Tears of Amber: Unmasking the Phantom
Yeah, yeah...stop groaning --;; But hey! Every shrine's gotta have some info on their character, or else FY-deprived visitors wouldn't know just who Tomo-chan is ^.~

TomoboshiRoot (Ti)
Seishi name: Tomoboshi ('boshi' explanation)
Seishi faction: Seiryuu
Key Star: Iota Lib - sometimes Alpha Lib (more info)
Real name: Ryo Chuin (Ruo Chuin; Ryou Chuin)
Birthdate: 13 October
Age: 21
Height: 184 cm (6'0")
Zodiac/Star Pattern: Libra
Hair colour: Long black with tints of gorgeous silver *.*
Eye colour: Amber! (not yellow :P)
Blood Type: AB
Character: Root (Ti)
Character's Location: Lower-right pelvis H_H
Loves: Nakago (aka Blondie; Nakkie-poo)
Is loved by: No one *cries* On screen, that is! >.<
Seiyuu: Tobita Nobuo
Anime appearance: Episode 35 - 40
Manga appearance: Volume 9 - 11

Seishi power: Tomo has powers over casting hallucinations and illusions by trapping his opponents physically in his clam, shin. Yes, I couldn't believe it at first either, but they DO somehow shrink in size and actually fit in that teeny clamshell. But how can illusions hurt/kill someone? Well, it's more of a mental attack rather than a physical one. If Tomo conjures up the illusion of a knife stabbing his opponent, that opponent's mind would really think that a knife was stabbing him, thus the effects of being stabbed (pain, loss of blood, etc.) will take place. But of course the physical damage isn't real, for they are all illusions, but the mental damage itself is enough to permanently K.O. an opponent.

Shin is also capable of 'storing' the memories of those trapped within it for future viewing (sort of like a shell-shaped memory bank ^^;;). With it, its owner can use it to travel to different places akin to a portal linking the different worlds together. Tomo also has slight telekinetic abilities, as shown by the way he controls those hentai feathers O_O

Little is known about Tomo's past, and even with his involvement in the Nakago novel, Seiran Den, I still consider him to be mostly an enigma of sorts. Abandoned as a child, we know he's taken in by a dancer who named him Ryo Chuin and...that's all. Well, he definitely joined a travelling opera troupe, as shown visibly by his attire. But other than that...hmm. There's no childhood experience, no past, no nothing. Except when Nakago meets him after a performance in the palace, but even then info on Tomo is scarce and vague.

Based on the Seiran Den, I guess it's pretty obvious that he's the star of the opera troupe, or at least someone really important. I can't say I'm happy though with his characterisation in it, but at least I can get some facts about Tomo's life pre-FY. So I guess for the most part, Tomo's past is up to the many FY fans' interpretations.

Considering that the poor guy only lasts for three manga volumes and six anime episodes, little much can be said about Tomo's personality. But from my interpretation, he seems to be a quiet person, one who prefers remaining alone rather than in the company of others. He's not like Suboshi or, er...Suboshi *sweatdrop* who seems to unconsciously demand attention with his brash attitude. Tomo, IMHO, is reserved, quiet. You wouldn't know he's there unless he reveals himself to you. Also, as stated by Watase Yuu herself, Tomo-chan is *squeals* shy! As proven by the fact that he can't outwardly bring himself to tell Nakago that he loves him, though I think it's kinda obvious that Blondie knows that already ^.~ I think the shy factor is a nice insertion in Tomo's personality, making him seems more than your usual villain. Just something unique and cute, y'know? =^^=

I don't think he's cold or unfeeling, though. How can someone who doesn't feel know how to love? Because yes, Tomo loves someone, and it's Nakago to boot. And because of this, it is said that he thus has an intense rivalry with Soi, though I haven't seen much (if any) evidence about that. But personal opinion aside, you can't say someone is unfeeling when it's so obvious that he can love! And since I worship The Painted One, I have my own theory on why he acts the way he does: cruel, sadistic...basically what most FY fans consider him to be. His personality can't be based on his actions towards Tamahome alone, and for one reason: he was facing the enemy, a Suzaku sei. Do you really expect him to be nice to his enemy? Think about it.

As with his past, Tomo's personality is interpreted in many different ways by FY fans. I personally like seeing those different interpretations, because it makes the fanfic so much more interesting to read, but not to the point where his personality is completely warped to your stereotypical, maniac villain. Believe me, it hurts to see your favourite character written so badly, that even the most stretchable creative license wouldn't be able to handle it.

...tomo-sama... *melts into a puddle o' fangirl*

Considering that I don't have the FY manga to base my stats on, I'd like to thank these awesome sites for their info & help ^_^

Fushigi Yuugi (and Tomo) belong to Watase Yuu, Studio Pierrot and a bunch of other people I've no idea about. But it's definitely not mine. Tears of Amber (c) Lynn Utsukushii (aka Ryo Chuin no Miko) 2000.

CREDITS: Biggest thanks to Gerald-sama of The Four Gods Sky and Earth for the invaluable JavaScript tips! *sparkles* Also, all Tomo manga scans were originally scanned in by Tomo no Miko of Tomo no Miko's Fushigi Yuugi Site (unless noted otherwise), and coloured & editted by me, Lynn. Arigatou, Felicia-dono! *glomps*

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