Rutherford Birchard Hayes

Nineteenth President 1877-1881


Born: October 4, 1822 in Delaware, Ohio.

Education: Kenyon College at Gambier, Ohio and Harvard Law School.

Occupation: Lawyer, politician. Served as officer during Civil War.

Religion: No formal affiliation.

Family life: Married Lucy Webb in 1852; she was the first president's wife with a college degree. She graduated from the Wesleyan Female College in Cincinnati at 18. They had seven sons and a daughter; three of them died in infancy. They celebrated their silver wedding anniversary in the White House. She died in 1889, she is buried in Fremont.

Political career: Elected to United States House of Representatives at the end of his Army career. Governor of Ohio, 1868-72 and 1876-77. Nominated by Republicans in 1876, to run against Samuel J. Tilden; the election was the most disputed in history. It was decided by a special bipartisan commission in March of 1877. Resigned after one term and worked for various social reforms.

Highlights of his presidency: Elected by an election commisssion despite receiving a minority of popular votes. Removed federal troops from the South. Urged civil service reform.

Appearance: About 5 feet 9 inches tall, brown hair and sandy red beard.

Died: January 17, 1893 at Fremont, Ohio.

Buried: Spiegel Grove, the home of President Hayes which is in (what was rural but what is now central) Fremont, Ohio, the President lies buried in a plot of land a few hundred yards from the house.


  • Britannicas Biography
  • Grolliers Biography
  • Internet Public Library on Rutherford Birchard Hayes
  • History of the Hayes Home
  • Inaugural Address




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