Tears of Amber: Unmasking the Phantom
'Athenaeum' is another word for library or reading place, so obviously you would know by now what's currently stored here, ne? ^_^ Hosted here are all the fanfics I've seen up until now, after several short years of surfing through the immense world of FY-fanficdom...and of course they focus on Tomo *cheers* Who says Tomo-chan doesn't have any fanfics on him, hmm? HMM?? *glares*

I don't dare call this an archive, because it isn't. This is simply a humble collection of Tomo fanfics that I've read and liked; fanfics that have portrayed him as someone more than just the painted villain in Fushigi Yuugi. Because as wonderful as Watase Yuu is, she can't build a character in just three volumes of manga, or six anime episodes, and I greatly appreciate writers who capable of exploring his character and bringing out more than what was shown in the anime/manga.

...Wow. I sound so serious O.O

Submissions are most welcomed, though I hope that you'll follow the excrutiatingly simple rules I laid out while you're at it. They're located to your right (obviously :P), and if you have any inquiries, feel free to contact me!

Now, on with the fics!

NOTE! Since Tomo is undoubtedly gay, I guess it wouldn't do much good if I listed the fics as yaoi or shounen ai, would I? So all fics here are classified as either yaoi or shounen ai, unless if someone reverts Tomo-chan, then that will be noted ^_^ Just keep that in mind!

On My Own
A songfic based on the Les Miserables song, On My Own. A total tear-jerking piece... *sniff* Gotta love this, even if it made me cry ;_;

A POV fic that focuses on Tomo's thoughts and memories during his, er... well, you know *pouts*
SPOILERS: Episode 40

Another songfic by Aeanagwen, this time based on Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber... and dedicated to me -- whee! *smack* It's long too, but well worth the read ^_^

NEW! Shallow Graves
A Soi-centric fanfic, as she fulfills a lonely duty after the battle at Sairou. Another possible tear-jerker, with excellant characterisation of the lone female Seiryuu sei... and yes, it is a Tomo fic -- just read :)
SPOILERS: Episode 40

Aeanagwen & Celleri
Sleeping Bishounen
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Conclusion
A parody based on the fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty (Disney version). Hilarious, silly, and downright side-splitting ^o^ Go, Prince Tomo!
SPOILERS: Noted within
NOTES: Extreme OOC-ness, slight language

A Night In Kutou
A kawaii story taking place during any random night in Kutou, bringing to light things Nakago had made sure we never saw *sings* But not anymoooooore!

Love Letters
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | Conclusion
The challenge was for an FY character to receive a love letter from a secret admirer -- what would his/her reaction be? Well, what would happen if Nakago received a love letter from a certain painted okama?... with some divine intervention, of course ^.~ (parody, but with some serious moments :)
SPOILERS: Noted within

NEW! What They Have Coming to Them
The Blanket Fic Challenge had this premise -- what would happen between two FY characters when they have to spend a night in a cabin, the outside world freezing cold, and having to share just one blanket or risk hypothermia *grin* I wonder what Tomo and Nakago would do, eh?
SPOILERS: Occasional references to Nakago's past
NOTES: Mild language ^^

NEW! Cind-chan
From the Ruins of Childhood
Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Conclusion
The beginning of Tomo fandom ^_^ A terrific fanfic that looks into what might have been Tomo's past, as he evolved from a young, abused farmhand into the seishi we all know today.

Simply an Illusion
A tear-jerking fanfic, about the love that could never be and the love he would never win.

Genki Girl
Winter, Again
Based (sort of) on the GLAY song, Winter, Again, two certain shichi seishi meet under the falling snow of Kutou...and, gawd, this is one beautiful fic! *sniffles happily*

NEW! Julie Farel
One of the few fanfics out there that depicts the two seishi as something more than mere rivals for Nakago's affection, as Soi sees Tomo in different light.

Tomo-chan in uniform! *o*
All fanfics located here are copyright their respective authors, and have been taken and hosted with their explicit permission. Please contact the author(s) if you have any questions on the usage of their fic(s)...

...and send them feedback! ^.~

AU - alternate universe
POV - point of view
Yaoi - male/male relationship
Shounen ai - younger, less intense yaoi

Fushigi Yuugi (and Tomo) belong to Watase Yuu, Studio Pierrot and a bunch of other people I've no idea about. But it's definitely not mine. Tears of Amber (c) Lynn Utsukushii (aka Ryo Chuin no Miko) 2000.

CREDITS: Biggest thanks to Gerald-sama of The Four Gods Sky and Earth for the invaluable JavaScript tips! *sparkles* Also, all Tomo manga scans were originally scanned in by Tomo no Miko of Tomo no Miko's Fushigi Yuugi Site (unless noted otherwise), and coloured & editted by me, Lynn. Arigatou, Felicia-dono! *glomps*

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