Lyndon Baines Johnson

Thirty-Sixth President 1963-1969


Born: August 27, 1908 near Stonewall, Texas.

Education: Graduated from Southwest Texas Teachers College.

Occupation: Rancher, teacher, politician.

Religion: Church of Christ.

Family life: He married Claudia Taylor (Lady Bird) in November 1934. After repeated miscarriages, she gave birth to Lynda Bird in 1944; Luci Baines was born three years later. Today Lady Bird leads a life devoted to her husband's memory, her children, and seven grandchildren. She still supports causes dear to her--notably the National Wildflower Research Center, which she founded in 1982, and The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library. She also serves on the Board of the National Geographic Society as a trustee emeritus.

Political career: Elected congressman in 1937, served until elected senator in 1948. Became Senate Democratic leader in 1953, and majority leader in 1955. Contender for presidential nomination, 1960, but named to be vice-president. Became president after the assassination of Kennedy in 1963. Reelected in 1964.

Highlights of his presidency: Guided 1964 Civil Rights Acts through Congress. Initiated " Great Society" programs aimed at medical care for the aged, aid to education, improved housing. Dominant foreign policy issue was the Vietnam War.

Appearance: Tall and rangy, added weight as president, strong features.

Died: He died suddenly of a heart attack at his Texas ranch on January 22, 1973 in Johnson City, Texas.

Buried: Johnson was buried at the Johnson Family Cemetery in Johnson City Texas.


  • Inaugural Address
  • Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park
  • American Foreign Policy, 1963-1968
  • The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library
  • Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson Memorial Grove on the Potomac
  • Lyndon B. Johnson Library




    George Washington * James Buchanan * Warren G. Harding * John Adams
    Abraham Lincoln * Calvin Coolidge * Thomas Jefferson * Andrew Johnson
    Herbert Hoover * James Madison * Ulysses S. Grant * Franklin D. Roosevelt
    James Monroe * Rutherford B. Hayes * Harry S Truman
    John Quincy Adams * James A. Garfield * Dwight D. Eisenhower * Andrew Jackson Chester A. Arthur * John F. Kennedy * Martin Van Buren * Grover Cleveland
    Lyndon B. Johnson * William Henry Harrison * Benjamin Harrison * Richard M. Nixon
    John Tyler * Grover Cleveland * Gerald Ford * James K. Polk * William McKinley
    James E. Carter * Zachary Taylor * Theodore Roosevelt * Ronald W. Reagan
    Millard Fillmore * William Howard Taft * George Bush * Franklin Pierce
    Woodrow Wilson * William J. Clinton



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