Enterprise Episode Guide







Director:  Allan Kroeker
Written By: Manny Coto

Guest Cast: Golden Brooks as Alicia , Jack Gwaltney as Vosk , John Fleck as Silik , Joe Maruzzo as Sal , Tom Wright as Ghrath , Matt Winston as Daniels , Christopher Neame as German General , Steven R. Schirripa as Carmine , J. Paul Boehmer as SS Agent , John Harnagel as Joe Prazki , Sonny Surowiec as German Soldier
Air Date: 10.08.2004

With the crew still reeling from Archer's supposed death while halting the launch of the Xindi Superweapon, T'Pol and the others determine that they now have somehow time traveled to the year 1944 during World War II. However, they also realize that discrepancies loom for the WWII they know and the current catastrophes taking place on Earth, particularly in the particularly in the U.S., which seems to have been invaded by Nazis.

The captain is assaulted by Secret Service agents, including the sinister Ghrath � whom Archer suspects is an alien. Unbeknownst to Archer at the time, Ghrath is a subordinate of Vosk's, an alien of Ghrath's same race and a leader in league with the Nazis. Vosk is clearly troubled by Archer's appearance. With help from insurgents named Sal and Carmine, Archer is rescued from the agents, and taken to the apartment of Alicia, an African-American woman who soon realizes that Archer may be from another time and place. She convinces her friends Sal and Carmine to help Archer, as he tries piecing together this mysterious new situation. Archer incredulously realizes that Nazis have taken over the White House and nearly the entire Eastern seaboard during a disastrous new version of World War II.

On board Enterprise, the crew faces visitors of their own. First off, time traveler Daniels appears in horrific shape, giving details that the Temporal Cold War has become an all-out conflict with dozens of agents stationed throughout the timeline to wipe out others in a fight for complete dominance. He warns T'Pol and the others that they must stop "him�� but doesn't give any names before he collapses.

While Trip works to repair Shuttlepod One, he is assaulted by the Suliban Silik, who escapes in the vessel. Believing that the "him� Daniels mentioned must by Silik, T'Pol sends Trip and Mayweather after him, which takes them to a U.S. locale near New York where Shuttlepod One has crashed.

Meanwhile, Vosk is intent on helping the Nazis force their reach � and their concentration camps � even further. Clearly, Vosk � who says he is in total agreement with the Nazis that their race must be "pure � is receiving assistance from the Nazis in his own way and has convinced the Germans that they are all helping each other. Still, he is mysteriously obsessed with finding Archer, whom he regards as a threat to his mission.

Vosk's command to find Archer is successful as Ghrath tracks him down. During a fateful encounter with Archer, Ghrath reveals that his race is trapped and the Germans are helping them construct a conduit so they can return home. Ghrath also confuses Archer by referring to him as a "temporal agent.� Sal, trying to save Archer from Ghrath, kills him, convinced he is a Nazi who will only bring harm. Despite Archer's disappointment in seeing his information source muted, he absconds with a communicator that Ghrath had been holding. Shortly afterward, the menacing Vosk also finds Archer. But Archer � using Ghrath's communicator to call for a transport from a stunned Enterprise � escapes from him. Archer, with Alicia in tow, is transported back aboard where a relieved and crew welcomes him home.

On Enterprise, Archer meets with Daniels, who is near death. Daniels explains that Vosk leads the most dangerous faction of the Cold War who is violently opposed to the Temporal Accords. When almost captured once before, Vosk had unfortunately developed a form of stealth time travel to escape into the past. This particular World War II time juncture provides the only point where Vosk can be stopped. When Archer reveals information he learned from Ghrath � that Vosk's faction is building a conduit � Daniels urges him to destroy it. Daniels knows the conduit's destruction will be the only way to stop Vosk from destroying all other races.

And just as Archer is getting this information � and Daniels trails off to his death � Vosk kidnaps Trip and Mayweather on Earth. With them in his grasp, Vosk hopes to get � and kill � the one impediment to his grand plan: Archer.






Director:  David Straiton
Written By: Manny Coto

Guest Cast: Golden Brooks as Alicia , Jack Gwaltney as Vosk , John Fleck as Silik , Matt Winston as Daniels , Christopher Neame as German General , Steven R. Schirripa as Carmine , Mark Elliot Silverberg as Kraul , David Pease as Alien Technician , Burr Middleton as Newsreel Narrator

Air Date: 10.15.2004

As the Nazi invasion of the U.S. continues in an altered 1944, Archer and his crew map out their strategy to stop Vosk from building a time machine that will take him back to his own time and inflame the Temporal Cold War, wreaking havoc upon the timeline. Having befriended American resistance fighters intent on battling the Nazis, Archer has a ready-made force on the ground to help with his cause.

But first, he is intent on bringing Tucker and Mayweather back on board Enterprise. Vosk hails Archer, offering the chance for a rendezvous to retrieve the two men, although the alien most certainly will expect some sort of recompense. Indeed, at the meeting, Vosk clearly needs the technology aboard Enterprise to accelerate his task in building the time machine. But Archer has no intention of helping him, though Vosk insists that he is changing the timeline for the better ... despite Daniels' ardent claims otherwise. Back on board Enterprise with Tucker and Mayweather, Archer and Phlox learn that Trip isn't actually himself: the Suliban Silik has taken on his identity. Upon his exposure, Silik reveals that he has left Vosk's compound with a disk that contains schematics and other information about the time machine. Determined now to retrieve Trip � who is trapped inside the compound � and armed with the new data, Archer heads back to Earth accompanied by Silik, who shapeshifts into human form. T'Pol is left in command with orders to take out the compound as soon as Archer deactivates the shields and he gives her the go-ahead from the surface.

With the help of resistance fighters Alicia and Carmine, Archer and Silik head into Vosk's compound to deactivate the machine which is soon to be completed. Meanwhile, Alicia, Carmine and their cohorts fend off Nazi soldiers working on behalf of Vosk. However, as Archer and Silik make inroads to the machine's shields, soldiers descend on them. In the ensuing battle, Silik is wounded and dies. Just as Archer bids a farewell to him, the real Trip appears, having earlier freed himself from incarceration.

As German planes hover to protect the facility on Vosk's orders, Archer and Trip are transported back to Enterprise. Once there, Enterprise must do battle against the planes above the Manhattan skyline. Just as Vosk is about to enter a time portal, Enterprise fires upon his compound and destroys it, annihilating Vosk in the process.

Once Vosk's plan is foiled, Daniels � alive once again � appears to Archer, showing him that the timeline is resetting itself, and that all the damage Vosk caused never happened.

Within moments, finally, Archer and his crew are back to their own time, on their way home after saving Earth from the Xindi superweapon.






#79 �HOME�
Director:  Allan Kroeker
Written By: Michael Sussman

Guest Cast: Joanna Cassidy as T'Les , Michael Reilly Burke as Koss , Ada Maris as Captain Erika Hernandez , Gary Graham as Soval , Vaughn Armstrong as Admiral Forrest , Joe Chrest as Bar Patron #1 , Jim Fitzpatrick as Commander Williams , Jack Donner as Vulcan Priest
Air Date 10.22.04

The Enterprise crew returns home to a massive heroes' reception after their year-long mission in the Delphic Expanse. As they each tend to settling back in, Archer is particularly anguished over choices he had to make to save humankind from the Xindi's diabolical plot � and losing 27 crew members to the cause. He also becomes reacquainted with Erika Hernandez, an old classmate from command school who will soon be captain of the Enterprise's nearly completed sister ship, the Columbia NX-02. Then during a debriefing with the Command Council � including Admiral Forrest, Ambassador Soval and Erika at Starfleet Headquarters � Archer is angered over Soval's accusations that the crew did not do all they could to save some Vulcans during one of the exploits in the Expanse. A resultant outburst from Archer forces Admiral Forrest to order the captain to take a vacation for some much-needed rest.

Archer heads to a secluded mountain to get away from the constant adulation, and to try to find peace of mind. But soon after he arrives, Erika unexpectedly shows up, ready to offer him companionship and solace. While Archer isn't initially happy to see her, she prompts him to open up and express his hurt and anger over the travails and ordeals he and his crew suffered during the past year. He realizes that it will take time to come to terms with his experiences. He and Erika return to San Francisco and the Council reconvenes to finish the debriefing. When they do, Soval deems Archer's actions during the mission necessary, if morally dubious. And, in a rare gesture, Soval even thanks Archer for having done such a great service for both humans and Vulcans.

Meanwhile, T'Pol decides to visit her mother, T'Les, on Vulcan, and invites Trip to join her. When they arrive, T'Les is hardly thrilled to find T'Pol with a human companion, especially given that T'Pol had been engaged in a family-arranged bonding, which she had broken off three years earlier to stay aboard Enterprise. Despite her initial disdain towards Trip, T'Les can't help but eventually like him. And, despite neither T'Pol nor Trip telling her so, T'Les is quite certain the two are in love with each other. Further, she correctly surmises they haven't even told each other their true feelings yet either.

However, trouble looms for Trip and T'Pol being together when Koss, T'Pol's ex-fianc�, learns that T'Pol has returned. Koss comes to T'Les' house to visit T'Pol, and pushes aside her assertions that their engagement is over. He also makes a startling revelation: T'Les' mother didn't resign from her cherished academic post. T'Les was actually forced out apparently as retribution for T'Pol's involvement in the destruction of the P'Jem monastery. Koss also promises that � with his family's influence � he can have T'Les reinstated ... if T'Pol marries him.

Torn, and though curious about her current relationship with Trip, T'Pol decides to marry Koss. When a heartbroken Trip hears the news, T'Les encourages him to tell T'Pol his true feelings shortly before the marriage is to occur. But, as the wedding ceremony begins, Trip continues to keep his feelings to himself.

As for the other crew members, Reed and Mayweather have to defend Phlox in public when xenophobic sentiment is running feverishly high. An altercation in a San Francisco bar is broken up by Phlox himself, however, when he demonstrates a talent previously unknown to the humans � the ability to puff up his face like a blowfish.







Director:  David Livingston
Written By: Ken LaZebnik

Guest Cast: Brent Spiner as Dr. Arik Soong , Alec Newman as Malik , Abby Brammell as Persis , Joel West as Raakin , Big Show as Orion Slaver #1 , Dave Power as Pierce , J.G. Hertzler as Klingon Captain , Dayo Ade as Klingon Tactical Officer , Gary Kasper as Orion Slaver #2 , Bobbi Sue Luther as Orion Slave Woman , Thom Williams as Klingon Soldier #1

Airdate 10.29.04

Mission Date: May 17, 2154

A troop of superhumans invades a Klingon bird-of-prey, decimates the crew, and takes over their ship. With Klingons threatening retaliation, Captain Archer and his Enterprise crew are called upon to find the missing ship and bring the culprits back. Launching his mission takes him to an imprisoned brilliant scientist, Dr. Arik Soong. Soong "fathered� genetically-altered, strikingly attractive humans, called "Augments," who possess remarkable strength, agility and intelligence. They're nearly indestructible, and are deemed responsible for the Klingon massacre.

Soong has been jailed for stealing the embryos that became Augments, raising them on a planet in the Trialas System until he was captured a decade ago. Soong claims that he has no idea why the Augments would have taken possession of a Klingon ship, but does convince Archer that he can make them surrender without a fight. Plus, Soong is familiar with the area the Augments are in � the Borderland � a volatile region between the Klingon Empire and the Orion Syndicate that is a magnet for danger. Despite the crew's skepticism, an electronically shackled Soong joins the mission.

As Enterprise enters the Borderland, Soong does seem initially helpful, particularly when the crew soon encounters trouble. During an attack by an Orion Interceptor, T'Pol and eight crew members are beamed from Enterprise into a teeming slave market. Held by hulking Orions, T'Pol and the other slaves are outfitted with restrictive neurolytic restraints � capable of causing painful convulsions � while they await being auctioned off. Desperate to get T'Pol and the others back, Archer enlists Soong's help in being admitted into the Orion Slave Market as the two seek out the kidnapped Enterprise members. Unfortunately, T'Pol has already been auctioned off to an Orion, but Archer succeeds in bidding high enough for all the other members of his crew. When the would-be slaves are beamed back to Enterprise, Trip analyzes a purloined neurolytic restraint so that he can send a code to Archer and Soong that would free T'Pol from her restraint.

As Archer and Soong then punch up the code that frees T'Pol, bedlam breaks loose in the slave market as others are unexpectedly freed as well. However, Soong takes this golden opportunity to make his own getaway, and he and Archer wage a battle against each other in the chaotic slave market. Fortunately, Archer prevails, but he realizes that Soong lured Enterprise into this Orion ordeal precisely to plan his own escape. After Archer and Soong are beamed back aboard Enterprise, Archer demands that Soong lead him to the Augments, but a jailed Soong refuses. He pities Archer for not understanding the potential and supremacy of his genetically engineered Augments.

Meanwhile, aboard the apprehended bird-of-prey, a power struggle has taken over the Augments as their number two leader; Malik seeks to emerge victorious over Raakin, the group's leader up until now. As they are all in complete and utter devotion to their missing "father� � Dr. Soong � Malik feels Raakin has been leading the Augments astray. However, Malik's lover Persis feigns her devotion for Raakin, helping Malik unleash his plan to dominate the group. As Malik succeeds in rallying the other Augments to follow his command, he and Persis lure Raakin into a trap where he is killed by Malik.

Shortly afterward � with Malik at the helm � the Augments' bird-of-prey damages and hails Enterprise, seeking to dock. Malik comes aboard, disgusted that their beloved Soong has been relegated to the brig. Nearly choking Archer to death while Reed and some MACOs stand by helpless, the overpowering Malik demands that Soong be released. When Soong is, he and the Augments are euphorically reunited. Soong then tells Malik to spare Archer and his crew; Soong and the Augments will be too far away from Archer and a damaged Enterprise to be found and caught. Then, on board the bird-of-prey with his Augments, Soong ominously announces that they are going to build a new world together and must now get the thousands of Augment "brothers and sisters� waiting to be born.






Director:  Mike Vejar
Written By: Michael Bryant

Guest Cast: , Brent Spiner as Dr. Arik Soong , Alec Newman as Malik , Abby Brammell as Persis , Richard Riehle as Jeremy Lucas , Kaj-Erik Eriksen as Smike , Kris Iyer as Deputy Director , Adam Grimes as Lokesh , Amy Wieczorek as Female Pilot , Jordan Orr as Young Malik , Kevin Foster as Security Guard #1
 Airdate 11.05.04

Captain Archer and his crew discover that Dr. Arik Soong and his army of superhumans, the Augments, are bent on "awakening� thousands of genetically-altered embryos. That mission would render humanity extinct, as the Augments would take over mankind. Trying to find where Soong has taken the bird-of-prey which the Augments commandeered, Archer takes Enterprise to Trialas, where the Augments were "raised� years ago by Soong. There, Archer and Trip uncover Soong's plan, and realize that the embryos are on a medical research facility � which also stockpiles highly virulent diseases for research � called Cold Station 12. Soong is clearly making plans to incubate the embryos to be "born.� While looking through the settlement where Soong raised the Augments � but left them a decade ago after being captured � the crew also finds Smike, a less-than-perfect Augment who has been left behind.

Certain that Smike can help him further unfurl Soong's plan, Archer ingratiates himself and eventually convinces him to join Enterprise's mission in stopping the Augments. As Enterprise heads to Cold Station 12, Soong and the Augments have indeed arrived, taking C-12 workers hostage and furiously trying to procure the embryos which are currently locked away. Soong and the Augments' self-proclaimed leader Malik bear down on the facility's medical director, Dr. Jeremy Lucas, a Denobulan and good friend of Dr. Phlox. At first, Lucas insists that he doesn't have the access code to free the embryos from their stasis chamber, but the Augments � with their superior abilities � soon learn otherwise, and threaten Lucas' life if he doesn't divulge the information they need.

Soon after, Enterprise comes near Cold Station, but Soong pledges to kill Lucas if the ship doesn't turn around. Though Archer initially accedes to Soong's command, he has another plan in mind. Mayweather then arranges to transport Archer, Reed, Trip, Phlox, Smike and MACOs onto Cold Station to thwart Soong's efforts. But shortly after they arrive on Cold Station, they are quickly overcome by the far-stronger Augments, who are completely impermeable to attacks of any kind. Soon brought to Soong � and reunited with his nemesis once again � Archer promises to prevail. And, in fact, when T'Pol hails the Station, Archer � though held captive � orders her to proceed with launching a destruct code, that Starfleet has given them, which will decimate Cold Station 12.

Though T'Pol carries out the order, the Augments are able to block the code. T'Pol then scurries to find other means to destroy Cold Station 12. Yet, as she does, Augments still in the commandeered bird-of-prey block Enterprise's every move.

Then, as Malik and other Augments realize Lucas' connection to Phlox, they threaten to kill the Enterprise doctor with a deadly pathogen on board the Station if Lucas won't give up the access code to release the embryos. Fearing for his friend's life, Lucas discloses the information they need. Soong is awestruck as he is reunited with the thousands of embryos.

Afterward, as Malik leads Archer and the others to a containment cell, he tells them that Soong and the Augments will be leaving shortly with the embryos. When they do, Malik says that they will also release a pathogen that will kill those left on Cold Station 12. And as his bravado reaches a fever pitch, Malik even kills Smike to prove his superiority. Helplessly, T'Pol and the others aboard Enterprise watch as the Augments' bird-of-prey looms nearby and Soong, Malik and the Augments � via a medical shuttle from C-12 � go aboard it with their released embryos in tow.

Left behind on C-12, Archer and the others now must determine a way off the station � or somehow stop the deadly pathogen's release � before they succumb to its fatal effects.





Director:  LeVar Burton
Written By: Michael Sussman

Guest Cast:  Brent Spiner as Dr. Arik Soong , Alec Newman as Malik , Abby Brammell as Persis , Adam Grimes as Lokesh , Richard Riehle as Jeremy Lucas , Mark Rolston as Captain Magh , Kristen Ariza as Augment #1
Airdate 11.12.04

Mission Date: May 27, 2154

Trapped on Cold Station 12 with soon-to-be-released deadly pathogens, Captain Jonathan Archer barely manages to divert them before being transported back aboard Enterprise in the nick of time, narrowly escaping death. Now more than ever, Archer is driven to track down Dr. Arik Soong and the Augments in their hijacked Klingon bird-of-prey as they seek refuge in an isolated locale to "raise� thousands of just-begotten Augment embryos.

Aboard the bird-of-prey, Malik � who considers himself the Augments' true leader now � continually questions Soong's leadership. And Soong is shocked to learn that � instead of having their ship take them to a safe haven � Malik has designs on a far more diabolical plan. With pathogens he has purloined from Cold Station 12, Malik wants to unleash them aboard torpedoes aimed at the Klingons' Qu'vat colony. With the Klingons blaming humans on that ensuing tragedy, Malik knows a war would undoubtedly result which would keep Klingons and Starfleet embittered and embattled as the Augments rise to power. Conversely, Malik is upset to discover that Soong has decided to manipulate the DNA of the embryos to make them less violent. Malik realizes that Soong must have also fixed "mistakes� in his generation of Augments as well.

On Enterprise, Archer and his crew make headway in determining how to track down Soong and the Augments. But when Archer makes contact with them, Soong orders an attack, and their two ships engage in battle. Yet just as Archer feels that stopping Soong and his "offspring� is imminent, Soong waylays them by stranding a female Denobulan in a shuttle that he knows Archer will rescue. Even so, Archer pledges that he will see Soong again soon.

After their unexpected detour, Archer enlists the crew's expertise in pinpointing Soong's bird-of-prey once again. But trouble is brewing for Soong aboard his ship. Malik has corralled the other lead Augments � including Soong's favorite, Persis � in removing Soong from command and imprisoning him aboard the ship. Soong is hardly surprised, but also realizes that he must stop Malik's deadly plan: it will only prove what others say about the Augments and all the Augments will be killed as a result.
Persis helps Soong escape in a shuttlepod and he calls on his only option: a surprised Archer. Archer isn't convinced that the duplicitous Soong is actually on his side, even with his scenario that Malik has planned to attack a Klingon colony. But Soong is able to prove his case with evidence on the stolen pathogens. With that information, Archer has Soong work with the
Enterprise crew on once again finding the Augments' ship and intercepting their fatal torpedoes.

Having discovered that Soong has escaped, Malik � who has sussed out Persis as his traitor and killed her � takes command of the bird-of-prey to attack the Klingon colony. Soon, he is engaged in trying to accomplish his deadly mission before Enterprise catches up with him. But the two are soon in battle as Enterprise succeeds in halting the torpedoes' course, and the Augments sustain massive injuries. However, this accomplishment only seems to embolden Malik further as he prepares to continue an assault on Enterprise. At that point, Soong pleads with Malik to stop and save his brethren. Shortly thereafter an explosion rips through the bird-of-prey, decimating it. However, Malik has escaped the ruin by transporting himself onto Enterprise, where he is bent on killing Soong, and proceeds to strangle him. Archer then saves Soong by shooting and killing Malik.

While Archer has afforded Soong some leniencay since he helped save the Klingon colony, the doctor must still return to jail, as Archer accompanies him to the Starfleet Detention Center. Despite Soong's last research ending so disastrously, he decides to commence other studies � this time concentrating on artificial lifeforms.







Director:  Michael Grossman
Written By: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Guest Cast:  Vaughn Armstrong as Admiral Forrest , Gary Graham as Soval , Michael Nouri as Arev , Robert Foxworth as V'Las , Larc Spies as Stel , Michael Reilly Burke as Koss
 Airdate 11.19.04

A tragic incident shakes human-Vulcan relations to the core when a bomb is set off in a protected area of the United Earth Embassy that claims 43 lives, including that of Admiral Forrest. The bomb detonated just before the High Command may have been announcing its intent to conduct joint missions with Starfleet. In the throes of the blast, Forrest actually saved the life of an extremely grateful Soval. As Enterprise is called to Vulcan after the tragedy, Soval comes aboard the ship with the head of the Vulcan High Command, Administrator V'Las, and his security chief, Stel. With the embassy officially on Earth soil, Captain Jonathan Archer is to handle the official investigation. The initial research from the bomb fragments that Mayweather and Reed extricate finds the DNA fingerprint of a Vulcan, T'Pau. She is a member of the Syrrannites, a zealous Vulcan sect that believes in � among other Vulcan taboos � the practice of mind-melding. Syrrannites follow a corrupted form of the teachings of Surak, the father of Vulcan logic who is considered the most important Vulcan who ever lived. A wanted man named Syrran is the sect's current leader. With a Syrrannite now suspected, V'Las announces that Vulcans will take over the investigation.

Despite the frosty relations Soval has weathered with Archer, he tells the captain that they must team up to find the culprit � so that one day Vulcans and humans really can work together on a joint mission.

T'Pol's in-name-only husband Koss then arrives on board to give T'Pol an IDIC pendant from her mother, T'Les, which � to T'Pol � is mysterious and portends trouble for her mother. But more surprising, Koss tells T'Pol that her mother is a Syrrannite. T'Pol then finds that the IDIC actually projects a holographic relief map that Syrrannites � currently afraid of persecution � are following. Archer knows that by using this map they can find T'Pol's mother, and T'Pau. However, their journey will take them across a horrific swath of Vulcan desert known as "The Forge,� and once there, all communications will be impossible. As Archer leaves the ship for the inhospitable territory, he warns Trip not to trust the Vulcans aboard as the crew tends to a sick bay full of injured bomb victims.

Then, Trip and Phlox make a fateful discovery when they determine that the DNA on the bomb fragment has been forged. They realize that T'Pol and Archer � whom they cannot even reach right now � may be after the wrong culprit. Determined to find out the true criminal, Trip reviews security tapes from those admitted to the embassy the morning of the tragedy and pinpoints one possible suspect. He realizes that one of the injured in sickbay was the guard who would have seen, admitted, recognized � and known � the culprit. But Phlox warns that the guard is in a coma. Still, Trip is certain that they must have some recourse in finding out more from the man, and suggests to Soval the possibility of a mind-meld. Initially, Soval is aghast at the prospects but soon realizes he has no choice if they hope to find out more about how this tragedy could have happened. Soval performs the mind-meld himself and � to his surprise � realizes that Stel planted the bomb. Confronting Stel and V'Las, Soval hopes to get Stel to admit his wrongdoing and then be brought up on charges with the High Command. But once V'Las and Stel realize that Soval obtained the information that would convict them through a mind-meld, the pair realize they have gotten away with murder. Yet despite the repercussions he may endure, Soval is committed to telling the High Command what he knows � and how V'Las wants to blame the bomb tragedy on the Syrrannites.

As T'Pol and Archer travel through the inhospitable Forge, they meet up with a stranger who claims his name is Arev. He treats Archer with disdain and is hesitant to believe that he and T'Pol are interested in finding out more about the Syrrannite way of life. Arev � who does not reveal his true identity as Syrran � is reticent to bond further with T'Pol and Archer until he gets a better read on their motives. But, as the three are holed up in Syrran's cave during a sandfire storm, Syrran sees T'Pol's IDIC pendant. He realizes that he knows all about T'Pol, and her missions on Enterprise. He tells her that T'Les is safe with the others in the T'Karath Sanctuary and that � after the sandfire storm dies down � he will take them both there. Further, he speaks reverently of Surak and how one Syrrannite actually holds Surak's "katra� � the essence of his mind. Anyone who performs a mind-meld with this certain Syrrannite also touches the mind of Surak. Then, an explosion rips through the cave, and Syrran is gravely injured. As Archer tries to help the dying Vulcan, Syrran performs a mind meld on an unwitting Archer. In the process, Archer � unbeknownst to him � gathers all the information he needs to take he and T'Pol to the Sanctuary � and actually now posseses Surak's "katra� as well.

Confused over Archer's seeming omniscience, T'Pol and he arrive at the Sanctuary. Immediately they are attacked, and Archer is threatened with a knife to his neck; the Syrrannites have no idea that he holds the mind � and persona � of their revered leader.







Director:  Roxann Dawson
Written By: Andre Bormanis

Guest Cast:  Kara Zediker as T'Pau , Gary Graham as Soval , Bruce Gray as Surak , Robert Foxworth as V'Las , Joanna Cassidy as T'Les , John Rubinstein as Kuvak

Airdate 11.26.04

As Captain Jonathan Archer and T'Pol reach the Syrrannite compound after crossing the treacherous Forge expanse, they are immediately treated like traitors. But as T'Pol's mom T'Les comes forward, the Syrrannite de facto leader T'Pau backs off a bit, especially after she realizes a dangerous exchange has taken place. Before he died, the Syrrannites revered leader Syrran mind-melded with Archer, giving the captain his "katra.� The Syrrannites regard the "katra� as the living spirit of Surak, a man who died 2,000 years ago and is considered the greatest Vulcan who ever lived. Archer, who has been feeling strangely since Syrran mind-melded with him, is having visions of Surak, and realizes that the notions of katra must be true. Further, while T'Pau tries to extract the katra from Archer through another type of mind-meld, Surak resists, staying firmly planted in Archer's consciousness. Surak has decided that Archer should have this katra; Vulcans cannot possibly understand the severity of dangers they currently face. In trying to protect Vulcans, Surak believes that Archer is his best recourse in saving his race.

Meanwhile, V'Las is determined to lead the Vulcan High Command on a mission to bombard the Syrrannite camp. Despite Soval's findings otherwise, V'Las has convinced his colleagues that the Syrrannites are responsible for the embassy bombing that claimed Vulcan and human lives.

With those machinations playing out, Soval has been denounced by V'Las and the Vulcan High Command for the mind-melding he previously conducted aboard Enterprise. Certain that the High Command is headed in the wrong direction by targeting the Syrrannites for the embassy bombing, Soval decides to align himself with the Enterprise crew. And he is intent on helping Trip retrieve Archer and T'Pol from the Syrrannite compound. With Soval's being aboard a secret, V'Las informs Trip that Enterprise must now leave their airspace. But Trip ignores the order, and instead continues his plan to send Mayweather and Reed on a shuttlepod to rescue Archer and T'Pol. Unbeknownst to Trip and the others, V'Las doesn't want Enterprise in Vulcan airspace because the crew will witness the devastation he will be unleashing on the Syrrannites.

As Mayweather and Reed depart for The Forge � with a finite window of time for the rescue � V'Las strikes the shuttlepod, forcing the duo to return to Enterprise. Back on Enterprise, Trip confronts an angry V'Las. Trip is insistent that he must save Archer and T'Pol, but an unmoved V'Las then attacks Enterprise, pummeling the ship. On Soval's advice, Trip realizes they need another course of action; with V'Las unrelenting, the crew will never be able to help Archer and T'Pol if they don't survive the Vulcans' force so they leave.

Then later, just as V'Las bombards the Syrrannite compound, Archer � with Surak's guidance � tells T'Pau that he can direct her to the "Kir'Shara,� a mysterious artifact that was extremely important to Surak. While no one is certain of the artifact's specific meaning, Syrran apparently brought the Syrrannites to this area to find it. T'Pol and T'Pau follow Archer into a cave, where he discovers the Kir'Shara. However, upon their return to the compound, T'Pol makes a grim discovery: her mother is dying from the torturous Vulcan attack. V'Las has made certain that his ambush would leave no survivors.

As T'Pol contends with the tragedy and she, T'Pau and Archer try to escape the continuing decimation, Soval relays a terrifying scenario to Trip. He finally reveals the secret he had been keeping: the High Command wanted to pin the embassy bombing on the Syrrannites because they are considered pacifists. Loyal to Surak's teachings and resistant to violence, the Syrrannites would have resisted the High Command's current plan to attack Andoria. Despite the fact that Vulcan and Andoria signed a peace treaty, Vulcan intelligence claims that the Andorians are developing a Xindi-type weapon. Armed with that precept, V'Las has persuaded the High Command to launch a pre-emptive strike, which Trip � and Soval � know will start an interstellar war that could impact Earth as well.

Now, more than ever, as V'Las' adversary and for the greater good, Trip sets a course for Andoria �







Director:  David Livingston
Written By: Michael Sussman

Guest Cast:, Robert Foxworth as V'Las , Jeffrey Combs as Shran , John Rubinstein as Kuvak , Gary Graham as Soval , Michael Reilly Burke as Koss , Kara Zediker as T'Pau , Todd Stashwick as Talok , Jack Donner as Vulcan Priest , Melodee M. Spevack as Andorian Com Voice

Airdate 12.03.04

The Vulcans having decimated the Syrrannite compound, Archer � with T'Pol and T'Pau � is driven on bringing the Kir'Shara relic to the Vulcan High Command. V'Las has succeeded in convincing his fellow High Command members that the Andorians will be using Xindi technology to obliterate the Vulcans � although they have a peace accord in place � and is plotting the attack. Because the future-knowing Surak is literally in his mind, Archer knows that time is of the essence; he must bring the Kir'Shara to the High Command before the Vulcans go to war with the Andorians. Unfortunately for Archer and his traveling companions, V'Las is going to extremes to thwart any interference they may cause in carrying out his battle strategy. Further, their showing up and professing the pacifistic views of the Vulcan Syrrannite faction would nullify his framing them for the embassy bombing. To that end, he has sent his henchman Talok to find Archer, T'Pol and T'Pau and "eradicate� them.

Meanwhile, Trip is intent on halting an Andorian-Vulcan face-off that would surely spell doom for Earth as well. Working with Soval, the two uncover the Vulcan strategy and then take their information to Andorian Commander Shran. Shran is initially uncertain that Soval has Andoria's best interests in mind and goes so far as to beam the Vulcan aboard the Andorian ship for rounds of emotional torment. But finally, when Trip discovers that the missing Soval is in the hands of Shran, he intercedes, convincing Shran that Soval is indeed thwarting his own race's plans for the good of all.

Talok and his crew find Archer, T'Pol and T'Pau, and a battle ensues. While T'Pau leads Archer � and the invaluable Kir'Shara � to safety, T'Pol is captured, to Archer's chagrin. While Talok tries to find the still-at-large Archer and T'Pau, T'Pol is taken to the High Command.

Continuing their trek to the High Command as well, Archer and T'Pau arrive just as V'Las is relishing the beginning battle between the Vulcans and the Andorians. However, Shran has led the Andorians � with Trip and Enterprise's help � to surprise and combat the Vulcan ships. Heavy battle starts but V'Las faces resistance to his plans from fellow High Command members when Archer arrives, claiming he has the Kir'Shara. To prove it, Archer � instinctively working a series of controls on the artifact � unleashes holographic images of Vulcan text and graphics. The Kir'Shara's obvious power and meaning astonishes the High Command members � who now turn against V'Las.

As Archer explains that T'Pau was framed for the embassy bombing, the High Command members realize that � through her work in bringing the Kir'Shara to them � the Vulcans' true path is now revealed.

With that revelation, and as Enterprise and the Andorian ship are doing their best to ward off the Vulcans, the Vulcan ships are called off and a war is averted. Afterward, Archer realizes that Vulcan and Earth are headed into a new era as the High Command is dissolved. Archer also, fortunately, is able to mind-meld with a Vulcan monk, who relieves him of the katra so that Surak is no longer inside his mind.

And while V'Las is relieved of his duty and an investigation is launched into his role in the embassy bombing, he and Talok seem to be in the midst of still continuing more nefarious plans.







Director:  David Straiton
Written By: Ken LaZebnik & Michael Bryant

Guest Cast: Bill Cobbs as Emory Erickson , Leslie Silva as Danica Erickson , Donovan Knowles as Quinn Erickson , Noel Manzano as Ensign Burrows

Airdate 01.14.05

Captain Archer is delighted to welcome his mentor, Emory Erickson who invented the transporter, along with his daughter, Danica, aboard Enterprise to conduct experiments in sub-quantum teleportation. Erickson seems to be progressing nicely in his work, until the ship enters the blackest and most dangerous area in space known as The Barrens, and a member of Starfleet is brutally killed by an amorphous shape.

When it becomes evident to Archer that Erickson lied about the true nature of his mission, Erickson confesses that his objective is to materialize his son Quinn, who was lost in a transporter-malfunction 15 years ago. Although furious with his friend for lying to him and for putting his crew in danger, Archer lends Erickson his support and allows him to carry out his dangerous mission.

With Trip's reluctant engineering assistance, Erickson is able to make contact with his son. But joy quickly turns to horror when Quinn's body materializes in a deteriorated state, and completing the transport process will surely kill him. Archer urges his friend to finally let his son go, but Erickson protests, needing to hold his son one last time to say goodbye. Stoically, Erickson completes the teleportation process and soon cradles his son's lifeless body. T'Pol, who has not yet come to terms with the recent death of her mother, is clearly affected by the touching goodbye of a father to his son.







Director:  Mike Vejar
Written By: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Airdate 01.21.05

While playing a friendly game of chess, it becomes apparent that Reed and Mayweather have been inhabited by two members of an alien species who intend to observe how humans react when faced with an imminent tragedy.

While returning from a routine scavenger expedition on a mysterious planet, Trip collapses from a sudden pain in his lungs, forcing Hoshi to pilot the shuttlepod and make an emergency landing aboard Enterprise. Suddenly, Hoshi also becomes ill and Phlox delivers the devastating prognosis that Hoshi and Trip have been infected by an incurable virus that will leave them dead within hours, as well as anybody with whom they come into contact.

Hoping to ease their pain, Phlox injects Hoshi and Trip with a sedative, causing them to drift off into a deep sleep. Suddenly, Trip and Hoshi sit up in bed, inhabited by the aliens who now wish to experience the sensation of human illness. Phlox, stunned to see Hoshi and Trip awake and talking, gets the shock of his life when the aliens admit their presence in his patients. Phlox is soon silenced when the aliens erase his recent memory, as they have also done with Mayweather and Reed.

After the alien leaves Hoshi's body, she suddenly goes into cardiac arrest. Upon realizing that Phlox can't handle the defibrillator on his own, Archer throws off his gloves and lifts his bio-hazard helmet; thus exposing himself to the deadly virus.

Stoically, Archer accepts his dire fate and, and after placing T'Pol in command, goes to stay with Trip until the end. Trip, now inhabited by one of the aliens, sits up and confesses to a stunned Archer that he is an alien who has been occupying Trip's body in order to conduct research on humans. Archer is furious when the aliens admit to knowing about the deadly virus as well as having the power to cure those infected.

Archer begs the aliens to intervene and save Hoshi and Trip, but his ardent plea falls on deaf ears. Compassion wins out in the end when the aliens bring Hoshi and Trip back to life as a reward for Archer's heroism.







Director:  David Straiton
Written By: Mike Sussman & Andre Bormanis

Guest Cast: Jeffrey Combs as Shran , Lee Arenberg as Gral (Tellarite) , Brian Thompson as Valdore , J. Michael Flynn as Nijil , Molly Brink as Talas , Kevin Brief as Naarg , Jermaine Soto as Maco Crewman

Airdate 01.28.05

Mission Date: November 12, 2154

The Enterprise crew welcomes aboard a group of Tellarites, including Ambassador Gral, to transport them to the neutral planet of Babel, where Earth mediators will try to settle a long-standing trade dispute between the Tellarites and the Andorians. After receiving fragments of a distress call, Enterprise alters course to provide assistance, and arrive to find that an Andorian vessel has been destroyed by what seems to be a Tellarite ship. Though furious with the Tellarites for compromising the conference, Archer has no choice but to bring the Andorian survivors, including Commander Shran, aboard Enterprise.

After Shran and his crew are rescued, Gral vehemently denies any involvement in the attacks. Suddenly, Enterprise is attacked by what appears to be an Andorian ship, but the attacking vessel quickly moves off and Enterprise lays in a pursuit course.

The alien who seems to be piloting the Andorian ship through a synaptic interface, alerts a Romulan scientist named Nijil and a Romulan officer named Valdore that Enterprise is approaching.

The Enterprise crew locates the ship that attacked them, but the ship is motionless. Trip, Reed, and a few MACOs board the drifting ship to investigate, and are stunned to find it deserted. Panic ensues when the ship suddenly powers up and starts to fire upon Enterprise. Acting quickly, T'Pol is able to beam up the MACOs, but the transporter malfunctions before Trip and Reed can be rescued. As if a bad situation couldn't get any worse, damage to Reed's oxygen hose leaves Reed and Trip with a very limited supply of oxygen to be shared between them.

T'Pol soon learns that the ship that attacked Enterprise was a Romulan ship altered to look like an Andorian ship. Archer deduces that the Romulans want to start a war between the Andorians and Tellarites; thus halting a possible trade agreement between the two alien races.

While awaiting rescue on the mysterious ship, Reed tells Trip that T'Pol's marriage to Koss has been annulled. The moment is interrupt when the static ship starts rocking violently, knocking Trip and Reed off their feet. After struggling to make their way through the ship, Reed and Trip are mystified when they discover that the bridge is completely deserted as well.

Back aboard Enterprise, Shran and his paramour, Talas, seek revenge for the attack on their ship and execute a surprise ambush against Gral and the other Tellarites. After Talas is severely wounded in the scuffle, Archer stuns both sides when he announces he has evidence that will prove that the Tellarites did not attack Shran and his crew.






#89 �UNITED�

Director:  David Livingston
Teleplay By: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Story By: Manny Coto

Guest Cast: Jeffrey Combs as Shran , Lee Arenberg as Gral (Tellarite) , Brian Thompson as Valdore , Geno Silva as Vrax , Kevin Brief as Naarg , Molly Brink as Talas , J. Michael Flynn as Nijil , Scott Allen Rinker as Pilot
Airdate 02.04.05

Nijil and Valdore continue to control the mysterious Romulan ship that has trapped Reed and Trip, masking it to look like Enterprise and using the ship to destroy a Rigellian vessel. After a Romulan Senator named Vrax chastises Nijil and Valdore for losing control of the ship, Nijil and Valdore vow to kill the humans onboard (Trip and Reed) in order to cover their tracks. Nijil and Valdore trap Trip inside the service junction and leak radiation coolant inside. Over a speaker, Valdore orders Trip to re-establish the damaged warp matrix on the ship or he will die. Reed works frantically to free Trip, but the situation is made worse when the ship engages Enterprise in an intense firefight.

Meanwhile, aboard the real Enterprise, T'Pol devises a plan that will require the cooperative use of 128 space ships in order to expose the real culprit behind the recent attacks. Archer realizes that to amass enough ships to carry out the plan he will need to unite the Andorians and Tellarites. Archer's attempt hits a snag when Talas dies from her wound and a devastated Shran, vowing to avenge her death, challenges Naarg to a duel to the death to be fought with an Ushaan-Tor, an ice-miner's tool.

Knowing that either a Tellarite or an Andorian death will forever halt peace talks in the region, Archer announces to Shran that he will fight him as Graal's replacement. Archer and Shran both fight valiantly, but Archer gets the upper hand and wins, sparing Shran's life.

Aboard the Romulan ship, which is under fire by Enterprise, Reed and Trip narrowly escape death by ejecting themselves from the spacecraft, and are transported back aboard Enterprise. Archer is pleased when the Andorians and the Tellarites agree to stay aboard the ship to hold their peace talks.

Back at the Romulan command center, Valdore makes his case to Nijil and Vrax: Jonathan Archer must die so the Romulans can carry out their goal of reunification with Vulcan.







Director:  Mike Vejar
Teleplay By: Andre Bormanis
Story By: Manny Coto,

Guest Cast: Jeffrey Combs as Shran , Alexandra Lydon as Jhamel , Brian Thompson as Valdore , Geno Silva as Vrax , Alicia Adams as Lissan , Scott Allen Rinker as Gareb
Airdate 02.11.05

After learning that the brainwaves used to control the menacing drone ships belonged to a member of an Andorian sub-species of telepaths called the Aenar, Archer and Shran set off for Andoria to discover the culprit's identity. After a long and perilous journey through the freezing Androrian climate, Archer and Shran meet Jhamel, an Aenar woman who valiantly offers to help in their quest. Jhamel agrees to join them on Enterprise to test a telepresence unit, which can be extremely dangerous, in order to make contact with the Aenar who is telepathically controlling the drone ships. Jhamel fears that her brother, Gareb, whom she thought was dead, is the Aenar responsible for the drone ship attacks.

Meanwhile, to cover their tracks for their previous failed missions, Nijil and Valdore set their plan into motion to have their Aenar use the two Drone ships to finally destroy Enterprise.

Aboard Enterprise, Jhamel uses the telepresence unit to contact Gareb, who has already engaged the two Drone ships to fire upon Enterprise. Jhamel's love for her brother is able to permeate his brainwashed state, and Gareb stops the attacks. After Valdore shoots Gareb for disobeying his orders, Jhamel takes great comfort in the fact that her brother died a hero.

Realizing his personal feelings for T'Pol are affecting his work, Trip asks Archer to transfer him to another ship.






Director:  Michael Grossman
Teleplay By: Mike Sussman
Story By: Manny Coto

Guest Cast:, John Schuck as Antaak , James Avery as General K'Vagh , Ada Maris as Captain Erika Hernandez , Eric Pierpoint as Harris , Terrell Tilford as Marab , Kate McNeil as Lt. Collins , Brad Greenquist as Alien #1 , Derek Magyar as Kelby , Marc Worden as Klingon Prisoner , Seth MacFarlane as Ensign Rivers 

Airdate 02.18.05

While on Earth, Dr. Phlox is kidnapped by a group of mysterious aliens and taken to a bizarre Klingon facility. There the Denobulan doctor learns that a scientist's attempts to create Klingon Augments went awry and now a deadly disease is ravaging the Klingon population. He'll be held hostage until he finds the cure.

While Enterprise frantically tries to locate Phlox, Reed withholds important information from Archer after Starfleet Operations Officer Harris tells Reed that keeping Archer in the dark is the only way to keep Phlox alive.

Though experiencing usual thoughts of T'Pol, Trip must leave Enterprise to start his new post aboard the Starship Columbia.






Director:  David Barrett
Written By: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens

Guest Cast: Kristin Bauer as Laneth , James Avery as General K'Vagh , John Schuck as Antaak , Terrell Tilford as Marab , Eric Pierpoint as Harris , Ada Maris as Captain Erika Hernandez , Wayne Grace as Krell , Matt Jenkins as Tactical Officer
Airdate 02.25.05

With the help of Captain Hernandez, Trip and the newly-launched starship Columbia, Archer pursues the kidnapped Phlox deep into Klingon territory, as Phlox decides to cooperate with finding a cure to a virus ravaging a Klingon outpost.
Meanwhile, Archer demands that Reed disclose his secret orders when his ties to a mysterious intelligence organization are revealed. Later, when Trip temporarily returns to Enterprise, T'Pol tries to broach an uncomfortable subject with him.






#93 �BOUND�
Director:  Allan Kroeker
Written By: Manny Coto

Guest Cast: Cyia Batten as Navaar, Crystal Allen as D�Nesh, Menina Fortunato as Maras, William Lucking as Harrad-Sar, Derek Magyar as Kelby 

Airdate 4.15.05

After Archer forges a deal with the Orions, the trader presents the captain with a gift -- three alluring Orion women who proceed to seduce all the men on board except, mysteriously, Trip.





Director:  James L. Conway
Written By: Michael Sussman

Guest Cast: Vaughn Armstrong as Captain Maxwell Forrest, Franc Ross as Grizzled Human

Airdate 04.22.05

In an alternate universe, an amoral, imperialistic version of the Enterprise crew, led by Captain Forrest with Archer as his treacherous first officer, makes an astonishing discovery during a mission into enemy alien territory.
While a power-hungry Archer schemes against Captain Forrest, his lover Hoshi, and loyal slave T'Pol, so he can lay full claim to the discovery. Later, Phlox happily tortures a captured Tholian for information requested by Archer.





Director:  Marvin V. Rush
Teleplay By: Michael Sussman
Story By: Manny Coto
Guest Cast: Gary Graham as Soval , Gregory Itzin as Admiral Black , Derek Magyar as Kelby , John Mahon as Admiral Gardner , Pat Healy as Alien
Airdate 04.29.05

In the second of a two-part arc set in a dark alternate universe, after using the Defiant (a starship from the original "Star Trek" series universe) to repel a Tholian attack, the power-hungry Archer and Enterprise crew set about using this advanced ship to seize control of all of Earth's Terran Empire. In addition to being on a ship from the original series, the crew will also don some of the original uniforms as part of this episode. Meanwhile, as Archer takes full command of the Defiant and reviews the alternate history of Starfleet, his duplicitous lover Hoshi, a traitorous T'Pol and a reptilian Gorn stowaway hatch schemes of their own.





#96� DEMONS�

Director:  LeVar Burton
Written By: Manny Coto

Guest Cast: Peter Weller as John Frederick Paxton , Harry Groener as Nathan Samuels , Eric Pierpoint as Harris , Peter Mensah as Greaves , Patrick Fischler as Mercer , Adam Clark as Josiah , Steven Rankin as Colonel Green , Johanna Watts as Gannet Brooks , Tom Bergeron as Coridan Ambassador , Christine Romeo as Khouri  

Airdate 05.06.05

A xenophobic faction of humanity threatens to undermine talks to form a new coalition of planets.







Director:  Marvin V. Rush
Teleplay By: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens and Manny Coto
Story By: Judith Reeves-Stevens & Garfield Reeves-Stevens and Andre Bormanis

Guest Cast: Peter Weller as John Frederick Paxton , Harry Groener as Nathan Samuels , Gary Graham as Soval , Eric Pierpoint as Harris , Adam Clark as Josiah , Peter Mensah as Greaves , Johanna Watts as Gannet Brooks , Derek Magyar as Kelby , Joel Swetow as Thoris , Josh Holt as Ensign Masaro , Amy Rohren as Tactical Officer

Airdate 05.13.05

A human isolationist leader threatens to destroy Starfleet Command unless all aliens leave Earth immediately.







Director:  Allan Kroeker
Written By: Rick Berman and Brannon Braga

Guest Stars:  Jonathan Frakes as Wil Riker, Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi, Jeffrey Combs as Schran

Airdate 053.13.05

Six years in the future, an emotional Captain Archer and the crew return to Earth to face the decommission of Enterprise and signing of the Federation charter.



Series Finale





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Ritterson's Episode Guides 1998-2005 by Captain Bill


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