Tears of Amber: Unmasking the Phantom
Now, with someone as gorgeous and bishounen as Tomo-chan, it'd only be natural that I'd have a fanart gallery of The Painted One, ne? ^.~ No no, this isn't an image gallery...I'm not that lucky ;P

Now usually, I tend to stay away from most fanarts concerning anime/manga characters since I'm mostly happy with drooling over the manga pictures by the original mangaka ^^ However, Tomo has such a pitifully short time in the manga that it isn't enough for me to drool at! Thus my quest for...

More Tomo Fanart! *cheers*

All these fanart pieces are fabulous and utterly stupendous, so I plea that you stay here for a moment or two to drool over these marvelous drawings! (how's that for formality? *snerk*)

And of course, submissions are totally welcomed! It can be of anything you want, just make sure that Tomo's in it ^_^ Send them to me here, along with your name and e-mail (optional) so that I can credit you! ^_^ Now, on with these drool-worthy pics!

Fanart by Celleri:
NEW! Sleeping Bishounen Fanart
You Mean It, Daddy?
Little Prince Tomo! *squeals* Isn't he cuuuuuuuuuuuuute? *pinches chibi-Tomo's cheeks*

Prince Tomo and Dearest Nakago...
Two words: the kiss ^_^ A quick note though -- this pic was drawn before the kissing scene was written. Prince Tomo does not have long nails, and Prince Nakago is not forehead-veining in the scene (the cute little 'X' on top). The chibi are right, though ^.^

NEW! What They Have Coming to Them Fanart
Pleeeeeeeeeease Don't Tell!
"Tomo's eyes became larger than necessary and so cute it was revolting." Says it all, doesn't it? ^.^

Love Letters Fanart
The Outfit
...Tomo in The Outfit.... *droooooooooooooool* ...and looking mighty kakkoi in it too, I might add ^.^

Blushing Bishounen
Tomo-chan in the previously mentioned outfit...but this time, he's blushing! Kawaii!

Fly Baby, Fly!
Miboshi should get a side-job as a fetch stick for poodles ^.~ And, to quote Aeanagwen: "It is not possible for Ashitare to look this cute..."

Bad Make Up 1 | 2
A kawaii two-piece fanart on what happened to Tomo and the rest of the Seiryuu Sei during the three days of Bad Make Up *snerks* Features kawaii chibi forms of the Seiryuu sei! Beware, the pics are quite large ^^;; so that the words are readable. But if you still can't read the words, click here for the dialogue.

Dammit, Tomo! 1 | 2
Another two-piece fanwork! Whatever happened to all those clones left lying around after The Three Days? Find that out here ^.^ And the chibi forms here are even more kawaii than the ones previous (Nakago especially)! Again, large pics, but just so you can read the words ^^;; Dialogue located here, though it really isn't much...

Fanart by Yanwen:
Tomo: Rebirth
Tomo-chan in uniform! A school uniform, but a uniform nonetheless ^.^ Oh, and is it me, or does he bear an eerie look to Tseng of FFVII? O.O

Tomo and his Nakkie-poo
Tomo and Nakago, at a...BAR?!! *pikues* And they're in normal clothes too! Ooh, take a look at Nakago's hair... *snickers* Yes, that is Nakago :P

...I have died and gone to heaven...An absolutely gorgeous pic of Tomo, arigatou Yanwen!

NEW! Miscellaneous Fanart
Scarlet Tears by Celleri
A fanart of Suzaku-seikun from another FY fanfic, The Tale of the Sad Gods. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, he's crying! *sobs* Beware, it's quite a big file (149K), but take a look anyway *wails* My poor chicken... *bricked*

Fairies of the Future
Meet the three fairi--I mean, Magical Winged Guardians: Floraboshi, Faunaboshi and Meriboshi from Sleeping Bishounen! *crowd cheers* Take a special look at Faunaboshi's shirt too =^.^=

A *swoon* sketch of *drool* Tomo-chan *faint*
All fanart pieces hosted on Painted Illusion are copyright their respective artists, and have been hosted with their explicit permission. Please do not take them for your own use without asking them first!

It's only polite ^_^ And if I forgot to say this...

send them feedback!� (so they'll draw more for me) ^.~

BTW, if you're looking for a Tomo manga gallery, there's one (and possibly only one) located on Tomo no Miko's Fushigi Yuugi Site!

NEWSFLASH! Looking for Aono screencaps and not finding any? Well, fret no more, 'cause The Web's First Aono Gallery has all the screencaps you could possibly want of this gorgeous bishounen - and I do mean, all ^_^

Fushigi Yuugi (and Tomo) belong to Watase Yuu, Studio Pierrot and a bunch of other people I've no idea about. But it's definitely not mine. Tears of Amber (c) Lynn Utsukushii (aka Ryo Chuin no Miko) 2000.

CREDITS: Biggest thanks to Gerald-sama of The Four Gods Sky and Earth for the invaluable JavaScript tips! *sparkles* Also, all Tomo manga scans were originally scanned in by Tomo no Miko of Tomo no Miko's Fushigi Yuugi Site (unless noted otherwise), and coloured & editted by me, Lynn. Arigatou, Felicia-dono! *glomps*

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