Special Agent Monica Reyes – Annabeth Gish




A varied background and education laid the groundwork for extensive field experience.

Although born in Austin, Texas, Monica Reyes was adopted by Mexican parents and raised in Mexico. She has never identified her birth parents.

She majored in folklore and mythology at Brown University, earning her bachelors and masters degrees in four years. After considering an academic career, she instead enrolled at Quantico in 1990. Reyes’ first FBI assignment was to serve on a special task force investigating claims of Satanic ritual abuse. None of the charges was ever substantiated, and a report was issued in 1992.

Reyes then served in the New York City field office, where among her cases was the kidnapping of 8 year-old Luke Doggett, son of New York City police officer John Doggett. The boy was eventually found dead, but no suspect was ever apprehended. In 1999, she transferred to the New Orleans field office. She remained there until the former cop-turned FBI Agent Doggett convinced her to accept a post on the X-files unit in Washington, DC.


Special Agent Fox Mulder

Special Agent Dana Scully

Special Agent John Doggett

Special Agent Monica Reyes

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