his displeasure at Trip's actions. Trip realizes that his role in the cogenitor's education means that he is responsible for her death. Shaken, he can only ponder his actions and their consequences.



Air Date: 05.07.2003
Mission Date: Mar. 1, 2153

Guest Cast:
Mark Chadwick as Male Tarkalean
Jim Fitzpatrick as Commander Williams
Bonita Friedericy as Rooney
Adam Harrington as Researcher
Nicole Randal as Female Tarkalean
Paul Scott as Foster
John Short as Drake
Chris Wynne as Dr. Moninger

Creative Staff:
Director:  David Livingston
Written By: Mike Sussman & Phyllis Strong

An arctic research team discovers debris from an alien vessel, buried in a glacier along with the bodies of two cybernetically enhanced humanoids.

An arctic research team on Earth discovers debris from an alien vessel, nearly a century old, buried in a glacier along with the bodies of two cybernetically enhanced humanoids. Once those beings are thawed for investigation, they come to life and abduct the scientists and their transport vessel.

After visiting the research site, Admiral Forrest calls in Enterprise to find the transport. On the way, the crew receives a distress call from a Tarkalean freighter, which is under attack from an unknown species. Once they track down the freighter, the crew notes that it is being attacked by a modified version of the arctic transport.

Enterprise fends off the transport and brings the two Tarkalean survivors onboard. Phlox notes that they should live, but that nanoprobes from this cybernetic species have infiltrated their systems. They are being transformed into a cybernetic hybrid, and the formerly human researchers are most likely going through a similar transformation. Phlox is attempting to come up with something that will slow the nanoprobes' progress. Though Phlox doesn't believes these beings are a danger to the crew, Archer orders Reed to post a guard in Sickbay.

As Enterprise continues to search for the transport, Archer realizes that there's something familiar about this incident. He points to a speech Zefram Cochrane made years ago, wherein Cochrane referred to "cybernetic creatures from the future." T'Pol is skeptical of Cochrane's comments, but Archer remains troubled — Cochrane said that the creatures' ultimate goal was to "enslave the human race."

Back in Sickbay, Phlox is attacked by one of the cybernetic beings, who injects him with some strange tubules. The two altered Tarkaleans also attack the security guard and escape. When Phlox comes to, he realizes that he's been infected with nanoprobes. While he works furiously to figure out a treatment, Archer orders Reed and his security contingent to scour the ship for the altered Tarkaleans. As they search, the beings manage to modify most of Enterprise's primary systems. When Reed finally tracks them down, phase-pistols seem to have no effect on them — in fact, they're able to adapt very quickly and shield themselves from weapons fire. Desperate, Archer is forced to seal the modified Tarkaleans off from the rest of the ship and eject them into space.

Soon, Enterprise manages to locate the transport and sets out after it. While Trip and Reed prepare for the inevitable encounter with the strange beings, Archer and T'Pol wonder if they'll be able to save the now-altered humans aboard the transport. Meanwhile, Phlox has figured out a way to reverse his transformation — he will need to subject himself to an intense dose of radiation. If the procedure should fail, he warns Archer, the captain will have to end Phlox's life.

The crew finally tracks down the altered transport, which has increased in size. The transport targets the modified systems on Enterprise, effectively shutting the ship down. An incoming transmission informs the crew that they will be assimilated — resistance is futile. But Archer isn't ready to give up just yet. He and Reed transport over to the ship, determined to shut it down. While there, they encounter the now-altered arctic researchers, as well as other cybernetic lifeforms that used to be human. Reed and Archer head for the ship's EPS manifold, fighting off these lifeforms all the way. They manage to attach several charges to the manifold, then transport back to Enterprise. Once they do, the charges explode, ripping through the vessel. Still, Reed notes that the systems on the transport are quickly restoring themselves. With Enterprise's weapons coming back on-line, Archer orders Reed to target the transport's warp core. Enterprise fires, and the transport explodes.

Meanwhile, Phlox has managed to cure himself using the radiation. His experience has left him somewhat unsettled, however. He tells Archer and T'Pol that while he was infected, he seemed to have a connection with the rest of the aliens, as if he was part of a collective consciousness. They seemed to be trying to send some sort of message. As Archer later deduces, the message was actually a set of coordinates — the creatures were telling their homeworld how to find Earth. Though the danger seems to have passed for the time being, Archer worries that he's only postponed the inevitable invasion...






Air Date: 05.14.2003
Mission Date: Unknown

Guest Cast:
Brigid Brannagh as Ruby
Michael Canavan as Vulcan
Keith Carradine as Robinson
John B. Moody as Security Officer
Victor Bevine as Flight Controller

Creative Staff:
Director:  LeVar Burton
Written By: John Shiban & Chris Black


While Enterprise is investigating a nebula, Archer hears that A.G. Robinson, his old rival in the early days of the NX test program, has died.

Archer receives news that A.G. Robinson, his old rival in the early days of the NX test program, has died. During a shuttlepod mission, Archer reminisces to T'Pol about the time he and Robinson were pilots competing for the honor of being the first to break the Warp 2 barrier.

Just as Enterprise is about to investigate what appears to be a dark matter nebula, Archer receives word that his old rival A.G. Robinson has died while climbing Mt. McKinley. Archer and T'Pol set off in a shuttlepod, and while the captain is uncharacteristically quiet, T'Pol finally gets him to open up about his complicated history with Robinson. Archer begins to remember the days when he and Robinson were part of the NX test program trying to break warp 2, while Admiral Forrest was a Commodore overseeing the program at Starfleet Command...

Both Robinson and Archer want the first flight — the assignment is particularly important to Archer, as his father designed the engine. Ultimately, Forrest gives the mission to Robinson. Though Archer is disappointed, he promises to give Robinson all the support he needs — later, at the 602 Club, he even raises a toast to his rival. Robinson confides that Archer didn't get the assignment because he's too by-the-book. Archer is trying to be a great pilot, but Robinson knows that Starfleet would rather have a great captain.

The next day, Robinson goes up in the NX-Alpha. Archer and Forrest man mission control as a few Vulcan advisors look on. The mission starts off well, but when the vessel encounters some problems, Archer and Forrest tell Robinson to abort. Robinson, however, is determined to break warp 2. He does, but the NX craft is destroyed. Robinson manages to get out just in time via an escape pod. The Vulcans are unimpressed with Robinson's stubbornness, and believe the NX vessel is faulty. Later on, Archer has drinks at the 602 Club with Forrest and a new acquaintance — Lieutenant Trip Tucker. Forrest reveals that the Vulcans have urged Starfleet to put the NX program on hold for an indefinite period of time ... and Starfleet has agreed. When Robinson shows up, he and Archer get into a heated argument about the mission — Archer believes Robinson is at fault, while Robinson blames the engine. The two men eventually come to blows, until Trip breaks up the argument.

After he cools off, Archer realizes that Robinson's words ring a bit true — there are problems with the engine. He and Trip run a few calculations and realize that they can make it work. They enlist Robinson in a plan to convince the Vulcans that the NX program is worth keeping on track. Robinson, however, doesn't believe that just talking with the Vulcans will work. He suggests they use the remaining NX vessel, the NX-Beta, to prove their point. The trio plans a night launch — Trip runs things from the ground while Robinson and Archer head up in the NX vessel. They succeed in getting off the ground without being noticed, but it's not long before they're found out. As Forrest orders them back to the ground, the two officers manage to get to warp 2.5 without any disastrous technical malfunctions.

Back on the ground, Forrest is furious (if more than a little impressed) and lectures his officers on their carelessness. Archer can't help but respond. He gives an impassioned speech about the importance of their actions, and how it will only help to further human exploration. The NX program continues, and several years later, Archer is awarded command of the Enterprise.

Back in the present day, T'Pol is intrigued by Archer's story. Just as he's finishing up, they discover the elusive dark matter nebula they were searching for. As it lights up the sky, even T'Pol can't help but be in awe. Archer notes that a sight like this is one of the reasons he and Robinson worked so hard to explore space. Back on Enterprise, T'Pol mentions that it is a human custom to name something you've discovered. She suggests dubbing the nebula "The Robinson Nebula." A moved Archer can only nod in agreement.





#51 “BOUNTY”
Director:  Roxann Dawson
Teleplay By: Hans Tobeason and Mike Sussman & Phyllis Strong
Story By: Rick Berman & Brannon BragaGuest Cast:
Michael Garvey as Captain Goroth
Jordan Lund as Skalaar
Robert O'Reilly as Kago-Darr
Ed O'Ross as Gaavrin
Louis Ortiz as Klingon Warrior
Air Date: 05.14.2003
Mission Date: Mar. 21, 2153

A Tellarite bounty hunter captures Archer intending to turn him over to the Klingons for a substantial reward.

The crew of the Enterprise encounters Skalaar, a Tellarite who offers to give them a tour of a nearby planet. As it turns out, Skalaar is actually a bounty hunter who kidnaps Archer, planning to turn him over to the Klingons for a reward. The Klingons have apparently placed a substantial price on Archer's head since his escape from Rura Penthe. Archer tries to plead his case with Skalaar, but the Tellarite doesn't want to listen, and claims not to care if Archer is guilty of the crime he was imprisoned for. Archer soon learns that Skalaar plans on using the substantial reward money to buy back his cargo ship, the Tezra.

The Tellarite runs into trouble when a rival bounty hunter tracks him down and demands that he turn over Archer. Skalaar refuses, and the rival bounty hunter opens fire on the Tellarite's ship. Archers convinces Skalaar to temporarily free him — while Skalaar makes repairs, Archer will pilot the craft. The two men end up landing on a nearby planet, where they make further repairs to Skalaar's ship. As they work, Archer learns more about Skalaar's circumstances. The Tezra is very important to Skalaar — it was the first ship of its class, and Skalaar retrofitted the engines himself. On one mission, Skalaar and his brother were hauling cargo when Skalaar decided to take a shortcut through Klingon space. Unfortunately, the Klingons caught them and took the ship. Skalaar dreams of buying it back one day.

On Enterprise, T'Pol and Phlox are undergoing decon in order to get rid of a microbe they picked up on a recent away mission. T'Pol is acting strangely — she's having a hard time controlling her emotions and is making sexual overtures to Phlox. It appears that the microbe has activated T'Pol's mating cycle — she is undergoing pon farr. If she doesn't mate with a male soon, she will die. Phlox races to find a treatment, but T'Pol's emotions keep getting more and more erratic. Finally, she knocks Phlox out and escapes from Sickbay. Luckily, Reed and a security team manage to track her down and sedate her.

Meanwhile, Skalaar pays his brother Gaavrin a visit. Gaavrin now works as a maintenance engineer and is skeptical of Skalaar's schemes to win back the Tezra. Skalaar asks for an antimatter injector and tells Gaavrin it's only a matter of time before he's able to get the Tezra back. Gaavrin angrily informs Skalaar that his plan won't work — the Klingons cannibalized the ship a long time ago. There's nothing left of it. Skalaar is devastated by this news. Even if he can't get the Tezra back, he still has to give Archer to the Klingons ... or he may end up dead as well. Archer, however, has an idea.

Skalaar turns Archer over to the Klingons as planned, but hides a small lock pick in the captain's handcuffs. Meanwhile, he also alerts Enterprise to the location of the Klingon ship. Archer frees himself and departs the Klingon ship in an escape pod, just as Enterprise is arriving on the scene. Enterprise locks on to Archer and fends off the Klingon ship, damaging it enough to make a quick getaway.

In Sickbay, Phlox has managed to treat T'Pol and she wakes up feeling more or less like her usual self. Though T'Pol is embarrassed by her actions, Phlox promises not to mention what happened to anyone.

Finally, Skalaar contacts Archer to make sure the captain escaped the Klingons. He also warns that the price on Archer's head will probably double. Grateful to have made a new friend, Archer bids Skalaar farewell.






Director:  Allan Kroeker
Written By: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga

Guest Cast:
Gary Bullock as Klingon Council Member
Josh Cruze as Captain Ramirez
Dan Desmond as Klingon Chancellor
David Figlioli as Klingon Crewman
James Horan as Humanoid Figure
L. Sidney as Klingon Crewman #2
Bruce Wright as Dr. Fer'at
Air Date: 05.21.2003
Mission Date: Apr. 24, 2153

When a probe from an unknown alien source unleashes a devastating assault upon Earth, Enterprise is recalled, then sent to search for the perpetrators. An alien probe unleashes an assault upon Earth. Enterprise is recalled, and along the way home Captain Archer acquires information that the perpetrators come from a mysterious region of space known as the Delphic Expanse.

A probe from an unknown alien source unleashes a devastating assault on Earth, cutting a swath from Florida to Venezuela. Millions are killed, including Trip's younger sister, and Enterprise is called home. On the way back, the ship encounters a Suliban vessel that abducts Archer. Once again, Archer comes face to face with Silik and the mysterious humanoid figure. The figure informs him that the probe that attacked Earth was sent by the Xindi, a race that believes humans will destroy their homeworld in the future. They were given this information by individuals from the future who can communicate through time. The figure also tells Archer that the Xindi are working on a much more powerful weapon that they will use to destroy Earth. The humanoid figure believes that deploying such a weapon will contaminate the timeline.

Once Archer is returned to his ship and Enterprise reaches Earth, the crew is confronted with yet another obstacle — a Klingon bird-of-prey commanded by the vengeful Duras, who is determined to have his revenge on Archer and reclaim his honor. Luckily, a few Starfleet vessels are onhand to assist Enterprise in fending off the attack and the Klingons retreat. At Starfleet Headquarters, Archer tries to convince Admiral Forrest and Ambassador Soval that the threat the Xindi pose is very real. He even has a set of coordinates, given to him by the mysterious figure. The coordinates are inside the Delphic Expanse, an area that's something like the Bermuda Triangle of space. Soval and Forrest aren't convinced that Archer's information justifies a mission into this area. Luckily, the humanoid figure has also provided Archer with proof. Archer scans the remains of the Xindi probe with a quantum-dating device, which shows that some of the debris is from the future.

With this information, Starfleet gives Archer the go-ahead for a new mission to the Delphic Expanse. Enterprise is fitted with new weapons and equipment and assigned some military personnel. Meanwhile, the Vulcan High Command informs T'Pol that they do not want to her to go on the mission. — if she decides to remain onboard Enterprise, she will lose her commission.

Enterprise sets off, planning for a stop on Vulcan along the way to drop off T'Pol. First, however, they must deal once again with Duras, who attacks once again. The crew manages to fend him off using the newly-upgraded weapons. Meanwhile, T'Pol has come to a decision — she wants to remain on Enterprise. She has resigned from the High Command. With that settled, Archer sets a course for the Delphic Expanse.

As they approach the Expanse, Duras attacks once again — and this time, he has two other birds-of-prey to assist him. Though two of the Klingon ships turn back as they get close to the Expanse, Duras presses on. Through some clever maneuvering, Archer manages to avoid the Klingon ship and eventually destroys it. With no other obstacles in their way, the crew of the Enterprise bravely heads for the Expanse ... and the unknown.




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