The Skywatcher™ SI Member Newsletter

 Volume 2 Issue 1   March 31, 1999 



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A Report On UFO AZTEC 99

A Report On The New MJ12 Documents


Recent Authentication Efforts And Developments
Of New MJ12 Documents - Compilation 99

  By: Mark Hall Page 1 


We who seek to understand the mysterious phenomenon of UFOs are inundated with information, disinformation, and revelation--and charged with the task of sorting through the chaff in a search for the few precious grains of wheat which sustain us in our quest for truth.. My name is Mark Hall. I live in the United Kingdom and have had a keen interest in UFOs ever since I can remember. Although my interest waned for quite a few years when other things became more important in my life, it was reawakened when I bought the book "Beyond Top Secret" by Timothy Good. My life changed at this point!

While reading "Beyond Top Secret", I couldn't believe my eyes at the amount of official government documents there were on the UFO subject. This was where I found my forte to be.

Most of my friends and family do not have an interest in UFOs one iota, so I thought that official government documents were the best and most conclusive evidence on the existence of UFOs to persuade them. How wrong I was! I think most of them have mellowed a bit in their scepticism over the past 2 years, hopefully because of me.

When I first heard about the 1984 MJ-12 documents in early 1997, from reading on the internet, I thought that they were downright hoaxes. When I read them more thoroughly, then started to read Stanton Friedman's book "Top Secret/MAJIC", my opinion started to change from scepticism to open mindedness. My opinion of them now is that they are either government disinformation or true documents.

I first heard about the new Timothy Cooper MJ-12 docs at the end of 1997, when I bought the above mentioned Stan Friedman book. When they were released onto Joe Firmage's Truth site on 30th November 1998, I stayed up until about 02.00am downloading them!

Since that time, I've read and re-read them many times (trying to soak them into the grey stuff - terrible memory you see!). I have emailed and telephoned many researchers asking for comments on the docs, and listened to many interviews on the radio.

There are many key players in the MJ-12 saga--too many to enumerate, but to give you an idea I have profiled a few at the end of this report, including a brief description of some of the documents they were given to help authenticate.

All of the following new MJ-12 documents can be downloaded from the following web sites:- Joe Firmage's Kairos site - The Art Bell site -


I would like to acknowledge the following people, without whose research and efforts, MJ-12 would have been completely debunked and forgotten about many years ago:

Don Berliner, Timothy Cooper, Joe Firmage, Stanton T Friedman, Timothy Good, Steven Greer, Dick Haines, Michael Hesseman. Linda Moulton Howe, Mike Lindermann, Jim Marrs, Bill Moore, Nick Redfern, Jaime Shandera, Whitley Streiber, Dr Robert Wood, Ryan Wood, and countless others that I could name.

Authentication Efforts So Far

The main problem with unofficial or leaked government documents, is that unless they are officially stated by a government body that they are real and not fake, they can never really be 100 percent authenticated. The best document researchers can do is try to authenticate facts and details contained within the documents, not the documents themselves.

The first MJ-12 documents brought into the public domain do have plenty of detail in them to verify in government archive files, and have been done comprehensively by Stanton Friedman in his 1990 report "The Final Report On Majestic Twelve (MJ-12)" and his 1996 book "Top Secret/MAJIC", which I well recommend to everyone interested in the original MJ-12 documents.

The wealth of detail in the new documents is absolutely extraordinary! There is so much detail to check up on in these documents, that it has been said that it would take 70 people working full time many years to verify everything needed. There are currently only a few people who have been doing this since end of 1992 to date.


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