Special Agent Dana Scully – Gillian Anderson






Sacrifices for the X-Files resulted in the ultimate joy – The birth of her son.


Special Agent Dana Scully is not only a medical doctor with a specialty in forensics, but a firm believer in reason who thinks there is a scientific explanation behind every X-file. Her beliefs have been tested, and she’s seen things while working on the X-files that neither science nor logic could explain. She has even begun to believe in the reality of aliens.

Against her parents’ wishes, Scully went from medical school to Quantico, where she taught for two years in the FBI's training academy. From there she was assigned to work with Mulder on the X-files under the strong implication that she was to debunk his outrageous theories.

Over the years, she has given up much of her own life to the cause of the files. Scully was abducted, and, when mysteriously returned, left infertile by the supposed tests. She then discovered that a chip had been placed in the base of her neck. Its removal caused the onset of cancer. The disease went into remission with the implant of another chip. An assassination attempt on Scully resulted in the death of her sister Melissa. She successfully found her abducted partner, and even figured out a way to revive Mulder’s life-draining body after he was subjected to alien testing.

The hard facts of medicine, however, still don’t explain how Scully became pregnant after years of infertility. Although she and Mulder feared the worst, William is born human and healthy. As they begin to accept that the baby was conceived through natural reproduction, mysterious clues indicate that perhaps William is more of a miracle than they had imagined. And this puts all of their lives into jeopardy.

Special Agent Fox Mulder

Special Agent Dana Scully

Special Agent John Doggett

Special Agent Monica Reyes

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© Fox Television/Ten Thirteen Productions-The X-Files

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