Special Agent Fox Mulder – David Duchovny





His mission has now come to protect the only people left in his life – Scully and baby William


Recruited into the Bureau after studying psychology at Oxford, Special Agent Fox Mulder showed an inclination toward the offbeat from the beginning of his career. His early monograph on serial killers and the occult led to the capture of a notorious murderer. He was on a fast track in the FBI when he took a detour into the paranormal. Convinced through hypnotic regression that his sister Samantha was abducted by some unknown power when they were children, he became obsessed with discovering the truths hidden in the X-files, a repository for cases of the extraordinary, the unexplained and the supernatural.

Mulder’s choosing to work on the X-files may not have been entirely his own doing. The Cigarette-Smoking Man, as a front for the Syndicate, alludes to placing the agent where he can be controlled. They have never killed Mulder because he is so useful in disseminating the lies they need spread.

Mulder’s workaholic lifestyle robbed him of his parents, who were eliminated by the very covert elements he sought to uncover. He finally finds the secret about his sister, learning that after she was kidnapped and subjected to testing, a spiritual intervention came to her rescue and transported her soul to heaven.

With that preoccupation removed, Mulder himself became the X-file when a spaceship abducted him. His body returned dead, but with Scully’s help, Mulder was revived to perfect health. Yet his search for the truth led him to make the utmost in sacrifices: his removal from the FBI and his separation from Scully and their child.

Special Agent Fox Mulder

Special Agent Dana Scully

Special Agent John Doggett

Special Agent Monica Reyes

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