The Skywatcher™ SI Member Newsletter

 Volume 2 Issue 1   March 31, 1999 



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The Executive Director's Corner


A Report On UFO AZTEC 99

A Report On The New MJ12 Documents



By: Jim Hickman

Artists Conception Of The Secret Aurora Spy Plane Aurora brings up images of high speed space travel. In fact, our new space plane is named 'Aurora' for a UFO incident that took place in 1897.

Last year was the 100th anniversary of the crash of an unknown airship in Aurora, TX. The TV show "Sightings" had a special called '100 years of UFO Cover ups,' that featured the recovery of an alien body in Aurora, Texas.

This incident has been covered up by the Government and was then widely reported to be a hoax (a weather balloon?). Sounds a lot like Roswell in 1947? The US government has a long history of cover-ups in regards to things like this. I hope this investigation will clear up the Aurora event for good.

Last year we made a field investigation for Skywatch in the small town of Aurora, Texas, just north of Fort Worth. The results of our research are weird to say the least... One of the first things you might notice when arriving in Aurora is that there are military traces everywhere in town. It even boasts a small military type airport, circa 1940's. Even the streets of town are laid out in typical "base" fashion. To anyone who ever served in the military, the signs of military habitations are clear. Why would the military want to have a base in Aurora? I asked myself... back in the '40's? hmm... let's see. If my memory is correct, I believe that the Roswell crash debris was flown directly to Ft. Worth, TX, (which is less than 10 miles as the crow flies from Aurora.) Coincidence? I don't think so. Could the military have had an "alien" recovery base set up and running from clear back 100 years ago?


I am beginning to wonder as we continued on our tour of Aurora, the city.

Aurora CemetaryAs we continued through town, we found the famous old Judge Proctor's place and we visited the town square. Of course almost all of the town from those days is gone, replaced by modern buildings. Nearby is the town cemetery, where it is alleged by some that a small visitor from space was buried over 100 years ago. A quick visit to the cemetery showed a very neat, well kept place, with no sign of the tombstone. It was stolen some years ago and never recovered. There are picture records of its existence, and above is a photo of it.

There is a movement in town to exhume the body of the alien, replace the headstone and do a complete search for remains of the crash. Also, there have been several interesting pieces of metal found in the area that have been confiscated for analysis by the military and never returned.

Aurora, another unsolved mystery.



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